Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 05, 1928, Image 3

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UNION SECONDER, MILLEDGEVILLE. CA„ APRIL I. im company b wins track meet last MONDAY AT G. M. C. ■j^ird Yur S«co»d Company Has g MB Victorious. Linder High Point Man Company B, for the third consecu- ? , ve y t .ar. won the silver cup offered ;i . th«’ prize to the high point com- ,,. in y i n the annual track events held . , the first day of April each year at G. M. 0. The cup «u presented by Capt. : ,j Mrs. it. G. Coualey who were the ,. t to start a inter-company meet t h year. Unusuul interest has j ,,,-n shown each year end enthusiasm brought competition to a keen edge Cadet J. P- Linder of Dublin, was high point man. Cadet F. C. Groves of Lincolnton second and Robert Odom of Waynesboro third. The outstanding events of the day waf the record scored by Cadet Lin der. on the running broad jump when he made a distance of 20’ 9" and the high jump won by Oswic Thaxton with a heighth of 5’4". The following is the record of the event and the prizes given: 100 yard dash—Groves 1. Broad cloth shirt, John H. Holloway; Odom 2. 1 Box Hcrsheys, L. D. Smith; binder 3. Soda Ticket, Culver Kidd. 220 yard dash—Groves 1. Broad cloth shirt, M. F. Davis; Odom 2. 1 Razor, R. W. Hatcher & Co.; Stovall 3. 1 Box Babe Ruth, A. & P. T. Co. 440 yard dash -Linder 1. Broad cloth shirt, Lee’s Department Store; Groves 2. Soda Ticket, Boone’s Phar macy; Freeman 3. 1 Pair Cuff But ton* Williams & Ritchie. 1 mile run—Hughes 1. $2.50 in Gold, Colonial Theatre; Moore 2. Two hair cuts, Gilman’s Barber Shop; Rogers 3. Soda Ticket Fraley’s Phar macy. Running Broad Jump—Lipder 1. 1 shirt, E. E. Bell; Ennis 2. 1 lb. Box Xorria Candy, Jones Drug Co.; Sto vall 3. 1 Box Gum, Chandler Broth- tern. Running High Jump—Thaxton 1. Fielder’s Glove, Chandler’s Variety Store; Linder 2. Box Candy, Benson Bakery; Ennis 3. 1 Box Candy, John Conn & Co. Pole Vault—Linder 1. Fountain Pen, R. H. Wootten; Robinson 2. 1 Suit Dry Cleaned, Milledgeville Cleaners; F. M. Smith 3. $1.00 Meal Ticket, Boston Cafe. 880 yard run—Cantrell 1. Tie, Jay’s Department Store; Cooper 2. 1 Box Gum, City Grocery Company; Thaxton 3. Hair cut & shave, John son Barber Shop. Shot put—Odom 1. Two meals, Baldwin Hotel; Tunnell 2. Pound Cake. City Bakery; Stovall 3. 1 Box Candy. Modern Mercantile Co. Rich Point Men—1. Round Trip to Atlanta, City Coaches; 2. Round Trip Augusta, Southland Coaches. Official. .Major Milligan—Clerk of Course. Li-.-ijt. Nash—Field Judge. Coach Rents—Starter. •Major Stapleton—Timer. CHAPLAIN’S REPORT Repor. of the Chaplain of Th Georgia State Prison Fnrm, to Th Hon. Prison Commission, for th months of February and March l‘»2l Gentlemen: All of our'nld friends continue b help and new ones are joining th ranks of tho** who help us in th work hen*. The “Live Wire" Sunday School class, Gainesville. Ga., sent us a su ply of S. S. literature. Miss Agm McKervey (Catholic) Macon, Ga.. sent us a package of religiouw li ture. The Gospel Tract Mis Woodburn, Oregon new sent us a sup ply of their unique publication: "The Gospel Tract Mission monthly.’’ Th Apostolic Faith, Portland, Oregon continue to send us each month thir ty copies of their paper. Ladies from the Social Service Committee of the protestant Episcopal church, at Mil ledgeville, Ga., gather up high grade magazines from .among their friend* and bring them to the Farm each month, and distribute them among the men and women at the three camps. The Salvation Army, now sends us every week six copies of the current issue of The War Cry, and from time to time they send or bring us a liberal supply of Christmas and other special issues that have been left over. The "L.nd A Hand Book Mission," Boston, Mnss., sent us a box of books, Bible, etc. The Busi ness Men’s Council of The “Pocket Testament League," Philadelphia, Pa., in addition to keeping up supplied with New Testaments for our Pocket Testament League sent us two hun dred and fifty copies of The Gospel according to John. We have begun a systematic study of this Gospel, in our mid-week service at the Female Camp. This interest on the part of our friends now continent wide, is greatly appreciated, and very help ful. There have been forty religious services held on the farm during February and March, and twenty-sev- nnd women have accepted Christ as hteir personal Saviour, and publicly declared it to be their desire and purpose to live Christain lives. All of there have joined the State Farm Religious Anociation, and Pocket Testament League. There have been four deaths, one of which was electrocuted, Robt. Coats, colored, electrocuted Febru ary 21st, 1928. Respectfully submitted, E. C. ATKINS, Chaplain. BIRDS PLENTIFUL AT CLOSE OF SEASON Thr quail hunting reason closed March 1. Even at the close of the •ason, birds were plentiful in Baldwin county. There was a time when at the close of the season there were very few birds left to breed for the next season, but in late years the birds have increased in number ami during the season ju-r. closed there was probably bet- r "port than for years past, and « its close plenty of birds were left. '"‘Beales that the next season *11 see more birds in the country :_, n f,,r man y years past. It also that the game lawy have ! crved and enforced. Peo- i tb. rapid,y real 'zing that it is n fir own interest not to extermi- • nto gume, ; ,nd violations in recent j' ar< j lav, ‘ been infrequent. We are more sportsman-like, for i does not approach OCONEE HEIGHTS Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Champion and Mrs. Ella Blount spnet Sunday | with Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Kelly near, Macon. Mrs. Blount remained for visit of several days. Mrs. Ernest Wilson spent Monday with Mrs. Newton Blackwell in Mos- lcyville. - N Mrs. Mary Ann Smith .-ipent a few days wi.h Mrs. Hattie Leonard in Hardwick. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Lay field and children visited Mr. Layfield’s moth er at Stevens Pottery Sunday. Mrs. R. G. Layfield and children spent Monday in Hardwick visiting Mrs. A. F. Sanford. Mrs. Victor Harrison of Hard wick spent Tuesday with Mrs. Wat-! son Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. James Rcnfroe' spent Sunday afternon with Miss Geo J James. Little Jack Meeka from Friend-1 ship spent Saturday with his sister, j Mrs. Dawson Wood. Mr. .Luther Beck and son and daughter from Camp Creek com-j munity spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Will McDaniel. Mr. and Mrs. Nat Johnson and Nat Jr., spent the week-end with Mr. and | Mrs. Will McDaniel and Mm Bell j Scott 1 Mrs. Dawson Wood and Dawson, Jr., spent Monday at Dr. Allen’s Sanitarium visiting friends. Mi*. Vera Harrison of Hardwick *P«*nt Saturday with Miss Sara Harrison. Mi.-s Nona Bell Andrews, of G. S. S., spent Sunday with her sister Mrs. Watson Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Pierce, Mr. Horace Orborne and Miss Catherine Hutson accompanied Miss Susie Os borne to Dublin Sunday, where she has gone to enter the Dublin Clinic ! to complete her nurses training j A RECORD BREAKER Our New FORD demoustrater ■lakes trip tu Atlanta in two and one half honrs, ask Mr. B. H. Dun away. McKinnon motor co. Your skin, like your clothes, needs an occasional cleaning. A facial, correctly given, will remove unseemly blotches, and assist in retaining that bloom of youth, so much desired. A different treatment for every age and condition, consult us about your “spring cleaning.” We are now in possition to care for you in all line of beauty cultwe. Miraline Beauty Shoppe Neil lo Wntern If lion Phone 27 ANNOUNCEMENT Ob icconnt of the demand (or Georgia Power Company $S referred Stack, the Campaay uaeaocer that, effective imediatelr, the price i> iacreued from $115 to $1M per •here phi eccraed diridead, tad the w™ aamber of rhore* which may be pmchued far cuh by ud one iadhri- da*l bu beea reduced from 106 ikarci to 25 ilurei. The 25 dure limit aader the time payment plan aad ether term! aad coaditioai ef pmchue remain nnchinged. Farther infermitioo miy be obtained from any employe af the Company or from the ln*e«ment Department, Electric k Gu Bldg., Altaata. R. W. HATCHER HDW. CO. Wkolmaalm A Retail MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. COOLEDGE PAINTS & VARNISHES ^ * ' Announcement- I oaaoaace the retain! ef my low office from Tin Baddmg to 111 Word BoMag. C. B. McCullar Phone 81 LDRen Cry for . SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN” and INSIST! Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Neuralgia Pain Toothache Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only “Bayer” package which contains proven directions. Dundy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablet* bottles of 24 and 100—Druggist*. tlracidostpr of HollcjlIrseW* toria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute far Castor Oil, Pare goric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitation!, always look for the signature of Provgn directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it