Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 12, 1928, Image 12

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UNION RECONDH, MILLEDGEVILLE. GA, APRIL IX, 1»X» QUARTERLY CONFERENCES TO BE HELD APRIL 14-15 KIWANIS OFFFICUL VISITS LOCAL CLUB -ontest wag sponsored by the English Department of the Georgia Military College. Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding Hon John Guerry Lieut. Govern- Kider of the Oxford District, has an- .r of the Georgia Kiwanis. pair the 1 nounced the dates of the Second : Milledgeville Kiwanis Club an offici- Quarterly Conferences for the Mil-j i! visit Friday evening, and deliver-j ledgevOle and Baldwin county Metho- i .*d an interesting talk. He congratu- di«t churches as follows: iated the local club on the splendid i Miliedgeville Circuit at Pleasant! recnrd ll ha *i made, and set forht eb- C...V.. Ihun-h Saturday April 14th, att ra.ntly thfe principles for which "iwanis stood. He held the closest tention of hi.*-' hearers, and was ac- irded an enthusiastic reception. He a very pleasing and polished spcak- •. and pleasant md affable in his j FOR RENT—Two apartment. twc . partly fu f urnixhed ti.hed. O. 12-4-28 Mil- icvtn o'clock. Millidgeviile church—Sunday tmoon, April 15th. Midway Sunday April 15th. The hour* for holding the 1‘dgeville and the Midway churche re r 0 be fixed by the pastors. The second quarterly confercnc « always an important one, as dele ates for the Disrtict Confreer.C' re named. AUDITORIUM OF GRADE BUILDING BEING FLOORED Prior to the presentation of Col. Guerry, Judge R. B. Russell was introduced to the club, and made a talk, referring to his interest in Mil- ledgeville, and the pleasure he always had in coming here. I!.- then spoke of the future of G. S. C. W. and its do.-tiny to become the Woman's l T ni- «ty of Gei The Parents Teacher Associ have made plans for the floorii the Auditorium of the new grat school hnihting at G. M. C. The work which is now in pro is being done und«r the superv of Mr. Jon. W. Hutchinson, kindly offered hi, services to i hers of the Association. The ical pr adored | by Major Osterman of the Violin, and ' Cadet Ford Montgomery at the piano. (These talented musician- added to the pleasure of the evening. wh,. CEDAR SPRINGS CADET WINS DUKE CUP Th. final contest to deddf the best the bond issue was not suffici- j individual speaker at the Georgia for he completion of the Audi-j Military College, Cade: F. P. Shcf- m at the time the building was j field, of Cedar Spring-, Ga., was Fri ed, and it was left unfinished. I day morning declared winner, placing of the flooring at thisj Cadet Sheffield won the unanimous wil! enable the children of the decision c f the judges, although they *s to giv ean entertainment dur- j t omplimentr**! the other speaker- aching commencement.; VVT y highly. The other contestant.- I for the honor were: Lighton Moore. Carlyle Ingram, Carol Hicks, and ! Thaxton. Cadet Sheffield will be presented j with a beautiful silver loving cup, the gift of Hon. Joe B. Duke, at the j commencement exercises in May. Th ■ i ing the Chocolate Covered Fie Newt .elli regular for 30ct. per pound, (), Saturday and Monday 20 cent.. CHANDLER'S VARIETY STORE and ivn't rot it we will g< our .pccial delivery < CHANDLER BROS. STATEMENT OF THE OWNER SHIP. MANAGEMENT. ETC.. RE- Q IREO BY THE ACT OF CON GRESS OF AUGUST. 1912. Of the Union Recorder published, wekly at Miledegville, Ga., for April State of Georgia. County of Bald win. Before m.* a Notary Public in and for the State and County afore- said. personaly appeared R. B. Moore, wh" having heen duly sworn accord ing to law. deposes and says that he i- the editor of the Union Recorder, and that the following in to the best of hir. knowledge and belief a true statement of the ownership manage ment, etc., of the above said publica tion for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of Au gust. 1912. That the names and addres- of the publisher, editor, managing editor and business manager editor and business manager.-* are: Publisher, edi or and managing editor. R. B. Moore, Milledgeville, Ga.. Busines- Manager Jere N. Moore, Milledge- ville, Ga., Owners are R. B. Moore, Mirs Nettie Moore, Miss Mattie Moore, Milledgeville, Ga., Mrs. T. J. Cater, Macon, Ga. Bondholders and Mortgagees are: Mergcnthaler Linotype Co., Brook lyn, N. Y., Southeastern Printers Supply Co., Atlanta, Ga. R. B. MOORE, Editor Sworn to and subscribed before me, this fith day of April, 1928. H. H. HERNDON My commission expires 1929. PRESBYTERIANS HAVE EASTER SERVICES AT EVENING HOUR . One of the roost impressive Easter services ever given here was present ed by the Pastor and a large chorus choir at the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening. The program was arranged in two parts. “The Conquest of Death’’ and "The Victorious Christ. ' Rev. Mr. Thompson read the story telling of man’s fear of death over the cen turies. having nothing to base their hope upon for a life eternal. He pictured death with all its ghastly- nesa The story of Christ was then read, how the victory over death I and grave had been won, and how the Risen Christ had given hope and salvation to all. The music under the direction of j Mrs. Edith Miller Gibfon and Mias Maggie Jenkins was impresisve and appropriate. A large audience listen ed attentively and was much impress-j ed with the beauty of the story. FOR SALE—-Improved cotton seed i $1. bushel. J. L. Sibley. 4-12-28 pd. WE VULCANIZE CASINGS Don't throw them away. < WHY IS OUR WORK C00D?> ◄ We Take Pains ► i GILMAN’S BARBER SHOP ► FOR SALE—Improved cotton seed 91. bushel. J. L. Sibley. 4-12-28 pd. FOR RENT—Our 6 . BARBECUE At the Log Cabin Inn On Sparta Road 9 miles from MiDedgevilie, just drive to the Log Cabin. Come in or call as oat. We are serving the barbecue yon go wild about. Special Sunday Dinner Brunswick Stew Saturday and Sun- day. Log Cabin Barbecue Inn MRS. W. F. COUCH, Mgr. sympathy in the death of my friend | and buinexa partner, John Petroulas. ' A CARD OF APPRECIATION I It is with sincer .appreciation .hat I than!; the people of Milledgeville for their kindness and word4 of. and kind feeling that, have been shown us will long be re- j membered and it established willin' me the stronger determination to se-ve the people here. 1 have been in the United Staten eight years and with th? exception of a few months 1 have spent all of this time here. As my partner has now gone and the entire control of the Boston Cafe rests upon me. I wish to unsure every one that the sam? courteous service and friendly relationship will still exlvt and in a more substantial way. I hope to improve our business each day and I wish to extend a cordi al welcome to Ladies and G?nt!emen and • -sure them that they will be accorded the respect and attention that they should demand. I am very much appreciative of the favors and courtesies* that were shown u-k and in expressing these thanks, I speak the sentiments of all of the Greek colony here. Cordially, PAUL ZOLOTAS OPTOMETRY THRILLING THE WORLD! SEE IT! HEAR IT! A MODERN MIRACLE! VITAPHONE Rialto Theatre, MACON. GA. EBCINNING APRIL 16TH. AL JOLSON IN “THE JAZZ SINGER." cxxxzxzzzzxxxxxxxxzzxxzzxxx SOAP! SOAP! THE MOST USEFUL AND NECESSARY ARTICLE THAT YOU BUY Cash inonthese Specials Saturday and Monday COLGATE'S BIG BATH SOAP REGULAR 10c SELLER 3 FOR 25 CENTS. ONE BAR FREE ' COLGATE’S COUO SOAP. SELLS FOR 10c 4 FOR 28c. BOTTLE SHAMPOO FREE 3 Bars 5c Octagon Soap 10c 3 Boses 5c Octagon Washington Powder 10c 15c Package Las, Special 10 c 3 Cakes 5c Sweet Soap 10c Watch our Specials each week. It meant money to you, our vibes are always Estrm Special. r fo Lead in Value sflr r iys Hudson's first Principle NEW HUDSON PRICES Jl&tacfi Chouis Coupe ------ 91265 (Bumble Seat $30 extra) Sedan 1325 Coach r 1250 I274iac6 Chains Standard Sedan - - $1450 Custom Victoria - - 1650 Custom Landau Sedan 1650 Custom 7-Pass. Sedan 1950 AR Jsricrx !. o. h. Detroit, plus H UDSON leadership of mode extends to every detail and marks a new Hudson supremacy, as definite as its mechanical dom inance through the Super-Six principle, and its comoanion invention which set today's stand ard for motor pcrfornance. Every item of finish, construction and equip ment expresses value as tangibly as its great chassis qualities. Come and examine the new Super-Sixes. They will give you an entirely fresh view of motor values. HUDSON Super-Six T. H. ENNIS, Dealer MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA All Next Week BILLY TERRELL STOCK COMPANY Billy Terrell needs no introduction to the people of MilledgeriUe tad ing territory. He has the CLEANEST tad BEST skew on the road. On Fair Grounds SHOW OPENS MGNDAY NIGHT, APRIL 17TH, 7 P. M., ON THE FAIR GROUNDS LADIES’ FREE MONDAY NIGHT OPENS MONDAY NIGHT WITH “The Hoodlum” Great Three Act Drama ADMISSION: ADULTS 35C CHILDREN 15G ONE LADY ADMITTED FREE MONDAY NIGHT ONLY WITH EACH PAID ADULT ADMISSION Change of program each night. Bringing lo Milledgeville ten thooiand 4.11, r new outfit and brand new plays and vaudeville. tMMM Music, Fun, Entertainment NOT A DULL MINUTE THE ENTIRE WEEK REMEMBER THE PUCE—FAIR GROUNDS Billy Terrell’s Show is always good But Better this Season than ever Before