Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 12, 1928, Image 4

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UNION RECONDEI. MILL EDGE VILLE, GA. APRIL It, ISIS | FRANK CRANE SAYS I Pin Prick. The gentleman who given you ■» M>ck ;n the jaw doc* not nrou»o »<» much resentment as the lady who con tinually naps at you. We can stand the roar of a cannon once better than we can stand the continual drip ping that wears *w.*y the stone. !t is not the hip thinp.s in life that we have to fear so much as it is the little thinps. We oupht so to order our lives that our daily intercourse with people .•-hall b pleasant and not irritatinp. 1 knew an old woman who had two daughters. One stayed at home *»nd pave up a career to take care of her mother in her old ape; the other moved to a far ei'.y, rarely wrote and never came to see her. The old woman complained con tinually of the little irritations h-r stay-at-home daughter caused her ind enlarged upon the virtue* of the daughter ?he never saw. When she died and her will was read it was found she had left every cent to the dnugter who had moved | away and nothing to the one who had 1 given up everything to care for her. j A father and four sons went into; debt to buy a farm. Three of the hoys went off, leaving the one son with his father to pay off the debt. The father took sick and for the best years of his life the son slaved until the debt wan cleared away. While the other three boys were along in their careers he had missed an education, had put off his mar- riige, had given up the career he had planned. A his father’s death it was found that he had left th • farm to be «livici cle up eounlly among the four hoys. Whether we can make head or tail out of the justice of the story of th-:* Prodigal Son. there is nothing truer to human nature. As the screech of a locomotive is velvctod into a woodwind sound by distance, the irritating little rough place? in prnumility seem to fade in those afar off. The small imperfections in the one who stay? at home are evident and continuously seen. Rich gifts are counted poor not only whn givers prove, unkind hut when they prove irritating. As time goes on too often the small irritations loom larger than the essential immolation. The pin-pricks outweigh the sacri fice. “The blade is curved.” the re- ' cruit answered, “in order to give more force to the blow.” "Nonsense,” said the corporal. "The blade is curved so as to fit th' M-abhard, you idio.!” Spanker: “Joe married a widow with three children.” Spinker: “Oh, well; he was al- She: What do you suppose I did when father told me you were here? He: "Oh, 1 suppose you colored up a bit." She; “Sir!” "While I do not positively a.wort that Jones is a dishonest man,” said Jones' acquaintance, “I strongly rec ommend people who shake hands with him to count their fingers care fully when he leaves go.” MOWER MAKES MAN A MILLIONAIRE Columbus, Ka:-.. Mar. 26.— (Auto caster)—Twenty-five year* ago H. E. Wright bought a 40-acre tract, selecting it becuu** a hay mower was thrown in free according to the terms of the purchase. He has received a million dollars .. lead and z : nc royalties from these 10 r.cres. He still owns them, but cannot use them for raising hay be- mavsc on them are some of the best lead and zinc mined in Kansas. COACH SCHEDULE BETWEEN Macoft-MiBedceTille-Aansta EAST BOUND Phoi A SMALL MR. TALL OF LONGFELLOW AVENUE New York. April 1.— (Autoc.aster) —Nathan L. Tull i.« 5 feet 1 inch in height, and lives at 1712 Longfellow | Avenue. He was fined $2 for a traf- j fic violation, and the judge said to. him: “Mr. Tall of Longfellow Avenue, you're a short man for that i.aine and address." “Pm glad I'm not short -n the fine,” said Mr. Tall. Ground lii lawn People’* There wan a young .athlete at Penn, The hundred he'd do in flat ten. But the faculty crew Simply whispered "Skidoo!" When they found in exams he got N. Flo: “You may kia* me oi. the temple.” Bo: "And get a bang in the mouth for my pains?" Wh^n his sis*.er discovered young Thos. Arrayed in his parent’s pajos.. And cried in dismay: “Oh! what will father say?" He replied: “Not a word. These ANYBODY INTERESTED In Monumental Work See J. W. IVEY, Sextan. He Represent* The McNeil Marble Co., The Largest In The Sooth, One of The Oldest and Largest in Americ*. NERVOUS HEADACHE Kentuckian Telia How Taking Black-Draught Relie red His Pains and Haw Well He Feels Now. brought relief to a man who had beer, suffering from frequent spells of severe headache, is told below in the statement of Mr. Charles F. Todd, of Estesburg. near this place. “I was suffering with nervous headaches. About once a week I would have these headaches, and have u» quit work, and go to bed for ebeui twenty-four hours. I would have pains in my neck, and ri^ht b^lu.nd my right car. ••A merchant at Es'.esburg saw me cnc day when I was suffering, and lc!d me to try taking Blatk- Lw. Macon 8:00 a. m. 2:30 p. m. “M’ville. 9:15 a.m. 3:45 p.m. “ Sparta ]0:OS a. m. 4:35 p. m. " Jewell 10:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m. " Warrenton 10:55 a. m. 5:25 p. m. “ Thornton 11:20 a. m. 5:50 p. m. “Harlem 11:45 a. m. 6:15 p. m. Ar. Augutla 12:35 a. m. 7:05 p. m. WEST BOUND L*. Augusta 8:M> a. m. 2:30 p. m. “ Harlem 8:50 a. m. 3:20 p. m. “ Thornton 915 a. m. 3:45 p. m. " Warrenton 9:40 a. m. 4:10 p. m. “ Jewell 10:05 a. m. 4:35 p. m. “ Sparta 10:30 a. m. 5:00 p. m. “M’ville. 11:20 a. m. 5:50 p.m. Ar. Macon 12:35 p. m. 7:05 p. m. Mscon-MillcdgcTille Bns Line Four Round Trip* Daily and Sunday Lv. Milledgevile 9:30 a. m.U:20a. «n. 5:50 p. m. Lv. Macon 8:00 a. m. 1:00 p. in. 2:30 I p.m. 5:15 p.m. j Running Time One Hour and Thirty j Minute. Each Way. TERMINALS AUGUSTA—Union But Station, Phone 9322. MILLEDGEVILLE— Baldwin Hotel, Phone 351. MACON Bu. Terminal, Phone 9487. 8:00 a. ro. But from Macon makes connection at Augusta for C.-een- ville and Columbia, S. C., and Sa- 8:00 a. m. and 2:50 p. m. Bu'. * in lu*hi. aisd lock a few ti: . : relieved ire. From t.- :• Idi:-keni..:i:0; . . - :i rs I frit llse I tm*s .. .u <ma c! those heodu —and they wculdnt tv-ine or: ‘Ever; few * „ .kc three or fuiir doses of EI.-r*>Dmut:ht, and 1 j.ecl :o ve’J, jjiU do xny York, ruid don’t 3oi;i nr;* more time with headache. “I haven't had :• headache in six mr-ths." '3-*ts only or.*: cer.t a dose. :oday. NC-M9 wm AUGHT It takes a quality product to live and grow for 88 years. OMEGA FLOUR 666 it a Prescription for Golds, Giippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilions Fever and Maliria. It kills the germs. TRAVELBYTOAil THE SAFEST THE MOST COMFORTABLE o THE MOST RELIABLE SOUTHERN RAHWAY SYSTEM '^^^Sviccess is Easier is a big sellei because it satisfies! Have YOU tried it I Sold by most all the erocers in and around Milledcreville. On a time a (vile student from Ga. ! Was* pinched for being a fa. Said the Judge with a smile: "Young man for a while Free of charge w? are going to ha.” Wooing By Letters He—'‘I love U.“ She—“C here. F U don’t stop, U J, I’ll call mother." She—“G! It’s EZ2CUR2Q- He—“Will U Be mine?” She (falling on his neck)—“O U kid!” Corporal Sandhurst was one day drilling a batch of raw recruits. "Why is it,” he said to a bright- looking chap, "That the blade of your sabre is curved instead of straight?" C. a ANDREWS k S Gt v Moimc-oN WOKHU l • .. navs: “I am a >dK. cr. (tefaruaolln [Vl ir lh „c Carts wct%. G c - * • artJ w • TO say, * “> C3U ,|,, ,,br:.T tl*c ,K '- i,:r ° e ’' ^you-air.^ ■> „ ,«Ulc ”• •*,cr location. vo ur comparison od c 0 W r Our c.-jincrruig gaJtc »... to you U pwp=' r “ anil tin- eror.on’y o t ^ rein!: -•13,-Jon of ntN-'S" 5 - 3 -" J a icora to licorga* \oili o3cc *"» ;oar 003,001®®*** Brcadwy, for ) ^ ^^***0 T -!ti.”fco->= ofiicc in AiLmta, yoo ' ■ 'r-uro Information <**» “? Georgia Toner co*. GEORGIA RAILROAD GRAND OPERA Atlanta. Ga. April 23-28, 1928 The World’. .i.I-n will bo in AtUntn for > full n above data., presenting tha folowing operas: Monday evening: L’AFRICANA (Italian) Tuesday evening: IL BARBIERE Dl SIVIGL1A (Itali Wednesday afteraon: HAENSEL UND GRETEL (Gei Followed by PAGLIACCI (Italian) Thursday evening: RIGOLETTO (Italian) Friday afternoon: DIE WALKUERE (German) Friday evening: NORMA (Italian) Saturday afternooa: CARMEN (French) Saturday evening: LA BOHEME (Italian) RATES TO ATLANTA AND RE1URN: One and ona.balf , lar one-way fare for round trip from all stations on Tha Railroad. DATES OF SALE: April 22 to 28. 1928, prior to wheib tin.* trip must ha complsted. For further information apply to your local ticket agent c to the undersigned. J. P. BILLUPS, Gcatral Pssscngcr Agent, Atlanta, Ga. return > write Our Invitation To Industry: u COTSie to 6E616E A’ 5 I N publications read by the leading executives of America s greatest cor porations. we are telling the facts about Georgia which will ultimately bring to our State many of the factories and mills controlled by these men. We are backing up that invitation by rendering dependable service to 168 Georgia communities whose invitation to Industry is strengthened by the ability to offer, among other advantages, an adequate, dependable supply of power at low rates. THESE GdEAT PUB LICATIONS CARRY THE MESSAGE; Forbes World's Work Nation's Business Manufacturers' Record Cotton Textile World Daily Nows Recced American Wool and Cotton Reporter Georgia COMPANY 'A CITIZEN W H Eg BV Eg WE SERVE