Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 12, 1928, Image 6

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UNION RECOSM*. NILLEDCEVILLE. GA-, APRIL It. IR UNION RECORDER Federal Uaiea EelaUiaked 1121 Saeili.r. Retarder E.lk. UK EBlared al Pael Office, Milledte villa, ae aetoad tlee* mail aalter. Pebliiked Weekly aa Tker.dar el Milledceeille, Ga. R. B. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE. B.ai.eu M.r SUBSCRIPTION RATES | OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY ^ THURSDAY, APRIlTurTsu - GEORGIA’S PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Till* Georgia Delegation will go to the Democratic Convention at Hous ton. Texas, pledged, to do all in their power to bring about the nomination of Senator George for Prerident. That Senator George is an able statesman, and is well qualified for the office of President cannot be de nied. but his most enthusinctic friends realize that his chances to be chosen as the nominee of Democratic party are very remote. It however, cannot be fore told at this time who the choice of the party will be. It seems evident that Governor Al Smith, of New York, will go to the convention with u ma jority of the delegates, but it is quite probable that he will not Have the two-thirds necessary to nominate him. lie is strong in the East, and is developing unexpected strength in tht West. Senator Walsh, who Is a catholic a* is Gov. Smith, ha.w been chosen by Hon. W. G. McAdoo to head off the nomination of Gov. Smith, but he has not as yet developed any great strength. .Senator George will probably be the strongest favorite State candi date brought before the convention, but he should not be used ns a stalk ing horse to prevent the nomination of Gov. Smith. His future as a Democratic leader demands that this not be done. DR. E. T. HOLMES SPOKE IN MARIETTA SUNDAY Delivered An Addreae A* Home Conaiag of Members of Methodist Church—Rot. H. C. Emory Pastor Dr. E. T. Holmes spent Sunday in Marietta where he delivered an ad dress at a home coming of the mem- ln-rs of the First Methodist church of which Rev. H. C. Emory is pastor. The occasion was a memorable on j in iho history of that church ami I there was a gathering of a large ennrour* of people. The Union Re ; corder can say wi hout lierip.my tint Dr. Holmes delivered an uddr | that measured up in every way, ji- ' he is an eloquent, scholarly and Im pressive speaker. Dr. Holmes yAatea that he found Mr. Emory happy in his work, an.! engaged in building a Sunday School room to tm- already splendid church building. He is meeting with not only the co-operation of the mem hers hut all denominations are con tributing liberally. REV. CHAS TILMAN COMING TO MIDWAY METHODIST Rev. Charles Tilman, a noted evan gelistic preacher and singer, will con duct revival services at the Midway Methodist church, commencing the first Sunday in May. This announcement by the pastor Rev. W. B. Mills has been heard with great interest by the members of the congregation of the Midway church, and the people of Midway and Hardwick. Mr. Tiiman has a nation wide repu tation as a pn-acher and gospel sing er. and his coming to the Midway church, will be an important event in digioua lif eof the people of that neighborhood. JOHN MILLEDGE CHAPTER HOLDS INTEREST MEETING The John Milledge Chapter of the Sons of the An4erici|n Revolution enjoyed a delightful occasion at its regular meeting which was held at the private dining-room of the Darien Hotel Monday evening at 8:00 o'clock. Dr. E. A. Tigncr, who i» also eligible for membership in the or ganization, was a visitor and guest of the Chapter. Many matters of importance were transacted. The Historian, Hon. Victor David son of Irwinton. Georgia, addressed the club on Elijah Clarke. He brought to the attention of the members the heretofore* unknown and unappreciated prominence and his importance as a historical character, of this Georgia of Revo lutionary days. .So replete with im portant events were this man's life that the Historian could only pre sent the sector thereof dealing with Mijah Clarke's purported expedition into Florida. This was intensely interesting as presented by the speak er as well as the fact that Milledge- ville and the vicinity were associat ed with the life of Elijah Clarke during this period of his life. Another portion of the life of Clarke will be taken up by the Historian at the next meeting which is called for the second Monday in July. Also plans were considered for the local Chapter entertaining the Nancy Hart Chapter of D. A. R. at an open- air entertainment when originnl speeches made by the Indian Chief* in the negotiations at Fort Wilkin son will be read and considered as a part of the entertainment. These originl speeches are in the hands of the Historian and the location of this entertainment probably will be on the grounds of the historic Fort Wilkinson. BALDWIN CHILDREN TO SING 1 May 4th, Tba Data for Th« Annnal j Sing of County Children i WELLE WOMACK HINES The school children of Baldwin! county will again hold the sing which has been a custo mfor about ten* years. May 4th, is the date set so ‘ «»ys Commissioner Bivins, and Dr. J. L. Beeson has especially invited j us to hold it in the lovely new Audi torium. Dr. Beeson is a member of I the County Board of Education and | always takes such o great interest in i this sing*. Children, don't let mama and papa 1 ■nret that date, we arc* going t>! Have the flags flying in your honor | —so says Mayor Pennington and I there will be several other little sur-1 pnses for you when you get here, for the committee is..working hard to make it the biggest and best hut they will have to hustle to beat the others. A " in usual tlie cihldren will .preail their basket dinner on the enr.ipus of ' M- C. and the Band will play for them at that hour—12 to one. We ore Koinj; to have the down stairs of that Auditorium packed with the singers and up starts mothers and rather, sister, uncles and aunts will sit and listen to Susie and Henry stop—won’t that be fun? Of course you know that Mr. Curry is point; to have a picture for you children—he nlways does—and hn is trying extra hard this year to t one you will jutd go crazy about •nnd every child that attends a school outside the city limits will re ceive n ticket for this movie. Now —don’t forget—plan for the Sing— May 4 th. FOR SALE—Improved cotton .cod $1. buslssl. J. L. Sibley. 4-12-28 pd. Fish, Fisk, .. km a fall Illpp | y of Trout, Mackerel, Saa PP arr. Mullet aod Oyrters. CHANDLER BROS. Y_ 'Certainly we repair nnd rebuild and reckarse kattariee. >- N. JORDAN ’ FIRST BOXING SHOW HELD AT G. M. C. NEXT THURSDAT NIGHT Eighteen Round* To Be Staged In School Gym. G. M. C. Bond To Take Port In Program G. M. C'h., first boxing show is being staged in the College Gym next Thursday under the direction of Lt. V. L. Nash, who has adopted the 1 program for ’.he school. Eighteen rounds will be staged in | the first show. Each bout in the j different weight clatees will be oft three two minute rounds. As an added a*tractio n the G. M. C. Band; under the direction of Muj. Oster- miin will play n concert. The show next Thursday is the j first of a series that will be staged j at the college, according to the plans. \ A novel boxing stunt of a humerous nature will also feature each of the 1 An admi.HHion of 25 cents will be i charged to adults and students will ( bo admitted for 10 cents. Ladies will be admitted free. The shows will be staged each week from now until the close of school. BAPTIST CIRCLES TO MEET The circle? of the Missionary Society \ afternoon at four following acting as cir<02s: Circle A, Mrs. J, Circle B, Mrs. W Circle C, Mrs. J. Circle D, Mrs. T Baptist Woman’u ■ill meet Monday o’clock with the hostesses to the T. Stewart. ’ill Chandler. T. Gheesling. S. Jeanes. Our Ford demonstrator made a icord trip to Brunswick and ratura yrraging 45 mile* per hour. McKinnon motor co. interesting program rend ered BY YOUNG PEOPLE a most interesting program was rendered at the Baptist church .Sun day evening, directed by Miss Ruth .Stone. Chairman of young people's activity, of the W. C. T. U. Interesting subjects relative to the work of young people in the church were discussed, the program as published in last weeks issue of the Union Recorder, being practical ly carried out. Wie discussions by the young peo ple of ithe subjects asig^ed them were Rood, and received the close •Mention of the congregation. Miag Stone presided and announc ed the program. B aaod aft F. W. Haadrickso. . POULTRY SPECIALIST BE HERE FRIDAY W. p. Clark, a poultry specialist from the Agricultural College, will he in the city and county Friday 13th, nnd establish three demonstration farms. The purpose of these farms will be to reach poultry raisera in groups. Mr. Clark will visit this city every three months nnd give demon strations at th eplaces which he will ■elect Friday. It is said that interest in poultry raising is on the increase in Bald- nt this time. A FARM CHANGES OWNERS Mr. T, R. Carroll, of Atlanta, has purchased tho Calloway place near Black Sprint: church from Messrs. W. and W. U. Moran. Tho plnco contains 3!I5 acres, and the new purchnrar ezpcct* to make his homo on it and establish a dairy and live stock farm. For Men Only AbffU fifty pain of Florshetm $10.00 shoes left. To Saturday d*Q Per Only Pair THESE ARE ALL SPRING STYLES F ashion Shoe Store SOL BARRETT, Mgr. “PERFECTION OF APPOINTMENT—A SOCIAL NECESSITY” Guaranteed Permanent Waving Ladies’ Hair Cutting Tow slda, Site your clothes, needs M occasional deaning. A iRttiL correctly given, will remove unseemly bfetchri, end assist in retaining tbit bloom of yootb, so nweb desired. A different treatment for every nge and condition, consnlt ns about yonr “spring cleaning.” We are bow in possitioa to care for yon in aS line of beauty culture. Miraline Beauty Shoppe Next to Western Union Fbane 27 LOST—tl.a-s Wrist W.tck «ith ■tickle strap. Finder return to Uaioa Recorder and gat reward. live us yonr orders on Omega Flour, wo are glad to sarve yon, yon CHANDLER BROS. :xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxtttytttyt Ice Notice! We bare installed an at Ice Wngens Bell to unoaace the arrival of tbe track instead of the driver cnliog “ICE,” In Ike fotme yon will faten for tbe “Ice Bel" to get yonr ice. PHONE 485 ATLANTIC ICE AND COAL CO. Piano Tuning Orders far Piano Tuing left at tbe Ivey Hense will be given prompt atteatiofl and appreciated. REFERENCE G. S. C. W. J. L. HITCHCOCK Moth Balls, to kaep tko« e f ap -intar clalka. saf.. H., u |„ ‘ ** O., prico 10c 2 fa, J*,,. . and Monday only IS cents, w R^ker containers, rend* i D 10 cents. CHANDLER'S VARIETY STORE Mr. O. M. Ennis gets the first No Model Ford with a smile. * McKinnon motor co. Ice Tea Time. Glasses reg H | 10 cents. Saturday and Monda 39c. CHANDLER'S VARIETY STORE VALUES FAR BEYOND COMPARE Day in and Day Oan—Wcekin and Week Oat—Ow prices are being reduced constant - ly! We bare wonderful specials fer tbe week-end an items net luted in this ed. Visit ns Friday aftereoaa and Satardiy so that yoo may take SWIFTS JEWEL LARD ,..... SI n KETCHUP 14 oz - 1C. 1 *0Z. BOTTLE I DC I BOTTLE I0c „„ RAJAH MAY0NA1SE ™" 25c 1 17; PICKLE ALABAMA SWEET mixed 29c TOMATOES 131. DADA for porcelain D/u)U AND enamel can 14r RAJAH SANDWICH SPREAD ’■« 19c BACON a *"'“ suco ' 35c OLE ANDY'S PEANUTS TOOTSIE ROLLS (NUT LUNCH AND RUTTER SCOTCH!) ALL REGULAR FIVE CENT CANDY AND CHEWING CUM. 3 FOrTiH W LOFTS chocolate flavored MALTED MILK 43c wnntHoust | MILK TALL CAN IUCi 2 NO. Z. CANS JjC STOKELETS LYE HOMINY 3 NO. 2 1-2 CANS DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT 2 PKG PACIFIC BULK PEANUT BUTTER LB 27c Sc 15c A&P NAPTHA POWDER 4 PKKG. WALDORF TOILET TISSUE 3 ROLLS n AI/iT A/nr AArawnn 15c 21c IT WON THE COLD MEDAL OF THE “SESQU1.” IL= SSSXI ArLANT9C«PMK‘ VARIETY, Is the Spice of a Good Wardrobe, too. gO CLOSELY is a ana’s aaderwear related te bis health and comfort that there is especially good reason why bo should have a variety of styles for change of weather as well xs change of actirity. Here yon wil find aadergarments of every descriptien for every Occasion,’ .D knit sport models combination knit top with doth tranks, running peats end «hirt, and a dexe. ,nd one other type, that meke it easy for you to select just what yon want at tbe price yas want to My. JOHN HOLLOWAY Men s and Boy’s Clothing