Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 12, 1928, Image 7

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UmOW R1CORDER, MILLEDGKVILLE. GA., APRIL IS, IMS W. J. Chandler and family Sunday afternoon in Macon. Mrs. Joel H. Terrell, of Wsrrenton, f is the guest of Mrs. T , n Callaway y... Julius Holt of Georgia Tech j Miss Omie Elizabeth Hart sper.t 1 Sunday with hw mother, J last Sunday in^ Wurrenton. Messrs R. M. Rogers and DeWitt Rogers spent Sunday in Greenwood, S. C. Mrs. Cecil Argo ha.-* returned from a trip to Panama City and Blanstown, Fla., where she visited relatives. Miss Constance Day is spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Day. Mr. and Mrs. Hansel Halt of WcBt Palm Beach, Fla., are visiting Dr. and Mrs. T. M. Hall. Mr. E. C. Kidd and Mr. W. E. Ireland made a business trip to At lanta the past week. Misai Lorainc Batson underwent an operation for appendicitis at the City Hospital Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Herring, of East Orange, N. J., is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Thos M. Hall. Mr. and Mm W. B. McKinnon and little daughter, Ethclyn, are spending several days with Mrs. McKinnon parents, in firun.wrick. Mr. M. L. Curry left Tuesday for Rock Hill, S. C., to visit Mrs. Curry’s relatives. Mrs Carry who has beea spending several diyy there will re turn with him. Miss Elizabeth Brannen, who is teaching at Pave, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. D. W. Brannen. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. West and daughter Beatrice, of Camack spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Barnes and Mr. and Mm Kemp Ingram, of At lanta, were in the city Sunday, visit ing Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Barnes, Jr. The friends of Miss Marjorie Ray will regret to know that she was operated on at the City Hospital Monday for apendicitis. Mr. Harry Jay spent Thursday in the city. Mr. Jay transacted busi ness for his store here, which is one of the chain which he is the head. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Whatley, of Edison, spent the week-end with Mrs. Whatley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Tisdale. Mrs. J. W. McMillan has been ill the past several days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Geo Bayne Atlanta. Rev. J. F. Yarbrough, who has been in Atlanta the past ten days holding revival services at the Calvary Metho dist church, will return home Satur day, and be at services at the Metho dist church Sunday. Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding Elder of the Oxford District, who will be here to hold the accond Quarterly Conferences, will preach at the Methodist church next Sun day morning. On April 20th, the P. T. A. will give another cake sale. The cakes will be made of Omega flour. They will all be good cakes, made by good cake makers. Come out and get you a cake. MISS SARAH ALLEN COMPLI MENTS MISS JOSEPHINE ROBINSON Miss Sarah /.lien entertained most delightfully on Monday morning of thiti week, complimenting Miss Jose phine Kubinaon, whose marriage will be a bri.lant event t f next Wednes day. of spring flowers added to the beauty of the attractive home. Bridge and rook were played, «nd at the conclusion of the games refresh ments were served. Mr. Alton Rogers, who is a stud ent at Tech,’ came home for the Easter holidays. Mr. KIbert Bivins of New Orleans, the Easier holiday! with his mother Mr* Mattie Bivins. Dr. W. O. D. Jones, of New Orleans, is visiting relatives in this Mr. and Mrs. Sam Riley, of Macon, .pent Sunday in the city visitimt relative*. Mrs. Frank A Dennis, of Eatonton, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jordan. Mr. Leverctt Montgomery and lit tle son are visiting relatives in Put- nun county. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Henderson and little daughter Dorothy, spent Sat urday and Sunday in Gainesville. Miss Nettie Moore is spending sev eral days with her sister, Mrs. T. J. Cater in Macon. Mrs. J. N. Fields and daughters Louise and Maud spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins. Dr. Lancaster, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Young and Mr. and Mrs. Tardell of shady Dale, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rives, Mrs. J. C. Ingram and Mrs. George Stin son of Monticello, spent Saturday and Sunday at Magnolia Gardens. Mr. Herbert Burke and little Al bert Burke, Jr., of Atlanta, spent Sunday with Capt. and Mrs. J. M. Burke. Miss Callie Cook spent the East er holidays with her mother, Mrs. S. A. Cook. She had as her guests several Wesleyan girls. Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Conn, Mrs. Mamie Pitts and Mrs. Leon Callaway visited the Mugnolin Gardens at Charleston the past week-end. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Swint and Col. and Mrs. Lindsey, of Rome, visited the Magnolia Gardens at Charleston the past week. Miss Margaret Burke, who is teach ing in Tampa, Fla., spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Capt and Mrs. J. M. Burke. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rives, Mrs. J. C. Ingram and Mrs. Geo. Stinson visited the Magnolia Gardens at Charleston, S. C., this week. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Jones and Mrs. J. H. Whorf, of Atlanta, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holloway. Mrs. Allen Stiles of Louisville, visited her sister, Mrs. W. F. Wil liamson, and father, Mr. John Scoggin Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Mr. Russell Bone made a business trip to St. Louis, in connection with his recent tile invention. He return ed home Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones and daughter, Miss Gertrude, spent Sun day with Mrs. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Pikcrton at Newborn. Mr. J. L. Sibley has returned from an extended visit tc Miami, Fla. He was missed while he was out of the c ity, and his friends are glad to see both back. Mrs. W. H. Amall has returned f ro m a viyit to relatives in Griffin. Mr. Amall went to Griffin Sunday and brought her home in his automo bile. Misses Sarah Allen, Isabelle Allen and Mrs. C. L. Moore spent Tues day and Wednesday in Charleston, S. C., where they visited Magnolia Gardena. Col. John Guerry, was accompani ed to the city Friday, when he came J? '•’•■it the Kiwanis Club, by Mrs. Guerry. They were the guests of Mr. ""d Mne E. C. Kidd. Mrs Kidd .pd Mrs. Guerry are sisters. MRS. EDGAR LONG COMPLI MENTS MISS ROBINSON Mrs. Edgar Long was houtea at a lovely party on Wednesday after noon in honor of Miss Josephine Robinson whose wedding will be a brilliant event. The home was attractively decorat ed in beautiful spring flowers. Games of rook were enjoyed during the af ternoon. Miss Robinson was presented with a beautiful receipt book containing the favorite receipts of each guest. Among those present were: Mrs. W. E. Robinson, Miss Robinson, Mra J. E. Kidd, Mrs. M. H. Bland. Mr*, George Davis, Mrs. W. F. Littli^ Mrs. Roy Alford. Mrs. Frank Herring, Mrs. Arch McKinley, Misses Mae An bury, Florence Cole, Martha Bass and Elizabeth Grant Assisting Mrs. Long in entertain ing were Mrs. Ralph Simmcrwa ami Mias Louise Jeans. LITTLE HELEN WATKINS CELEBRATES SIXTH BIRTHDAY Helen, the lithe daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins celebrated her sixth birthday with a delightful party on Monday afternoon at the home of her parncts. The little folks enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and games after which they were invited into the dining i where the birthday Cake was Helen was the recipient of many beautiful gifts. Those invited were: Wilbur and Julia Scott, Laurctte Bone, Corne lius and Winette Stembridge, Eu genia Shy, Ruth and Carolyn Banks, Anne and Saitth Lee Pennington, Jenette and Sara Alma Giles, Jones and Lamar Ham, Rosclyn Donnely, Bill Morrison, Evelyn Batson, Eliza beth and Billie Home, Walter Brown, Billie Alford, Tom Darrow, Dannie Hutchings, Ellen Nash, Tom John son, Jimmie Salter, Susan Evans, Betty Taylor, and Ollie Mae, Janie Sue and Betty Tcnnille. Mrs. E. Darrow, Miss Verdnn John- Bon and Mrs. A. C. Tennille assisted in entertaining the party. MRS. CALLAWAY HAS DELIGHT FUL RECEPTION IN HONOR OF MRS. GRAY AND MISS JOSEPHINE ROBINSON Mrs. L*on Callaway entertained bios', delightfully at a reception from five to seven on Tuesday af ternoon in honor of Mrs. Robert Gray, n recent bride, and Miss Jose phine Robinson who weds Mr. Rob ert McElrath on next Wednesday, at the beautiful Callaway home on the Hill. Mrs. L. H. Andrews met the guest at the door and directed them to the Hying room where the receiving line ?tood. Standing in the line were Mrs. Callaway, Mrs. Joel H. Terrell of Warrenton, Mrs. Frank Herring of East Orange, N. J., Mrs. Robert Gray and Miss Josephine Robinson. The room was beautifully and tasti ly decorated in orange and green. Lady Berkshire roses and southern smilax were profusely used. Large Cathedral Candelabras holding tall orange tapers were arranged in the room. The receiving line stood immediately in front of a Cathedral Candelabra holding burning tapers. Mrs. W. D. Morrison and Mrs. Jesse Bon<> presided at the punch bowl which was banked with white lillies ami spirea. The stair case was entwined with southern smilax and a large Cathedral Candelabra holding burning white tapers was placed on the stairs landing. The guests were then shown into the dining room by Mrs. Edgar Long •where a color 'heme of pink and white was used. A gorgeuos lace cover was on the table in the center of the room. A bowl of pink tulips with Colonial candle sticks holding pink tapers were the only decora tions used on the table. Coffee was poured by Mrs. W. D. Stembridge and Mrs. George Echols. Other as sisting in the dining room were Mrs. Beulah Reid, Mis Agnes Stembridge and Mrs. Marion Allen. Little Misses Louise Echofo and Grace Stembridge passed the guests pink mints and almonds. A delicious salad course was served. Maj. Godfrey Ostorman, violinist accompanied by Miss Carroll Butts at at the piano rendered a delightful musical program during the recep tion. A large number of invited guests called during the afternoon. The reception was one of the most brilli ant and delightful social events of the spring season. DAUGHTERS OF CONFEDERACY MET TUESDAY The members of the R. E. Lee Chapter of the Daughters of the Con federacy met at the home of Mrs. Mille* S. Bell Tuesday afternoon. After the transaction of the rou tine business a program was render ed- The program was suggested by the Confederate Veteran.” a maga zine published in the interest of the Confederate Veterans. The subject was “Negro Tnlk Lore and Supersti tions," and Mias Catherine Scott rend several most interesting stories, and Airs Edyth Gibson song several spiritulist songs. The program wi a most entertaining one. and w; greatly enjoyed. Delicious refreshments were ser ed by Mrs. Bell. LITTLE CAROLYN MOSTELLER CELEBRATES first birthday Mrs. West Hosteller entertained the little friends of little Miss Caro- yn Hosteller on Snturdny afternoon in honor of her first birthday. Sprint: flowers decorated the liv. ,n * »•>«*• the litUe folks were entertained. They were Lster ahown ■"to the dining room where a l.rge cake adorned the center of the table. In the place of the „„e candle we, . little white ladder with n -mail doll eI.mb.nK it whirl, was to represent the first your of baby hood having been passed. Easter fovors were given each child, grange juice nnd rraekers were served refreshments . Those invited were , nd Jacquilinc Bluck. Roy Nchran, Jr „ Martha Carpenter, Roy Rainer, Sollie Barrett, Jr., June Bell, Altha Rosser, Barba rah Davis, Madelyn Jackson, Snm and Frank Riley, Charles and Ernestine Cotes of Montrose ar.d Clair Riley of Macon. intermediate b. y. p. u. holds STUDY CLASSES Members of the Intermediate B. Y P. U. hove entered into n course of study lasting through this week under the direction of Mrs. R. L Bailey. The Intermediates meet at the church each aftrenoon at six o’clock and under the leadership of Misses Dorothy Thaxton and 0*ic Thaxton the President of the Union, with Mrs. Bailey as the teacher a course of study is taken up. Refreshments are served each af ternoon at the close of the study hour. SERVICE FIRST—Parts for l«w Ford Car h-w- arrival. McKinnon motor co. look jt Your Shoes TEACHERS RE-ELECTED The Board of Trustees of the Georgia Military College at a meet ing held Tuesday afternoon re-elect ed the teachers of the Grammar School as follows: Miss Julia Aloorc. Principal; Misses Agnes Stembridge Mary Simpson, Mattie Moore, Manic Jones, Isabel Jones, Mrs. Mamie Pitts, and Miss Margaret Yarbrough and Mias Florence Cole as over flow •a. Li. a» IUU, .uia. »-s. • 1*1 IBS FIO E. C. Kidd, Mrs. H. S. Day, Mrs. TV teC ahera. S. Jeans, Mpi Yrank -'Finney, Mratf The ^ be taught by them will be assigned with the opening of the college in September. Miss Gertrude Treanor was re elected teacher of music. This Water Glusas, He ragwlar “SUDDEN SERVICE” Phone 373 Blain Shoe Plant and Pressing: Club ME5DAMES POTTLE AND BERRY JOINT HOSTESSES Mrs. Joseph E. Pottle and Mrs. Pearson Berry were joint hostesses Thursday afternoon at .* bridge nnd rook party at the home of Mrs. Po.tle on Jefferson street. Spring flowers were used in abund- ice in the living room where the games were played. Beautiful prizes were awarded the high score winners iu each game. A delicious salad and iced course was served. HOME FOR SALE—Twt Wi»a« Street formally I of Praf. Cone. Afao • borne ft^ontiomery Street MM celloje. See J. L- Sibley; 4-12--S 2t. p4. Garden seed >t f W. H.a4rtdo-w’>. S cemporta with I 10c cabee ? toilet seep far 80c. CHANDLER BROS. Teraip teed at F. W. Hendrickson's AGENTS BATTLE CREEK HEALTH FOOD FanltY elimination caw, many »hnb. Bdk, M the case. Fig tij Bread Flakes 2St pkf. A nonruhkg aad dcSciew mddfy laxative breakfast carat wide fra. selected wheat hraa lad figs. Rich in feed Saw, a. and yitaeiia B. LAXA, ceetaks Apr Agar. He far aw weeks sapply. A Why buacait with a dWwal taste. PARAMELS far a weeks iapply Me Wwnl Oil ■ carawtl fans. Haaiastfr aatea with year aaaaL ZO (Life) per pkg 15c The bedy baildmg cereal fead. Rick ia faad irae aed vitamin B. Yea can now kare ia yaw ewa hawe the mm faada aaed in the Battle Creek system. We have a M Ike sad w4 he glad te •hew aad assist yea ia aay way we can. HERE IS A GOOD RUT Flow it higher. Wc kavea’t changed aw price yet. 24 Iht. Bh. Seal Seperiathe Pateat $1.45 24 a. Beaty Srif-Riemg $1.15 24 Bit. Fancy Self-Risky $1.1# 24 Ikt. Standard Self-Rweg $1.M BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY SERVICE PRICE ZSJ—PHONES—41* EUGENE Permanent Waving Why let people experiment, when yaa have expert operator, m town from 8 te II yean experience. We Specialise ia Scalp Treatment, aad Facials. We gwrantee to reave Freckle, aad Blackheads. If yaw last penaaaeat wave ia sat saccesefal tee as. Al work guaranteed. Haw cettkg daw ky expert. $12.51 aad $15.1# Eageae Wave Special far April $8.5# aad $18.80. Oar warn •at free. Blasingames Beauty Parlor la Mira Lrau XUra-'e Hat Strap. Pkoee 20S-J Wedding Bells Will Soon Be Ringing A piece ef silver makes the west appropriate weddieg gift yea deselect far the bride. Net abac hecawe silver is pleasing to look at hat bccaase it is lasting. Beanbfal silver is always the mack desired gift al the bride. We shall be glad te help yea (elect the aaast appropriate thing far the octaake. WILLIAMS & RITCHIE JEWELERS MLLEDGEVIULE, GA. cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxi NEW MILLINERY ARRIVALS Hats For Every Occasion LARGE OR SMALL. THE HAT FOR YOU / ' Yon tkoegkt they were wearing them large—with wide him. So they are. Bit they’re wearing thaw tmatl, toe. Fsshkn, yen see, is hrssdmwdi d. Aad wise. Each woman te her sU hat. Aad to we’ve dexcw ef styiaa. Each a thing of beaaty. Each aa achievement in lew pairing. $5.00 $7.45 Miss Leni M< loore $10.00 Hat Shoppe Special Saturday Only $0 While they last. 58 HATS TOCLEAR AWAY * xzxxxxxxxxxxxxx