Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 19, 1928, Image 4

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UNION RECORDER, MIU-EDCEVIU.£. GA„ APRIL », IMR UNION RECORDER Mgr SUBSCRIPTION RATES D Year $1.5C Months .75 Jvertmng Rale* furni.hed on Application OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY THURSDAY. APRIL 19. 1928 Then* in talk of ortrnnizinfr a liras* band in Milledgeville. Milledgeville has had had fine bands in the past, and there are as coed musicians here MISS GRANT HAS LINEN SHOWER FOR MISS ROBINSON Miss Elizabeth Grant entertained on last Saturday afternoon at a linen shower in honor of Miss Joseph :ne Robinson. Beautiful spring flowers formed the attractive decorations used in the living room where bridge and rook were played. Two unique games were played during the afternoon. The linen gifts were presented to .Miss Robinson in a most attractive way. A long clothes line upon which hung the different gifts, was brought in. A few minutes later a telegram came announcing the weather fore cast. which predicted rain and sug gested that the clothes be taken in. A MG CAKE BAKING CONTEST FRIDAY Large Number of Cubes Are Expected To Be Entered Under Auspices P. T. A- -Milledgeville will be a sweet town Friday judging by the number of cakes that have been promised the Parent-Teacher Association in their contest on Friday. The committee at work have secur ed the promi.-v of a large number of i the lir the y - he which will be < on the corne ants & Farrae non. These cul me of th.- he-l ty «nd county, arded. n display at the opposite the s Bunk. Friday ;* will be baked cake bakei and prizes f M illedgeville NOTICE MEMBERS CAMP DOLES NO. 730 U. C. V. ^ Members of Comp Doles No. 730 U. C. V., are hereby called to meet at the Court House at 10:30 o’clock Thursday morning April 26th, for the purpose of electing officers and transaction of other business. G. D. MYRICK, Commander L. A. GAITHER, Adjt. If : want th® Original Genuir MRS. now as there ever was talk will materialize. We hope the The woods are full of wild flowers, It is to be hoped that the ruthless will not destroy the dog wood bios- sums. To do so is a wanton destruc tion of one of the woods most beauti ful flowers. JEANS HOSTESS AT LOVELY PARTY Mrs. T. S. Jeans was howte»s at a ■vely party on lost Friday afternoon implimenting Miss Josephine Robin- ■n. bride elect. The beautiful Jefferson * as attractively decorate •ses. honey suckle and Ka: ..vers were laid for forty guests, j ho enjoyed rook during the after-' non. A minatune bride adorned j .eh plate of refreshments. d Baldwin county are invited .• the display of cakes, und the I*« ent-Tcacher Association will apj.rei ate the courtesy if the women w buy their cakes this week instead . 1 buying them at home. 1 The cakes will be sold at a reaso: I able price. r Lillies The fact that the Confederate Veterans ennnot be paid their pen sion* shows that the treasury of the State is a*, a low ebb. The Union Recorder publishes in this issue a sermon preached by Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding Hide of the Oxford Dbtrict, at the Mid- j way Methodist church. The congre gation was *o impressed that lution was passed requesting i cation in the Union Rccorde on a most vital subject, and Z. S. C. W. ALUMNAE SPONSOR LUNCHEON AT ATHLETIC CLUB The Georgia State College for iVomen Alumnae club of Atlanta ponsored a luncheon April 14 at 1:30 o’clock at the Atlanta Athletic club for .all alumnae from G. S. C ; \V.. who were attending the Geor ia Educational allocation. A verj ; large number of alumnae attend*-! ,7ub7' lh " It is I Miss Julia Mae Fillingim, president •e com- r '^ ^e G. S. C. W. Alumnae club of I Atlanta w.-.s hoXess. Miss Lurline | Parke who does extension work from DR. ED KIDD MAY BE A ! t,u ‘ state capitol was toastmiatross. SEPTEMBER CANDIDATE *' ,r * A. Wells, president of the j Georgia Educational asaocation was (Sparta lahmaclitc) present. O her distinguished Visitors Hon. J. E. Kidd, of Milledgeville. | tbok l ,art «»n the program are as one of the most popular and forceful j follows: Mrs. Jere A. Wells, Mr. J. i the * id who being prominently mentioned in con nection with the public service com munion ii: all sections of Georgia, was in Sparta a day or two since shaking hands with his friends here, and talk ing to them on almost every subject they desired to discuss, except poli- The distinguished Milledgcvillc citizen, who was a strong nupportcr of Governor Hardman in the late state primary and who was largely instru mental in holding Baldwin county so strongly in the Hardman column of counties, while in Sparta admitted that his friends over the state, as well as at home, were giving him assur- ances of their unstinted support in the event he should decide to become a candidate for the public service commi*aion that were not calculated to make him look with disfavor upon the proposition of announcing his candidacy if his health permits and there are not other reasons why he should not, when announcing time rolls around. Though a native of Baldwi ty, where he has spent all of the days of his life. Dr. Kidd has a u tachment for Hancock county, and the county has a warm attachment for him. Dr. Kidd married in this county. Mrs. Kidd being, formerly, Miw Lou Will Culver, dnughcr of the late CapL and Mrs. John L. Culv of Culverton. Should Dr. Kidd be come a candidate for the public vice commission he will “* through the hole,” so far ns Hancock county is concerned, at least, "quick er than a bohtailed cat” MRS. HINES MAILS OUT SPRING GREETING TO HER FRIENDS HERE Card Bear* Menage of Happ Hop® That Come. Will, Cards were mailed out t’ by Mrs. E. R. Hines, President of the Federated Clubs of the county bearing a message of joy and happi ness at this wonderful season of the year. The verse was taken from the writings of Mrs. Hines, and follows: They say, my Friend, that Spring time Is a subject that’s taboo; My! what a.joke! As if the thrill That old Spring brings to you And me compares to anything; Bhe thrills us wth a joy As great as does the swimming-hole Fill any healthy boy. You planted all your seediest? Have your birds begun to nest? (So many lovely things to do There’s sacrecely time for rest-—) Glad Greeetings, Friend, I’m sui that you And I will just make hlste To let no single wonder Of our Springtime go to waste. From the writings of Nelle Wo mack Hines, MilledSeville, Ga. O. Martin, assistant state school supirvisor; Miss Katherine Scott, pro fessor of English at G. S. C. W.; Miss Mary Brooks, president of the State Alumnae association, who do- icribed the Parks Memorial hospital, md made .all alumnae understand what a wonderful memorial has been built for Dr. M. M. Parks, Mr. Winn, of the Kngli>4) department at G. S. C. W.; Mrs. Tuttle, head of the horn? omics at G. S. C. W.; Miss Blanche Hamby, Miss Gussie Tabb, and Miss Clara Morris, from G. S. C. W. Two Atlanta public school rvisors, Miss Jowie Slocumb und Miss May Walker were also present. iss Clara Lee Cone, who is at the head of the home economics depart- : of the Atlanta High Schools, spoke. Min Leila Bunco, president of the State Home Economics nssocia- also took part on the program. Others who spoke were Mrs. Wilbe R. Wilson, Miss May Taylor, Miss Frances Lowe and others. Miss Eliza beth Godwin rendered two whittling hers, accompanied by Miss Mar garet McWhorter. This wus an in teresting luncheon and a happy get- together meeting of ull alumnae. The president announced that the next meeting of the G. S. C. W. Alumna.* club, of Atlanta, would be at the home of Mrs. Thomas A. Moye, East Point, Ga., April 21 at 2 o'clock. Call Fairfax I0yi-W.—Atlanta Jour- NOTICE Four hooth.o, measuring 10x10 feet, ire available to the white churches of the territory of the Middle Geor gia Fair Association on the fair grounds during the 1928 Fair. The booths will be located on the grounds as the Fair Association may see fit and each church securing a booth space will be charged the sum of $15.00 for the space occupied by its booth for the period of the fair, the week of October 1st, 1928, pay able on the opening day of the Fair. These church booth** will be ap portioned to the churches of Mil- bdgeville and surrounding territory strictly in the order in which applica tions are received with out regard to denomination. Applications must be in writing and must be addressed to Mr. F. W. Hendrickson, Vice-presi dent, Middle Georgia Fair Associa tion, Milledgeville, Georgia. Booth space will be Hold to church es only and cun only be used as eating and drinking stands during the period of the fair and under such rules und regulations as the Fair As sociation may prescribe. This is fair notice to the churches of this territory that the four avail able booth traces will be sold strictly in the order of receipt Of mitten plications by Mr. Hendrickson and Applications will be received im mediately after publication of this notice which is being given both newspapers of Baldwin county. Verbal or telephone applications will not be considered. After these are -apportioned no more spaces will be available at the 1928 Fair. (Signed) C. B. McCULLAR, Secretary, Middle Georgia Fair Assocation. Petition to foreclose mortgage on realty, rule nisi, etc. Baldwin Superior Court, January Term. 1928. The plaintiff. The Milledgeville Banking Company, having filed its petition, to foreclose a mortgage on realty on certain lands in Baldwin County, Georgia, agaist George T. Bailey, in this Court, returnable to this Term of the Court, and it being made to appear that George T. Bailey is not a resident of said county of Baldwin, and also that he does not rewdc within the State, and an order hvaing been made for service of the rule nisi in said case, on him, the said George T. Bailey, by publication this, therefore is to notify you, George T. Bailey, to be and appear the next term of the Superior Court of Baldwin county, Georgia, to be held on the 2nd, Monday in Julyi 1928, then and there ;o answer said complaint and in default thereof, the court will proceed as to justice shall j appertain. Witness the Honorable Janies B. Park, Judge of said court, this 16th day of January 1928. J .C. COOPER, Clerk Superior Cour: Baldwin County, Georgia MRS. HENDRICKSON HEADS FAIR DEPARTMENT Mrs. F. W. Hendrickson, wife of Vice-president F. W. Hendrickson of the Middle Georgia Fair Association here wan unanimously elected‘Super intendent of the Womwn'r. Depart ment of the Middle Georgia Fair As sociation for the 1928 Fair at the meeting of the Directors held at the Court House Tuesday night. Mrs. Hendrickson was empowered to take entire charge of the Women’s Department for the 1928 Fair and appoint such committees and ants as may desire. Mrs **11'* drekson is well fitted to supenT this important departr^nt of th* f . as she has taken Elective p sr » the work of the Women** Departm & each year tfnee the iify was or**®? ed. Mrs. Hendrickson will sta^ mediately to organize" the Wom ar * Department for the 1928 exhibi-* Royal Scarlet Coffe® diapUc md ia a* food as aay. CHANDLER BROS. Potash for Tobacco a from Sulphate of Pota buy from foreign Man ake pleasure in allowing yoi J. H. ENNIS Feed our rough bay. water. Plei vine hay at CHANDLER BROS c ®w and horae plenty of Young graaa 90 per cent ly of cut grata and pea Garden seed at F. W. Headrickac -better vegetables Much Depends Upon A Wife’s Good Judgement Daily more thaa two millian American wives comecome to the AtP. They show been bay- ii( judgement! They kaow tbit they save on every pnehue, ood ot the some time ob tain the eery highest quality! We hove wonderful specials for the week-end oo items net li»ted ia this ad. Visit n Friday ofteraooa and Saturday so that you may take advantage of on toper values! SWIFTS JEWEL LARD ...» $1.24 BACON SUNNY of 1,0 SUCE0 Sc TOMATOES fKTJ 13c SOAP KIR p A S K ^ 0C0A (HARDWATER) 7e “’"“““SPAGEnTs.mncc 24c WASHING POWDER’™ "Tries 11c PAMIW ALL regular five cent candy and chew. vnliUI ING GUM 3 for 10c; 2 for 7c or 4c each. *" GRAPE JUICE ra ois 23c 43c LETTUCE FANCV HARD HEAD 10c NECTAR ORANGE PEKOE 15c MILK tall an lOel “ r r"rT5c - FLOUR - IONA PLAtN OR SELF-RISING $1.(17 I 0 n PLAIN OR SELF-RISING AttT 24 LB. BAG $1.33 PINEAPPLE BROKEN SLICED OP NO. 2 1-2 CAN£<jC 8-O’CLOCK PURE SANTOS COFFEE lb35c IT WON THE GOLD MEDAL OF THE "SESQUI.” A Sir/ft A Company product SOLD BY R. W. HATCHER HDW. CO. Wholesale and Retail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: The ORIGINAL GENUINE MONT- EVALLO COAL i. mined by the MONTEVALLO COAL MINING CO., and told exclusively by FOWLER- FLEMISTER COAL CO. Business & Improves Combine your grocery ood meat business by trsding with os all orders appreciated aid prompt deliveries assured. If on Every hoys do not “Bol the loch” with your goods, wc w3 $ Special atteuetiou given -your childreo or cooks wheu they cal ot our store. WILL CHANDLER Spring Hats*to JSuit Every hr j Young Man’s Fancy" <j We are featuring some very attractive styles in Men's Straw Hats, suitable for the man eighteen years old as well as the man eighty years young. Real nobby styles in greys, browns and natural. These hats are tastelul, distinctive and durable. A large enough variety of styles so that you are able to pick exactly the hat you want. You II know when you step from this store that you are wear ing not merely a new hat. but the hat that you have been looking for. $2 to $7.50 JOHN HOLLOWAY Men’s and Boy’s Clothing Ice Notice! We have untaled oo all Ice Wagon Bell to aauence the arrival of the truck intend of the driver cafliig “ICE,” la the future you will Extern for the “lee Bril” to get yon ice. PHONE 485 ATLANTIC IGE AND COLL CO. ixxxnxxxiiiimTTTiixTii: ft—Ml mun—iiiT*g-ft Piano Tuning ftden far Kobo Taaiag left at the Ivey Hone wil he givee prompt attention aud appreciated. REFERENCE C. S. C. W. J. L. HITCHCOCK — 1 ——I rwilMguaiiteik^WIFlW ^ • TXXXXIXTITXXXXXTXXXIII'