Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 19, 1928, Image 5

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1 V UNION RECORDER, k 1LLEDCEVILLE, CA„ APRIL It, ISZS 'Perv **» («.r H- i. 3c I 3c Ic ic □D M M 11==—— Mr. and Mrs. Asa R. Phillips visit Atlanta the past week. Mr. D. M. Rollers spent Monday ir Savannah. Mr. Frank Shealey is spending sev eral days this wee ^ > n Atlanta. Min. E. A. Nesmith left today foi visit to her sister, in Bnrr.eswoll, S. Mrs. Julia Wes*, left today for Sparta, where she will spent several weeks with relatives. Mni. Chas Lindsey, of Columbus, has returned home, after a visit to her sister, Mrs. Benj. Bass. Miss Sarah Allen spent the past week-end in Atlanta as the guest of her sister, Miss Jessie Allen. Mr. W. E. Robinson was called to Roschell Tuesday on account of the illness of his mother. Miss Alice Butler <>f Macon, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simmerson. Mrs. P. A. Gibson, of Richmond, Va., is visiting her brother, Mr. M. L. Curry. Mrs. A. H. Paschal is visiting her -laughter, Mrs. I. R. Waller in At- Mrs. Everett Flournoy, of Macon is -pending this week with her par ents, Rev. and Mrs. H. D. Wnrnock. Mrs. Geo. Toole and little daugh ter. and Miss Cora EuLa Gumm of F-»rt Valley, spent the week-end in the city visiting friends. Mr and Mrs. Horner Bivins and Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Banks were visitors to the Magnolia Gardens the past week-end. Mrs. Farish Talley and little son have gone to Minneapolis to jon Mr. Talley, after a visit to Mrs. Talley’s mother, Mrs. Jos. E. Humphrey. Mr. Harry Wheeler arrived in the city Saturday from Toledo, to spent some time with the family of his mother, Mrs. Geo. S. Middlekauff. Prof. II. E. Scott spent, two or three days of the past week in At lanta, attending the State Education Association meeting. Mr. I*. N. Bivins County School Superintendent, attended the meet- >»ir of the State Education Associa tion in Atlanta Friday and Saturday. Hr. E. T. Holmes attended the meeting of the Georgia Educational Association in Atlanta last Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Hardie of Ha in bridge, spent several days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Simmernon. Mr. E. I). Taylor has returned from New York, where he was called by the lilncss and death of his broth- * r - He has received many words of sympathy since his return. bee Jordan Dennis, of Eatonton, is visiting his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. n. Jordan, while his mother *!rs. Frank Dennis, is in Washington, D. C. Mr.-., G. C. McKinley left Monday f° r a visit to relatives in r#.*ming- arn ; ‘ s 'he will go from there to St. bom's. Mo., to visit her son, Mr. Lee McKinley. Mrs. Tuttle, Miss Clara Morris and Miss Annie Harper attended the "ession of the Georgia Educational Association in Atlanta the pasfc week end. Mr. Emmett Womack Hines stop- I'^'l in Milledgeville Tuesday enroute r "m New York to his home in Tampa and .spent several hours with his Parents Judge and Mrs. E. R. Hines. Prof. W. T. Wynne, Miss Mary rooks and Miss Guwie Tabb were among those who attended the meet- of the Georgia Education Associ- a-ion in Atlanta the past week. Mrs. a. Simpson, Mist* Mary Simp- «on, Mrs. Lucy P .Walker ah^Hn. Margaret Cook spent the week-end in Charleston, visiting the Magnolia '■irdcns. Mr. Will Crumblcy drove the car f or them. Hon. John Lewis, of Sparta was in' c ity today.. He is a candidate to represent Hancock county in the "VI* "° Uae of the next legislature. Moore, of Culverton, city 0 SCVeral hour « of today in the Mr. C. N. Chandler m - de a business trip to Atlanta Wed- .day. Lieut. L. V. Na. spent Saturday | in Macon. Mrs. T. H. Rentz and little daugh ter spent the week-end in Macon. Mi* Cassie Simpson spent several days of the past week in Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis Turner spent several days of the past week in At lanta. Mrs. S. J. Slcmbridge has return ed from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Hopkins, in Atlanta. Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Harding and Muw Bessie Bland -pent Wednesday Mrs. Eula Stanley is spending sev eral days of this week in Atlanta se lecting the latest in spring and sum mer hntt*. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chandler and Mrs. J. M. Simmons left today for St. Augustine, Fla., where they will spent several weeks. Mrs. J. C. Haynie, of Manchester, is visiting the family of Mrs. A. B. Scott. Mrs. Huynie • before her marriage was Miss Ethelyn Gillespie. Mrs. W. A. Massey, Mrs. S. D. Stcmbridge, Mrs. Albert, Mrs. Phillins and Miss Louise Albert spent Tue.*- duy in Macon. Mrs. Lorane Batson, who under went an operation for appendicitis at the City Hospital last week, is re gaining her health end strength. Mr. J. T. McMullen, who has been kept from his duties at the postoffico by illness, is convalescing, and hope* to be at his port again at an early daet. The many friends of Judge W. H. Stembridge will be glad to know that he is rapidly regaining his rtrength and expects to return to his office Monday. Mr. Roy Mayfield, of Hat Cuba, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mayfield. He holds a sponible position in Havana, and meeting with success in his adopted home. Hiy friends gave him a warm welcome. Mrs. E. L. Barnes, Jr., wi hostess to the members of the Hill Sewng Club” Wednesday afternoon. Several hours were spent most pleas antly in a social way. Delicious r< froshments were served by the ho; tess. Mr. nad Mrs. B. G. Glass and chil dren spent the past week-end in At lanta visiting relatives. Mr. Glass and two daughters returned home thin week, Mrs. Glass und their lit tle son remaining for several days. Mr. Miller S. Bell, Supreme Repre sentative of the Grand Lodge of the Knights of Pythias of Georgia, at tended the Third District Convention of the Knights of Pythias in Macon Wednesday. Judge E. R. Hines, Judge Geo. Carpenter and Mr. R. H. Wootten are spending several ds of this week at the pond of the Black Creek Fishing Club in the Southern part of the county. Mm E. R. Gholston, Mr. Edward Gholston and Mr. Zack Barrington have returned from Fla. They visitors of Mrs. J. E. Barrington, a sister of Mrs. Gholston, who lives at Mulberry. They also visited Lake land, Tampa and St. Petersburg. Mr. J. N. Hawkins, of Eatonton, spent several hours of Tuesday the city. He said that he intended to spend the 23rd day of May in Mil* ledgeville as that day was the fiftieth anniversary of his birth, and he wish ed to be in the city where he was born to commence another half in the century mark. Mr. Fred Vaughan, of Augusta, spent several hours of Tuesday in the city. Mr. Vaughan, who holds a re sponsible position on the Augusta Chronicle, learned the printer’s trade in the Union Recorder office when he was a boy, and has followed it since. He started by learning to stick type, but he has become an ex pert linotype operator. Mrs; Lelila Thames, and daughter Miss Ruth Thames spent the week end with Judge and Mrs. W. H. Stembridge. SERVICE STAR LEGION Woodrow Wilson Service Star Legion \^ill meet with Mrs. Chas. L. ■More Thesday'afterooon April 24th, 4 o’clock. This is an important meeting and all members are urged to be present _J| kind* of loco* Florida vogoUMao *ad itrawborrio* for Fri day aad Saturday at CHANDLER BROS. HISS ROBINSON WEDS MR. Me- elrath at lovely church WEDDING WEDNESDAY EVENING The >pring time loveliness of lillies und fragant flowers, the im pressive beauty of the service and the wide popularity of the voung couple, combined to make the wedding of Miss Josephine Robinson to Mr. Rob- i ert James McElrath an event of un-1 usual lovline*8 and brilliancy. The marriage was solemized on Wednesday evening ut eight o’clock at the First Methodist church, and the ceremony was performed by Rev. John F. Yarbrough in the presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends. The beautiful church was grace fully decorated throughout with large southern pines, SmiLax, and Fragrant Easter lillicg gracefully arranged in large floor bnskest at intervals in the altar. The choir loft was banked with pines as a background and vases of spireu and Easter lilies were plac ed at intervuls on the choir rail. Diginified floor baskets of Harter lillies and Cathedral Candelabras holding unshaded white tapers which were showered with dainty bunrhes of Easter lillies added to the exquisite ness of the decorations. Bunches of Easter lilies were also placed around the chancel rail. The place where the bride and groom stood was marked by a large floor basket of Easter lillies. Proceeding the ceremony Mrs. M. j H. Bland rendered a delightful organ I recitul. Prior to the entrance of the I bridal party Mrs. Edgar Long j n her | sweet soprano voice sang “Oh j Promise Me." A lovely program of | nuptual music was played during the | taking of the vowa I The first to enter were the ushers, coming down either isle of the church were Messrs John and Hugh Mc- hlrnth brothers of the groom, they were followed by Messrs Ed Bell and Heindcl Mobley and Mesers Tom Simpson and Robert Reynolds. The bride's maids entered in pairs, coming down different aisles and taking their places in the chancel rail. Miss Margaret and Emma Mc Elrath entered first, and were fol lowed by Mrs. Everett Flournoy and Miss Martha Bass. Miss Elizabeth Grant, the mnid of honor entered alone. Immediately preceeding the bride was little Miss Agne^ Gibson who carried the showered Prayer Book, of white satin. The bride’s maids carried old fash ioned bouquets of pweet heart roses and sweet peas. Miss Grant's shower bouquet was of Opehelia roses. Miss Robinson was n picture of loveliness as she entered on the arm of her brother, Mr. Sdward Robinson who gave her in marriage, and her brunette beauty wap enhanced by her lovely wedding gown of lustrous white satin, fashioned with tight waist line extending to the hips and having the graceful full skirt with a four inch heavily headed edg?. The dress wns heavily beaded in tubular silver beadst with seeded pearls. Her veil w.as of real lace with a cap of rose point lace held to her hair by a bandeau of orange blossoms. Her only ornament warn a diamond pend ant that was given her by her mother. She carried a sheaf of Cala lillies. The groom and his best man, Mr. Joe McElrath, met the bride at the altar where the impresive ring cere mony was performed. Immediately after the ceremony, the bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Robinson, entertained at a delight ful rcceiption at their home on Jefferson Street. The guest were met at the door by . Mrs. Frank Bone and shown into the * living room where the receiving line J stood. Large baskets of Easter lillies and vases of spirca formed the decorations. Standing in the line were the bridal party, Mr. end Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. McElrath. Mrs. .E C. Kidd and Mrs. Harold Day invited the guests into the dining room where they were served cake and frozen cream, moulded in the shape of a diamond ring. Serving in the dining room were Misses Sara Allen, Frances Hines, Bessie Bland, Mae Asbury, Millie Napier, Otelia Flemister, Louise Jeancs and Mi« Mary Everett Fenn. Assisting in the serving were Mesdames Frank Fiijney, J. E. Kidd, E. E. Bass, and E. Dean. In the dining room were large •baskets of Easter lillies and vases of spirea. In the center of the be- beautlful a pointed table was the exqurite three tier wedding cake, a mi nature bride and groom, standng under a wedding bell graced the top i of the cake. White robbon streamers holding dainty silver wedding bells •re hanging from the chandelier. Mrs. T. S. Jeancs and Mrs.‘J. F. Bell, Jr., invited the guest up stairs where the wedding gifts were on dis play. Mrs. Heindel Mobley presided at the bride’s book. Iausediatcly after the reception , j Mr. and Mrs. McElrath left far an to Cuba. Upon their return they will make their honu* with Mr. and Mm W. E. Robinson. The bride j traveled in a smart costume of dark , blue Elizabeth crepe, over which she I wore a Coat of middle blue with a i butter mole collur, and completing her ensemble was a close lining blue hat. Her accessories were in blend ing shades.' Among the many handsome (rifts was a beautiful chest of silver pre sented them by the member** of the groom’s fnmily. The gifts made a large and beautiful collection. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Robinson. She is a graduate of the Georgia State College for Women, and is a young lady or rare heuuty and personal Mr. McElrath is head of the Cen tral of Georgia Lumber Company and has made his home here a few years coming to Milledgeville from Macon. He is a veteran of the late war. The out-of-town guests attending the wedding were: Mrs. H. H. Mc Elrath, Mr. and Mm John McElrath, Messrs Lucius and Bill McElrath, Miss Jum Armstrong and Mr. nnd Mrs. Smith of Macon; Mrs. W. S. Shelfer and Mrs. A. R. McDaniel of Atlunta, Mrs. Juliu und Miss Eliza beth Moate, of Macon; Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Moate, Mrs. Ola Boss, Miss Ora Bass, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cole man and family nnd Mr. C. W. Cole man of Devereaux, and Mr. Everett Flournoy of Macon. Th. ORIGINAL GENUINE MONT- EVALLO COAL, mined by Ike MONTEVALLO COAL MINING CO., IS sold exclusively by FOWLER FLEMISTER COAL CO. Spue ini prices for April, May Jnmm delivery. “Perfection of AppointHieRt- A Social Necessity” Ladicc' Hair Cutting Our desire to please, over- shudows the monetary considera tion in dealing with our clients. Should any hot oil treatment, facial, permanent wave—in fact any service we render, prove un satisfactory for any reason, we guarantee satisfactory restitution. We are not given to boasting of our experiancc—in fact, much prefer the "boosting” of satisfied coustomem That is the true test of any public service. When next you have a shampoo, haircut or facial, let us prove our worth. MIRAUNE BEAUTY SHOPPE Next to Western Union Phone 27 The ORIGINAL GENUINE MONT EVALLO COAL i. ^sd by Iho MONTEVALLO COAL MINING CO., nnd sold exclusively by FOWLER- FLEMISTER COAL CO. Hog Tonic, begin while it is time to keep your hogs m prime shape during the trying month ahead. See CHANDLER BROS. Turnip seed at F. W. Hendrickson’s. Flour Has Steadily Advanced Fo, the put aix week,, indication point, to * fmthsr adraace fer the next month. We hue sereral con is dock sad hooked for shipment next month. We on seling Bine Seal, Beaoty aad Quick Oreo at 50c la $1.00 per barrel lem than the nuTs price. Now b a (tad time to hay. HOME RAISED STRAWBERRIES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL SATURDAY Morning Glory Haas 8 to 10 h 25c Good White Meat 5 to 10 h. piece, 11 l-2c CaaSflower, Spinel), Toma toe,. Beau, TmoipuhO, Lettace, Celery, New Irish PoUtoei, E|( Plante, Spriag Oaisu aad Cabbage. BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY —SERVICE —PRICE 203—PHONES—498 EUGENE Permanent Waving Why let people experiment, when yaa bare expert operator, in town from 8 to 10 year, experience. We SpeciaKie in Scalp Treatment! and Faciab. We gaaraatee to remoae Freckle, and Blackhead,. If your lad permanent wave it ant aacceaifal ace u. AB work guaranteed. Hair catting done by expert. $12.50 aad $15.00 Eagene Ware Special far April $8.50 aad $10.00. Oar ware, aet free. Blasingaines Beauty Parlor In Miss Lent Moor's Hat Shop. Pbons 2*5-J "SUDDEN SERVICE' Phone 373 Blain Shoe Plant and Pressing Club Wedding Bells Will Soon Be Ringing A piece of ail»er make, tlw mod appropriate wedding gift yaa caasdect for the bride. Not aloae becaase direr b pleadsg to look at bat became it b laitiag. Beaatifal direr b always the mock dedred gift of the bride. We shall be glad to help yoo select the awd appropriate dung for the occasion. WILLIAMS & RITCHIE JEWELERS MiLLEDGEVILU, GA. EXXIXXXXZXXXXZXXXXZXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXZXXXXXI NEW MILLINERY ARRIVALS Hats For Every Occasion URGE OR SMALL. THE HAT FOR YOU Yaa thoaght they were wearing them Urge—with wide brims. Sa they are. Bat they’re wearing them amid, tsa. Fashion, yoa are, b broadminded. Aad wise. Each wsmaa to her own bat. Aad sa wa're daxeu of styles. Each a thing of beanty. Each aa achiereflacat ia low pricing. $5.00 $7.45 Miss Leni Moore $10.00 Hat Shoppe *> ‘-"'T