Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 19, 1928, Image 9

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UWIOH MCORPER. MLLEDCEVILLE. C* AHUL It, ISIS CONTROL OF POWER SOURCES. FRANK B. WILLIS. „. AR AGAINST rats. "merican flying. Canada’s Government encourages 1)f tf |ectrie power, particularly on . rms a nd in small communities, fitter power is developed fully to literate the current, and all are as* ai.ted in its installation. farmers are taught to grind feed *j;h it, pump water and do their other work. And, by the way, United States farmers are urgently invited by the Canadian government to settle in Canada. Our attention here is concentrated nr. a different problem. We want to make sure that the right people get aossession of our power sources, the ■ight people being those that control tower and peddle it to the people. \s to farmers and others that buy jnd use power, our Government has not found time to think about them. prophecy is usually dangerous, par ticularly dangerous for farmers when government prophecies rfo wrong The Government forecast on potatoes last Fall predicted a crop greater than the real one. Many farmers sold in a hurry at low prices, some were nut marketed, many fed to stock. Then the shortage was seen, price went up, a few wise people made the money, NOT the farmers. The sudden death of Senator Willis, in his battle for Ohio’s Presi dential delegates, cnd*d tragically one phase of the 1928 campaign. Senator Willis would have pre ferred to die fighting. Those that know Secretary Hoover know that Senator Willis’ death will cause him sincere grief. A powerful man, never sparing himself. Senator Willis forgot that there are limit* to the heart’s endur ance. A tired heart often succumbs constant strain. The dead man’s widow attributed the Senator’s attack to the fumes of smoky flares that he had been inhal ing constnatly, in the course of a political parade. A weak heart, fighting against poisoned air, is in danger. The Lcugue of Nations proposes international war against rats, their complete extermination. Such a war, made to include mos quitoes and flies, would be the best »'ar in history. It would save every year in lives and money as much as the big war cost in any year. rats, no more bubonic plague. mosquitoes, no more yel- lolw fever or malaria. No more tae-tse flies, no more sleeping sickness. ire house fliea, no more filth dragged over food of young chil dren. It would be interfering with Nature’s plans, perhaps. Darwin Bays a pair of tropical flies and their maggot offspring can dispose of a lion’y carcass in a few hours. Kill all the lions and the flies would not be needed to dispose the carrion. George Haldeman and Eddie Stin son, Americans, broke the world's endurance record in the air, flying without stopping fifty-three and one- half hours. The French Government offers a million francs to any French flier that will win back come flying ords formerly held by French fliers. A little encouragement from our Government would make it imposible for any nation to compete with American flying. The first flying machine was made here. Lindbergh was born here. We have the money and engineers. This ought to be the flying nation This comes from Italy: “Major de Bernard! has established a r world’s air record, 318 3-4 miles hour.” Will solemn naval gentlemen that call flying machines “only an auxili ary” be good enough to tell what chance slow-moving ships on face would have against a flock of airplanes with that -vjieed? On the great mountain called Nashan, in Manchuria, far up where air is pure and clear, Japan, monument to the new Emperor, will build the greatest astronomical ob servatory in Asia. That observatory, with a sixty-inch reflector and thirty-inch refracting telescope, will be a much nobler monument than any rearing horse of bronze. Caa supply you all tho Fertiliser you need for thirty days yet. fabulous prices, but reasonable. J. H. ENNIS Don't Neglect Your Kidneys! You Can’t Bo W#U When Kidneys Act Sluggishly. TNO you find yourself running down —always tired, nervous and de pressed? Are you stilf and achv, sub ject to nagging backache. drow;r> beadacS-es and dizzy spells? Are kid ney excretions scanty, too frequent or burning in pausre? Too often this indicates sluggish kidneys and Wouldn’t be neglected. Dean's Pills, a stimulant diuretic; increase the secretion of tbs kidneys and thus aid in the elimination of idea. Doans arc endorsed n IT COSTS LESS TRAVEL BY TRAM P. T. A. Column “Do not froget that the child needs beauty as well as utility in his education. He will starve for beauty his body starves for food." Did you know that l’ re dollars will buy the wool in your $50. suit of clothes. The raw rowhide in your $15. shoes cost less than one dollar. pound of cotton at 20 cents a pound is made into the beautiful dress that you bought at $20. a pound. Does education pay? The P. T. A. are planning a cake •le for April 20th. The cakes at their sale in March were said to be tihe best ever. Come out and get your cake for Sunday dinner. The P. T. A. has put in some hard work for G. M. C. in *he past few years, and now they are making a tremendous effort to finish the Auditorium of the Grade Building. This Auditorium is surely needed. There has been no place in the last two years for the children to as semble for services of any kind. Through the kindnesg of Mr. Jon Hutchinson work has commenced on the flooring, and the P. T. A. hope to continue the work until the Audi torium is completed. There are 350 Baldwin county children in the grade building. How few of the parents know any thing about or have visited this building. We invite all to visit the building some time in the near future and see what has been done for your child, All of the interests of the P. T. A. are centered around tha children of Milledgevillc. How many parents know the men and women who come in daily con tact with their children, so you can work together for their advancement? No P. T. A. can be made a suc cess when parents sit at home criti cising the present day schools, and contrasting their own youth, with the imperfections of the present day. day. v v»*° ySksAAh greatest value btj this Nation wide Verdict la all Cylinder hiatory there has never been such apectacular acccptanceof any cartsthatwhich everywhere greets the new Essex Su per-six. It is outselling all other “Sixes”, and its own previous records, by such outstanding Coach J 735 - Sedan (4-Doot> *795 AU prices f.o.b. Detroit, plus war excise tax margins as to leave no doubt of its leadership. Such success can only reflect an accurate and unmistakable pub lic appreciation that Essex is the World’s Greatest Value —Alto gether or Part by Part. Coupe *745 (Rtaitk&uMSaan) ESSEX SafierSix- T. H. ENNIS, Dealer MILLEDGEVILLE. GEORGIA EXTRA SPECIAL SUE OF LADIES' Sill ORESSES AU THIS WEEK—NEW MODELS, ALL PASTEL SHADES [XXXXXITXXXXXXXZfll