Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 10, 1928, Image 7

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UNION KECOKDEK, MILLEDGEVILLE, CA., MAY 10, 10X0 ^ial 1!= jlrs. Miller S. Bel! is visiting friends in Savannah. jlr. Robert McElrath spent Sun- Jay in Mucan visiting his mother. Mr. J. E. Watkins of Wadley, spent Jjrt week with Mr. G. A. Watkins. 3Irs. W. P. Williamson is visiting j, er daughter in Augusta. Mi:« Annie Lou Maxwell of Elber- ton-is the guest this week of Mr. ,-d Mrs. Edgar Long. Mrs. H. H. Fullingham, of Swains- Loro, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Miss Lyndell Nelson, who teaches in Atlanta, came home and spent the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Swint are at tending u meeting of the State Medical Association in Savannah. Mrs. Elam F. Dempsey, of Oxford, is visiting Mrs. C. L. Morris and Miss Clara Morris. Mrs C. L. Morris has been in At lanta the past several days visiting her daughter, Mrs. S. J. DeWitt. Mr. J. C. Grant spent Sunday in Macon visiting his daughter, Mrs. Mark Few. Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Allen are in Suvannah attending a meeting of the Medcial Association of Georgia. Mrs. Leon Callaway left today for a visit in North Carolina, spending several weeks visiting relatives in M>veral cities. Cadet Duane Wilson was called to his home in Willington, N. Y., due to the death of his mother. He has the deepest sympathy of his friends Mr. W. A. Cook and Farm Agent E. A. Nesmith spent Friday in Athens where they attended a demnostration of the cultivation of forage. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Watkins, and daughter Helen, spent Thursday in Wadley, the guests of Mrs. G. A. Kendon. LEGION AUX1LLIARY TO HAVE SILVER TEA The American Legion Auxiliary will officially open the nfcw club rooms of the legion w ! th a silver tea next Tuesday evening from 8 to 10. The public si cordially invited. MRS. W. A. WALKER . ENTERTAINS U. D. C. An interesting' meeting of the Robert E. Lee chapter of U. D. C.’s wa held with'Mrs. W. A. Walker on Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. W. H. Bland the president, presiding. After the minutes of April meet ing were rend and the treasurers re port given, Mrs. Bland said she wanted to thank especially the Sons FOXD MONTGOMERY PLEASES URGE AUMENCE IN RECITAL Program Tuesday Afternoon Hsnrdr Wilh Great Approval By Large (By DR. ALICE HUNTER) The success of a son should be a matter of pride to a community. ilrs. ||. D. Allen and Mrs. C. L. ore are attending the State con- ition of the Service Star Legion Atlanta this week. Mr ‘his Robert McAfee and little son Mrs. McAfee’s parents, Mr. Irs. D. F. Montgomery, this ». R. C. Shre e, and daughter, lacon, visited Mrs. Sheve's Is, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ganado eck. Messrs R. H. Wootten and J. Ivey and Major Godfrey Osterman returned Saturday from a trip the Shriners to Miami, Fla., and Cuba. They enjoyed their trip. Mrs. W. T. Hines and Miss Frances Hines arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. t'ampbell King, in Silver, N. C. They were accompanied to Silver by Mr. Hines who returned to Milledgeville Tuesday. Hon. H. F. Lawson, a prominent attorney of Hawkinsville, and Secre tary of the Gcrogin Bar Association, spent several hours of Saturday in • he city as .he guest of Col. Jos. E. Pottle. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jett, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Jones* Miss Leona Frederickson, Miss Isabelle Jones, Mr. Joe Andrew's, Dr. Dobin, Dr. J. W. Mobley and Dr. Fowler comprised a party visiting Warm Springs Sun day. Dr. Elam F. Dempsey came to the city to be present at the Missionary Conference. He spent several hours of Wednesday, shaking hands with his tnany friends, won to him during the four years he served as .pastor of the Milledgeville Methodist church. Prof, and Mrs. A. O. Thaxton and family spent Sunday near Dublin where they attended a family reunion A large number were present and a bountiful dinner was spread. Prof. Thaxton and his family were prevent-, cd from returning home until Mon-j FOR RENT—Two eonuoctin day on account of-a down pour of stairs rooms, all couviuoucss. twin, which fell Sunday afternoon. 128-J. MISS FRANCES HINES HOSTESS ON SATURDAY AFTERNOON Miss Frances Hines entertained a number of her friends at bridge on last Saturday afternoon at the home of her parents. Spring flowers formed attractive decorations used throughout the home. A delicious salad course was served at the conclusion of the games). MESDAMES REEVES AND INGRAM JOINT HOSTESSES One of the most delightful parties of the spring season was that of Mesdames W. II. Reeves and J. C. Ingram who were joint hostesses on last Saturday afternoon at bridge at the home of Mrs. Reeves. Gay spring flowers, were at tractively used throughout the home forming a beautiful color scheme in the exquisite Reeves home. Delicious refreshments were served after the games. making Memorial Day the success ns. Mrs. W. S. Brooks read and told some very interesting facts about Andersonville. A jeport of the nominating committee was then given. This committee was composed of Mrs. L. M. Jones,’ Mrs. J. L. Sibley and Mrs. J. L. Beeson. The nominees unanimously eleq.ed: For Presi dent—Mrs, R. B. Moore, Vice-presi dent—Mrs. W. A. Massey, Recording Secretary—Mrs. Jesse Bone, Treasur- •Mrs. P. N. Bivins, Registrar— Mrs. Charlie Moore, Historian—Mrs. S. A. Cook. Mrs. Walker, assisted by Miss Laurie Shurley, and Mrs. N. L. Coates •d delightful refreshments. MRS. L. H. ANDREWS ENTERTAINS HILL CLUB Mrs. L. H. Andrews is hostess this .afternoon to the member* of the Hill Club and a few outside gue°t3 her home on the Hill. Vases of roses, and other spring flowers were attractively arranged in the rooms where the games played. Bridge was enjoyed before delicious refreshments were served. .. MISS TANNER ENTERTAINS AT PICNIC Mis* Alma Tanner gave a delight ful picnic to a number of her class mates and friends Saturday, May 5th, on the Sand bar at Fishing Creek. The party left about ’clock with a huge basket of good things to eat. The weather was lovely and all hnd a magnificent time, returning home at the end of a perfect day. Those present were: Misses Alma Tanner, Florence and Erma Stanley, Willie Mae Collins, Frances, Jewell and Rubye Posey und Lethu Miller COMPANY A SPONSORS ENTER TAIN OFFICERS OF COMPANY The sponsors of Company A enter tained on Inst Saturday even in •r of the members of the pany at the home of Miss Otclin Flemister on Jefferson Street. The beautiful flower garden in tin rear of the home and tennis court’ were the scene of the delightful entertainment. The company colors, white and gold were used in the deco rations. The »po isors include Misses Cath erine and Carroll Butts, Mary and Coressa Eberhiurt. Rightoi. Brow Otelia Flemister and Mrs. Heindel Mobley, Chaperone. if Veterans, G. M. C. band, the G. I F . ord McCree Montgomery is a Geor- S. C. W. Glee Club, the chairmen»* ia P roducl ' Hi * "uccess is and will of the commttces, and Mrs. Terrance I a Georgir. success. Mr. Mont- Treanor for their splendid assignee'*° mery ®PP e *™* Tuesday afternoon at the G. S. C. W. auditorium in a recital which was a part of the local national music week celebration. He is the pupil of Miss Fannie Virginia McClure, whq is sincerely to be con gratulated upon the musicianly train ing she has given her protege. The performance of this youth ful musician Tuesday afternoon was most commendable. It is rare that i—and he a young man—com bines in his repertory both the zephyr-soft touch of the one extreme and the virtuoso vigor of the master ho dares to strike the keyboard hard. Mr. Montgomery, by the way, knew that keyboard perfectly. Some judge the performer by his fn work. Then, says this critic, this youth of Milledgeville carried off the honors. Sonic judge the musi- by his affects upon the audience American youth is reported to be particularly cold-hearted and un mannerly i;» the concert hall but Mr. tgonu-ry had his audience in his power. Their attention was proof of his magic. Churles Conn's intersting bass- baritone voice was delightful in the Georgia State College auditorium. His three selection* were manifestly approved by the audience. The critic liked best "he King of the Forest but the audience seemed to prefer the sentiment of the third selection. Miss Maggie Jenkins, as always, was a most satisfying accompanist. In hi* second appearance Mr. Montgomery provided his hearcra with evidence of the wide range of his abilities. His tcachnique all cases excellent. The arias in the McDowell numbers were lovely. At the conclusion the musician granted several fine encores. The program was as follows: I. Bach Solfeggietto Bach Prelude XXI—B flat Major Mozart Fantasia Adagio Allegro Piu Allegro Clarke A Bowl of Roses Parker—The King of the Fores*. Burleigh—Little Mother O’Minc Mr. Conn (Miss Maggie Jenkins accompnning) III. Chopin—Vnlse Opus G4, No. 2 Chopin—Waltz Opus 64, No. 1 Schubert-Ruhenstein—Menueto- . to b Minor. McDowell—To a Wild Rose— McDowell—The Eagle — Opus 32. A SPLENDID PLAY The well known play "Adam and ra” was presented in a most pleas ing manner by the G. M. C. dramatic club o nFriduy night, Muy 4th, in the G. M. C. Auditorium. The play deals with the life of a rich man and his money-spoiled daughters, u par asite son-in-law, and his other daugh- ter’s fortune-hunting suitors. Miss Carroll Butts in the leading role of Eva and John Newman whe played opposite her as Adam handl ed their parts in a commendable way, while the support they received froi an exceptionally well balanced cai showed carefull coaching. The comic element was furnished by. Leighton Moore as Lord Andrew Gordon, Scotchman, whum owe cfibld. hardly call tight wince he had nothing to be tight with. Guy Cantrell as Jam* King, the father, was well cast aswa his older daughter and said son-ii law portrayed by MW' Louise Sykes and Seaborn Lawrence, respectively. The remaining parts were handled by a well rounded^gust which tafludi-d Miss Mamie Nlrws)^ Carol Hicks Floyd Wynne and Duane Wilson, They were well received by the audience who showed appreciation of so spiended an offering. Mrs. T. A. Reese deserves praise for her capable direction. She was assisted by Har ris Rogers. MEDICAL AUXILIARY HAS INTERESTING MEETING A meeting of the Woman's Auxili ary Society was held at the home of Mrs. John W. Mobley Wednesday af ternoon, May 2nd. The officers of the Auxiliary met a little early to draw up a constitution. This was read and approved at the meeting, and adopted by the Auxiliary. A few business matters were disposed of, and then Mrs. W. A. Bostick read a very interesting article entitled ("An shrdlucmfwypcmfwyETASHM "an appeal to citizens to promote health laws.’’ Mrs. R. C. Swint fol lowed with a humcrous selection, "a lady’* first visiting day after being in the hospital four months." Teu was served and a social half hour enjoyed. Mrs. ). A. Little und Mrs. John W. Mobley were hostesses for the afternoon. MISS SARAH ALLEN CHOSEN TO COMPETE AS STATE SPONSOR Miw Sarah Allen has been nomi nated by Mrs. J. Howard Ennis to represent Milledgeville in th< state wide contest to select "Mis; Georgia” to represent this state n the Rhododenron Festivnl in Ashe ville, N. C.. on June 4th to »th. Mrs. Ennis was requested to sent in the name of the young lady t< represent Milledgeville and in choos ing Mfcts Allen, it has met with uni versal approval as she is one of Mil- ledgeville’s most popular young Representatives of the principal cities of the state will compete the honor of becoming Miss Geo "he young lady chosen will be guest of the Asheville Chambe Commerce and will be elaborately entertained. The winners will 1 announced by the Hoard of Judgi in the Atlanta Constitution on Jur 3rd. ) Specials on Grape Juice Quito, Peerleis, Armours, or Son Brim 4|* Fiats, Peerless, Armors, or Soo Beam .25* Holt Ports, Peerless, Armors, er Soo Bern 15* COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES HAMS—SATURDAY ONLY Whole Baked Hams Delicieos $2.95 Order early we stU ooi lost Saturday before 9 o’clock A. M. “WE BAKE 'EM” We are still tefing floor from 75* to $1.50 per hhl. less tkoo mill prices. It is a gaod time to hoy a sixty days tspply. Ooe sack to Carload. Oar variety sad quality of friota sad vegetables oosorpassed io Georgia. We fet them freak every day. Prices rifht. BELL GROCERY CO. QUALITY —SERVICE —PRICE 263—PHONES—498 PSYCHOLOGICAL CLASS OF EMORY VISIT SANITARIUM The clasj in Psychology of Emory University spent several. hour* of Monday at the Georgia State Sani tarium, and studied conditions at that institution. Several members of the staff of physicians delivered lectures before them, discussing various phases of insanity, and treat ment. The day was a very profitable one to the students, as they received lessons by direct observuniion, and hearing experts give their experience and results of practical treatment. FRESHMEN NURSES ENTERTAIN SENIORS LAST FRIDAY The members of the Freshman Class of the Georgia State Hospital Nursing School entertained mo*t de lightfully list Friday evening in hon or of the graduating class of the school at a moon light picnic. Prior to hte piem- supper was delightfully served, dancing, games and yells were enjoyed by members of both classes. Members of the naff and their wives chaperoned the party which was one of the most de lightful events ever given at the sanitarium. HAVE YOUR DEFFERENTIAL FLUSHED We have the Electric Machine that draini your transmission and def- ferential, fluihci with kerosine oil, and refills with freah new dope. This service we only charge for the dtpe L. N. JORDAN ICE CREAM CHURNS 2 Quart, 83.00* 3 Qua**, |3.50, 4 Quart 84.SO at CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN— One Jertey heifer marked swallow fork in left, smooth crop on right Probably has calf. Five dollars re ward for her or information as to her whereabouts. Wm. L. Harrison. .REVIVAL AT METHODIST CHURCH AT HARDWICK The revival which began Sunday morning, i< well under way. Consid ering the inclement weather con gregations have been good. Rev. Charlie Tillman, noted evange list preacher and singer, is in charge assisted by his daughter. Miss Eliza beth. Several muMcal instruments are in use and congregational sing ing a special feture. A large choru« choir from the community at large is being drilled. The public is cordu- ally nivited to participate in ull ser vices. Noon service at 12:30 P. M. and 7:30 P. M. Come once and you will come again. W. B. MILLS, Pastor. MISS FALLIE DANIELS COMPLI MENTED WITH PROM PARTY Miss Fallie Daniels was compli- mcrv.ed lat^t Wednesday evening with u delightful prom pnrtv by Mr. and Mra G. A. Couch at their home in Midway. Miss Daniels is a member of the Graduating class of nurses at the State Hospital. Members of the class and other invited guests enjoyed the hospi.ality of Mr. and Mra Couch. Delicious refreshments were served. Dress Better In FLORSHE1M SHOES ! ■re’s nothing liho FLORSHEM SHOES for droming your foot and hooping your shoo cost down. Thair fin# stylo is apparent —thoir long sorvico gratifying. 1 SHEM SHOES for good appeara* i always roly oa FLOR- JOHN HOLLOWAY Men’s and Boy’s Clothing USED CAR BARGAINS There is no gneu work obont it. We hare approved there con and they are right. They are priced clote, and are raid at terms to rail purchaser—yon enjoy the car while yoa pay far iL 1—1927 Chevrolet Coape A-l caaditiea. 1—1925 Chevrolet Sedan, gwd tin*. 1—1925 IWck Sport Roadrter, noble reat—New Ira, point m perfect condition, emu and look* good. 1—1926 Mailer Six Baick Sedan, tin* aad paint A-l caadrtiaa. Upholstery very clean, nan goad. 1— 1923 Baick Toaraiag ,ron» good. 2— 1925 Feed Touring,. 1—1925 Hadron Speedster, good tires aad paint aad runs good. Jeanes & Robinson CHRYSLER AUTOS “PERFECTION OF APPOINTMENT—A SOCIAL NECESSITY” Cnrnntnnd Pmrin mg? person m mysterious art, compli es. Ymt tko succrss of • ware Si not Formonont Waving is, to ths s cm tad by m confusion of trade ■ dam to tko msothod used, but depends en the skill ef the operator. A peer operator can take the most expensive machine and give a poor wars, of course we use a nationaiy advertised machiae aad method, but we prefer to talk about our results—thoy’re what eouut. If you are iatorostod in maebinss go elsewhoro. In in results soo tko Miraline Beauty Shoppe Next to Western Union Osose 27 m L.Ci.1- Hair Cattia*