Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, July 26, 1928, Image 1

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\ -m i rv»r Yt V'rtl Federal Union Established in 1823 \ 0L< ALV UI. southern Reeo.-der - 1819 MillcdgeviUe, Ga., July 26, 1928 Consolidated in 1872 Number 49 EXCAVATION FOR BEGUN S'SSS'pimc APPLICATIONS WATER PURE Psychiatric H«p<:al To Be Erected North of Female Convalescent Building. Doctors Cottages Moved Fjraviition work haw begun and i-fficit-nt changes are being made at t f. P state Sanitarium preparatory to Ee erection of the new Psychiatric H. -pital thut was included in the ; uilding program that has already be- irutt. the new building to be erected • the north side of the female con- . i.-^cent building, according to plans. A series of improvements have been in progress for several weeks preparatory to the erection of the building While the contract has not been let, it is understood, plans are i eing perfected for the building. The cottages that occupied the site selected for the hospital have been moved several hundred feet and a new road has been cut through con nected the avenue and the road lead ing to the center building. The new building will face the east and will be a handsome structure in keeping with the .architecture of the > her buildings at the state hospital. It will be one of the most complete :n the south and the cost is expected to exceed fifty thousand dollars. The duplicate water main from the pumping station to the sanitarium is practically complete. The pipe line having been laid pratcially the entire length of the distnace. The new water tank in the rear of the center building has been completed, increas ing the water rjpply several hun dred thousand gallons. The dupli cate lines eliminates danger of a shortage from a break in the present Work is being rapidly carried for ward on the new colored building in the southern section of the state property. The correction of the crowded condition in this department will greatly eriharre the woik cf the institution, officials stated. The building program when com pleted will give Georgia one of the finest state hospitals in the country, and will fill a much needed improve ment in the crowded conditions there. Will Have A Get-together Mec The Afternoon of Augu.t 2n< All Methodist end Families Are Invited To Dinner The members of the Milledgevillc Methodist church are planning for a get-together picnic and social meet ing. The picnic will be held on the G. S. C. W. campus Thursday ufter- noon, August 2nd. and it is expected that every Methodist in Milledgevillc will he present, and join in to make the gathering a great succet*. The time will be spent in getting acquainted, and learning to know ench other better. There will be no discussion of church affairs; no men tion will be made of finances, hut those who attend will mingle together in a social way, and spend the hours plcusantiy. * Later in the afternoon, a picnic dinner, which will be prepared by the ladies, will be served. It is expected that thi# will be one of the greatest get-together meetings the Methodist have held in a long time. The Union Recorder is requested to state that every member of the Methodist church, and their families are cordially invited to attend. FLOOD G.S.C.W SAYS MAYOR WRONG NEGRO ARRESTED FOR CONFDENCE GAME Brought Here From Atlanta, and Then Released. Guilty Party Still Free Last May a confidence game which commenced in Sparta and terminated in this rjty resulted in Minnie Ford, "f Sparta, being fleeced out of $1,- 011.00. The past week a negro by the nunie of Nat McWhorter was arrest ed in Atlanta charged with the crime. Deputy Sheriff J. T. Terry * en t to Atlanta, and brought him to the uty Saturday. The Ford womun came to the city from Sparta, and af ter seeing the negro was positive that he w<i S not the negro who had fleeced her out of her money, and that the right man wa* #till free. The officers then re]ea.xed the negro and he returned to Atlanta Saturday afternoon. QUARTERLY conference at OAK GROVE The Third Quarterly Conference '' the Midway Charge was held at * 1 ■ Grove church Sunday. Dr. Elm h Dempsey, Presiding Elder of the Oxford District, presiding. Dr. Dempsey preached at the morn- n^- services, and the Conference was '•’l»l in the afternoon. At the noon hour a bountiful din ner was spread, and was greatly en- fHOMINENT LAYMEN TO ASSIST IN UNION HILL MEETING :; LT<- J. A. Dorsey, of Griffin, will •' Rev. J. H. Farr in protracted 'ervices, which will commence at 010,1 Hill church in the South-west- ‘ rn I' :, rt of the county, the first Sun- August. T'l'lgf. Dorsey is a prominent and experienced layman of the Methodi* nd is an interesting talker. 1 !0 i" ;>Ie of the Union Hill section r " 1 Hally invited to attend the R. R. LOWERING G. S, S. TRACKS Bridie To Be Build In Front of Green Bnildb|. Eleminntee Dingers of Bad Crnttinf At Sanitarium Excavation work has begun at the switch yards at the store house at the Georgia State Sanitarium, preparation to lower the tracks this point to eliminate the danger ous crossing where the road from thi Sanitarium to Hardwick croswe tracks in front of the Grerne build ing. The trucks will be lowered suffici ently to place a bridge at this poi The tracks crossing the road at di rectly in front of the green building made an unsafe crossing due to the increased motor traffic and the rail road has begun this work with I view of making this safe for pede strians and motor traffic. While there have never been any accidents here, it was realized by the railroad and sanitarium officials that the i: provement would have to be made. The railroad will change pratically the entire line of approach to sanitarium, requiring several weeks of work. Creates Number In Histroy of College. New Dormitory To Be Ready for Three Hundred More Students Applications are pouring in on very mail for admission to G. S. C. W. for the fall term, according to Dr. L. Beeson. Acting President. The number to date ha* far exceeded that fo last year and is greater than the number on file opening day of 1927. The new dormitory that is now nder construction is expected to be *ady when the fall term opens and three hundred more students will be accomodated this year. The Dormi tory is a three story building modled after the other buildings on the ampus and id being erected west of Terrell Hall. Mrs. Martha Christian of Buena Vista and Mrs. M. M. Martin of Leesburg, will be the matrons in charge of the new dormitory. Additional faculty members have been secured to take care of the in crease of students. Extensive im provements have been in progress in the Parks hnll class rooms, remodel ing and equipping the labratories on the third floor of the building. The college will have the most complete and modern chemical labratories of any college in the South when the fall term opens. Dr. Beeson has worked out a pro gram in keeping with the progress of the school and to keep abreast with the changes required by the Natinoa! Association of colleges. The college was given a Grade A rating by thlb association last year. MISS DAUGHTRY NA1Y1 HEAD OF Y AT G. S. C. W. Suctcdi Miia Omi Goodson Marrii Brasillian Missionary. G. S. C. W. Graduate Miss Annie Moore Daughtry. G. S. C. W. Alumna ha# been named succeed Miss Oma Goodson a# Secre tary of the Y. W. C. A. of G. S. C. W., according to an announcement made by Ur. J. L. Beeson this ' Miss Daughtry has had experience in the Y work having served as Secre tary in Indianapolis and Hampton Roads. She is a Georgia girl and comes highly recommended to college. Miss Goodson resigned the post to become the bride of a Missionai China, and will make her home there after her marriage. DEATH OF MISS ANNA MOORE CULVER Miss Anna Moore Culver, a daugh ter of the late Hon John L. Culver and a sister of Mrs. J. E. Kidd, of the city, died at her home in Culver- ,ton Tuesday afternoon, after a long illness. The funeral services were held this (Thursday) morning and the burial was in the Culverton cemetery. Miss Culver waw well known here, being a frequent visitor to Mrs. Kidd. She powested .. -weet Christian character, which made her life benediction to ail whom it touched, and her memory wUI ilway. he cherished not only by her relatives, but by hundreds of friends. Besides Mrs. Kidd, she ia survived brother, JJr. L. E. Culver. Reports From State Department Bear Out Contention. Alderman Andrews Declare, Anderson Statement Alarming AID WIN COUNTY SUNDAY fTMEDAI PAMVAC SCHOOL CONVENTION AUG. 12 { UlNlKAL LAIxYAJ STARTS MONDAY L. N. JORDAN PURCHASES SAND ERSVILLE CHEVROLET AGENCY Will Supervise Business Under Men. •tenant of Brother, Mr. N. M. Jordan. To Be Known A. Jordan Che rolet Co. Messrs L. N. Jordan and N. M. Jordan closed u deal last week, be coming the owners and proprietors of the Sandersville Chevrolet Company and will begin the operation of this business. Mr. Lee Jordan, owner of the Chevrolet agency her, will supervise the business which will be under the management of his brother, Mr. N. M. Jordan. The new business will be remodel ed and a complete repair and ser vice department will be added. The latest type shop machinery will he installed, with a complete uupply of parts. A staff of well trained me chanics will have charge of the re pair department. Mr. Jordan is one of the . best known uutomobile men in Middle Georgia, operating the local service station nad Chevrolet agency on the comer of Wayne and Green Streets. He will take over the Sandersville and Washington county agency, keep- nig in active touch with the business there and operating the business in a live progressive manner. “MillcdgeviUe is serving its citi n'* pure water," declared Mayor M. Pennington, in commenting upon e fAatcnu-nt made by Dr. Sam Anderson in last week's Union Recor der, in wheih he charged incompet- cncy to the council, of which he member, and charged that the water plant is incapacitated. The statement of Mayor Penning ton was borne out by seventy re ports from the State Board of Health which showed the water to be pure and free from colon bacillus. While on two occasion# last year the city water was condemned by the State Department, the supply this year has been kept up to high standard of purity, and is now graded pure. P- E. Williams, Superintendent of water, sends a sample monthly to the state I department. Alderman L. H. Andrew#, stated that the accusations of Dr. Anderson were undully alarming, and while the Council reulized that the plant need ed enlarging and a few repairs that there were no available funds to car ry out this work. “A new plant should have been built at the tim the present plant was purchased, Said Mr. Andrews. Dr. Anderson stated that the facts borne out his contentions and while his statement was to the point, it wai done to acquaint the citizens with th« fact#. "The contamination from the State Furm is dangerous i Prison Commission should be forced to make these repairs. It is the city council's duty to protect the citizens whom they serve. The expenditure of neveral thousand dollars at the water plant is imperative,” empha tically stated the Doctor, been over the situation from the supply through the complete filtera- tion of the water and ! am familar with the situation. The water mittec has made a complete proper survey, and if the other cil members think we arc in ■ they should do us we have, inspect the plant and water mains,” Mrs. B. B. Andei Day Meeting. Take Part. The Baldwin County Sunday School Convention will be held at the Onk Grove Church. August 10th, ac cording to an announcement by Mrs. B. B. Anderson, President of the County Sunday School Association. The meeting is for Sunday School workers of all denominations, it is said, and all who arc interested from every school in the county are invited to attend. The Convention will open at 10:30 in the morning, a basket dinner will be served at noon, nnd the #ession will conclude at 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The Theme of the Convention pro gram is "Better and Bigger.” Every discussion, it is believed, will help the Sunday Schools more completely easure up in their tasks. A representative from the Georgia Sun day School Association, will he om of the speakers on the program both >rning and afternoon. Special recognition will be given to the Sunduy School that Minds the largest delegation, sixteen years of age nnd over, to the Convention in proportion to the number of miles travelled. LAWRENCE ATTENDING MEET ING OF LEE S TORE MANAGERS Mr. L. G. Lawrence, manager of the Lee store is spending Thursday and Friday in Macon attending meeting of the Managers of the Lee Chain. A discussion of problems will feature the meeting. The Lee Chain with headquarters in Macon hus eight stores in Georgia, the Milledgeville store being on the first established. All the Lee managers attended ihe meeting. Large quantities of watermelons are being shipped from the Southern part of hte county .The prices a not as good as they were last year. Cases Tried in Baldwin Superior Court July Term Adjournment Friday Morning After Disposing of Criminnl Docket. Number Cases Disposed of Superior Court adjourned Friday morning, after disposing of a num ber of criminal cases. The trial of Fountain Hardy, on the charge of ansault with intent to murder, which resulted In a verdict of ucquital, consumed Monday Tues day and a portion of Wednesday. The following cases were tried: Johnny Stubbs, unlawfully having liquor, fine of $100 or 12 months. Charlie Reeves, assault with intent to murder, verdict of guilty, sentence 5 to 10 years, motion for new trial. Fred Wright, assault with intent to murder, sentence 3 to 8 years, mo tion for new trial. Charlie Simpson, assault with in tent to murder, sentence 2 to 4 years. Lonnie King, drilling, $1.00 and cost or 3 months. Hugh Amerson, distilling, fine $100 and cost or 12 months. Louis DuBose, distilling, fine $100 nnd cost or 12 months. Lillian Gates, escape, three months. Dixie Odom, violating speed law, fine cost or 3 months. Willie Huff, unlawfully having liquor, fine $100 and cost or months. A number of misdemeanor indict ments were transferred to the Coun ty Court. Messrs Ralph Simmerson, Ed Bass and Nat Knight spent Wednesday in Atlanta attending a meeting of the Buick agencie# and returned with two new Buick*, the Silver Anniversary series, that are now on display ii show rooms. Mr. Simmerson stated that the prospects for a big year were bright, and all the Buick agencies were thusiastic in their comment on new car. Many new improvements have been advanced in the Buick. ALL DAY SING TO BE HELD SUNDAY The Singer, of Baldwin and Wilkin son Conntiei Will Gather At Bapliat Church. Large Cruwd Expected The Baldwin and Wilkinson Coun ties Singing Convention will assemble at the Baptist church in this city about ten o’clock Sunday for ar day singing. Tb«re will he a large numbe: song leaders present from all weetions of Georgia, and it is expected that one of the largest crowds that c assembled in Milledgevillc will present. The regular Sunday School and preaching services of the Baptist church will be held, the members of the Convention leading the song The morning services will continue until one o’clock when adjournment will be had for dinner. It ia expected that those who attend will bring basket dinner with them, and at the conclusion of the morning services gather on the campus of G. M. C., where family o*- community dinners will be spread a# desired. The Convention will reassemble about two thirty o’clock, and the sing ing continued until late in the after- Everybody, who wishes to spend the day in songs of praise is invited to attend. Lerim To Begin Howe To House Campaign. Memorial Beguu and Progressing Rapidly. Barbecue Tonight With all preliminary canvas com plete, the Morris-Little Post of the Amerchn Legion will begn thrir gen eral canvas of the city and county next week, making a house to house campuign, giving every citizen the opportunity to contribute to the me morial fund. Construction on the memorial be- gnn last week and work is progressing to the entrie satisfaction of the Le gion committee, under the direction of Mr. Jon Hutchinson. The con crete base around the field has been prutically completed and the con struction of the tile wall v-ill he started within the next few days. Every effort will be made to com plete the memorial for the dedication services at the first foot ball game of the weapon. A special barbecue is being given by the post tonight when the Legion committee will report the progress of the campaign and assign commit tees for the general canvas. The committee headed by Dr. Bin- n worked out the details for the general canvas at a meeting Tuesday night. The committee wa# pleased with the progress and expressed confidence in the success of next week’s undertaking. "The type of memorial and the service for which it is being given and the fact that it is a memorial to our World War heroes, ha# a particular appeal and the enthusiasm that has been mani fested is very satisfactory" stated Dr. Binion. COLORED FARM AGENT IS DOING A GOOD WORK W. M. Hatcher, the colored farm agent for Baldwin county, is doing great constructive work among the members of his race. He has organized clubs among the older people, and has a boy and girls club of three hundred and fifty r hers. He is teaching them various duties on the farm, and how to g» the best results from their work. This week he has held a short course of study, in this city, and has had five extension work instruc: teaching canning, cooking, farm carpentering, judging of seed poultry and cows. He states that the colored farmers are behind in their work on account of the execesrive rains, but some of them have promise of good crops. Hatcher will go to Savannah Sun day accompanied by five collored boys to take a course in Agriculture. MR. C. H. BONNER BETTER The condition of Mr. Chas H. Bon- •r, who ha# been, ill the past several •weeks, is showing improvement. His •physician, Dr. Richard Binion ex presses himself as hopeful that Mr. Bonner will continue to improve, and be able to be up. MR. J. A. PROSSER CELEBRATES HIS EIGHTY-FIFTH BIRTHDAY .1 Hoi 0.1 G.tncr t r, and Spend Pleasantly Mr. J. A. Promer celebrated his eighty-fiflh birthday Saturday, July 21st, at his home in the south-eastern pirt of Baldwin county. Headed by Mr. nnd Mrs. J. B. O’Quinn and Mr. Lee Jordan of this city, there was a gathering of a num ber of relatives and friends at his home, and an old fashior barbecue and chicken dinner served, which was concluded with cake ind lemo nade. The dinner was thoroughly enjoyed, and the occasion was a most happy one, as congratulations and best wishes were extended Mr. Pross- Mr. Pronaer was born on the farm on which he now lives, and his long life has been spent there with the exception of the four years he was on the battle fields with the Confed erate army. He enlisted with the Governor’s Horse Guards at the age of eighteen. By his riide at the table at the barbecue Saturday not Mrs. "Prosser, who is his senior by two years. They are the parents of four living child ren, Mrs. M. A. Garrett, of Washing ton county; Mrs. W. D. Giles and Mrs. W. E. Fowler, of Baldwin coun ty, and Mrs. E. M. Fowler of Wheeler county. They have twenty three grandchildren, and eight great grand children. The four generations were represented at the gathering Satur day. The writer was among the gueats, and he spent the time most pleasantly. The Colonial Theatre will be closed Monday and Tuesday of next week while the new chairs are being in stalled. The new seats are heavily cushion ed and beautifully uphoolatered. The interior of the theatre will be rear ranged. The new seats are added a: a great expense to the Colonial management. Mr. Curry has greatly improved the Theatre in the past year and the ne v improvements are in keeping with the progress of Milledgeville. Mr. H. S. Wootten entertained the members of the Thirteen Club at a dinner at the Baldwin Hotel Mon day evening. It was a most pleasant occasion and the i^ilendid dinner serv ed was greatly enjoyed.