Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, August 30, 1928, Image 3

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1 I UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., AUGUST 30, 1020 I Baptist Pastor Scores Republi can Rascality § FRINKGRANESVfS ,^.i£n»C-l»D£K>ODvS X-iC-X'rC'OO Widespread favorable comment ia bring beard in regard to the card t [)r j. J. Bennett, which appeared In Sunday’s Atlanta Journal. Deprecating the stand taken by ministers and other dr >’ leaders in , national campaign, Dr Bennett, among other things, declared: ••The facts in the case go to show that if prohibition is hurt, the hur: wi U he largely ours. Both parties h!l ,. spoken officially. The demo- r;iT . .(opted the driest plank evei ,,-,. lCv .i :n a-platform of a major party, boldly declaring it t - r ,. .nf -rceroent of the eighteenth .... •:) m*nt, the laws eminating therefrom and committed the nomi- to the carrying out of ot in case of election. We hav Piem made absolute master of the <i(uation in so far as party pledges or promises are concerned. Danger to Came “Don’t we know that if we try to raise an issue and fnil that we "oing to be hurt and our cause be hurt? And don’t we know that if we tie up the question of prohi bition where other issues are involv ed. thn: prohibition will be handi capped and the test will not be .a fair te..t? Don’t we know that evaiy in telligent southern democrat know? that the democratic party and the democratic party north, at that, has been the south’s constant friend and ftav and that he is not going to turn from his party and its principles which he cherishes as we do our re- Jiiri..iis tenets, just because we shout wolf, that prohibition is bulwarked v constitutional enactment and tha - . r.. ..no man can undo it? To get pro hibition we had to carry thirty-six «:atos; ‘to keep it we have to control only thirteen. And with prohibition freed from ‘all entangling alliance’ ippin When my two girls were getting ready to enter Wellesley they sud denly discovered about two weeks before their entrance examinations that they were to be quizzed upon the subject of trigonometry and knew nothing about it. But they had to pass an examination on it. So I got them a tutor at $20.00 toot and he prepared them so that they passed and entered the college. While engaged in .his study they name to me one day and asked ! what a sine and a co-sine were, told them to look in the dictionary I had to. The truth was I didn’t know what those things were myself. They looked in the dictionary and then brought the book to me saying they didn’t understand the definition. Reading the definition, I replied that they had nothing on me, that I didn’t understand it myself. Some days afterward I was talking to a very distinguished mathematician and told him this story, and a*ked him why it way that 1 who flattered myself on being an intelligent man could not understand what kind of a thing a sine was. “Why,’’ he replied, "that »s very simple. A sine isn’t .anything at all.” “I know,” I answered. “But why put it in the dictionary?" He said: “A sine is not a thing. It is a rela tion between two things.” The greatest thing anybody car learn ay regards their personal hap piness is that it is not a thing, but relation between two things. We never realize what a blessing od roads are until we come detour and have to travel o' mile or so of bumpy dirt road. know a woman who is grieving herself to death over a wayward child I Prison Farm); on the South by lot of | Geneva Jackson and lot of Mollie U Brace; und on the West by lot of ^ j Charley Bonner and lot of Mollie , Bruce. Since the execution of said security deed, Fannie Howard, the grantor therein, died, and the land above de scribed will be sold as the property of the estate of the said Funnie Howard. Said sale will be made for the pur pose of raising funds to pay a cer tain prtomisaory note executed by Fannie Howard to the Milledgeville Banking Company, dated February 1st, 1928, due August lnt, 1928, for $163.48 principal, bearing interest front maturity at the mte of eight per cent pet ai.num, to pay acciued interest thereon and the cost of this proceeding. There is now due on said note the sum of $163.48 princi pal, with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from August 1st, 1928. The undersigned will execute a deed to the purchaser, as authorized in said security deed. This 7th, day of August, 1928. THE MILLEDGEVILLE BANKING COMPANY, Grantee HINES & CARPENTER, Att’ys for Milledgevillc Banking Co. Can’t do this on a day’s notice. If! for whom she has done everything psosible. She need* to get her mind off of her child and think of what she possesses, oi how many sources of happiness still remain to her. The homely advice, “Count your blessings;’’ is a good one. We can only be happy in what w possess by contemplating those wh have less and not those who hav Commend G. O. P. "For one I cannot commend, with any conucience nt all, the Republican party. Whatever else its nominee may say at this time of political exped iency one thing is certain, he is not settled in his convictions on prohi bition: otherwise, he would not still flaunt into our face that it is an ex periment. Whnt would you think of a minister of the gospel who, every time he refers to Christianity, calls if an experiment? The cross an ex periment? Deep spiritual touches an experiment? Faith an experiment? "You would regard him unsettled in his convictions and not a fit per-j s«n to be in a pulpit Every time Mr. Hoover has referred to prohibi tion lately he has called it an experi ment and in doing so he discredits and degrades our cautv and sets at naught our final achievement in pro hibition legislation. "It is strange to me that this man who was the choice of the wettest of the wet, the favorite of the negro, w* t« a..d the political mugwumps in the South, a tamperer with social equality among the races, n straddler and time server of the 32nd degree, •hould. all of a sudden, become our Prohibition Moses and that we, a* romi-ters, will turn nside from our pulpits and hail him .as the savior ' ■ °ur cause, to the chagrin of loyal ‘outhern democracy. Party He Represents "Rut passing up the nominee and 'king at the party he represents, w 'th what shame ha** it besmirched ‘ ,ur national honor! His party dur- :ng the past eight years has violated practically every thing held sacred V ’he Bible. Does the Bible uphold •'•? Does it uphold theft and rob- '' 1 " Does it smile complacently ”'! lovingly upon dishonesty and the ? ' fusion of the poor by the rich 11 mighty? "The truth is we nil know, andi public, too, or they ought to '"W. thnt one hundred time** as ""•"‘h space in the New Testament is n over to the denunciation of the ' and crimes committed, pr/ictic- : n «l winked at by the high officials ' lords of the republican party than '••voted to the inculcation of the r ' 'Pie* of temperance through '.itive ennetments. Then add to 1st of evils the well-known fact •he republican party has kept a rower and liquor man in charge department of enforcement, and ••'niruage fails to express my con- ’ nipt for such a regime. n I swallow all this and then into my pulpit Sunday and dis- <u *‘ the moral issues of tnis cam- ,“ ,irn an <l inrisfon moral grounds . '' people join, support and fel- ,ow * hi P such a party? Not never!” F ° R RENT-a .1, rM. . Sl ~«- All Mta, cn *«nce». £4 PdUbt So look about you, and see how many people are worse off than you are, and be thankful things are no ofered at an uni L. N. JORDAN NOTICE TO SCHOOL TRANSPOR TATION PATRONS All school patrons entitled to trans portation for their children but now living off the s-chool truck routes should make claim to the county School Superintendent .at on<?e. Truck routes can not be changed after they are fixed for the term. P. N. BIVINS S. S., Baldwin County, Ga. 3t. CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County Court of Ordinary. E. J. Flemister having made appli cation for permanent administration upon the estate of Mary A. Thomas, deceased, this is therefore to notify all persons concerned that said appli cation will be heard on the first Monday in September at 10 o’clock A. M., and if no valid objection is filed thereto, letters will be granted ay prayed for. This the 6th, day of August 1928. SHERIFF SALE GEORGIA, Baldwri County: Wil! ba sold at public out-cry, to the highest bidder for cash, between the legal hours of gale, before the Court Houze door in Baldwin County, on the 4th day of September, 1928, the following described parcel of land, to-wit: All that tract or parcel oi land situate, lying and being in the City of Milledgcville, Ga., and known and distinguished in the plan of said City, as part of Lot No. One, in Square No. Sixty-six and bounded the North by North Boundary Street, or Wall Street; on the East by other lot of Sophia Bailey; on the South by lot of estate of A. K. Ellison; and on the West by other lot of Sophia Bailey. Said lot fronts on North Boundary Street fifty-three feet, and runs back South three hun dred and ten feet. It being the same house deeded to Sophin Bailey by C. H. Bonner on July 7th, 1902, and recorded in deed book “NN”, page 350. The above described land is levied on to satisfy a mortgage fi-fa. in favor of The Milledgeville Banking Company against George T. Bnilcy, issued from the Superior Court of Baldwin County, Georgia; said land levied on as the property of the de fendant in fifa., a notice of levy and sale having been given to the defend-' nnt in fifa., and to the tenant in possession. This 7th, day of AuguiA, 1928. S. L. TERRY. Sheriff, Baldwin County Georgia. Here Is a Real Bargain In a Piano STANDARD MAKE—LATEST STYLE, MODERN, BUNGALOW PIANO. LOCATED IN MILLEDGEVILE [.WILL SELL FOR UNPAID BALANGE Cable Piano Co. 169 COTTON AVE. MACON, GA. LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County: I Under and by virtue of a power | of sale contained in a deed to secure j a debt executed by Fannie Howard! to The Milledgeville Banking Com-, pany, dated February 1st, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County in Book of Deeds No. 12, page 316, the undersigned will sell, at public out-cry, before the Court House door in said County, to the highest bidder for cash, within the legal hours of sale, on the 4th day of September. 1928, the following described parcel of land, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and be ing in the City of Milledgeville, Bald win County, Georgia, and in the vil lage of Sintonville, and known and distinguished in the plan of said City of Milledgeville, a« part of Square No. 110, said Square being known as a nine-acre block, and fronting East on an unnamed Street, which lot con tains one-eighth of an acre, more or less, and is bounded as follows: On the North by lot of Alice Young; on the by an unnamed Street (it being the street leading oat to the During September— any model General Electric Refrigerator— only a «Rp RP down, balance in 30 months! THE General Electric Refrigerator sale conducted by the Georgia Power Com pany and affiliated companies during the months of May and June this year estab lished a national record for electric light and power companies in the merchandis ing of this most modern of electrical servants. 1,833 electric refrigerators were sold by us in 53 days! In appreciation of this wide acceptance on the part of our customers we will — during the month of September only — again extend the same liberal terms as given in May and June . . . only $10 down on any model General Electric Re frigerator . . . the balance in 30 easy monthly payments. Such Refrigeration as this Proteas Family Health The constant, dry cold of the General Electric Refrigerator prevents the growth and multi' plication of food-bacteria. Meats, milk and vegetables can be safely kept for many days . . . with the assurance of perfect wholesome- ness and healthfulncss. And, too, you'll appreciate the quietness and efficiency of the General Electric Refrigerator. It has no fans. No belts. No drain - pipes. No exposed moving parts. In fact, it never even needs oiling. Come to our store. Let us demonstrate the health - guarding qualities of this “years ahead" electrical servant! GENERAL ® ELECTRIC Refrigerator GEORGIA POWER COMPANY A CITIXBM VRIRIVII «l HIVE