Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, September 13, 1928, Image 12

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEYILLE, GA.. SEPTEMBER 13, 1928 MEMBERS OF EXECUTIVE COM MITTEE ELECTED AT POLLS WEDNESDAY me Member, in All Di ept 105th and llStb. W. W. Stembridge Chairman Ex- (Co, led from fr< nadc surveys that had been ve the sewruge disposal and effort that was being made J for the relief of the bad condition at Members of the Democratic Exe-1 t j, e plant, cutive committee were elected for | Mr _ Andrc „.„ told of Council or- the next two years at the polls last Wednesday during the Democratic primary, all present committemen be ing re-elected with th eexeception of two members, one from the 105th and one from the 115th districts: W. W. Stembridge of the 321st district was elected Chairman and J. C. Jnprnm of the 320th Secretary. The following were the commit teemen elected: _ 105—Tom Roberson, Howard Un derwood. 115—W. S. Wood, R. G. Hoottcn. 315—R. 11. Harper, P. X. Law- 319— W. E. Webb, R. H. Lawrence. 320— Dr. Binion, Bart Wilson, J. C. Inpram. 321— E. L. Lawson, W. W. Stem- 322— C. R. Torrance, T. A. Tor- and excellent and intelligent report of the water situation by our Health Officer, Dr. Sam A. Anderson, and that we do heartily approve of the city retaining n Health Officer and that he be assisted in every possible to the careful aupervi- our dnnkinp water. Be it further resolved that wt mend the Mayor and Aldermen of the ty for the steps that they i the • plant and how of-1 taken to thv protection of < city fori ! all the and the visiting students relative water supply and that we urge i that had been received I upon them their immediate co-opera- 1714—J. W. Hubbord, A. X. Allen. The Faculty is composed of: Col. Geo S. Roach, President; Ma jor A. A. Waters, Supt. of Barracks and Mathematics; Major Sam What ley, English; Major T. H. Rentz, Faculty Director Athletics and Science; Major Godfrey Osterman, Band Director and Science; Major W. M. Hurelson, Shop and Mechanical Drawings; Major W. O. Doraugh, French and History; Major S. T. Crenshaw. Mathematics; Major Elroy PuPuis, English; Major J. E. Broad nax. Coach and General Science; Ma jor George E. Florence, Coaching Staff and Spanish; Lieut V. L. Nash. Commandant; Sgt. O. H. Wooten, As sistant to Commandant; Miss Omie Hart. Latin; Mrs. Elizabeth Brown. Secretary; Miss Gertrude Treanor, Piano; Mrs. Lula Bothwell, Matron; and Dr. Richard Binon, Physician and Surgeon. The Grade Teachers are: Miss Julia Moore, Superintendent; Misses Agnes Stembridgc, Mary Simpson, Margaret Yarbrough, Mattie Moore, Manie Jones, Mrs. Mamie Pitts, Miss Florence Cole, and Elizabeth Bran- | wuold be published. He cited reports from the Board of Health and gave i his construction of them. | His speech was made in reply to [ Dr. Anderwm's charges against the other members of the Council with blocking efforts of the water com mittee to make improvements. Mr. Andrews presented bacterio logical test of the State Board of Health relative to the water which showed no bacteria perms. Mm C. B. McCullar in a brief ad dress urged the Council to take ac tion and give Milledgeville safe water. Col. Erwin Sibley, chairmnn of the meeting, introduced the following resolutions that were unami usly adopted by a rising vote: Whereas, we, the citizens of Mil ledgeville assembled at the court house on this the 11th, day of Sep tember 1928, for the purpose of hear ing report from our city officials ns to the condition of the water plant il the present supply of water »nd that without further delay they remedy the situation to the | full protection of Milledgeville and Be it further resolved that the interest of the city of Milledgeville i»» no: merely for ourselves, but for our visitors and especially the stud ents of our colleges and that their parents and relatives be assured that we have the interest of their children at heart and will see that they do not suffer the need of a proper quality and quantity of water during the ses sion of our colleges. Be it further resolved that the Mayor anil Aldermen of the city of Milledgeville keep their citizens ad vised from time to time of any emergencies or daggers that may arise relative to the said situation. Unanimously adopted: The season for meats, fish and oysters is here. Apetizing weather and the Palace Market is taking on new life, endeavoring to please the most fastidious of our little city. This market has served the people continiounly for thirty five years. At all times, keeping abreast with con- 8 ° ,e, y ditions and times. Today, there is not a market in the south with more sani- tary surroundings. An out fit, cost ing more money than any other mark et in Georgia, carrying at all times, a quality not to be excelled, with ser vice as good as can be had. At the Palace Market, you will find some one ready to serve you the stant you walk in. When your der is placed, your goods are at your home with wonderful Every man serving you A CARD OF THANKS We wish to express tion and thanks to furnished by the city of Milledgeville. and friends i iur apprecia te neighbors » kind to our nen. •'Tv*, just learned from the repi the Health Officer and Alderman Dr. *am A. Anderson that the present plant is inadequate and ir. in need of immediate attention for the purpose of supplying n proper quality and quantity of water for the citizens of Milledgeville and, that there is no critical emergency at the present time upon us with the water as now chllori- nated although he would suggest as an additional protection the boiling of drinking water, and Whereas, we have also learned from Alderman L. H. Andrews that the plans and preparations have been made to the immediate remedying at an early date of the situation and that engineers will be in Milledgeville tomorrow (September the 12th.) with plans and blue-print* to carry into effect the proposed remedy. Therefore, be it resolved that we the said citizens do and brother. “Jack,” during his long illness, and so considerate to wards uy after his death. Their many knidnses will always be remembered. MR. AND MRS. J. O. ETHERIDGE AND FAMILY. Mr. Wallace Butts, Jr., has gone to Madison, where he will tench English and Coach at the A. & M. College. Mr. Butts, after graduating at the Georgia Military College, attended Mercer University from which institu tion he graduated in June. He made a splendid athletic record, nnd was Captain of the Mercer football team the past year. He is a fine young man, possessing stable character, and will enter upon his dutiey of his new position with enthusiasm. His many >mmend and ap-! friends here wish him the greatest prove of the courageous and fearless | success. McKinnon outlines new FORD CREDIT PLAN Mr. McKinnon of the McKinnon Motor Company, Milledgeville Ford Dealer, returned yesterday from At lanta where he received details of the new Ford finance plan. Thv new finance plan will be op erated by the Universal Credit Com pany, an affiliated specialized or ganization controlled by the Ford Mo tor Company for the purpose of financing Ford Products on a “time” basis. The branch office serving this territory is located at Atlanta, on the sixth floor, 101 Marietta Street Building Atlanta, Georgia. is of special interest to pros pective purchasers of Ford Products “time" basis. Under this au thorized finance plan. Ford custom- ill have a finance service avail able which is sound and in keeping with Ford f^olicics and standaVda The plan is nation-wide in scope aml I ^tested in pk for the exclusive use of Ford dealers. I mother step of the Ford or-| gani/.ation in reducing costs by con trolling operations from the mine to the consumer. The cost of this i rvice will be lower than any herc-j fore available to Ford curtomers on J national basis, and automatically reduce* the price of Ford cars pur chased on a “time" payment basis. It is a further expression of the estab lished Ford policy of giving outstand ing values and complete the consumer at the lowest possible cost. The plan also contemplates the purchase by Universal Credit Com pany of sound and adequate fire and theft insurance, protecting the joint interests of the purchaser, the dealer and the company in th The purchaser receives a policy of standard form insurance providing protection for one year. Such poli cies are issued by the Home Insur ance Company of New York, the larg est fire insurance company in the United States. The policies provide for settlement based on the actual cash value of the car at time of loss. nuntE TO CONTRACTORS'. *’>11 be busi He FOR SALE—One ■even key Bur- •chine and stand. 189, Milledcevilla, I TOLD YOU I WOULD HAVE IT 1926 Chevrolet Coupe that U just a pick up at what we are asking. Look this one over. L. N. JORDAN >u. All and each member of the force, having served you from ten to twenty-fiv years. # What you might term expert men in the line. Not’a piece of meat ever goes ir ■ to this market, that doesn’t have th< most careful inspection. Our Butch ers are experts and the meat* hav« the same thorough inspection ns those supplied the Georgia State Sanitarium This inspection is equal to Govern ment inspection No tuburculnr oi other wise infected meats are used. Our fish are whipped direct from the waters daily by express. Oysters from Baltimore and Apalachcoln. Our oysters cost more money than others, bnt we sell at the same price. To every citizen of Milledgeville and Baldwin count, we will say that we appreciate your business and those of you who are not buying from us, we bid for your business with guarantee of satisfaction. Call and inspect our goods. The oyster season opens with us Saturday and with these added, we can supply you with hte best of sea foods as well as meats. Give us a trial and be convinced. You should as citizens be proud of our market and our service. We serve people from all sections of the State and they praise our goods in every section, ho why not you. Begin now. If your credit is good apy where, it is good with us. Respectfully yours, ’ TOE PALACE MARKET, Better known, as Ennis’ Market. (Advertisement) Sealed bids will • the Board of Commi* • *7 Roads and Revenues ef'°"B?u ° l county, Georgia, at the ir the Cuurt house j„ Milled*,,,: 10:00 o'clock A. M. on the “ of October, 1928 for salra,.;'" ^ 160 ft. Steel Span Bridge ing Creek on the lower Macon which was wrecked in the recent w . waters. ‘ 1 “Sh Proposals will cover the disnaw ling of the steel in its present ] 0c> tion nnd recovering from th e or al! steel parts composing the a' said span, straightening and ren» : ing such parts and members as ca be made satisfactory by such treat ment and furnishing new parts when old parts or members are missing 0 , cannot he satisfactorily straighten*, or repaired. Clean all steel w-tj brushes and scrapers, freeing it all loose scale and ruf* and paint i- one coat of pure red lead and oil paint before reassembling it. Fumi«b all material and build the old cylind er piers 5 ft. higher with reinforced concrete and steel beams. Re-erec* the steel span on the rebuilt pi eR ready to receive the stringers flooring, all to be performed thorough workman-like nv»nner and to the satisfaction of the Boar: Revenue or their representativ. being the intention that the bridge as rebuilt shall be in every resp good and substantial as it was before it was wrecked. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of Five Hundred ($500) Dollars a .» guarantee that the bidder will en into contract if same is awarded him, and the succe.«ful bidder wi3 be required to file a satisfactory bond in double the amount of the contract price for the faithful performance c.f the contract, as required by law. Work is to start within one wed from the date of the contract and prosecuted continuously to completion in not more than 60 days. Payment will be made upon completion and ceptance of the work." Right is reserved to reject any all bids. This 12th day of September, 192} COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND REVENUES OF BALDWIN COUN TY, GEORGIA. The ladies are invited to c arr’« Emporium nad inspect their eautiful and stylish display of ery, etc. By Direction of the City Council the Following Correspondence! with) the State Board of Health, Reports, etc., are Published' For the] Infer- matjon of the Public. Atlanta, Ga., Lept. 6, 1928. Mr. M. E. Pennington, Mayor, ^ Milledgeville, Georgia Dear Sir: Pursuant to your request made at a meeting of the Milledgeville City Council Sept 5th, I am giving below the result of the bacteriological ex amination of Milledgeville tap water sample submitted to this department August 14. The result of a chemical test for the presence of free chlorine in water at the filter plant made Stpt. 5th, i* also given at your re quest. Five 10 cubic centimeter and one 1 cubic centimeter portions taken from sample of water labeled “tap water" submitted to the laboratory on August 14th, were examined and found to be free of Bcoli. Free chlo rine to the extent of approximately .5 part per million as determined by the ortho-toliriln reagent method was especially true when the protective filter plant on the afternoon of Sept. 6th. Your attention is directed to the small value of any interpretation given a single sample representing a public water supply. This is especially true when the protection features of a system are inadequate as is the case at present at Milledge ville. Recommendations have been made to the Milledgeville City Coun cil in connection with needed im provements t-« the protective features of the purification works. As long as the present condition exist* the Milledgeville water must be consider ed a . otentinlly dangerous municipal water supply. If this department can serve you in any matter pertaining to the safe ty of the public water supply, please call upon us. Yours very truly, v7. H. WEIR, Assistant Engineer. Copy to: Dr. L. W. Lee, Chairman Water Committee. ed over the phone and requested to make it clearer. The following tele gram was shortly received from them. 9xF 30 2 EXTRA CG ATLANTA, GA 1118A SEPT. 7, 1928 P. E. WILLIAMS SUPT. OF WATER WORKS MIL LEDGEVILLE, GA. REFERRING TO REQUEST OF MAYOR AND COUNCIL WITH REFERENCE TO QUALITY OF CITY WATER CAN ONLY REFER TO PREVIOUS RECOMMENDA TIONS WHICH ARE FINAL AND ON FILE WITH CITY. L. M. CLARKSON. CHIEF ENGINEER. 1229P The recommendations referred to are contained in a letter from them dated July 7th as follows: This letter not being interpreted the same by all members of City Council, by direction of the Mayor, the State Board of Health was call Atlunta, Ga., July 7, 1928 Mr. P. E. Williams, Superintendent of Water Works, Milledgeville, Georgia Dear Sir: With reference to conversation with Mr. Clarkson this date. I wish to advise that samples submitted for the first fix months of this year have all been negative of pollution which indicates that a safe water supply has been furnished to the consum- However, we have continually call ed to the attention of the City of Milledgeville the fact that a sewer line is located above the water plant and parallel to the stream from which the water is taken. Thus sewer line discharges below the water plant but during periods of high water in the stream the sewer line is submerged allowing sewage to enter the stream above the water intake. At a recent meeting of the Council of the City of Milledgeville. certain deficiencies ex isting in the present filter plant were enumerated and recommendations made that competent engineernig counsel be employed to work out a method for putting the filter plant in first class, condition. At the pres ent time a single chlorinator is de pended upon for the major portion of the purification that the water re ceives. In treating water from sur face streams with filter plants it is assumed that water directly from the filters will be suitable for domestic consumption. Chlorination equipment i* installed as a factor of safety to take care of the possible lowering of efficiency of filter units which some time* occur for a sho.. period of time. To assure uninterrupted ster ilization of water furnished to the City of Milledgeville, it is advisable that duplicate chlorination equipment be provided so that in case of break down on one machine another ma chine will be available to take care of the emergency. Unquestionably the *ewer line should be relocated and reconstructed so that it would not effect the quality of the stream sup plying water to the filter plant From the quality of water accord ing to our records the water plant is evidently being feficiently operat ed and the public should have no anxiety so long as this quality is maintained and efficinet operation of plant assured. Very truly yours, W. H. WEIR. Assistant Engineer. The recommendations contained in the above letter have been partly carried out, and the remainder are either in process of being carried out or are under consideration as to costs, methods, etc. The following is the latest report from the State Board of Health re lative to Bacteriological examination of water. GEORGIA STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Division of Sanitary Engineering Bacteriological examination of wa ter. Sample submitted by Milledgeville. Date collected August 14th, 1928. Dated examined August 15th, 1928. Date reported August 18th, 19?8. Examined by E. J. Sample No. 5011 source Creek. Portion examined 10 Cubic Centi- tn enters. Gas Formation 50 Colon Bacillus —..— None Sample No. 5012 Source Clear Water Basin. Portions examined 10 Cubic Centi meters. Gas Formation None Colon Bacillus None Sample No. 5013 Source Tap A. I. C. Portion examined 10 Cubic Centi meters. Gas Formation None Colon Bacillus None* Certain few bacteria, other than thow found in sources mentioned be low produce gas in the examination. Presence of the colon bacillus indicates pollution by sewage or in testinal waste from man or animal. The colon bacillus is associated with germs causing typhiod fever, dysentery, etc. Following Information Applies To Pnblic Supplies Only Total number of 10 c. c. portions examined to date this year (raw waters not included) 80 Total number of 10 c. c. portions showing presence of -the colon bacillus ....... o Percentage of 10 c. c. portions showing presence of the colon ba cillus 0 Standard for Annual Certification Samples must be submitted for at leant ten (10) calendar months. Of the total number of 10 c. c. por tions examined not more than 10 percent Bhall show the presence of bacteria of the colon bacillus group. Design and operation of plant and sanitary conditions must be satisfac tory to the State Borad of Health. L. M. CLARKSON, Chief Engineer, State Board fo Health Collaborating Sanftary Engineer U. S. P. H. S. Milledgeville Ga. September 13th, 1928 At no time since March 1st, has our chlorinator been incapacitated, and has always functioned properly. Ortho-tolidin tests are m#de daily both at the pumping station and at the City Hall, and have never failed to show chlorine in excess of require ments. These testa are made in strict accords ce with the direction* of the State Board of Health, and no changes have been made in opera tion or methods of testing since these directions were given ua I visit the pumping station at least once each day, Sunday’s included, and in case of trouble remain there until the trouble is remedied. P. E. WILLIAMS Sworn to before me this the 13th, day of September, 1928. CHAS. L. MOORE, NP EX Officer JP. Baldwin County Georgia. Thai tural Milledgeville, Ga. September 11th, 1928 The chlorinator at the Milledgeville Water Works has been in operation since March first and at no time has it been incapacitated, nor has it fail ed to function properly at any time, and is now operating in a satisfactory manner. Tests are made daily at the plant to ascertain if the water is being properly chlorinated, and at no time have these tests failed, but have at all times shown chlorine in excess of requirements. C. C. SMITH. Engineer in charge. Sworn to before me this the 11th, day of September 1928. H. H. HERNDON, , Notary Public, Baldwin County. The above reports, etc., are all true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. P. E. WILLIAMS, Supt. Milledgeville Watfcr Works. K. H W. si A. W CHEI