Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, September 20, 1928, Image 1

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mrmn -t iicpD YTTY , Federal Union Establiahed in 1829 LS'iCi—' Southern Recorder " 1819 Mitiedgevilc, G*., September 20, 1928 Consolidated in 1872' Number 5 BALDWIN FAIR BEGINS OCT. 1ST jl „ r Than Ever it Prediction. Heth Show* to Be Feature Attraction During Week. Six Conntiea Included \Tith only two weeks remaining * the nnnual Baldwin County ^ opens pla"« are bcinir rn P i(il >' * j e t, J to make the festival the successful in years, five addi- ttonnl counties having been invited join in and place exhibits this year, r-n W eek’? program will open Octo- „t and continue through the ber dep: Exhibits have been booked in every itrtment <■( the agricultural and advance interest that is being n indicates the most varied and •tive di-play of agricultural Ul -t.s -ince the association organ ized. Sch""l Day will be held at the Fair Tosed'iy. and all school children in the county will be admitted free. It expected that the gates will crowded all duy with the hoys and pris of the county. A holiday has declared in all schools and ^ccinl features hnye been arranged for the entertainment of the kiddies. Special school and community dis plays. promise to be unusually at tractive. Liberal prises are being offered for the most attractive of these exhibits. The L. J. Heth Shows, one of the large?! carnivals in the south, will furnish the Midway attractions dur ing the Fair. The Heth shows hav seven rides in their collection nnd a number of high class shows them. They arc to show in only two towns in the state and Milledge ville is one of them. The Poultry "show held during the fair will be one of the larges* ir Premiums, awards have been sed*in this department, y owners from Baldwin 'unwinding counties will have pens <m exhibit. r. H. Coleman, President e Baldwin county Poultry As sociation ha? been named head of tli poultry show this year. Judge B. II. Dunnnwny, President :* the .As.-ociation has named Super- iircndrnts from the Board of Direc tor.- to head the diferent depart ments Livestock Department, W. Chandler; Boys and Girls Club, Cot ty A sent E. A. Nesmith; Agricul tural Department; J. R. Torrance, President of the Progressive F, ib; Horticulture, F, W. Hen- : Poultry Department. F. H. Coleman; Concessions E. E. Bell, At- tractians, ./. H. Ennis; Women’s partment. Mrs. F. W. Hendrick: ( , I"Ted Department, W. M. Hatcher, Colored Farm Agent; C. B. McCullar Secretary of the Fair Association and the following directors represent the board for the departments named: P* ’h Dunnafray, Negro Dept.; M. Stembridge, Womens Department; A. W. Watkins, Poultry Dept.; J. T. King, Finance; T. B. Dumas, Grounds; and W. E. Ireland, Pro- CO-OPERATIVE MARKETING OF COTTON TO BE DISCUSSED Saturday Afternoon J. E. Conwell, President of the Georgia Cotton Growers Co-opera- Association, will address the farmers and business men of Baldwin county at 3:00 p. M. Saturday. Sept. 22nd, at hte Court House in Milledge- ville, on Co-operative Marketing for cotton. In addition, Mr. Conwell will give i account of the histroy and record of the cotton co-operative association this state, which organization has been in existence for six years and besides marketing the cotton of its members, it also distributes Vetch and Fertilizer to its members on a ^-operative basis. In the near future it will offer, on wholesale basis, life insurance through the Metropolitan Life Insur ance ColR|p|^, to all members who desire it. Under the present contract of the association a member can ship his cotton and have it sold at any time he wishes. Recently a number of grow ers hove signed up as members of the association in Baldwin county and all farmery are invited to hear Mr. Conwell next Saturday after noon. - CHEESLiNC TO SELL OUT BUSINESS HERE Will Quit Dry Good. Bu.ine.. j nouncement Made. Sale Open: Next Week for Sell out The J. T. Gheesling Dry Goods Busniesg will sell out to the bare vis according to an announce- that is made this week. • to accomplish this he i a special sale opening next Gheesling has been ni the Goods business here for seventy and his decision to quit the »<*ss came as a surprise to his friends. He will devote his tiro r fields he has announced. The 'ling store has a large . <1 -tock and many people an r '' ;t ‘ d to be attracted here during sale. horn ed toads brought FROM TEXAS BY MR. BASS ^‘ r - F. E. Bass, .during his visit "L secured two horned toads, aght them back home with • He has turned them ovi " l ''- u gement of the Fair Asso- ' ; ! " n - ; nd they will bo on exhlbi- 1 at Lbe approaching fair. • Carl Vinson Notified OfNominationWed. Delegates Assemble In Augusta Tuesday and Notify Coagressman of Nomination. Acceptance Speech Given Ovatioi PLEDGES SUPPORT TO AL SMITH IN GREAT SPEECH EXERCISES AT G. M. CJIONDAY Cadets Welcomed to Milledgeville. President Roach Congratulated Upon Successful Opening of The College The formal exercises opening G. M. C. for its fall term were held Tuesday morning at 10:30 o’clock. Since the opening Wednesday Flaying Republican Corruption and Declaring Party Is Opponent of Sooth, Congrsesman Vinson, Praises Democracy Flaying Republican corruption and | Vinson for his loyalty to his con- urging his constituents to support j stituent < and reviewed his record of the National ticket, Congressman ! achievement in the National congress. Carl Vinson accepted the nomination Dr. E. A. Tigncr, heud of the Bald- of his party for the eighth time Wed- j win delegation, seconded the nomi- duy morning in Augusta, when nation as did Mrs 1 . Frankland, # of Ten- hundreds of cheering delegates pledg ed their support to him and notified him of his party’s choice. Judge J. B. Burnside of Thompson, Ga., chairman called the couvnetion to order at eleven o’clock with a large delegation present from the counties' for h j m "that lasted in the district. The Baldwin delega tion headed by Dr. E. A. Tigner in cluded Col. Erwin Sibley, J. C. In gram, H. H. Herndon, Mrs. H. H. Herr.don and Jcre Moore. Concluding the organization of the convention, the resolutions and plat- fhrm committee, with Hon. Tom Hamilton editor of the Augusta Chronicle, Chairman presented the platform to the convention for adop tion. The platform pledged the suppoi of the nominee and the delegation t the platform adopted at Houston and to the nominees on the national tick et. It **tood against the modification of the Eighteenth amendment Volstead act and urged that a strict enforcement of these laws and all laws pursuant thereto and condemn ed the Republican party for its fail ure to enforce these laws. A strong plank on farm relief and improve ment of agricultural conditions was a!.-o included in the platform. Deal ing with conditions in the district ention stood for the erection niorninc thn onrnniHltlon had b«i, j p ost 0fric „ nt Sandenvilfe, Loui*. perfected, classes assigned and stuff-; wimmenced. Those who attend- de the exercises Monday morning I found a well regulated -institution, and the work going on with a clock- iike precision. Col. Geo S. Roach, President of the College, prseided at the exercises, and, after music by the hand under direction of Major Ofterman, presen ted the members of the faculty. Talks were made by R. B. Moore, President of the Board of Trustees; Dr. J. L. Beeson. President of G. S. C. W.; Mr. P. N. Bivins, County School Superintendent; Rev. H. D. Warnork. pastor of the Baptist church; Dr. F.. H. Scott. Dr. W. T. Wynn, Dr. Geo. H. Webber and Dr. O. A. Thax- ton, of the G. S. C. W. faculty; Rev. H. L. Harding. Pastor of the Episco pal church; Rev. J. T. Morrow, pastor of Catholic church; Rev. Geo B. Thompson, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and Rev. John F. Yarbrough, pastor of the Methodist church, at the conclusion of the talk of Mr. Yarbrough, he, at request of Col. Roach, offered a prayer closing the exercises. Several selections were rendered by the band, during the exercises. The audience stood while the stud- enta body marched from the audi torium to their recitation rooms. ville, Warrenton Sparta and Thomp son wnd opposed the sale of the Arsenal at Augusta, and insisted that hill be introduced to make the Sa vannah river nnvagable to Augu.-La to give the people of the district ad vantage of this water-way as a freight route. A strong appeal was made to the local Democrats of the district to support the party nominees and to stand by the Democrat party. The platform as read was unamiously Hon Inman Curry of Augusta, placed th- name of Congres.-nian Vin son in nomination. He praised Mr. nille, and other delegates from the district. When Congressman Vinson wt»d notified of hi» nomination and en tered the assembly room, the Bald- delegation lead a great ovation eral minutes. Opening his address with an ex pression of appreciation to the peo ple of the district for their confi dence in his stewardship and a pledge to continue-his every effort to serve the best interest of the people of the district, Congressman Vinson enter ed into a review of the record of the Republican party in comparison to the Democratic administration un der Woodrow Wilson. He flayed Re publican corruption in the high places in our Government and the failure of the party to place upon the statute books one law of constructive legislation for the betterment of the great masses of the people. He condemned the party for their stand for the enactment of the Force bill and the Dyer Anti-lynch law. He told the convention the Republican party was the enemy of the south and if they expected any relief or any help or part in the national govern ment they must stand by the Demo cratic party now. He praised his parties stand on farm .relief and the prohibition question and assured his hearers he would r.tand f< forcement of every law and fight against any modification of the teenth amendment. In conclusion he pledged hi: port to Alfred E. Smith and charac terized him as a great leader, urged that every Democrat be loyal to his party, the party of their hope and salvation. Congressman Vinson was given a other great ovation at the conclusi’ of hpi speech. The delegates were the guests of Congressman and Mrs. Vinson' at dinner at Carmichael’s pond. A bounty feast was spread for them. RED CROSS SEEKS FUNDS FOR STORM SUFFERERS Chairman of Counlv Unit A.k. H.lp for Storm Suffeva in Porti Rico and Florida Answering the call of National Headquarters, the Baldwin County chapter of the American Red Cross is soliciting funds for the relief of flood sufferers in Florida and the West Indees Island**, following tre mendous damage done to property by terrific gales that have swept that section. A ready response has been made to the call and the fund is being in creased daily. Mr. D. M. Rogers, the chairman of hte chapter is asking that every citizen make a prompt re- jjponsc to this call. The local chap ter responded generously to the Miss issippi and Florida calls last year and Mr. Rogers is anxious to muko ns equal good showing. The Red Cross offered aid to Mil- ledgcvillc when it way reported the city and county was suffering from tho/recent floods and wo should their call now, was the opinion of Mr. L. C. Hall treasurer of the chapter. Funds may be left at the drug storse or with Mr. L. C. Hall. DOCTORS SELECT HOSPITAL SHE TAX RATE SET BY COMMISSIONERS Sixteen on Thousand for General Purposes; Five for Schools, State Rate Five The County Commissioners have fixed the tax rate of Baldwin coun ty for general purposes at sixteen dollars on the thousand, and the school tax levy at five dollars making twenty-one dollar* This levy with The visitors to the college were j five dollars on the thousand by the impressed with the. personel of the i state, makes a total of twenty-six boys, who will compose the cadet, dollars on the thousand. bntUlion. They are a crowd of man-) Tax Col)cctor J.. n. Smith. n.,«isted ]y and fine Iookin E boy,, and by Ml » B en Bw. i. «rtUn* M, book. oral of the college will be high standard. id will soon he ready to L. N. JORDAN PURCHASES THE SAM EVANS HOME Property Mr. L. N. Jordan has purchased the Sam Evan’s home on Montgomery street. This is one of the moj* valu able residential properties in the city. „ Mr. Jordan is planning to make improvements, which will add to its value, and enhance the attractiveness of that section of the city. He plans to move the residence further west on Elbert street, and make it a two apartment hou«*. He will then erect a handsome residence, the architecture of his home has not yet been decided but the house will be of brick, with every convenience. SHERIFF TERRY WILL UNDERGO OPERATION FRIDAY Baldwin < Will Ha WIND AND RAIN FIRST OF WEEK No Damage Done in This Section. Hurricane Bring. Great Damage to Florida This section was visited by wind and rain from early Monday after noon through Tuesday. The wind did not reach damaging effect nor did the rain reach torren tial proportions. But there was some damage done to the growing crops, and the picking of ootton retarded. This storm had its orign in the West Indies, where it brought a great lo.‘« of life and wrought enor mous property damage. » The storm struck Florida Sunday nnd brought death and destruction in North Weit Corner of Wall and Jeffenon Streets Prchised Tuesday. Work to Begin Within Thirty Days Drs. Binion, Scott and Mobley pur chased the north-west corner of Wall and Jefferson streets Tuesday a? site for the proposed Hospital build ing that will he erected by the thret doctors. Plan** are being made to begin erec tion of the building within the nex thirty days with a view of complct ing the building by early spring. It will be built according to specifica tions of the American Medical As sociation and will be one of the mo modern in the state. The doctoi will have their offices in the buld- ing and all professional wo ( k will he done in the horfpital. Dr. T. M. Hall will also he nwnriated with the three doctors in the hospital. ] Vdi. alinion, Scott u»a Mobley be- canf- associated in the pratice medicine and surgery September the first with a view of erecting the hos pital as a private enterprise. Dr. Binion stated Tuesday that it was the desire of him nnd his as sociates to give Milledgeville one ol the host hospitals to be found any where and it was with this idea in view that they combined their of- 1300 GIRLS AT STATECOLLEGE Beauty Specials Arrive Tuesday for Fall Term. Official Opening Wednesday Morning At Eleven O’clock Thirteen hundred Georgia girlf were present Wednesday morning when the first chapel exercises of the Georgia State College tor Wo men for the term of 1928-29 were called to order by Dr. J. L. Beeson, president of the college. Two special ♦rains laden with the young women from all sections of the state arrived in the city Tuesday and all dormitories wore filled. Hur rying to and from the campus pre sented n scene of excitement as old grils greeted friends and new girls were given a welcome to the campus. The Y. W. C. A. had special charge of the welcoming and a special com mittee in each dormitory was present to greet the students. Members of the faculty had arrived Monday and everyhting was in rcadincMi to open the college. Class assignments and schedules were begun Wednesday morning in pito of the large number of new freshmen, students were being rapid ly placed and active work began Thursday morning. Chapel exercises Wednscday morn ing featured the welcome program. Dr. J. L. Beeson, acting for the first full capacity as President gave the girls a welcome to the col ie invocation was made nnd scripture was rend by Rev. H. D. Warnock, pastor of the First Baptist church. Mr. M. S. Bell, Secretary and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, welcomed the girls on behalf of the Board. He aiaured Dr. Beeson of the hearty support of the board mem bers and urged a spirit of co-opera tion among faculty and 'tudents. Rev. Geo. B. Thompson, represent ing the ministers of the city, Dr. E. H. Scott, the faculty of the college, Mins Gussie Tabb, the alumnae; Col. George S. Roach, G. M. C., Miss Annie Moore Daughtry, the Y. W. C. A., and Mias Fay Sessions, the senior class of the college, all assured the girls of a cordial welcome to the col lege and Milledgeville. During the approaching weeks the young women of the college will be entertained by the churches of the city. WORK ON NEW SEWERAGE LINE AT STATE FARM The work of putting in a new erage line at the State Prison Farm is in progress. Two linen will be laid, one from the female building nnd the other from the male building, with which one from the hospital will connect. Both these lines will empty into Fishing Creek some distance be low the pumping station of the water system. The plan for the sewerage lines was made by the city engineers, the its wake, in Palm Beach, West Palm i Harwood Bebee Co., and it is being , Left Fo< Sheriff S. L. Terry, who is in Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta, will on Friday morning undergo an opera- tion amputating his foot. The an nouncement that the phy.-*icians had decided that this operation would be necessary was heard in this city Thursday, and caused regret to his friends. Mrs. Terry has been in At lanta the past several days with Mr. Terry. • Sheriff Terry is one of Baldwin County’s* most popular citizens, nnd has filled the office of Sheriff for a number of y*ras. and the Lake Okeechce District, the death total mounted to over three hundred with an enormous loss. It lashed the sea coast towns of Georgia and S. C., nnd extended into the interior of State diminishing in Mrs. J. H. Ennis was appointed by Mr. T. J. Swint Secretary of the Executive CotmnKcee, as a delegate to the Twentieth Senatorial Con vention which is being held in Sand- ersville today (Thursday.) The Convention will nominate Mr. J. E. Hyman, thereby ratifying the choice of the voters of Washington county as expressed in the primary last week. put down under the supervision of that company. In order that the work might pro ceed at once, and not wait for an additional appropriation from the State, when the*- legislature meet? next June, the city of Milledgvcille has agreed to finance the project, and will be reimbursed when the legislature meets. This is a wine move on the part of the City Council. IMPROVEMENTS AT WATER PLANT The two new pomps ordered for the City Water Station by the City Council some time ago, have arrived MRS. JULIAN WILSON DIED SATURDAY MORNING n obile Accident Mrs. Julian Wilson died at her home in this city Saturday morning, as the result of injuricj* received in an automobile accident on the 28th of August The accident occurred in East Baldwin, when the car in which Mrs. Wilson was riding, with several others, turned over, and she was badly burned by gasoline. Dur ing the time elapsing between the accident and her death her suffering was intense, and and she received the tender care of physicians, loved ones and neighbors. Services were conducted by Rev. J. F .Yarbrough at Jos A Moore's Funeral Home early Sunday after noon, and the remains accompanied by relatives and friends were carried to Forsyth, where the funeral and burial services were held. Mrs. Wiluon before her marriage was Miss Clara Collins, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Collins, who recently came to this city from Monticello. She is survived by her husband and two small children, her parent? and one brother and two sisters*. The sympathy of our people have gone out to those who have been so sorely bereaved. About one hundred and twenty-five bales of cotton have been brought t othe local market this season. Middling cotton wa;: bringing 16 5-8 eta. today. The Woodrow Wilson Service Star Legion will meet next Tuesday after- _ . .... noon September 25th, at 4:30 with and been installed at the plant. An- Mrs. Chas L. Moore, other chlorinator has also been put: Every member is urged to start in. These additions greatly improve j the new year by being present at the the plant. J meeting. ■j ''“ V