Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, September 20, 1928, Image 3

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JJF.SS* S?rS S- BI*Ep pMSM ■T* caiEMcamp meeting and the w devotional life (F" 1 ELAM F. DEMPSEY. D .D ;lder of TV# Oxford District.) 1 An oft-E*pi**».«d DoxSro Man*’ hove expressed a desire to - the numberless spiritual truths Tn\ at Salem camp meetin ff P ut in rmanent form and made accessible ^multitudes who could not Serein. I doin S this in a small n Quite a number of hearers *V’ t f, e • xcellent habit of noting: in 6* : r Bible texts, from which they e heard sermons, together with ffe 0 f preacher, date, and place. Two such Bibles have been shown *°bv godly women—one in Turin rnC , fBf in Milledgeville. Another habit is to make the Bible p f scrap-book of sermon—re- from the press and, especially, jcrmons which the owner of the Bible has heard delivered. By this mean? these devout spirits obey j^bs* injunction. “Take heed how ye hear." Such readers of our church pre-s. of their Bibles, and such hear- vrf of the -rmon are before my mind as I write thew* lines and hoping thi- -tatement may increase their number. O, that our people, from youth to old age, may become inereasimrly a Bible reading and a Biide-leving nation. “Wherewithal «hal! a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed thereto according to thy word." (Psalm 119:9) “O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: iri hitherto have I declared thy w drocy works. Now also when I am cd grey-headed, O God, forsake Kt; until I have shewed thy power to everyone that is to come" (Psalm 71:17, 18.) Now, hear God’s asswer to His child's piteous plea “Fear thou not; for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteous- nesf' (trustworthiness .dependability reliability, fidelity, integrity.) Isaiah 41:10.) God is the rock-foundation outh, maturity, age. See Isaiah 40:11, Psalm 19:14 (margin Strength”), Deut. 32:31, Matt 7:24- i. Matt 16:18, Rom. 8:33, 1 Cor. 10:1. Any other foundation is sand snd will destroy all men or nations who build upon it II. Salem Mean. “Peace” The word Salem means “peace" and is found in many combinations ir. the Bible, the chief example of which is the word “Jerusalem.” When the fathers, one hundred and fiv .V'-ars ago, named their camp ground, th*y evidenlty hoped it w’ould be means of bringing many souls to know "the peace that passeth under standing" (Phil. 4:7). Their holy wish has been granted, for, .during its century and one lustrum of ex istence. many have been saved, re claimed. and advanced in grace. Bish ops Andrew, Pierce, Haygood, Cand- nd Dickey, together with other notable men, not a few have pro claimed with power sent down from n. the Gospel from “the stand” beneath “the arbor,” here. Creditl for this "genuine spirituality” is due only to the faithful pastors and •ut preachers, but to the con- aerated men who compose the board °I trustees, the present chairman be- W. S. Ramsey, Covington, Ga.. who hns held this responsible office for twoscore years. especially good; Prof. R. f. Hicks, director. HI. The Preacher, and Some of "Uncle N*..h’»” Saying. =<■ who preached this year were Bishop \v. A. Candler, Revs. Nath Thompson, N. P. Manning, W. T. J. R. Jordan, P .A. Kellett, inith, L. Rumble, ig the visiting ministers, who, exception, were helpful to the . were Revs. A. O. Baggerly, p r Young, Simeon Shaw-, R. K Roland, R. B. Smith, W. Huck, !■ Hay, Percy Whitworth, E. M. Howard Sims, H. J. Penn and 1 and T. J. Christian (both of brothers, are “wins of Salem” ‘ V -pedal sense, as they were r ' r. irby and their father was one "enters” in other days.) Yath Thompson, pastor of : -n (Methodist) Church Au- !n - r,a -. who is affectionately T:»r and near, as “Uncle Nath,” equally widely noted for his ’ witty and persuasive pulpit r Preached twice daily—with •t&I "children’s services” thrown r roorj measure—at 11 o’clock ; ming (except Sunday) and ' rie !c each night, saying enough to fill a very readable : L’ood size. I give herein f' w from one sermon, based *V !” an * *2, the entire chapter, jj, p C ' , ! ‘lled “inspired Advice for p rac .. UC | Ces *Tul Living of Everday, IUl « ion * M He said, “I be- UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., SEPTEMBER 20. 1»2S —but by the possum up the tree.” (“A tree is known by its fruits”) . . . "The eyes of the world are going to judge us” (professing Christians) “by what we do” . . . "The folks who did the most good to me are the folks who practiced their religion.” “You can detect the current of the wind—its direction—better with a feather than with a windmill.” . . . “At another campnreeting, noticed a certain preacher, at the preachers* tent, feel all the beds, and—he took the best:—he’s not preaching, now! He located, or, as I heard the word once used he ‘dis-located’!” . . . “These little graces, kindnesses, com mend us to the world. They have a tremendous influence on our reputa tion and in the building of character.” . . . "Let’s be sensitive to the least tiling that’s selfish, or the least thing that expresses the Spirit of Christ" The Wife: “Hubby, what kept you out so late last night?" Hubby (intoxicated): “I (hie) been out with a chiffonier.” The Wife: “Chiffonier? Why you don’t even know what you’re talking about. A chiffonier is n swell tit le dresser.” Hubby: “Yes, that’s her.” FOR SALE—Miller Property. I am offering the Frank Miller home oi Jackson Street, this include. th> •tore house near it. The property will be aold separately all to one party. Also about 450 acrei farm land on the new road to Ma con, about aeven mile. out. .plandid farm for hay or dairy, all this prop erty can be bought well within it. valne. Have aeveral other houaoi for Mile. Also farm. Will have sev- •ral farm, to rent on my pla tion, good cotton, tobacco, corn, and dairy land.. See J. L. Sibley. APPLICATION FOR ADMINISTRA. TION GEORGIA, Baldwin County, Court of Ordinary, September Term. E. J. Flemister, Administrator upon the estate of Mrs. Mary A. Thomas, having filed application for leave to sell land; this is therefore to notify all persons concerned that said application will be heard at ten o’clock on the first Monday in Oc tober, and if no valid objection filed thereto, leave to sell will be granted as prayed for. This 3rd day of September 1928. W. H STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary LETTER APPLICATION FOR DIS- MISSION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Whereas F. C. Batson, Administra tor of Mrs. Julia P. Batson, repre sents to the Court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fuily administered Mrs. Julia P. Batson estate. This is therefore to cite all per sona concerned, kindred and credi tors, to show cause, if any they can, why said Administrator should not be discharged from his administra tion, and receive letters of dismis»on i the first Monday in Oct. 1928. This 3rd day of September 1928. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. LAND SALE State of Georgia, Baldwin County. Under and by virtue of a deed with power of sale, executed and de livered to the undersigned, by Dan Vinson, on December 31, 1920, we will .sell at public outcry, before the court house door in said county, with in the hours 6f sheriif’* sales, on the first Tuesday in October, 1928, to the best and highest bidder, for cash, the following described proper-1 ty, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land J situate, lying and being in the 318th, ‘ Militia District, said state and coun ty, which said tract contains seventy- five (75) acres, and is bounded as follows: on the North-east by lands of C. R. Harper; on the South-east by lands of the estate of Henry Lane; on the South-east by lands as signed to Georgia Ann Flagg, and the Milledgeville & Monticello public road; on the North-west by lands as signed to Georgia Ann Flagg; the boundary lines of which lot are as follows: Beginning at ~n iron atake on the M. & M. Public road about 4ch. west of the spring, running thence N. 45 1-2 E. 10 ch. to an iron stake, ning thence N. 47 15.5 ch. to an stake, and running thence N. 45 1-? E. 13.75 ch. to an iron stake, running thence S. 47 E. 41.8 ch. to an iron stake on the line of Lane's land, thence South 46 W. 17 ch* to public road, thence, along the public road to the point of beginning. Said tract or parcel of land being the tract or parcel of land that was drawn by Dan Vinson in the division of the estate of Charles Vinson; for accurate description of said property further reference is had to a plat of the same, attached to a report of the appraisers of said property, of file in the office of the Ordinary of said county. The proceeds of said sale will be applied, first, to the payment of a promissory note for $1500.00, dated December 31, 1920, due October 1, 1921, and bearing interest from Oc tober 1, 1921, at 8 percent per annum; the blance, if any, will be paid over to the said Dan Virunn or his assigns. Hornc-Andrews Commission Co. By ALLEN & POTTLE, Att’ys-at-Law. ing the principal and interest of those issues of bonds, to-wit, that issue of bonds known as sewer bonds and that isnje of bonds made by the City of Milledgeville, known as school bonds of 1919, and that issue of bonds known as water works bonds, and that issue of bonds known as School bonds and that iwue jf bonds known as Street improvement bonds, a tax of fifty cents on the $100. is here by levied and as assessed on all prop erty described and mentioned in sec tion No. 1 in this ordinance. Section No. 3. Be it further ordained by authority aforesaid that for the extraordinary School purpose authorized by election held in mid city on the 20th of No vember 1894, a tax of fifty cents on the $100, be and the same is hereby assessed and levied upon all of that property specified and mentioned In section No. 1 of this ordinance, and this Clerk and Treasurer of the said City of Milldegeville is hereby direct ed and required to separately collect the above mid assessments and levies and to keep a separate account of all amounts collected and disb-irsement* of same, as required by the laws of the State of Georgia. Section No. 4. Be it further ordained by the au thority aforesaid that the Clerk will open his books for the collection of said taxes and that all the assess ments herein be made and approved for the year to-wit, 1928. Which shall end December 20th, 1928. Shall be published, and that the unpaid taxes aforesaid shall be levied and collected for the purpose herein stated, for the fiscal year aforesaid. Section No. S. Be it further ordanied by authority aforesaid that all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance be and the same is hereby repealed. MAYOR AND ALDERMEN City of Milledgeville. R. T. BAISDEN, SR. Clerk and Treasurer. >N ORDINANCE An Ordinance to fix the rate of taxation upon all real and personal property for the year 1928, to assess same and to specify the purpose and use of said fund and provide for the levy and collection of the same and for other purposes. Section No. 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and the Aldermen of the City of Milledge ville, and it is ordained by authority of the same that for the current ex penses of the City a tax of one Dol lar on the One hundred Dollars, is hereby assessed and levied on all real estate and personal property of said City which is subject to taxation and is within the corporate limits of the City of Milledgeville. Sactioa No. 2. Be it further ordainde by authority of same, that for the purpose of pay- Three wire men of Gotham Went to tea in a bowl; And they took great treasures with them, Better than silver and gold. Cakes and biscuits and goodies, To last them for many an hour, Rolls and the choicest biscuits, Made with Omega flour! Sold by most all the grocers in and around Milledgeville. Making tasks lighter—every clay! balance, 30 months M ODERN women pride themselves on keeping house well — with as little effort as possible. And one of the moct val uable aids in every-day housekeeping is the General Electric Refrigerator. The planning of menus is made simpler . . . fewer trips to market are necessary. Enter taining is no longer a problem. Food is safely kept, free from harmful bacteria. Let us tell you how easily you may have this “ ,-ears ahead" electrical servant placed in your home. Come to our store, or call us on the phone . . . right away! GENERAL © ELECTRIC II Refrigerator GEORGIA POWER COMPANY . • A CITIZEN WHERIVRB W E SERVE If you drove a car costing *3,OOO..you would find the same vital elements of quality The only Essex point In common with can in its price field—is ' price. Come see the most important part of your Essex and the way it is built in this special chamis display. It will explain why Eaaex is the largest selling “Six” in the history of the industry.