Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 18, 1928, Image 10

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., OCTOBER IS, 1928 AN TUIT GAMPIIQ AP f 5 f W ■‘talbtior. of ths Y. W. C. A. Cabinet MILLEDGEVILLE CIRCUIT ON THE CAMPUb Oh t. w. ^ took pUce October 7 th. in h, DISTRICT CONFERENCE CAMPUS CHATS (Bv MISS MARY RABY) iv, did you hear about h<» Study ' have imji tho-e of bat year?" ... what? More poinc oi | college audito of the Y. W. C. a* follow*: pre <.f Summer; vie Cheney of Cai ollto Tret Kepr Bible Study?" “Yes. and they en:-'.i*Ui" c. Why. a freshman rush- f (M ed frrntitaliy all the way down ^ ^ c |i 0 . walk to puff out the new* that she . wa< ‘e<>mjr-on-vhSke! An early morn- j ,M irtjr hike, and ah. was ‘tmply thrilled !( , nnr { mrn to death... "I should say so. who wouldn't be? I shall never forget the first break fast I had in Nesbit Woods when we had the sternly forbidden coffee." "Y p, cup af'er cup of the stuff, grounds and all.” “Who was the freshie?” “Hum. wutcha think I •graduat iy Thaxton of M»JK‘dgevi s Christie of Decatur; reiigi meat, Katherine Hemph.li Griffin: publicity department, >*. rly of Miiledgevi lepartment Tr.eo department, Laura Held at Hopewell Sa< by Presiding Eldei The fourth quarterly conferen. the Milledgeville circuit was held at Hopewell church Saturday by Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding Elder «.f t'.e Oxford District. Services were conducted in the morning by Dr. Dempsey, who preached an unusually of Loi ■ ille; Thei departmon . Mary Raby. The symbolical triangle was surrounded by c «om the cabinet members. M Napier, a charter member C. A. took a lighted tape rmon, [•sent beside the Preaid ing Elder, and the Lord’s Supper wai f candles administered. circle of After the service, a bountiful din is Alice per was spread on 'tables in the >f Y. W. prove surrounding this church. The from the dinner consisted of the most tempt- !. wutcha think I am any- j jjpbted the president’s candle. The was Sh. did tell me the officer.^ ^ d ^ lo ^ ml . rob „ 1 to way?" She of her class though, thtm because by chance I know most of th*m. Louise Conoly of Albany is president; Helen Southwell of Al bany too, vice-president; Osolota Champion of Moultrie, secretary nnd treasurer; Sarah Stokes of Albany. Press reporter; and Mary Key Kiddle- ton of Albany, social leaders. The social leaders must surely he wide- “Yon know, hikes help a group of girls to know each other, and to real ly g-t the college spirit up more than “Let’s not talk about hikes. Here it is ju.** Thursday and we shall have to wai- until Monday to think of go ing. Pshaw! Why can’t college he made up of hikes and fun? Here it is time for “psy” and I have not cracked a book. S’long.” A mod rn talk about the “Rom ance of Goodness’’ was given' at Sunday night vesper services by Dr. George H. Webber. The student body appreciates the interest shown by the faculty in their welfare. Ve«- pir ha« become a vital force on the campus, one of the many symbols of G. S. C. W. comedy, introducing The college was do- such a large-audience triangl ', lighted tfte candle of the j n g eatable.*, which had been pre- new secretary. Mist? Annie Moore pared by the housekeepers of the Daughtry of Macon, who in turn homes throughout the circuit. There an abundance for all. and plenty light was passed on to each member to spare. An hour was spent of cabinet as the choir sang “Fol- around the tables and in social inter- low the Gleams” the candles of each course. person in the audience were lighted The conference was held in the which introduced the member, hip in-• afternoon, and reports of the offici- to the great council of friendly als of the churches composing the hearts. | circuit were made. ■ Rev. J. H. Farr iy serving his fifth ANNUAL HIKE GREAT COLLEGE year as pastor of the Circuit, and is EVENT IN MILLEDGEVILLE held in the highest confidence and Some girlw come to college to e-teem by the people he is serving, study. Some do! Some girls come to The following are the oficers college for dormitory life; while still named at the Conference: others come for companionship and Pleasant Grove development in all phases of perso- Stewards—F. E. Watson, M. E. nality that make one known as a col- Webb, C. R. Digby, J. H. Stripling, lege girl. But many girls come to, Sr. the Georgia State College tor Women! Trustees—M. E. Web!,. W. F. Wil- becausc of the annual hike. The I kamson. J- H. Stripling, Sr. annual hike means food, fun, and! Sunday School Superintendent— rung! Thin particular annual hike,*'' Webb. leaver the memorle, of Romany Pay j Matilda Chapel with its pic uresque gypsy leaders, 1 Stewards—A. B. Echols, M. S. brightly colored class trail markers,, Bnrne* Station, of foods and favors so on- Trustees—A. B. Echols, M. S. joyable by college girls, wading in I Dr - "“'l. the Oconee River, and in true gypsy fashion groups of girls chat ing singing gayly. Around the bon-fire, sitting ...... semi-circle ar? grouped the gypsy .. ru * tevs G. D. Myrick, Dr. T. E. b:*.nd, gayly clad in bright be :wls, and other attire peculin the vagabond. The fire-ligh four class representatives, are Bethel Ch .Stewards—G. D. Myrick, J. S. jScogin, R. H. Harper, J. E. Stiles, | Mrs. J. B. Stiles. ! Trustee: ads, j Hubert. T. C. Humph r t<> * Sunday School Superintendent— , rs j W. C. Green, i nil'' Hopewell bit of the Pr.sbt ed by th? gypsy leader to lay their , three branches as symbols of eachi el ns. Th - fire-lighting ceremony is! ' ompletod when Dr. Beeson nets the I symbols aglow. Wksn the fire is burning before the group assembled the hillside, the gypsie, rush rut) il'stributmjr to each of he number fortune written on a colored au tumn leaf. rul'- ided 1 ed off by all Eve the nptu * in- circle when all id ring around the fnd- Stewards—M. C. Harrington, G. T. Harrington, Miss Rossie Cook. Trustees—W. A. Cook. M. C. Har rington, B. F. Anderson, Roger Smith, Cnrlton Resseau. Sunday School. Superintendent— W. A. Cook. Union Hill Stewards—C. R. M inter. W/ W. Hall, E. L. Flanders. MrL Frank Dennis, of Eatonton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Jor dan of this city, is making campaign speeches throughout the State in thi interest of the Democratic ticket. Mrs. Dennis is one of ihe mu:i interesting talker* among the womci of the State, and she makes u clem and comprehensive appeal to hci hearer# to Le true to the Democratic party, and its nominees. OCONEE HEIGHTS Howard, the infant son of Mr. - .ind Airs. Ernset Wilson, continue? quite Mrs. Lura Watson of Atlanta, visiting her daughter, Mrs. I. L. Ful- Mr. I. L. Fuller spent Wednesday nd Thursday with Mr. Dossie John- on at Deepstep. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mansch and children of Macon, spent Sunday with r. nnd Mm C. E. Youngblood. Air. and Airs. J. Af. Kendrick of Monticello, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schumann, of Baltimore, Aid., visited Air. W. E. Kendrick and Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Layfield Sunday. Miss Sue Osborne is expecting as her guest next week Miss Elrie Wa*.- of Albany. Trustes—C. R. Alinter, W. W. Hall. AI. Lee. Sunday School Superintendent— R. Alinter. Montpelier Stewards—Mrs. T. E. Pugh, Air.'. J. W. Stembridge, Mrs. L. B. Babb. Trustees—R. G. Smith, Alarion Stembridge, Mrs. T. E. Pugh. Charge Lay Leader—W. F. Wil liamson. Recording Steward—AI. E. Webb. District Steward—G. D. Myrick. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS TO MA CON, OCTOBER 16 AND 20. ACCOUNT GEORGIA STATE EXPOSITION Very low spec|ul excursion fare-. Tickets on sale October 1G and 20. Limited one day in addition to date Ask ticket agent for total fares nnd further information. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY The Right Way >*h al of fi.h.nnd t°ric .'ft Test. This thoughtfulness! will no oon be f< -gotten by the | students. • I Dr. B -eflon, president of the Geoi -1 gir. State College, wan most g.neiou -! in allowing the studerit body to j *P*nd Thursday afternoon at the! Bald—in County Fair, where the best ent-rtainments nnd the best ex hibits of Baldwin County were offer, '•d. The bit of outing is anticipated yearly by he girls because it offers to n fun loving student body and fatuity a .••hare in amusem/nt and in- crea*»:.g Knowledge of Baldwin County. OFFICERS OF Y. W. C. A. INSTALLED A most impressive service in which all of the girl* participated is the in- ing coals of .file, before the new tr hers of th:- gypsy band return to the j campus and write in memory books s>->d let? r- the experience of a G. S. C. annual hike. EXCURSION FARES TO COLUM BUS, GA. GEORGIA-AUBURN FOOTBALL GAME NOVEMBER 3, 1928 Fare and one-third round trip from points in Georgia and Alabama, ex cept $7.07 will apply from points bc- | tween Athens and Madison inclusive. Tickets on sale November 2 and for train? scheduled to reach Colum bus by 1:00 P. AI. November 3; final limit November 4. Ask ticket agent for further infor. GIN NOTICE We are prepared witfc the very best equipment to gin your cotton and handle your seed this season. We have just put in a pair of new Ball Bearing Wagon Scales and guarantee you cor rect weights We are furnishing new 2 Ih. bagging and new ties at the lowest prices in several seasons. We will give you the very best service possible, and will appreciate to the fullest your patronage. I Chandler Bros. Gin Co IDEAL Building Lots IN ONE BLOCK OF G. S. C. W. AND THE HEART OF A DE SIRABLE RESIDENTAL SECTION. THESE LOTS ARE PRICED VERY LOW AND ARE GOOD AS AN INVESTMENT OR FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. P. N. BIVINS Atlanta’s Most Modem Hotel You will hardly recognize the lobby of the Henry Grady on your next visit to Atlanta. Many recent improvement* have made it va*tly more beau tiful and attractive than ever And you are sure to enjoy the dclightiul outdoor din ing terrace—wonderfully cool, and overlook' Henry The"® famous Peachtree Street at one of its most interesting points. Every room at the Henry Grady has a ceiling fan, circulating ice-water, spaciouf windows and a private baih with either tub or shower—certainly you could find no more delight ful place for your stay in Atlanta. Rates from $2.50 Hotel Hotel B RIC K That Clink Like steel Ar. Mad. t>, Ik. "MsMlLLAN" Free... BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. W. M»k. Quick Shipment, in An, tfuantll,. RICH GI.O FACE BRICK— FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK Milledgevtlie Brick WorksCo MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan. K. C. McMillan, President Belle McMillan, Vice-President ■ Learn the Lesson of The truly educated man has learned this important lesson. He knows the value of putting money aside for a rainy day. He knows the danger involved in making no provision for the future. Saving money is as important as earning money. It is essentia] lo b; protected against emergency—Start an account today—one dollar will do it. It will be a great coinfort to you to know that you have a nest egg stowed away for the future. It will make you happier. Exchange Bank '.TRADE MARK RE6.U S.PAT.OFr. _ SOUTHERN C0M.I.C0KE CQ.CIH.0.' Fowler-FlemisterCoal Co.