Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 18, 1928, Image 12

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I . . . UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., OCTOBER 1», 1>M CADETS WIN SECOND GAME OF SEASON WITH BIG SCORE Clarksville Aggie. Fall Victim of C. M. C. Attack. Ganupp and Wynn Star ao Cadat. Score 31 Points The G. M. C. Cadets won their wcond victory of the Football season last Friday aft arm when they pil ed up thirty-one points against the Clarkesville Aggie* while *hey wrr? unable to score. The G. M. C. offense went into ac tion on the first play after G. M. C. had pained possession of the ball, Canupp raced sixty yards for a touch down. Two ether scores were made in the first half of the pame. Two other touchdowns were made in the third quarter of the psme. The cadet second team played about half of the pame. One of the feature plays of the pame came when Wynn intercepted a Clarkesville pass and raced forty yard* across the poal line. Capt. Arthur Smith led the cadet team in their defensive and offensive play. He played brilli r'ly. The pamelost interest from a The pame lost intere*t from a C. team showinp superior coachinp anti a preater power. The following is the score by quart- G. M. C. 13 6 12 0 31 Clarkesville A.4M. 0 0 0 0 0 Officials: H. Morpan. (Mercer) Referee; Freeman, (Oorpin) Um pire; Bass (Georpia) Headlinesman. Scorinp touchdowns: G. M. C. Canupp; Wynn, (2); Gunnels (2). WILL COLONIZE TRACT OF LAND EiLuli.1. Community Center The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company of Newark, N. J., which owns 20,000 acre* of land in Wash- inpton county is planninp to sub divide the tract into 40-ncre units and sell to the public on lonp term •payments. It is understood that a colony of some thirty Lutheran fam ilies from South Carolina have apreed t olocato on the tract of land, pro vided improvements were made. These people have asked that adcqi^te homes, barn* and other buihlinps be built on each unit and it is under stood the insurance company has agree to do this. The newcomers will be forced to leave their present homes on ac count of the huge hydro-electric dam being constructed on the Savannah river near Augusta. The company that bought the rite for the dam nl- so bought up all farm lands thnt would be inundated by the waters when the dam is completed. Mr. W. C. McM llan, who is as sisting the company in disposing of the land, said thn 4 the proposition would be open to every farmer in Washington county. The land will be sold (\i is, or improvements mnde. Small cash payments would be asked of all buyers, bnlance be ing paid in annual installments nt n low rate of interest over a lonp period of years. The Lutheran farmers are among the most thrifty in the nntion. They cultivate their land thoroughly and will produce more on forty acres than tie average farmer in this section produce*- on 200 acres. The Georpia & Florida Railroad is co-operating with the insurance company in colonization plan. The land to sub-divided is located at Warthen Is -said to be one of the best tracts of farm land in this state.—Sanders- ville Progress. KIWANIS CLUB SUGGEST PRISON ORGANIZATION MIDWAY CHARGE NAMES PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN^^ nur"| COL AS CAMPAIGN SP OFFICIALS FOR NEW YEAR irlk Qu Creating in the minds of the mere, irrespective of the nature of the offense, extent of the sentence race, sex or religious beliefs, the desire to refrom and be restored to society. 2. To find if posrible regular em ployment for released prisoners who manifest a desire to become decent nn j Oak Grove, members of society. The following officers 3. To extend such aid, nossibl SPEAKER TRIMMING TREES Mr. Elmo Ragsdale, an expert man, representing the Georgia er Co., ha* been in the city thi several days trimming trees in TEND SANDERSVILLE MEETING ' Col. Jos E. Pottle ha* made a num Conference Held ^*<.,.1 Conference Held Last Thur.- ^ 8pee ches in \KVOT of the Demo : By Dr. Elam F. day. Mist Bell oMcMil an cratic nominees, Gov. A1 Smith and 0U8 sections of the city. Dempsey Presiding Elder Treasurer Twenty Years Senator Joseph Robinson, during the done thj 8 W ork skillfully and f . campaign. Wherever he has spoken: fully, and it has been almost impost Dr. Elam F. Dempsey Presiding Eleven women, members ol tn ^ ^ been by large and en . We to note that the limba hm . Elder of the Oxford District, preach- Milledgeville Presbyterian c urc • “ " thusiastic crowds. removed from the trees. Along the ed at the Midway Methodist churchc. tended a group conference a J * a * Col. Pottle is recognized as one sidewalk fronting the G. Sunday evening, and held the fouth errville, Ga., on Thursday, ° 0 f mogt eloquent speakers in I campus on W’est Hancock street he quarterly conference. Every de- nth. ueorgia, and his speeches are clear bag found it necessary tc remove partment of the church made writ-, The conference was e« « ^ cut and convincing. some trees, which were*going to i ten reports, showing th? accomplirii- horn? of Mrs. Lamar Davis nn ‘ r ' CoL Pottle will speak at Thomson. ca y. These trees were perhaps .nents of the two churches—Midway were delegates also from ugu. . p r j da y nn( j at Sylvester Monday. hundred years old and more. Mr T ! Mon icello. Eatonton, and Tennille., | T - - - ' ** elect- Mrs. Wm. Alexander, President of Midway church—J. C. Johnson,! the Women’s Auxiliary of the Au- that the sincere applicant Leray Jones, A. F. Sanford, Mrs. gu»ta Presbytery, might become -If-pportlw. Arthur Forell. Mr,. L. S. Hol^y. | other officer* Mr* Maud ToltaOT ■I To keep tho.c oho h«ve mnde Mrs . p. J. Youngblood, Mm. C. F. ( Thurman of M,.nt,cello. Prenid.ot application for aid. a, far a, pratic- Coxw.il Arthur Smith. the group f»nfer.nM, able, under discrete observation, to Sunday School Superintendent— Crawford, Field Mother in Aug encourage them to keep in touch jj. A. Tennille. j Presbytery. Miss Smith. Home . i«- with the association, and to think of Oak Grove—J. P. Lingould. T. W. . sionary. Mrs. Irwin Alexander and i, a helpful friend. Mathew,. G. W. Edward,. D. T. Mm McT of Augurtu. Mm. Hemchel The amociatlon enliit, the foilnw- Mrs. W. E. Rauch, J- W. Alien. Miaa Belle McMillan and Mm. ;'ig as auxiliaries-': Scott. j J* L. Beeson. . , Coun y societies; fraternal and Sunday School Superintendent—, Many things of interest to Freshy- chric organizations; Women’s Chris- Mbs Sophie Richardson. terians were discussed morning and t an Temperance Union: Churches, District Steward—J. C. Johnson, .afternoon. At one-thirty o’clock, in white and colored; other organize- Recording Steward—Mrs. C. F. the shady back yard, a wonderful tions doing a similar work. Coxwell. j barbecue was nerved to sixty-five Through the following commltcc, Charge I-uy Leader—C. F. Coxwell. people—member, of the Christian •he A,relation ,eek» to briny to : church belay yue.t, al,o. the iittention of the citixen, of the P. T. A. TO MEET FRIDAY A FT S ate of Georgia its aims, and tc •ender the necessary nid to appli- . nn t« : j The Parent Teacher? Publicity, finance, temporary nid, meet on Frida y «* 1 runsportation and employment, pris- in visitation and follow-up. - - . „ ; — — George B. Thompson, Chairman gram has been arranged and u lull j terians of Milledgeville. After «<•- The committee bringi’ng the report attendance i, urged. rembling at the mamie on Columbia s as follows: | Street, the young ladies registered George B. Thompson, pastor *resbyterian church; B._ H. Dunna- way, Superintendent State Faring W. n „ M n Edwin Allen Another Car Call 361-L for E ROBINSON, JR. Load j L. McComb says he played under tht of Chryalera. shad? of these trees more than tration W. E. ty years ago on his way to and frva school at the old academic* A splendid rain fell in thi* sec- i tion Tuesday cven ! ng and night. It! f< brought a splendid season for the ,!« fanrlers to plant grain. Plenty of Malaga r Saturday. Get Bros. nd Tokay ur price. CluW, The Maud Norris Circle of the The Board of Steward, of the j Womans Hiaaionary Society » Methodlat church will hold on ad- i » i'h Mm. Harry Bone Monday aft, loum meeting at the church next «»■>" the J ir « ti °" «< ^ Tuesday evening at eight o'clock. A 1 M. S. Bell, a moat interesting pn * - - • gram was rendered, one of the f« tures being a solo by Mrs. R. Long. The honor guests of the me. ing were Mrs. Elam F. Dempsey, Oxford, and Mrs. M. E. Penning I of this city. Delicious refreyhmet I were served. of Chr! . W. E. 1 NOON IN GRADE BUILDING PRESBYTERIANS ENTERTAIN | j G. j. C. GIRLS I «p be census reports show that un to Association | October lrt, 1928, there had been on at four j 0 n Monday afternoon at three-1 K j nne d in this county 951 bales of o’clock in the auditorium of the. thirty, the Presbyterian girls at G. S. cotton> against 3,811, for the Grade Building. An interesting pro- j c w . were guests of the Presby-. corespon ding time last year. COTTON MARKET Cotton was selling i Episco P al Church; D .M. Rogeri Agent Central Railroad. Ireland, Superintendent Training School; E. C. Atkins, Chap- , w , . • a* , . r « w _i:„ T day, Tuesday and Wednesday in At tain State Furm; F. H. Harding, Rec- ' , u. r, u lanta attending a meeting of the Inter-State Medical Association. Physicians and surgeons from all sections after country arR at the STEWARDSHIP SERMON TOPIC meeting. LAST SUNDAY I Pr. Allen and Dr. Richard Binion were accompanied by Mrs. Binion and inued from front page) jj rg- Allen. DOCTORS ATTENDING MEETING | their names in a book which the IN ATLANTA lodie5 the church expert to keep (Wednetd , y ) for from year to year. Circles One and ' n A of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church served punch Milledgeville Middling 18 1-2 cents per pound, ceipts this .year are far behind the the t-rcoytenan cnu.cn ,ur..-u H-. iiombl , r ,„ t and tagged their guests with a suck of “O Boy” chewing gum attached, " ,, , by ribbon, In the College colors, to Mr ' Sam Gindin, son "I * - 3 .— Mrs. M. A. Gladin, who enlisted in the pastoral relation, and, now. for DELECAXES AT KIWANIS year, in our preterit relation. | CONVENTION IN ATHENS In their age, in youth, in Mn- turity. in their infancy your loved ^ Erwjn sib , €y> DUtrict Tru.tcc, '• ’ ick > h „ nd Messrs D. M. Roger,, Adrian been the subject of my fervent, even Pr „f. Wynn are spending agonizing interest and prayers. In and tomorro w In Athens, where thousand tender way. we are knit y attending the State Conven- together m life’s fabric of sunshine . * * . * . d of shade. Inevitable, therefore, ‘.on of Kiwan.a Clnbs. is my continued interest in you and The Milledgeville delegation will blameless pride in your laudable carry achievements. j 8 Wc are nearing the end of the ” riiAUDCAN year, and, aside from the deeper REV. GEO B. THOMPSON motives, we wont to make a report 1 PREACHED IN SAVANNAH at our Annual Conference session in | Atlanta, November 14th, that will p„..i,vteri»n Pulpit in This City be every way worthy of this great church. I have a peculiar pride in seeing you, my long-time friends, do excellent report of the local activities during the post year. esbyterian Pulpit in Filled by Dr. Robi Columbia Semii of card bearing the request “Pleat* stick to us.” Cars were waiting, in front of the mans?, to take the girls for a drive. , miuoii rctciscu mi. * —— After showing them guesta‘he plsees | ca| Recruitini . offic( , r Mr . G i nd . mpleted the Barber’s School Jacksonville, Fla., last year and the U. S. Navy a couple of weeks ago has been asrigned to duty in the Navy os n barber according to infor mation received by Mr. Felton Rice. of interest about the town the driv- of the cars turned to the home of Mrs. David Ferguson Mrs. Fergu- listed in the Navy with the ' of son, Mrs. Warren Edwards, and Mrs fol|tm . in( , w , cho , en p ro f„ s .... J. L. Beeson greeted the visitor, .t takin|[ adv .„Uge of th. opportunities the door, and invited them into this offcr , d b th(! Nnvy for travc l and lovely home which contains a wonder- oducatien fu! collection of art treasures^ In the dining room Circles Two und Five of pQjj R £^j Four room «p«rtment the Auxiliary served coffee and sand- ^ b>tfe on NofU| Columb!m , lree t. wiches, on the large porch at the rear j inmed ; ale occupation. Mr*. C. W. of the house Circle Four served Lily S|M!mr 946 Suce.», Ave., Lakeland, Coups. F | a ’ The girls returned to their cars and were driven vo the State Sani- COLORED SCHOOL TEACHERS tarium, around the race course near ORGANIZE the Treanor home, and back to the College. There were many express- Tbe 3a ] dw j n COU nty colored teach- ions of appreciation, from the girls, era Association was organized Octo. for the hospitality which they had cn- 1P o8 at the courthouse. joyed, and they returned to the col- -phe „fficcrs elected are viz: Prof, lege with a greater interest in Mil- j H j nmM —Chairman; Rev. W ledgeville nnd in those who had so Re jj, FINE COUNTRY HOME DESTROYED BY FIR Sparta, Ga.. Oct. 16.—The beai tiful colonial home of John C. Hooj on the Sparta and Warrenti*n Ron near Culverton, was burned to tb iriound about midnight Saturdi The family left Saturday i for a visit to friends at Covingto and nobody had been in the hna all day, so the cause of the ft cannot be determined. When neighobors reached the i dence the fire had gained such hi way that it was impossible to • anything except a few pieces of ft niture on the porches. The bui ing was one of the most beanti: counrty homes in the ciunty, w all modem .conveniences. Some surance was carried, but not enou to cover the loss. A N*». 1 U.ed ( SON, JR. FARMERS CLUB WILL MEET WITH MR. O. F. VEa] The Farmers Club will meet day with Mr. 0. F .Veal in Midm| This i« a regular monthly i of the club which is held o: third Saturday. ! Rev. Geo B. Thonip* For you are the largest congrega- tbp p n , s byterinn church, spent Sun- i in our District. What, therefore, dj|y Jn Savannah, and filled the pul may do will markedly lift or p - t t)f Presbyterian church, at j Chandb District record. Counting thp morn i np and evening service! A LETTER OF THANKS To our many friends I wish thank the many many friends for their kindne.-s during the ber« ment from the death of my husband, Brantley Mills, which I have and am going through with. Especially many white friends who have shown so much kindness and favors toward me, in such a needed time as it were. The floral offerings wer? adorable among the abov-e men tioned offerings were those of the Milledgeville Bar, County Officers, and many of his intimate friend*. Individually speaking; I wish to think Mr. Clove Cooper for the kind sjn-it and worthy favors shown unto FANNIE MILLS, 301 Pine Street West. Milledgeville, Ga. on your Christian friendship that has wcnt f roni Savannah to Brum-1 been, for so many years a blessing wick t() nttond t he session of the j to me, and that has unfailingly re- g ynod- I (•ponded tn many n call which, in nur |)r Wm c R „ ba prntc'r Heavenly Father’s Providence, it hits r „ |umbi „ Seminan’. Atlnnft. been my duty to make upon your cbcd at tho a ,„ r n inc and cvcninc loyalty nnd your Reneroslty. I now sprl . iccs at tbr prebyterinn church u«k thnt you respond one hundred thj> cilJ . Tbp scrmon , 0 f Dr. per rent to your pastor nnd to your Robjn „ lin ,. n j oyod by a lnrye lay official, a, they nppei.1 to you in 0 „ n( . r . Kntion clni'inj: the year's work. J) r Tliomp- 1 m will return to the “In Christ', stead, I pray you to city tbifl wee k. and he in his pulpit respond unanimously and one hun- nt>xt Sunday. dred per cent. You will thus not only have rejoicing in your own MR E- £. BELL REGAINING HIS hearts, the plaudit from the Great HEALTH Proprietor of ‘Well done, faithful Steward,’ but you will also ‘ring n ji r> e. Bell is steadily regaining bell,’ that will be heard throughout b j„ health, and is able to give his the Oxford District and thnt will in- en tire attention to his business spire every other charge within its apa j n . Mr. Bell iy one of Milledge- borders to make a better report.” ; ville's progressive merchants and AN EXPERT AT MIRAL1N BEAUT PARLOR Miss Kathleen Bozard who recent c R me to the city to b? with the Mir lin Beauty Parlor, is an experienc * onforial artist, having gradual •-Chairman; Annie San-1 from the Clayton School in Atlant thoughtfully planned for their pleas- f ord Secretary; Marlowe Smother*. | She is an expert in trimming m ure. Treasurer; Uucile M. Harris, Re-j cutting the ladies hair giving in* norter. ! sages, manicures, etc. She has hi decided that the meetings | experience in lending narlnrs. whi .eh Saturday after the first ’ fit her for the work she nd etc., bef< buyir DOVE SEASON HAS OPENED > held Cuv„ j — - lonth. The ladies of Milledgevil! ? nnd B: Th». topic for discussion will be the | win county are invited to call at i 1 Uied Car*. con ,|i{j„ n n f tbe community or “How j Miralin, which they will find n! “■* I found my Field.” 1 and quiet at all times. The work Gertrude Hitchcock will also ad : Miss Bozard is guaranteed to g in the discusion of organization of j .satisfaction. Every teacher iy urged to attend 1 Have iome A No. 1 U*ed Cr these meetings which will prove very Thi beneficial if the proper interest ls |P or manifested. Try Will Chai The season for shooting doves opened Tuesday, October 16th. The game laws of Georgia were made to protect the wlid life of the State and all sportsmen will observe them. It Chandler Bro*. is against the law to shoot more than — twenty-five doves on a hunt. Another Car Load of Cbry»lei i of rr.Ie. af uni.ed that can be bought at b Phone 361-L W. E. ROBl! | SON, JR. Her Special Coffee, :k if not pleaied FOR RENT—7 , W. E. 1 U*ed Can can be bought at big YOUNG ROYCE CARR DIED AT » 361-L W. E. ROBIN- WILKINSON COUNTY HOME 10-10-28 citizens, and takes a great interest .SON, JR. REV. F. H. HARDING ATTENDS in the civic affairs of the community EXECUTIVE MEETING EXCURSION FARES TO SAVA NAH, GA GEORGIA VS. FLORIDA FOOT BALL GAME j NOVEMBER 10, 1928 The death of little Royce Carr, 6-j Fare and one-third round always being found in the first line J SHERIFF TERRY CONTINUES TO year-old child of Mr. and Mrs. Nellojfrom all points in Georgia. • ^ [when a movement is on foot to ad-j IMPROVE Carr, which occured Sunday morning $9.06 will apply from pom s bet Rev F. II. Hxrdinjr .pent tat m the intern* of hi, city and 'at 2:00 o'clock, came a, a .nrpriso, Athcn, and Thur,day and Friday in Gainesville county. He was pceent at a meet-1 Sheriff S. L. Terry, who recently to hi, mony relative, nnd friend,. "'' meluJive. and Atlanta and .1 where he attended heads of the Atlanta Diocese. planning a definite organization or me nrsv ne n«u uucuucu m ««*.*/• uuspiMu ^ — **“ | ~ -- — |“ . ... . v . v . on .v, cr the several churches under his juris- months, and received a cordial wel-J prove and is regaining his strength, ents are: one sister and grandparents.. Savannah b> ® . i* diction ut an early date. come from his co-workers. [His friends here send him greetings Funeral services and interment oc- final limit midnight No ' er " *V - 1 a nd wish for him continued and rapid cured at 4:00 o’clock Sunday after-1 Ask ticket agent for fui • ork ‘ FIFTEEN CASES IN RECORDER’S improvement. They are looking for-' noon at MtCarmel cemetery. Rev. mation. eting of the ing of the Board of Stewards of the. had his left leg amputated between sympathize with them in their great elusive. ^ , icese. lie is Methodist church Tuesday evening, the ankle and knee, at the Piedmont loss. Dates of sale Novem r ® of the first he had attended in many I hospital in Atlanta, continues to Im-J Those surviving besides his par-j and for trains scheduled t Mr. Harding is actively engaged in ■ nany phnses of the church COURT STRAYED—A Urge black P China «w, with four white fee epet it. face, from B. 3. Adair place n North .ecUon of cc Been g ine about two week*, information leading to ber rec will be copreciated. A. H. Bn Route 4. Milledgeville, Ga. which require his spending much time , from thi, city. He is directing the j i have united him. and their thought, work of two churches here and [ City Recorder George Carpenter Have been with him continuously. Sparta and is Secretary of the Dio- held a busy sca>on of his court Mon- I 1 have cese. day afternoon. The police had dock- Wanted aeed corn, cotton *ped, Thou»andi eted fifteen or sixteen cases for him corn, velvet bean* and all kind of portation that LOST—A Maine* Walking Stick with to try. The charges were drunk nnd peas at Chandler Bro*. round *ilver h.- ndle, on which my gaming. return Another Car Load of Chrytlei ward to his return home, for they Lawrence officating. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAll-W* —A FRIEND, j The Right Way A No. 1 U*ed Car*, j Dainty De**ert. for Bo* Luod* n i«e* of unused tran*- j To 1 1-2 cups of diced cold r can be bought at big Children soon tire of rake savings. Phone 361-L W. E. ROBIN- fruit for the school lunch <j es SON, JR. If you keep on hand a surl ' , paper cartons such as drug E. A. Tig- ables and etc., befc sugar and Call 361-L for D re buying. ROBINSON, JR. nstral Another Car Loi Call 361-L for Dem ROB!NSO* J JR. PECANS WILL HELP—Pay your of Chrysler*. debts «nd taxes. Learn how and LOST—Whil tration W. E. why. Write J. B. Wright. Cairo. black head Ge. 10-17 28 41. pd. Notify Min W. E. | Plenty of Malaga and Tokay grape* to deliver ice cream, our price. Chand- pack a number of favorite?. jrice pudding, bianc mang<*- gelatins or tapioca, Spanish le Bull Dog, with \arian cream. The.-.* 1 for Satur d ler Bro*. nil. us treat to the littl: {oik*