Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 25, 1928, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, CA-. OCTOBER 25, 1928 is Week "“•ASSfjs—.!* proclamation rsrjs: erworks system for the City of LaGrange. may incur a bonded indebtedness In and in addition T | Submitting a proposed amendment to and separate from the amount or Messrs J. T. King, Sr., and J. T. I |he C ozu>tltution of Georgia to be j obt8 hereinbefore in this paragraph King. Jr., are this week attending a' k0 ted on at the General Election to be allowed to be incurred to an amount of t h„ Telephone Opera- held o.i Tuesday. November 6. 192S. ln the aggregate not exceeding the convention of the Telephone uj ^ ttmen(Im ,. nt to Paragraph 1 of 5UXn of B ve hundred thousand (1500.- tors and Owners of the Mate, me ? Qf Art|cle 7 of tbe Const!- 000.00) dollars, ard such Indebtedness conference that is in aession all this , u!ion D f Georgia, so as to provide for j aot to be incurred except with the as- week in Atlanta will bring together .Mowing the City of LaOrange to In- | sent of two-thirds of the qualified YOt hundreds of operators over the south,, Bv Arthur SrUbane a-ho , independent operators. s its bonded indebtedness, in ad to and separate from theamouut jjf debts heretofore allowed. ATHEISM VIA RADIO. THANKS. MR. WlLBUR. OLD HEARTS NEED CARE. AMERICANS ARE TALLER. TAX LEVY The following tax levy is made by i the Commissioner* of Roads and , Revenues of Baldwin County for Th. American A.uoci.tion for lhe the £* r ^; 28 ’ f„|| 0 win* onli-r Adv.nc,»«.t „f Ath.ta ^ Lpon m... ^ ^ purpo5CS high powered radio stu in . , ■ n joag passed* York City .od doc. not tret it, »1- WH ^ EAS thc ' , oUl am ount „f SI By H!r Excellency, L. G. Hardman. Governor State of Georgia, Executive LH-partment, August 27, 1928. application for administra tion GEORGIA, Baldwin County: To Whom It May Concern: George S. Carpenter, having ap plied to me for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of John Youn w , deceased; this is to noti fy the next of kin and creditors of said John Young that said applica- ers of such city nt an election or elec- tion will be heard before me at the tlons to bo held as may now or may regular November Term, 1928, of the hereafter be proscribed by law for the Court of Ordinary of said county, incurving of new debts by sold City of ! Witness my hand and official LaGrange. I signature, this first day of October Sec. 2. Be it further enacted by the jg28. authority aforesaid, that whenatrer w H STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary the above proposed amendment to the Constitution shall bo agreed to by two- thirds of the members elected to each LAND SALE Upon levying nd doc. not iret it, »1- ,or JJ“' though thc easiest way to make an' ‘ , “theiat ridiculous i. to let him talk.; Property returncd for UtreUon It is hard to understand how any- body could talk atheism. knowKg that 8 ; ^ ‘ ’ ■ 1 d, ” rt *nd ! Baldwin County for the year 1928 , , , . , u is therefore considered, ordered ... propelod by a power oeyond ; jdjud|[cd that thcrc bc levied omprehemion, travel, .around the the propertJf returned for ,-orld through the my.ter.on. ether., ]evy u|d County , nd up . ail property in said county sub- WHEREA3. The General Assembly t Its session in 1927 proposed an mendment to the Constitution of thiB forth ln an Act approved August 23. 1927. to-wit: LaGRANGE WATERWORKS BONDED DEBT. No. 363. nd paragraph 1 of of the two Houses of the General As- GEORGIA, Baldwin County: sembly, and the same has been en- Under and by virtue of a power of sale contained in a deed to secure a debt, executed by W. A. Austin to snail, ilUU lit! IB uciou; uuuiuiimju muu i _ , . ..... ,- instructed, to cause said amendment Exchange Bank ^ of ^ to be published la at least two news- Georgia, _ ” ' * na *** tered on their Journals, with the ayes and nays taken thereon, the Governor shall, and he is hereby authorised and .o oe yuon.u.o .a a. ..... ... — Murch 7th, 1928, which papers in each Congressional District deed is recorded in the office of the in this State for a period of two | Clerk of the Superior Court of said months next preceding the time of i County, in Book of Deeds No. 12, tion 7 of article 7 of the Constitution j holding t ho next general election. j page 342 the undersigned will sell, of thl. state, a. now amended. .0 a. j Sec. 3. Be It further enacted by I at pub , ic out _ cryi bc fore the Court pon each dollar of the value there- | of, that is to say, a tax of one and tenths per cent, which levy is i made for county purposes ofr the year j 1928 and is in addition to the school hereinafter levied. provide for allowing the City of LaGrange to lucre&se Its bonded indebtedness, in addition to and separate from the amount of debts hereofore allowed under said para graph under certain circumstance*, for the purpose of purchasing, pairing, or building j system door of said County, to the highest bidder for cash, within the above proposed amendment shall be submitted for ratification or rejection to the electors of this State at the next general elec tion to be held after publication as providod for ln the second section of Congratulation*! to Secretary Wil-: bur, who has ordered for our navy j two dirigibles thnt will be the biggest | in the world. They will be three times as big as tbe Lo.< Angeles, one third bigger than the German giant Count Zeppe lin and each will carry, under the great gas bag, five airplanes for scouting. The Goodyear Zeppelin Corpora tion will build them and friendly na tions abroad are informed that we do not intend to be taken by surprise. waterworks J tbl8 Act> j„ tbo several election dls- | trlcts of this State, at which election . . . , . . • Section 1. Be it enacted by the j eTery person shall be qualified to YOte Tne above tax is levied for the oenoral Assembly of the State or ; w ijo is now entitled to vote for xnexc- following purpo-es and in the fol- , Borgia, and it is hereby enacted by ; ot , the General Assembly. All lowing amounts: |tbo authority of the same, that para- . persons voting at such election in To pay jurors, tax of 6-100 per praph 1 of section 7 of article 7 of i favor of adopting tho proposed amend- cent or 6 mills. |» h e Constitution of this State, as now j ment t0 tbo Constitution shall have To support paupers l-lu per cent amended, is hereby amended by adding j written or printed on their ballots, or 1 mill. ut the end °* Ba,d paragraph the fol- | amendment allowing City of La- South by lands of D. G. Gullins, and To support prisoners in jail 4-100 luwlnK: prept that the City of La- Grange to increase its bonded indebt- others; and on the West by the lands ,n f m ‘' "* nece8 ‘ edness for waterworks system.” and 1 of Minnie Maude Williams. The legal hours of sale, on the 6th day of November, 1928 the following de scribed parcel of land, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Milledgeville, Baldwin County, Georgia, being part of lots Nos. 1 and 3, in Block 37, according to plans of said City, bounded as follows: On the North by Montgomery Street; on thc East by lands of Elder Jone?, and Minnie Maude Williams; Atheists, young might meditate on • lected apothegms: Simonides, being asked of Hiero, “what he thought of God,* seven night’s time to conwder of it and at the seven nights end he asked n fortnight’s time, at the fortnight’s | esd, a month. At which Hicro marvelling, Sim-j monid'-s answered “that the longer he thought upon the matter the more difficult he found it” The more glibly you answer King ; Hiero’s question the less you know. I | ■“ : Crange, from time to time _ '«* t -MrssiTSSs; coun y officers 1—-100 per cent orj 8y8tem< including all necessary pipe- ; or pr i nte( i on lbe if ballots tbe words. 1 land runs ** *“* * ' 1.22 mills. 1 '.Ine, pumping-stutlons, reservoirs, or : -Against the ameudmont allowing the the corn€r °* * ot of Eld ® r Jonc8 For’ supplies for county officers , aythlng else that mny be necessary ! ^j ty ot LaGrange to increase its on Montgomery Street, the line runs 28-1000 per cent or 28 mills. J for the building, constructing or op- bonded Indebtedness for waterworks thence in a Southerly direction at To build and repair public roads - rating a waterworks system for tho ^tem.” right angles to said Street a distance 4-10 per cent or 4 mills. ‘ ,,y ° r LaGrange. may Incur a bonded g ec 4 g e lt further enacted by of 105 feet to the lands of D. G. To rebuild and repair public ‘adebtednes* in addition to and sep- the authority aforesaid, that the Gov- Gullins; thence at right angles in a 1 bridges across Fishing Creek, Town ; r ? lo # fro ® “J ; 1001,1,1 of debts here- ornor bo and be j- hereby authorized Westerly direction a distance of 35 Creek, end Camp Creek, recently 7ur stroyed and damaged by flood 1-10 r „. ;ale not exceeding the-sum of five flrst 8 Vctlon of this Act to a vote of ^ orthcrl y direction a distance of 105 percenter 1 mill. .mired thousand «sr,<io.onn.no> dol- tho ptoy ; c aa ru , iulrfc j by the Con- {cet . to Montgomrey Street; thence To build and repair other public jlars. and such indebtedness not to be b titution of this State In paragraph 1 £t r >eht a n £l e » > n an Easterly direc- 1 ridges 4-10 percent or 4 mills. [incurred except with the assent of Q f Bec tion 1 of article 13. and by this tion along said Montgomery Street To repair court house, jail and two-thirds of tho qualified voters cf Act; and if ratified, the Governor 1 ether public buildings tax of 2-10 “dd L ’ity at nn election or elections aball, when he ascertains such ratifl- per cent or 2 mills bu hold ari may now or muy here - cation from tho Secretary of State. To pay expense of health d.«—-l a£t0r bc preacribed by ,aw for 11,0 to whom the returns shall be referred ment. a tax of 15-100 per cent Jounce ot 36 fret to ft. .Urtiog Said sale will be madc (pr purpose of raising fund, to pay following described note, accrow interest thereon, and the cost ot tti proceeding, which the deed a bo« mentioned was given to secure, to. wit: One note dated March 7th, 190, due ninety days after date $560.71, bearing interest after ma tuiity at thc rate of eight per cnb per annum, containing a stipulstit,, to pay attorneys’ fees and the wai, CT of homestead and exemption rirhts, said note being signed by W. \ Austin and payable to the Exchane, Bank of Miliedgerille, Georgia, or it, ordor. There i, now due on note the sum of $650.71 principal besides interest at eight per cent! per annum from June 6th, 1928. The undersigned will execute a deed to the purchaser as authorized in said security deed. This 2nd day of October, 1928. EXCHANGE BANK OF MILLEDGE VILLE, GEORGIA. Grantee. Hines & Carpenter, Attorneys’ for Exchange Bank. SPECIALIZED SERVICE— C. H. ANDREWS & SON. “Nothing Bat laanraaco” EXCURSION FARES TO COLUM BUS, GA. GEORGIA-AUBURN FOOTBALL GAME NOVEMBER 3, 1928 Fare and one-third round trip from points in Georgia and Alabama, ex cept $7.07 will apply from points be tween Athens and Madison inclusive. Tickets on sale November 2 and for trains scheduled to reach Colum bus by 1:00 P. M. November 3; final limit November 4. Ask ticket agent for further infor. mation. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY The Right Way A fleet of such dirigib! carrying flf*y tons of explosives and modern war gas, able to unleash one hundred fast destructivetplanex, could leave with Uncle Sam's compliments a visiting card in Europe or Asia that would not soon be forgotten. We make war on no nation, but we election. may here- cation from the to whom in tho manner as mi cases of election i~ — that ..aid paragraph for members of the General As sembly » of the Constitution when amended And the tax collet*.or of said coun-jihall read as follows: ty is hereby ordered to assess and' Paragraph 1. The debt horeafter collect for the use of said county of j incurred by and county, municipal Baldwin for the above purposes fo; the y;nr 1928, a tax of one and six > count and ascertain the 10 his proclamation fur oi i one of the daily newspa esults, is- polilicul division of :• nths William W. Breck. retired lu^ness inn. fell dead while playing golf. He Proper >er cent, that is* to say, n tax en min': upon each dollar of .* subject to taxation in said y-11 old. /—fol It is further ordered that the tax collector of mid county assess and collect a tax of 1-2 per cent, thnt is to say, of five mills upon each dol lar of property subject to taxation .■■aid county for the support of pub lic schools of said county for the y effort, unlc: s a good doctor has pro nounce d yo .r heart “fool proof."’ Golf is good for old m<n that phy, as they should. Milking, laugh ing, winking slowly. It’s dangerou: for those than strain and strive t< better their game. It is further ordered that there Remember, old gentlemen, that be levied and collected upon all of whether you go around in 130 or 103 the property returned for taxation the cosmos will roll on. just the same, in the following school Districts of Treat an old heart as you would a »n>d county as a local school dclica e vase, not as you would treat school purposes in said Districts for orporatlon, this State, except aa in this Consti tution provided for, shall not exceed even per centum of the assessed val- le of all the taxable property therein, nd no such county, municipality or dl- iaion shall Incur any new debt, except or temporary loan or loans to supply usual deficiencies of revenue, not to xcced one-flftn of one per centum of he annual valuo of tuxable property therein, without the i thirds of tbo qualified at an election for that purpose, to b held os muy be prescribed by law but any city, the debt of which does b g 1( j i old rubber boot. the year 1928, ihe following taxes: For Midway School District 1 mill. Americans are not going backward, 1 For Coopervillc School District, 1 PHYSICALLY, at least. Girls are mill. taller and stronger than ever. And This ordor signed in open court, among 100 candidates reporting for *^>9 d °y of September, 1928. freshman crew practice at Cornell COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS AND yesterday. 48 were 6 feet tall; a good REVENUES OF BALWIN COUNTY exceed seven per centum of the assessed value of the taxable property nt tho tin** of the adopt«on of this Constitution, may be authorized by law to increase, at any time, the amount of suid debt three per centum upon such assessed valuation; except that the City of Augusta, from time t » of this Its and declaring the amendment ratified. Sec. 5- Be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, that all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved August 23. 1927. NOW, THEREFORE, I, L. G. Hard man, Governor of eald State, do issue this my proclamation hereby declar ing that tho proposed foregoing umondmcnl to the Constitution is of two suhmitted for ratification or rejection thereof to yj C voters of the State qualified to vote for members ol’ tho General As sembly ct the Generul electiou to be Tuesday, November 6, 1928. L. G. HARDMAN, Governor. By the Governor: George H. Carswell, Secretary of State. GEORGIA. A well-balanced body, of good size. ■ alioui o fc-t. i* the right sort. i In old days, a Napolt *»n had to be short. If he had hen a little taller he would have been killed by the first of the bullets that w?nt an inch above hi.- head. No ondei m boy* and girls grow. The nation’s food hill is TWENTY-THREE THOUSAND MIL LION DOLLARS. Forty-seven thousand, nine hun dred and eighty-five factories of different kinds turn out food pro- <lu"*‘, assisted by 6,448.366 farmers. And 22 p«r cent of the food plants produce nine-tenths of the food pro duct-. Shiver at that, if you dread monopoly. It is a rich country that can afford to eat twenty-three billion* worth of food in a year. Much of it, unfor tunately, is wasted. This country, after all its spending for food, clothing other necessities, ha* a "social surplus” of TEN THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS. • than the country needs for its U. That is what huild* up values igf bank account- and Wall tt prices. STOMACH SPELLS Oklahoma Lady Gives Inter esting Account of Long Use of Black-Draught In Her Home. Qagceyah, Okla.—“1 have taken Black-Draught ever since I was a child, and can recommend It as a spier did medicine for family use.” says Mrs. Cera Mabcrry. of this place. “My mother used It, in bringing up her family, and after 1 liad a home of my own. I con front the amount of debts hen inbefore in thlR paragraph allowed be Incurred. gregate not exceeding the seven hundred and fifty thousand dol- such indebtedness not to bo 'ST—Bunch of Irays. Postoffico and several other keys on ring. Finder return to this office for re ward. “My children did not mind taking Blcrk-Dreught, and so when they got up-et with stomach spells, or were constipated. I gave them Black-Draught tea. “If I found that they were tak ing cold. I was quick to start giving them Black-Draught, ns It helped them to throw eff the impurities which caused the trouble. "My children are all grown now and have homes of their own. but I still keep Black-Draught in the house and use it myself when I wake up in the morning feeling dull and •heads-hey*, end have a bad taste in my mouth. “Black-Draught Is a simple rem edy for const lpr l-n. n d I prefer it to others bc u’«s- i l~ purely vegetable. I aluajr* fo*i betuu* cl- 1 * ’I” : n . MwM anything else that may be ADMINISTRATTOR’S SALE time, as necessary for the purpose of protection against flood, may incur u bonded Indebtedness upon its power- producing canal and municipal water- GEORGIA, Baldwin County. work*, In addition to the debts here- . . . inbefore in this paragraph allowed to v,rtUe °* nn or ^ or Rranted at be incurred, to an amount In the ag- *he October term, 1928, tho Court gregate not exceeding fifty per centum Ordinary of Baldwin County, will of ;he combined value of such proper- ho sold, at public outcry, on the ties, the valuation of such properties first Tuesday in November, 1928,; to be fixed as may he prescribed by at thc court-house door in said la .v, bui said valuation not to cxcoed ty, betwen the legal hours of sale, to a figure five per cent, on which shall - he bcst and hi{fh . 8t bilJder f or casb , represent the net revenue per nttuunt th[ . fu , lowin deH:ri be I l property, produced by the two such properties to-wit- together at the time of said valuation, _ ' , , , a , , ■ind such Imlebtedooss not to b c In- 0nc house “ nd lot '>’' n S curred except with the assent of two- “ nJ beta* on South Liberty Street thirds ol tho nualltled voters ot said it tbe city of Milledgeville, Ga., city at an election or elections for known and distinguished in the plan that purpose to be held as may be of said city as part of Lot No. 1 in now or may hereafter be prescribed Square No. 59; bounded on the North by law for the Incurring ot new debts by j ot f orni( . r |y owned by Mrs. Lucy “LAUNDERED T3 PERFECTION!” That’s what you’ll exclaim joyously when you send even your daintiest things to us for wash ing and ironing. Sheets and pillowcases, table cloths and napkins as well as the sheerest silk stockings and lingerie are laundered to perfec tion here. *i none 440 and our driver will call. Milledgeville Laundry and Dry Cleaners PHONE 440 iy the said City Council of Augusta; except that the City of West Point, from time to time as may bt P. Wagon, now owned by Miss Eliza beth Jones; on the East by Liberty ie purpose of protectiaa Street; on the South by Mm E. against floods, may incur a bended Flcmistcr and on the West by A. J. indebtedness in addition to aud sep- Carr. Sai dlot fronts on Liberty street a distance of 64 ft. and 8 in. back in a westerly direction amount in the ng- | 0 f equal width a distance of 118 feet. This October 1, 1928. E. J. Flemister, Administrator of incurred the" recret 7l j ‘ hc E '^ te ° f Mr -'’ Mar > - A ’ Th< »” as - two-thirds of the qualified voters of ( deceased, such city at an election or elections ’ to be held as may now or hereafter prescribed by law for the incurring of now debts by said City of WeBt Point. Except that the City of Ln- j Grange, from time to time as neces- ! iry for. the purpose of repairing, pur- thving o? constructing waterworks, system, including all nucessary plpe- luanpmc-ztations, reservoirs, or necessary ■ J for tbo building, or coustrucUng RIGHT ALWAYS AllWjy.J FOR RENT Tw» 2 Rooms ud Botk Apartmeats b oae of tk mart dcaoble Settioo* ■ dm City n*M 35Z-J. GLORIA SUPREME HIGH PATENT GLORIA IS ALSO AVAILABLE TO YOU IN SELF RISING FLOUR John Conn Company DISTRIBUTORS MilkdgCTjlk.^ Georgia