Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, October 25, 1928, Image 7

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mwmm&sw v «11 w v UNION RECORDER, M1LLEDGEVILLE. GA.. OCTOBER SB. It SB _ial 0TClftIV lUg Mr. «nd Mrs. Bob McElrath spent Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Massey visited the past week-end in Atlanta. Mr. and Mm E. L. Barnes, Jr, in • • ■ Forsyth Sunday. Miss Valentine Barron spent Sun- • • • day in Macon with relatives. Miss Mary Cline has returned af- • * • ter an extended visit to North Caro- Mr*. Jos A. Moore spent Saturday lina. and Sunday with relatvies in Sharon. • • • • • • Memrs E. C. Kidd and Roy Alford, Rtv. John F. Yarbrough spent Jr*. spent several days of this week in Monday and Tuesday in Atlanta. Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Anderson wit- Mrs. Geo S. Roach and children ufssed the Tech-Notre Dame football visited relatives in Warrenton this pm»- in Atlanta Saturday. week. Mr. and Mr?. Stewart Wootten and Born to Mr. and Mm Coleman Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Wootten spent Rouis, at Hardwick a son, James Wil- th ,. pa.t week-end in Atlanta. j Ham, October 15th, 1928. Mr?. Georgia Robinson spent the Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Jones witness- week-end with her daughter, Miss «d the Tech-Notre Dame game in At- ‘ ances Robinson. lanta last Saturday. Misses Frances Hines and Alice! Judge and Mrs. Freeland of Miami, Hall will spend the week-end in At- Fla., are the guests of Dr. and Mrs. nta the guests of Miss Mae Asbury. f®* D. Allen. Capt. Robert Grey, of Riverside! Mrs * Maggie Foote has returned to Academy, spent Sunday in the city, I her Home in Decatur, after a visit to th friends. ! Mrs - H - D * Allen and Mrs. Maggie • • • | Cook. Miss Elizabeth Thompson, of La- j nia, was the guest of Miss Valen- Mr * and Mrs. J. J. Wootten and Dr. |e Barron Saturday. | and Mrs. J. C. Adcock attended the • • «* ; Barnum Bailey, Ringland Circus in Mr. I. H. Hall of Florida, spent | Mocon la,t Saturday, ceral days of the past week i city. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gladin of Sand- enville, spent Sunday urith Mrs. S. G. W. Gladin and Mrs. Eula Stanley. The friends of Mr. G. C. McKinley, n<i they are numerous, are glad to ‘c him out again, after an illness of •vend days. Miss Margaret Yarbrough spent Saturday and Sunday in Atlanta, and nded the Notre Dame and Teck football game. Mrs. Walter Brown, Mrs. D. F. or.tgomery, Mrs. Carlie Montgom- y nnd Miss Minnie Grant spent e-day in Macon. Mr. and Mr*,. O. C. Terry and chil dren and Mr. John Terry of Newport News, Vo., have been in the city and county visiting relatives. Prof. W. T. Wynn, Col. Erwin Sib- • and Mr. Adrian Horne attended the Kr.vnnis Convention in Athens Mr-. J. L. Beeson, Mrs. R. B. °°rc and Mrs. A. F. Latimer arc Atlanta, attending the State Con n-ion of the U. D. C. Mr. Russell Bone is spending sev- •il days in Philadelphia, and Pitts- irg on business for the Oconee Clay Products Co. I>r. and Mrs. W. M. Scott have rr.cd from Atlanta, wh?*rc they at- nded a meeting of doctors during * Past week. j •'* r - F«*lton Rice and Mr. W. Holloway made a business trip lnton Monday. While there they the pleasure of hearing Hon ^ r l Vinson deliver a very able ad- ' s ° n *He issues of the presidential 'Paign to a large and enthusiastic Hr. and Mrs. Edwin Allen and Dr. ’ Mrs. Richard Binion, have return- - r,, m Atlanta where they attend- meeting of the Medical fra- Ir - and Mrs. J. T. Oliphant and " Jennie Oliphant of Macon, and j' J - ie Oliphant of Los Angeles, u* e r° cueRta °f Major nnd Mrs. ■ P*<ntz Sunday. The Doctor’s Academy of the Geor. gia State College for Women held its first meeting of the year, Wed nesday evening, October 17th, in the rotunda of the Mansion as the guests of President and Mrs. J. L. Beeson. The program consisted largely In reports made by the various commit tees and in organizing the work for the year. Six new felolws were elected as members of the Academy: Dr. Huge Kressin, Professor of Spanish and Dr. Thomas Meadows, Associate Pro fessor of Education, who were made active fellows; Dr. Ambrose, L. Suh- rlc, of New York .University and Dr. Thomas J. Woof ter, of University of Georgia former professors at the Col lege, who were made Associate fel lows, and Dr. E. H. Scott of the Col lege and Dr. M. L. Duggan member of the Board of Directors, who were made Honorary fellows: Dr. W. T. Wynn read an interest ing paper on "Standards in United States Colleges.*’ A social hour with dainty refresh ments served by the hostess followed the program. Mrs. Francis Daniels assisted Mrs. Beeson in serving. FRIENDSHIP • d«ep- ville. We extend to them < R,v. J. F. Fulshum filled hi. w- , of Florid., in wend- ing a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i. N. Wood. Miss Louise Wood of Granite Hill, High School spent the week-end with homefolks and attended services at One of the most delightful parties of the week was that given this after noon (Wednesday) by Miss Florence Cole at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. A. Reese, in honor of Miss Sarah Aline whose marriage will be an interesting social event of next month. Vases of marigolds and golden glow adorned the living room where the bridge games were played. Top score and guest prizes were present ed. Mis» Cole was assisted by Mrs. Reese in serving a delicious salad cuorse. MRS. R. J. McELRATH ENTER TAINS IN HONOR OF BRIDE ELECT Mrs. S. J. Stembridge, Miss Estcll Stembridge, Mrs. S. D. Stembridge nnd Mrs. W. A. Massey visited Mrs. ~ D. Holsenbeck in Macon Tuesday. Mrs. R. T. Scmmes will return to her home in Savannah Thursday, af-j ter a visit to Misses Mary and Katie Cline. rs. V. W. Faulkner was the vic tim of a painful accident Monday af ternoon when she slipped on a pecan and sprained her ankle, breaking a small bone in her foot. Dr. W. F. Dobyns, Dr. G. L. Echoli., Dr. C. G. Cox and Dr. R. W. Brad ford were among the physicians at tending the meeting of the Graduate Physicians in Atlanta last week Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McKinnon and little daughter will leave Friday for Brunswick, where they will spend sev eral days the guests of Mrs. McKinn- parents . Mrs. J. C. Hudgins and little daugh-l MISSES NAPIER ENTERTAIN ter have returned to their home in Atlanta, after spending several day? with Mrs. Hudgins’ mother, Mrs. A. Wall. 3Irs. R. J. McElrath entertained most delightfully at two parties last Friday, a morning party and afternoon party. The party in the afternoon was honor of Miss Sarah Allen, whose marriage will be an interesting event of next month. Fall flowers and halloween deco ration* were artistically arranged in the hall and living room where the games were played. The place cards carried out the Halloween idea. Miss Allen was presented with a dainty guest prize. Bridge games were joyed before delicious refreshments IN HONOR OF MISS ALLEN Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Cormanni and Mrs. Homer Barnes spent the week end in Columbia, S. C., with their brother, Mr. J. F. Simpson and fam ily. Mr. Simpson is still in Baptist • green was enrried Hospital, but semed to be a little stronger. His relatives und frineds hope that he will soon recover. Messrs C. H. Whitfield and W. L. Ritchie, members of the Athletic committee of the Board of Trustees G. M. C., went down to Augusta Sat urday *o witness the game of football between G. M. C Academy. A lovely affair of Tuesday bridge tea given by Misses Elizabeth, Mildred and Margaret Napier in hon or of Miss Sarah Allen, bride-elect of November, at Oakhurst, the home of Mrs. Terrance Treanor. A pleasing color scheme of yellow i autumn flowers. Following the games a de licious salad course was served. The guests included: Mesdames Erwin Allen, Chas. Moore, Daws Allen, John Mobley, Heindel Mobley, Leon Callaway, Russell Bone, J. F. The rooms leading from the rctundn in every direction and thu*, , the „ erk ^.„ d leadin K into one another are n-.oat, M „„ r ttr „„ kin , of Mn . f: A t0 ° Cl i 0f ,n<l Icdpeville, rpent the wrk-eod with hi, parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Brook- lar appointment at church Saturday and Sunday and was dinner guest of Mr. S. E. Blizzard Sunday. Mrs. Sallie Veal returned home Saturday from a week’s visit with Mr. Ttay Veal, in Augus' . A _ ! Mr. and ”r. }.’. B. Peeler spent .of Sister, Com- Su „ dny aft , r:10o „ vrith Mnt 0 . L •d her home and The fellows of the Doctorj, Academy of the Georgia State Col lege for Women met Wednesday j evening, October 17th, with Dr. and , Mrs. J. L. Beeson in the historic ro- . tunda of the Mansion, which furnish- •i**™'’ ™ i ^ r > ends Hip. , ...... .. ’ Mr. Veal and family and her sister, ». „ . , - - deified acting for thr orca,- M „ „ R Tanner. 1 munity accompaniei there In way of draperies, the tapes- choir or on a tete-a-tet, serv ed to bring out the beautiful lines of the furniture, while the artistical- of each room gave to the whole Mansion an exquisite unity. In the absence fo Mrs. Beeson, Mr* Francis Deniels was acting hostess. The President of the Academy, Dr. Francis Daniels, installed the new Fellow*, Dr. Thomas B. Meadows and Dr. Huge M. Kressin as Active Fel lows, nnd Dr. Edwin H. Scott as Honorary Fellow. Profersor Henry ”*. Wh*te, being a candidate for a Ph. D. Degree, was granted the freo- ' the Academy. Dr. Ambrose L. Suhrie and Dr. Thomas J. Woofter, ormer members of the faculty of the college, were elected Associate Fel lows, and Dr. Moll L. Duggan, a mem ber of the Board of Directors, was elected Honorary Fellow. Certificates of fellowship were given to the sev eral fellows. The officers of the Academy are: Dr. Francis Daniels, President; Dr. J. L. Beeson, Vice- President; Dr. Amanda Johnson, Secretary; Doctor Erwin H. Bohm, Treasurer. Dr. Alice C. Hunter gave n report regard to the promotion of post- rrnduate study among the alumnae. The various provisos were discussed at length by all the felows of the Academy. They were clearly put and and very original. Dr. Wynn gave interesting paper on the require ments of educational .associations im posed on colleges. Dr. Webber was given a vote of thanks for the stationery that he himself had ar-. ranged artistically. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to Dr. nnd Mrs. Beeson, as well as to the acting hostess, for their hospitality and delightful refreshments. Beeson extended an invitation to the Academy to meet in the Mansion for their December session, if rotunda yet in another of the exquis ite rooms of the Mansion. The fellows present were Doctors Beeson, Bohm, Daniels, Hunter, Johnson, Webber, Wynn, and those ly elected Doctors Kressin, Mea dows and Scott. Professor White Bi present as well as the acting hostess, Mrs. Francis Daniels. in*. Little Miss Ruth Blizzard spent Saturday night with her aunt, Mrs. T. H. Hall. The sad news was received here last Thursday reporting the death of Mr. Newt Fuller, a Washington county boy, homed and raised in this community, when just entering Into manhood he went away and join ed the Navy and has been in that service about nine years. He died in California, and the body is expect ed to arrive here soon, for burrial at Darien church, where he was a member. He leaves two brothers and one sister, Mr. Will Fuller, of Griffin, Ga., and Mr. Ivy Fuller and sister, Mrs. Joe Beck, of Milledge-' TO CIRCLE NO. FIVE Piedmont Hospital Atlanta, Ga. October 10th, 1928. I wondered why it was one day When I was "kinder" blue, That suddenly—I felt just like I was as good as new. Then something said, “oh yes, of course, It was that box of pills That Circle No. 5 did send— My heart with rapture thrills Whene’re I think of each pink pill I swallowed with such glee— And how I know that’s what did make A new man out of me. So thanks, my friends, and soon I you, every c Boll. Jr., Chan. Conn Frank Bono.' , hl , <v my 'l„ v0 ,y ahooa, W S Jon. Jr R. J. M'Elrath, W. I , n wWch ' >lk J d Mills and family. Mr. and Mrs. V. V. Underwood were dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Underwood Sunday. Miss Magnolia Garrett of Sanders- ville, spent the wek-end here with relatives. Mr. B. L. Prosser and Mr. J. W. Blizzard have treated themselvea to new cars. The air is so chlily this morning that frost is expected soon, and peo ple arc begining to to talk about kill ing hogs. Mr. Sam Brookins, Jr., spent the week with his sister, Mrs. G. W. Wyae of Macon. Clack*w—Strips mud Chock. SO laches wide, lBc yard value. Special 10c yard. CHANDLER'S VARIETY STORE. NEW CROP Exlra Fancy Drained Citron - 35c lb. Exrta Fancy Orange Peel 30c lb. Extra Fancy Lemon Peel 30c lb. Extra Fancy Currents 2 pkgs. for - -35c Extra Fancy Crystalized Cherries 60c lb. Extra Fancy Crystalized Pineapple - 60c lb. THIS SEASON CATCH "Extra Shore One” Mess Mackerel 25c (These are fat and fine) Columbia River Shad Roe. A Delicious Breakfast Dish 60c Reduced from 75c. (Special price on one-half or dozen lots) Large Variety of Fruits and Vegetables every day. Grapefiuit and Oranges—Seal Sweets are much cheaper. BELL GROCERY CO. ZS3—PHONES—498 There Is No Season Like ’ The Fall to Paint Don't let the Winter rains sog and deteriate your woodwork and ruin the looks of your home. Mr. T. L. McComb, Hines McComb, Julius Holt, Henderson Warnock and Misses Nell Edwards and Lucy Hard- ing went to Augusta Saturday to witness the football game. B. McKinnon, M. S Bell, J. K. Pettit, Richmond \ Harris Yarbrough, George McWhort er, Steve Thornton, J. I. Garrard, Ed Napier, Coleman Moughon, Misses Sarah Allen, Florence Cole, Frances Hines, Leila Lamar, Bessie Bland, Alice McCruw, Virginia McCraw, Ruby Perry of Covington, and Alice Hall’. Tho for some time I guess I will On crutches stalk around, I hope my two feet soon will be By themselves on the ground. I’m kind you miss me, when you meet Read this—then know ’tig true— I love you—everyone and send A great big kiss to you. NELLE WOMACK HINES 1- H. Andrews ha« returned MRS. JOHN MOBLEY ENTER TAINS FOR VISITOR UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR’S CLUB MEETS WITH PROFESSOR AND MRS. E. H. SCOTT 10 vard. LL Sheeting 89c CHAND LER’S VARIETY STORE. does your home appear to others? Mrs. John Mobley entertained at bridge on last Thursday afternoon in honor of Mr.-'. J. K. Pettitt of Thailes. N. Y. f the guest of her sister Mrs. Heindel Mobley. V.oses of fall flowers were at tractively in the living room where Bohm the guests were seated for the games, j ing. ‘it of several weeks to Dill- \ Refreshments were served at the con- ' G: » Her son. Mr. J. T Andrews, | elusion of the games. t0 Hillard Friday in his auto-| l,iIe - and brought her to the city! MRS. W. D. MORRISON ENTER- ' Massey, Jr., the lit* 1 " ar ri Mrs. H. A. Massey, suffered, t The University Professors’ clu H ip c CHANDLER’S were the guests of Dean and Mrs. E. I H. Scott last Monday evening at their f first meeting of the year. Miss Mamie Padgett and Dr. E. H. j the speakers of the even- : Padgett, who spent the summer in Europe with the "Art Tours’’ of the Bureau of University travel, gave an interesting and in structive account of her travels, par- TAIN* BRIDGE CLUB j ticulnrly of her visit to the Inter- ». “““r :rr,^ given by Lorade Taft and others. A gen-, visit into Old Mexico" was the sub- last Thursday evening. Delicious refreshments m while playing during Delicious refreshmen s . of a vepy entc rtaining talk by »I G. M. C. The little boys ed nt the cooclumon of th«' . E H Bohnl I a few* outside guests. ; the hostess marked the dose of ! delightful meeting. following members of Benevo- Coal Sc»«l*a --£ Sc * j — 1 ‘ dge No. 3, F. A A. M., attend- Pokar. l5 * ^ FORRENT—Six meeting of the Davisboro Lodge Shovali ctOBC i Framklia fctraat froatiif Georgia > J. T. Andrew., J. A. CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE j It Stembridge, John W. — _ „ . _-._i Geo Davie, p. E. Williams, J. 40-ie. E *"‘ “'Mullen, w. B. Wood and L. L. l*c- CHANDLER S VARIETY STORE. Do they think of it as neat and well kept, or docs it give them the idea that C u are neglectful of its appearance: Pee ps you are not aware of the fact that the paint has gradually worn off, causing such impression. You can easily and economically give it that "dressed up" appearance inside and out with Cooledge Hygrade Paint. This paint will not only wonderfully improve the appearance of your Home, but will actually increase its value. The best en dorsements for this paint art the thou- R. W. HATCHER HARDWARE CO. Wboleule and Retail WHITFIELD C-ROl CO giiat water, alatekiaa. par araalh Arrh L. S. Fawiar. fklte COOLEDGE hwimms PAINTS a VARNISHES