Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 08, 1928, Image 7

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Super. Geor. t UNION RECORDER. MflXEDCEVILLE, CA„ NOVEMBER 3, 1928 THIRTY-NINE YEA RS AGO IN ANDAROUNO MILLEDGEVILLE OCONEE HEIGHTS Among The Local Items Appearii RECORDER. OC i\ 29TH, i889 r Geo. C. Smith, one of the cot- .era in this c *ty, bas pa ’^ out •non $220,000.00, since the ,.f September. Walter Paine, Clerk of the lt '.‘_ couri, says he has cancelled r rtpapes this fall than he Ufore in the same length and he hus been clerk of seventeen years. apt- an oyster and possum sup hall next Friday night. •It pay [o do right, if for no other pleasant memories it nd Franklins Circus was ad- ; -,,r Saturday November 9th. The girls industrial school bill has been amended by reducing the ap propriation from $75,000 to $35,000 and setting apart for the school the old executive Mansion and grounds at Milledgeville. This property is said to be worth $30,000 or $40,000, hut could not Ik? readily sold for that the idea is to uk* the buildings for the school, thus locating it at Mil ledgeville.—Atlanta Constitution. if Milledgeville d displays ol Mr. Al. H. Bland, f mude one of the 1 Georgia-raised stock ever neen a state fair. He is one of the fc most promoters of good blood Georgia horses, and the numer line premiums bestowed upon him for i literally a reward of merit.—Mai jj r (\ .1. Booker f-ys he made the .. ir ,. : , this year l«e ever made, but r w k hard work to do it He will 130 bales of cotton with nine and plenty of corr pu, he has not room to house it. i Telegraph. I. .«ii his special farm, on the whole j Mr. Blands blooded mares, the [nation there are twenty-four Wilkes Sisters won $1G5.00 in prem- u . which made 250 bales of cot-! iums. XT Some of the neatest, nicest private fidencts in the city are on South a yn.j street, this aide of the Fish- e Creek bridge. i. Robert Whitfield was in the > from the Twentieth Sentorial ■t and Mr. L. N. Callaway was entative of Baldwin county. Ths city i ivernment \ Mayor—Hon. J. Staley. Aldermen—A. Joseph; M. R. Bell; . Caraker; E. D. Treanor; J. F. il-on and C. H. Bonner. Clerk—G. W. Caraker. Marshal—W. S. McComb. Deputy Marshal—A. Dunn. Night Watchman—W. J. Owens. vet Overseer—A. J. Wall. City Sexton—T. A. Caraker. Attorneys—Whitfield and Uen. November 1st 1889 industrial >chool bill will p in the Senate to-morrow iVi-dnesday.) M M X H Mas ( , of this city will have A number of leading citizens of Milledgeville met at the Dummy line office last Tuesday morning and or ganized a Land Company. The main object is to utilize the water power on the Oconee river nt this place. Capt. W. T. Conn, was elected prew- dent; Mr. R. N. Lnn.ar. Secretary; and Mr. D. A. Reid. Business Manag- Mr. A. Dunn, Deputy Marshal, ha : on his lot next to his residence a hot that is not a year old and will weigh it is said 450 pounds. It is ho enor mous that it can scarcely get up or its feet The first framed house in Milledge- ville was erected by Gen Scott on the Corner of Franklin and Elbert street across from the South-east comer of the Old Capitol square. In 1829 Milledgeville had 170 occupied houses; 1,599 inhabitants; 14 dry goods stores, 20 groceries wholesale and retail; besides offices, shop.-, etc.. 5 doetprs, 14 lawyers and 8 hotels. Much sympathy has been extended to relatives of Mr. Newton Buckner Fuller, who died in San Diego, Cali fornia on October 17th, 1928. lie had been in the Navy since Septem ber 25th, 1919. At the time of his death he was a first class photograph er of the U. S. Navy, at the U. S. Naval Air Station, San Diego, Cali fornia. Mr. Fuller was a member of the Darien Baptist church in Hancock county, his remains were taken there for interment Thursday P. M. Rev. J. F. AicCluney conducted the funeral He in survived by two brothers, Mr. Will Fuller of Griffin and Mr. Ivy Fuler ar.d a sister. Mrs. Joe Beck. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fuller ar.d children of Griffin, and Miss Fannie Julia Thompson, of-Linton, spent wev- eral days last week with .Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beck Mrs. J. M. Youngblood of Moslcy- ville, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. A. Youngblood. We regret the critical illness of Mr. C. A. Youngblood. Air. Blucher Meeks visited Air. and Miss Dawson Wood Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Dawson Wood and baby spent Friday with Mrs. Woods’ parents. Air. and Mrs. J. T. Meeks, at Union Point. Mrs. Nisbit Ashfield and little daughter Anne, of Mivilledgeville, and Mrs. C. L. Ashfield, and Muster James Carnes, of Eatonton, visited Mrs. Alary L. Budger Sunday. Misses Myrtis and Nora Layfield and Miss Dolphus and Linwood Blount, spent the week-end with their aunt, Airs. Mary Blount. to thi« shop for repair, we ap preciate it and you are assured that the work will be done skill fully and promptly. Leave it to us to rebuild your worn shoes— You will be pleased with the quality of the work and the long pocketbook. Pho 373 SUDDEN SERVICE WITH SATISFACTION Rhin Shoe Plant and " •'SFinsr Club The Baldwin Fmr’iture Company LdW -' THE FAMOUS LINE OF PIXIE STOVES & RANGES IS KNOWN THE COUNTRY OVER These wonderful Stoves »nd Ranges five satis faction, and have been sold exclusively by this store for the past ten years—with never a dis satisfied customer. They are made in the heart of ihs sieel rind iron district Tenneetsee, by a factory who stand: back of its product. We have sold hundreds of them throughout Bald a/in and surrounding counties and want YOU to have one. Yoji will find here a complete stock of the dif ferent sizes, and they are priced as low as good merchandise can be sold in any store n. any city. We solid! your inspection, and f.cKeve thaht you will want to owe one too. We have a Heater for every room and every purpose. Get one of these Coal Saving heat ers and make the winter months soon to come a joy for every member of the family. The Baldwin Furniture Company “Modern Home Furnisher:. 1 ’ We have recently received Nationally known Roundtree Hal Boxet, aid will find jn»t yoi expect to pay. SPECIAL! Weather Specials Good Cotton Sweaters 08c 32 in. Gingham One whole bale, fast color, 32 in. Gingham 15c. per yc rd OilCloth F o" l cio°h d CHOICE 25c. SEA ISLAND Plenty-of good heavy Sea Island J 0c yd. One big lot white ¥ K & Y Brand Extra Heavy Sweater Coats White Only $3.50 Value Choice PLAY CLOTH 27-in fast color P ay Cloth plenty of patterns, p.r yd 15c J & P Coats Cotton 4c. ALL SIZES AND COLORS J & P COATS THREAD Per Spool 4c. GINGHAM3 10c 27-in fast color checks and striped gingham, ' p r.ty pat- tern. Yd JQ C [VERY PURCHASE HIRE MUST BE SATISFACTORY OR YOUR MONEY iff FUNDED - CEEFRFUaY FOR CASH RHODES -JOSEPHS FOR LESS