Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 15, 1928, Image 7

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVLLLE. CA.. NOVEMBER IB. If IB ctal ,. Cgcietv IL-s Mn t. H. Clark is spending this Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morrison spent ... k in Fla., 0X1 business. Sunday in Atlanta. Mr and Mrs. Mike Terrell, cf Ma-j Mr. Wright, of Maryland, is visit- ‘ „ pen t the past week-end with I ing his daughter, Mrs. W. M. Scott. j r and Mrs. Leon Callaway. • • . • • • Mr. Chas. Cowan, of Hapevillc, is isiting in the county. jlrf Tom Johnson, of Atlanta, is .pending this week with her mother, Mrs . W. S. Brooks. Mrs. E. A. Tigner and Mrs. Wiley Warden have returned from a visit of ...v.-ral days in Atlanta. Mayor and Mrs. M. E. Pennington and litUe daughter visited relatives in Hillsboro Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flemister, Mrs. A. B. Cook and Edgar Flemister .pent Monday in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Maasey visited relatives and friends in Macon Sun- Miss Mar.ah Sanford, of Atlanta, is •he attractive guest of Misses Vir ginia and Alice McCraw. Dr. and Mrs. Rice Cowan of Dan ville, Ky., are the guests of Dr. ; nd Mrs. H. D. Allen. Mr. John Vinson, of Macon, was ,n the city Saturday to attend the funeral and burial of his aunt, Mrs. I.ucy V. Williams. Mrs. T. J. Cater, of Macon, was the guest of her sisters Miss Nettie and Mattie Moore, several days of this Mr. Melvin Williams of Gainesville, spending several days with his pjirents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Wil- Mrs. E. W. Hobbs and children, of Raleigh, N. C.. are visiting Mrs. (Hobbs’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lum ^Wilkinson. Mrs. John Sibley and children of Atlanta, arc the guests of Mrs. J L. •ibley this week. Little Janette Sib- •y was a flower girl in the Allen- loore wedding. Mr C. H. Whitfield, Mr. Henry Vootun, Mr. J. T. Day, Coach T. H. Rentx and Dr. Edwin Allen attend- d tht Tech-Vandebilt game in At lanta Saturday. Mi.*- Jessie Allen of Atlanta, is 'Pending this week with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen. She was m attendant in the wedding of her ister. Miss Sarah ^llen. Mr. Paul Zelotas will eave next unday for Nsw York, where he will Mrs. Zelotas, who is return ing from Greece, where she has been r some time past. Mr. Dixon Williams, Jr., of Char lotte, N. C., spent the week-end at with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon Williams, having been called hen- because of the death of hi* grandmother. Misses Martha Holiday and Marion Talmadge of Athens, were the guests f Miss Sarah Alien several days of this week. They came down to at- d the prc-nuptual parties for Miss •■'arah Allen and to attend the Alien- wedding. L. IJ. Stevens has puchased one in which he has been living st Hancock street from Mr. W. ? Kicketson. Mr. Stevenson is con- I with the sales department of j as el: L X. Jordan, and has made many Humph: since he came here from Ma- Mr. B. L. Lay field has gone to Outwood, Ky., where he will be in a Government Hospital. Mrs. A. H. Stevens, of Atlanta, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen Wednesday and Thursday at tending the Allen-Moorc wedding. Maj. J. E. Matthews, commander of the Fourth Battallion of the National Guard, spent Monday in the city inspecting the company here. He was the guest of Capt. H. B. Ennis. The friends of Mrs. J. M. Simmons arc glad to learn that she has suffici ently recovered from a recent opera tion as to be carried from the hospital tQ her home. Mr. Joe Collins has gone to Miss issippi, where he will lie connected with a large Shovel Company, which contracts for road work and lev building. He will have charge of fifty shovels. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Thompson, and Mr. and Mm Ramsay Thompson, of Hawkinsville, Mrs Sarah Way, of Warrneton, and Miss Sallie Frank Thompson, of Atlanta, were guests of Col. and Mrs. Geo. S. Roach Sunday. Mr. L. G. Lawrence was called Atlanta Saturday on account of the illness of his brother. He returned Monday stating his brother had proved While in the Gate City he visited his ««n, Mr. Seaborn Lawrence who is a student at Emory. Mr. Ralph Simmerson, who been in the city hospital, has suffici ently recovered as to be carried to his home. His friends wish for him continued recovery. Dr. and Mrs. Y. H. Yarbrough ar.d Dr. and Mrs. J. I. Garrard have gone to Asheville, N. C., where they will attend a meeting of the Southern Medical Association at the end of the convention they will make an auto mobile trip through Virginia. Elisabeth, Mildred and Margaret Napier, Florence Cole and Mrs. W. S. Jett. Serving were Mis«es Floride Moore, Lavinia and Marjorie Scott, Gerald ine Reid, Louise Jeans, Ann and Frances Bone, Harriet Campbell, Hazel Bivins, and Kath.rine Cater of Macon. Among the out-of-town guests at tending the wedding were Dr. and Mrs. John A. Sibley, Mr. and Mrs. A ceremony, which united the lives oi two of Milledgeville’a most popu lar young people was solemizcd Wednesday evening November the 14th, at 8:00 o’clock and made Miss Sarah Cantcy Allen the bride of Mr. Jere Neuville Moore. This beautiful wedding took place in the handsome First m Methodis church. Rev. J.* F. Yrobrough, the T. F. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. i”, assisted by Rev. F. H. Hard- Steveiui, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moran, ing of the Episcopal church, officiat- . nnd Mr. and Mrs. Darden Asbury of ' Atlanta; Miss Marion Talmadge and Under the direction of Mrs. Wil- Miss Martha Holliday of Athens; Dr. liam Featherstone Little, the church ' and Mrs. J. R. Cowan of Danville, color scheme of white and green having been carried out most beauti fully. The choir loft was filled with slender standards of long leaf pine, front of which stood four floor candelabra, c.ach bearing seven white cathedral candlea The front of the festooned with Southern smylax maxing an attractive back ground for the bridal party. The chancel rail was draped with the smylax and topped with a mass of white daisy chrysanthemums. Several Marie Antoinette baskets filled with large white chrysanthemums, the handles knotted with graceful bows of tulle, were used about the chancel. The seats for the family and close friends were marked off by pedestals of white, the tops decorated with o colonial shower boquet of daisy chrysanthemums, asparagus fern and tulle. With Mrs. M. H. Bland at the organ, a program of lovely nuptial music was given. Ju»:*. before the wed ding march was begun, Mrs. L. P. Lingino sung “Because,” und Mr. Charlie Conn, “Constancy.” Acting as ushers were Col. Erwin Sibley, Mr. T. H. Rentz, Mr. Ruteell Bone and Mr. Allen Moore, while the groomsmen were Mr. Heindal Mobley, Dr. Dawson Allen, Jr., Mr. William Fraley, and Mr. Robert Harold Rey nolds. As matron of honor, Mrs. Charles L. Moore sister of the bride, wore n becoming dress of orchid crepo satin and carried sunset roses. Miss Jessie Allen, as maid of honor was gowned in a model of satin and tulle in shades from orchid to purple, the waist of satin close fitting while the flared skirt wa*» made of graduated lengths of the tulle. Miss Allen al so curried sunset roses. The bridesmaids were Miss May Asbury, Miss Alice Hall, Miss Mil dred Napier and Mim May Moore, all of them wearing frocks featur ing the long waist with bouffant skirt made of several ruffles of tulle short in front and almost reaching the floor in the buck. These frock* were a lovely shade of green, made of chiffon velvet and tulle and each maid carried an arm sheaf of yellow chrysanthemuns.” The groom was attended by two best men, his brother, Mr. George Moore and Mr. Joe Terrell Andrews. Little Betty Cantey Allen, and Jeanette Sibley, small daughters of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin Whitaker Allen of Milledgevilie and Mr. and Mrs. John A. Sibley of Atlanta, were the precious little flower girls and wore accordian pleated dresses of flesh chiffon and scattered rose leaves from tiny baskets. The ring bearer was Reynolds Allen, young son of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen, Jr., Master Allen wore a white satin suit and carried the ring in a lovely lily. Miss Allen was given away by her father Dr. Henry Dawson Allen. The brides’ gown of white satin a»:d Venetian lace was made with long fitted waiyt and moulded hip Among the out of town guests tending the Alicn-Moore wedding Mr. and Mra T. J. Cater of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wasden, of Mil- len, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Randolph of Macon, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Holt, Mr. and Mrs. Kyle T. Alfriend, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stewart, Mr. and Mra. Ben Stewart, Sir. and Mrs. Harry Stewart, Miss Bessie Woolfolk, Mr. Robert Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Davis Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lamar, Mt. and Mrs. H. D. Adams, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Harold, Dr. and Mrs. Richardson, Dr. and Mrs. M. M. Stapler, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stapler, Judge and Mrs. Bascom Deavcr all of Macon; Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Morton, of Gray, Mrs. Tom Johnson, of Atlanta, Mrs. A. H. Stevens, of Atlanta, Mias Clara Lee Cone of Atlanta, Judge and Mrs. John Sibley of Atlanta, Misses Mari on Talmadge and Martha Holiday, , , u -f , , I line, the bouffant skirt fashioned of and Mrs. Robert Moore of Athens, ’ . _ . .jna niffles of the lovely lace short in Mr and Mrs. Hoview Smith oi * Mr ‘ B ... r._i j «... »front and long in the hack. Her veil Sandersvtlle, Drt and “rta MquiRi ,e Venetian lace was sent R„ K e^ ,.f Sai.der.-d.e. and Dr. and| fnm ^ ^ ^ ^ Floride Allen, who is spending this year abroad. The v?il was arranged cap fashion with slightly flaring sides the head with small orange blossoms. The , Rice Cowan of Danville, Ky. humphries-haddock A wedding af much intern* ^ ^ f Baldwin and Jones counties, as well of ^ ^ W. F. Ricketson, after having citizen of Milledgevilie for I years, has gone to Social Circle, where he will engage in busi- Mr. Ricketson has made a i'.izen and he has his family many friends here to regret r i’parture. # he following relatives from out *hc city attended the funeral and ■^ r vd s. rvices of Mrs. Lucy V. Wil- :!<u •- Satuday: Col. and Mrs. A. B. he-'K'n, of Mt. Vernon; Mrs. Em- u Hall, of Soperton; Mrs. J. W. “ nnon “nd Mr. Edward Vinson, of rde,e ** Mrs. H. F. Crawford, of ,con ; Mamie Vinson, of Ash- ’ ^ Ir - If >hn Vinson, Mrs. Elouise " r - Mm. Mary Morgan, of Ma- r Mr. I)i X on William*, Jr„ of Chmr- N - c -. and Mr. Melvin William*, ‘‘■veland. that of Miss Lilian r f the daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Jim Humphries, of Meriwether, nnd Mr. Jumi> A. Haddock, of Had Sandorsviile; Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walter Stapler, Mr. and Mrs. Flewel- and Mrs. T. J. Stewart, Mrs. Ben Stewart, Sr., of Macon; Mrs. Lillian Crawford of Dothan, Ala.; Mrs. J. D. Howard and Mr. James Howard ol Miami. MENTING MISS SARAH ALLEN FEATURE WEEKS SOCIAL CALENDER We Have Just Received Shipment Deliciou. old fashion Mince Meat extra fancy quality in bulk 35c 1 lb. Cans None Such Minse Meat 35c Packages make huge Pies 15c 2 for 25c New Crop fancy Citron 35c lb. 2 pkgs. fancy cleaned Currents 35c 3 lbs. Morning Glory or Puritan Bacon $1.10 Bell’s Special Coffee makes strong Coffee 30c SATURDAY SPECIALS Tokay Grapes new fresh stock 10c lb. Good White Meat for boiling 14c 24 lbs. fancy Self-Rising Flour $1.10 Oranges, Grapefruit, fancy New York Apples Grapes, Vegetables of the season every day. Bannannas. Tokay BELL GROCERY CO. 2*3—PHONES—498 Like the whirl of brilliant autum nal leaves has been the whirl of social affairs throughout the week rounding the charming bridc-t Miss Sraah Allen. The weekn gaitie* were terminat ed by a treausenu tea given on Satur day afternoon between the hours of four and six by Mrs. H. D. Allen, Jr., and Mrs. E. W. Allen. The spacious nnd charming triple parlors of the lovely home were deco rated with yellow and white chrysan themums and yellow tapers cast a soft glow throughout the house. | Tea wan served at u daintly ap pointed table which was presided over by Mrs. Bivins und Mrs. Tait. I The table was over laid with an ex quisite k;c cover und in the center was graced by a silver basket hold- j ing white chrysanthemums. After tea the guestn were invited into the Colonial room where the brides eloborate treaseau, the delight of every womans heart, was beauti fully displayed. Assisting in entertaining were Mrs. H. D. Allen, Mrs. Marion Allen, Mrs. Ileindel Mobley, Mrs. W. S. Jett, Missies Thrash. Asbury, Naiper, Cole, Talmadge and Holiday. For these Long Winter Evenings Take Home A BOX OF iE A variety of packages of the most delicious candy made. A box for every occasion. Our prescription service is the kind you like—Try it. Day or Night— Boone’s Pharmacy Miss Alice Hall entertained at nine tables of bridge in honor of Miss Allen on Monday at the home of Mrs. T. Treanor. After bridge a delight ful luncheon was served. Favors ingeniously de veloped were in replica of the brides Phones 117 MRS. ALICE MtCRAW AND MISSES VIRGINIA AND ALICE McCRAW ENTERTAIN On last Thursday cvennig Miss ( Sarah Allen and Mr. Jere Moore were maids. On the table of the bride and the honor guests at a delightful bridge her maids was a minuture church isle j dinner at the home of Mrs. Alice Mc- down which between burning white Craw, who entertained jointly with tapers entwined with ferns, proceed- j her daughter. Miss Virginia and ed the tiny figures representative of | Alice McCraw. the bridal party. After luncheon the guests were summoned Into another room .-here the bride was surprised to find that !. nd 'white ’nvsd’e ”» a watering pot was showering forth color schimr . The _ c , r d, wcrc numerous gift, of linen. | designed with a minature bride and " I groom. Miss Sarah Allen was guest of hon- ■ A , .. . . , .... __ . ... , , ” , At thc conclusion of a delicious at a bridge luncheon given by Mrs „„„ brW w „ phyrf . Friday morning. Fan, „ jB A,,en wa, presented with. beautiful guest prize. The living room and parlor were thrown together where the guests seated. Fall flowera of yellow impressive Frank Bone flowers w following luncheon used in abundance and enjoyable bridge game i served. Miss Callie Cook entertained at tea on Friday efternoon in honor of Miss- Sarah Allen, bride-to-be. | SHturd ">' afternoon Miss Fowler’s Places were appointed at the table *' nch h “ d invlt, ’ d « fricnd “ nd for Miss Allen, her bridal party, and 1111 rc P“ ir,!d *® •>» home on Clark members of her immediate family. " lrect ’ whprc - »' r « Pl»’<- d »" d Tea was enjoyed from an exquisit, ' stories told. A pe thc spacious yard About dusk all were dining room where hunt through and enjbyetk invited into the delicious re- MR. AND MRS. CHAS CONN AND freshment! served midst the beautiful coloring of Autum lea bride’s boquet was of white ro*es .and valley lilies and she made a beautiful picture in her nuptial robes. After the ceremony a reception i Mr. and Mrs. Chas Conn and Mr. j and Mrs. Russell Bone were joint j hosts and hostesses on last Wedncs- ening at the home of Mr. After tne ceremony a reception' . , duck, which look Ptacc tart Sundas I thc bridal „ Dr . | Mr»- Bone in honor of Mis, Sarah : -i it .. ns at the Mllledcrc- 1 ' I A11 on nrsil Mi- la..,. _.La... Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Moore enter tained at a dinner party on Tuesday ening in honor of the membi morning, ille Circuit parsonage. The ceremony the Milledg' preformed *>y [and Mrs H. D. Allen at their spacious , The receiving line, which ; « aTT V!f e 1 18 • Beautiful • Allen and Mr. Jere Moore whose the bridal part y of the A,,en - Mo event of this week. Wlt ^* n K- and baskets of fall P ceremony wag preiormea >y _ , . A . . . " . . . .; Beautiful vases and baskets: of fall ot chr y santh ‘ im un» ! * e ccrem , stood in the drawing room, included! _ ... L 1 1 irmrefuliv »nd ariUiir.Hu J. H. Farr, In the presentee of * flowers gracefully arranged in the , ly . un 1 arttet, «»* I y arrant only a few friends and relatives, af ^’ and Mrs - A1,pn ’ ** br,de and *• - *" **• «--* - ^ •oom and the attendants. The bride’s hook was presided . . . / _ by Mrs. Heindal Mobley and Mrs. friends wish far «h«n ^ Mob , ey Tho!c arai , tiny the r*alnment of the guests were: ! Misses Mary Brooks, Kate Thrash. IJ nionrl Maw unA Annin Simn. ! o* orTlso n dressed which the happy couple left foi Atlanta. Their many abundance of happiness and success together. rooms where the guests were seated. ,n the l,v,n * rnon, llad dlnm ‘-’ A delicious course dinner was served wlwrr th ' Eu, ’ rt * were seated. In before the game, of bridge. h '’ ctnUr ° r lht ’ table where Misa At the conclusion of the games Alkn “ r,<l hel ' roliid * u '“” * taire Mi/a Allen wfss presented with a silver vase of yellow chryaanthcmums. number of kitchen articles. Mr. W. Silver ™ ndle sticka holding white waiter came uns haded tapers were placed on each impressivi the church for the rc- iiu.cuu t,. pin to large roasters. hearsal. .and Dawson Allen, Marion . , . The guests included the members DON’T A DELIGHTFUL CONVENIENCE THE BARLER IDEAL Oil Heater Just the thing to take the chill off these crisp mornings. FEAITJRES OF THE BARLER Substantial Grey Cast Iron frame Solid Brass Fount, Patent Wick Stop prevents smoking your walls. Many other features. Call and let us show you a Barler. R. W. HATCHER HDWE. CO. Wholesale and Retail MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT AT , ““7 “^""llcCraw, ‘ in with a ,ar J e tra >’ «»'•«* with th V ^Thirty went to the Wtari/r^web., M r SZJXJ2 = HtarIp.„y pew to r°'rL^ Edvrin ,nd D.wwon Allen, Morion h ” r “ 1 ' tend rer,l.r Chevrolet school. The- ^ ^ ^ p Lon g lno , guest, inch. for. nothiaf but eff.eutcy do., y ^ ^ R j McEl^ath, W. F. ° f the bnd *> P ar ^ r * WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN USED CARS Wc are offering *ome exceptional bargint in uid car. thi. weak what L. N. JORDAN Fr.sk FUh to arriva mpoers. T«.« ««•»•* « chamhx. n» Little. W. T. Garrard, Jr., Chari, Cunn, M A. Craw, Farmon Ball, Jr. Thareday Arch McKinley, Burnell Bona, Arthur id Oystase. Latimer and Stewart 1 At u *