Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 22, 1928, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER, M1LLEDCEVILLE. CA.. ROVEMBER 22, 1»H lySek —D O C T O R— FRANK CRANESAYS | Why Give Up y Arthur Brisbane ' A RECORD IN POLITICS A STATUE TO PASTEUR THE EYE OF THE NEEDLE PRAISE FO R THE MOVIES The Presdent cast his first vote in Northampton, was elected coun- cilmin there, long ago. and has been stadily in office ever since, nominat ed nineteen or twenty times—never beaten. A record in politics as pood a» Cromwell’s in war. Cromwell never lost a battle. The old farmers would observe with pleasure that being President, with $75,000 a year salary, a White House and a big yacht have not spoiled Calvin Coolidge. Next March he will move from the White House to Northampton and resume life in a small house which he rents for $32.50 I have received a very pitiful let ter from a woman out west She has had a hard time all her life. She has raised three children, who do nothinp for her support. When hre husband died he was found to have been improvident and left her no money. She has pone stone deaf. On top of this she has just had u very serious operation in a hospital. She can see no way out. Nothinp presents itself to her but continued sufferinp. privation and dependence. She is about ready to pive up. What should she do? Why pive up? Of course it is difficult for any one in comparative health and well beinp to pive advice to Miff ere rs. One is always open to the imputation of beinp supercilious. It is always easy for hte philosopher to bear the toothache patiently when some one else has it. At the same time, at the risk of beinp called hard names, I repeat the question, “Why pive up?” I Suppose you do pive up. W ill ! life be any easier to bear? It is just as well to look squarely at the alternative. When some one told Tolsty that irony kind, virtuous, and honest people had a very hard time, he re plied: “What about those that are unkind, not virtuous and dirfionest? Look about you. Do the people like that whom you know have any easier time?” The Church in the Middle Apes is often accused of beinp very cruel. But what about the people outside of the Church. Were they any less Life may be hard at best, but it is easier and pleasanter all around if we keep a stout heart and do the best we can under the circumstances. Whatever may be in store for this woman, whatever deprivation and sufferinp, we oan be sure that she will pet alonp better if she meets her fate bravely and similinply and does not pive way to despair. Whatever happens to us we are better off if we battle on and keep our chin up. Despair is nothinp but a bop. a quicksand, that enpulfs the soul. It leaves us no spirit with which to fipht. When a Persian soldier told a Lacedemonian that in battle the Per- ian arrows would be so thick they .irould darken the sky, “then,” said the Lacedemonian, “we will fight in the shade.” XXIIXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX FOR RENT—S.pt. l.t, on e W. Hancock and J.ckion A GREAT HELP “1 to any woman is the laundry that can relieve her of the £2 cares of the weekly wash day. No more depending on un- [] reliable laundresses, no more worries about the weather. H Nothing to do but make up a package and let us call for ^ it. Delivered, of course. ^ Milledgeville Laundry m and Dry Cleaners ►< PHONE 440 X xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxixxi Such a man is not dependent on money. But the President could save plenty of it. More thnn one law firm would be plad to punran- tee him three times his Presidential salary. And he would not have to work hard. Perhaps the President, chooses to wait awhile, look around, j and possihly take a second elective j term in the White House, eipht 1 years hence. rhe erection of a fine • Latue to 1 preat Frenchman. Pasteur, hon- Chir.ipo. Excep’intr th? Lincoln 1 tue, none in Chicnpo is erected so noble and useful a man. Dr. Leopold Stieplitz. of New York, able scientist and brilliant diapnostician. brother of Professor Julius Stieplitz, who teachers chem-' is try «' Chicnpo University. says.. “We Past cancer problem. That task calls j for a man free of preconceived no-1 tions and prejudice: not a man of[ medical traininp, oeekinp to explain cancer accordinp to old methods.” The ipnorant sometimes ask “Of what real use is science?” Biwnarck takinp five billion francs from France, after the war of 1870, thought he had reached the limit. Dr. Stieplitz reminds you that the cash value to v rance of Pasteur’s discov eries far exceeds five billion francs, to say r >thing of his work against human disease and sufferinp. What I)r. Stieplitz says of Pasteur I and the cancer problem, encourages | men of no special traininp. Clear I Ihoupht and accurate observation | work wonders. The inventor of the sewinp machine did not know how to ! sew. Had he known, it would not j have occurred to him to put the eye i of the sewinp machine needle in the point of the needle, rather than in i the old place, farthest from the point.: That one idea made the sewinp ma chine possible. GOODRICH SILVERTOWNS A Record Maker in Mileage ... at a record-low price Buy the famous Silvertown at Lowest Tire Prices in Goodrich History GUARANTEED FOR LIFE too! LOOK at these prices . . . and then at your tire equipment. If your tires are worn — if they won’t go through the winter driving season — replace them now . . . and Look at these values! Sizes SUvertown Radio| Commander 30x3V2 $ 7.20 $ 5*95 $ 5.00 31x4 12.35 10.15 9.80 32x4 13.10 11.85 10.05 29x4-40 $ 8.60 $ 7.10 $ 6.00 30x4.50 9.4* 7.75 6.90 31x5.25 13.60 11.20 33x6.00 16.45 13.55 j M