Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 29, 1928, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER. MLLEDGEVILLE, CA-, NOVEMBER If, HR isTVeck , By Arthur p Trib«ne, GOOD SOUP, GOOD SERVICE. WHAT IS A RICH MAN? CAPTAIN OF YOUR SOUL. NO SOCRATIC METHODS. Chef* of many hotels competed in New York to see w*ich could make the best soup. Six wise men including Clarence H. Maekay’i French chef, Combes, Allotted first prize to E. Alliott. Thac competition means more to human welfare than the average realizes; more for instance, than any Alyropic competion. Soups contain vitamines and other valuable nourishment and stimulate the flow of digestive fluids. r ~ manufacture good soup and sell great deal of it is to render public Income tax Americans wit 000,000 a year or more, her has increased by fifty-1 yoat\~ Citizens reporting incomes [ CROP FINE SECTION rash, before the court house door of Baldwin County, Georgia, within the legal hour* of tale, on the first Tues day in December, 1928, the following described property: That tract or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in the City of Millodgeville, in said State and County, containing Ons (1) Acre, more or less, being Lot No. 1 in Square No. 57 of said City, bounded follows: On the North by Wash- the East by Liberty S. That at a meeting of the *©ck- holdfara held for that purpoaa on June 12, 1928, which was the manna! meeting of stockholders, a resolution was adopted by the affirmative vote of more than two-thirds of the entire capital stock of said corporation pro viding that it surrender its charter and franchise and be dissolved, certified copy of this resolution be ing hereto annexed as exhibit and made a part hereof, reference to which is prayed as often as may the South by Lot No. 2 be ""'“"J- , . 4. The dissolution of petitioner as corporation is for the best inter- !§t of all stockholders and creditors, Some of the choireat pecanB that can be produced anywhere arc now jeing offered for sale in the local markets, the Stewart and Schley leing the favorites with several ither varieties close behind them The small seedlings are being sold ten cents, while the other varieties’ in|rton Strect; are bringing from 12 to 40 cents per j Street; pound. I in said square belonging to O. L Those who arc raising consider-1 Tanner; and on the West by Lot No. able quantities of these choice nuts, 3 in M jd Square; said land being a „ ....... arc ..hipping; .hem by the ton to the fqu . rc with ride, bring 210 fret aad ">■» »« W,tboUt ,n J“- Prcan Crowe., Exchange, os they | each . «“ to any .tockholder or to any p«r. hove more than is needed in the local j y be abovc described will markets, hut there are many of our j prad for aa i e £j rat i n four separate parcels, as follows: WHEREFORE, petitioner prays p . ar ' that this Court grant an order fix ing then, through the parrel post sjna j “ ~~ I Sqinre 57 of *the U " f " *« h ""?* ot * U the United “ . „„ . ... . . petition at the court house in said actions MiU^gevl |1 .,^ang | ..xty county . [hat iu ^ lMo „ bc allowtd and ordered filed and published once i, and they are receiving j of " w * ek . ,or ,oor " ceka ‘"’■"ediately persons having or holding any claim or demand against peti- people who have only a few trees .and 1 parcelSj a5 follows: they nre selling them at the stores or FirJt p arca j ; All that tract < individuals. Some dealers ore sell- c|p oJ ]an<J , ituatei lyia(f aT ,j being gh the parcel post sys- ■ people States.' as there are some sccuoiir ; fM pl) Waab j nK?on street and ■here they can not be bought from bat . k sout h 0 f the same width — receiving tage to furnish them to customers at a distance. In some instances they become lost in the mails, or the pack ages are nolested. The safest plan is have every parcel po-t package in sured. or otherwise many of them will .again be heard from. i parcc j Q f j ant j situate, lying and be- ■ybody who can do »« should | inJf in ^ No j in BIock 5 - the three parcels of land hereinafter described; on the South by Lot No.! 2 of 1 Block 67; and on the West by, Lot No. 3 of Block 67. Second Parcel: All that trsrt i of $5,000,000 < TEN. There w in 1926. alkir.g about Many a yotl i the i gend Pr.ee, for U,o S e -id through j thiB medium, because it requires con- . .. . „ . }g thereon and that this Court grant a iderablc packing and expensive pc „ followl: 0n the North by ^““d^S^T^dS Washington Street; on the East by . , • L * * ALLEN A POTTLE, H. W. DENT Attorneys for Petitioner, j ! GEORGIA, Fulton County. . ^ j 1° P«rson before the undersigned | the Notar y Public appeared T. C. Sim- j trees this fall, aa there!ciVof^Uh,'i.rtiTe"froBHw *v,n-, mo f a ' wh ° bc!n * da| y a »°™ d 'P°»" | ji, always a demand for the nut,, j, faet on Llbarty street and , u „ n i„g, aad ° a ‘ b «y« that he 1, Secretary , more number only! gome of our people produce enough: West o£ ^ Mme wWth 150 feet ^ ot Central Georgia Guano Company,: ir town lou to pay their tale, 1 parM| „ umbcr oao abo „ describedi I pctitioncr in thc witbi " and *«»• i isuranee, a, well a, church M-|,, aid parcc , of , and bein( . boundod „ f oinp Petition, and as such has ,u-1 '"«• I follows: On the North by parcel of t , h ° rl,y , to and d °» »*>“ af,i -, land No. 3 next hereinafter descrih- “ ~ cd; on the East by Liberty Street; on the South by Lot No. 2 in Block 67; iind on the West by parcel of land No. 1 above described. - Third Parcel: That tract or par cel of land situate, lying and being j in Lot No. 1 in Block 57 in the City I ' of Milledgevill.e fronting seventy feet on Liberty Street and running back West of thc same width 150 feet to parcel No. 1 above described; said parcel of land being bounded • fourteen of them I with a million was To be REALLY ■ need $1,000,000 a OPTOMETRY how .‘ trait the gate, with punishment thc • fate. J y 1 am the captain of ray soul.' 4 The Rcver.nd E. il. Emm. t, Con- gregationalist, says those who talk ntiour being “captain of my souP are only “whistling loudly in thc dar!:.'* making “an outward noire to cover up an inward fear -and di»- It is hard to be sure that you aTe" captain of your soul in these mod ernist times. Scientists say you hav en’t any soul, anyhow, and you don't know where your soul is going later, if anywhere, or where this earth it self is going, with the sun dragging it along. However, a man CAN be calm in an emergency, and that's what the poet meant. William McAndrew, w'io was superintendent of Chicago schools, leaver for Athens to spen l a year studying Socrates’s methods of teach ing. His plan, may heaven thwart i- tr revive the Socrates method mod rn schools. Socr.itf*. if Plato describes method accurately touched a n peu: in boredom. Instead of toying behalf of said corporation and that the facts set forth in said petition are true. T. C. SIMMONS Sworn to and subscribed before me this 1st day.of November, 1928. ELIZABETH D MELSON, Notary Public, State at Large, Ga. Co., t No. 1 in Block ui in the City ^ . „ IkdcovilU fronting seventy test I fV C = cnlral Gc “ r <' w G Baldwin Superior Court. I Petiti< to Surrender Charter. ' ORDER The within and foregoing petition t In** been practicing aftoSM* try' i n Milled (wills for IS years. My charges ere roeso—Me. I cur re a tee ell wrek done as repre sented or reined your Roanev. So you taka no chances iu doing kwsi- aase with mo. Office hear. • to 12, 1 to 8 Sunday 2 to 8. W. J. rake IN RE: Will of Miss Emma Haugh: Baldwin Court of Ordinary. Peti tion for probate of will in solemn form. To: Mrs. T. W. Gerry. Virginia •at he had to ssy, he went .round i » au K b - Cath _' rin «“«•>•. .**»’*» Rob ; n Hood’s barn with quostio beyond mensi lows: On the North by parcel of read and considered. Let the same land No. 4 next hereinafter dcscrib- be filed in the office of the Clerk on the East by Liberty Street; of Baldwin Superior Court and a the South by parcel No. 2 next j ropy thereof and of this order be j hereinbefore described; and on the . published once a week for four weeks West by parcel of land No. 1 above in the newspapers wherein the 1 described. j Sheriff’s salea arc published for said | Fourth Parcel: That tract or parcel County, of land situate, lying and being in Ordered, Further, That a hearing! Lot No. 1 in Block 57 in the City! be had before me, at the Baldwin! of Millcdgcville, Georgia, fronting i County court house on thc 24th day! seventy feet on Liberty Street and ( of December, 1928, at which time' running back Went of the same! the prayers of said petition will be f width on Washington Street 160 feet j granted if no cause be shown to the to parcel No. 1 above described; Said parcel of land being bounded as follows: On the North by Washing ton Street; on the East by Liberty Street; on the South by parcel No. 3 hereinbefore described; and on tLe West by parcel of land No. 1 herein before described. If on the bid for the separate par cels the property fails to bring suffi cient money to discharge the herein after described fi-fa., hto costs, and the amount of liens on thc property superior to said fi. fa., and thc judg- Wbethc- guiity, as alleged, of filling young Greeks with dlareapect for the gods, -*.nd in rpite of the marvelously heroic hemlock drinking episode, you can hardly blame the Athenians for get ting rid of him. What modern education needs is moving pictures, with condensed ver bal elucidation, not Socratic dia- “Ruth, amid the alien corn,” would be interested in three other Ruths, nil in American politics. Three women we:? elected to CongicF’s, and all thr.e are named Ruth. Ruth McCor mick, daughter of the able Mark Han na, in Illinois: Ruth Bryan, in Flori- ' da; Ru‘.h Pratt, in New York. All three possess intelligence and ability well above the Congressional a\erage. If you believe in omens, name, your next daughter Ruth. 1 laugh, and George Haugh, Jr., residents of the State of Georgia, and heirs at law of Miss Emma Haugh, deceased. Roy T. Haisden, Sr., having appli ed, as executor, for probate in solemn form of the last will and testament cf Miss Emma Haugh of said county, you, a* heirs at law of said deceased, being non-residents of the State of Georgia, are hereby required to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary for said County on the first Monday December, 1928, when said appli- contrary. Greensboro, Georgia, Nov. 2nd, 1928. JAMES B. PARK. Judge Superior Court, > Ocmulgee Circuit EXHIBIT "A” At thc annual meeting of thc | stockholders of Central Georgia ( Guano Company, held in, the office. of said Company at Milledgevllie, ( Georgia, on June 12, 1928, due notice j of the time, place and purpose of i the meeting having been given each • stockholder, and there being repre-! ment on which it was issued, then the j sented at said meeting more than whole property first above described two-thirds of the entir capital slock. ffered for tale, and if the j 0 f sajj corporation and more than bid for thc whole property exceeds j two-thirds of all the entire capital tho aggregate of the of thc bids for stock then and there voting, the fol- the separate parcels thereof, the bid lowing resolution was adopted by the* for the whole property will be ac- 1 affirmative vote of more than two-, cepted, and deed made to the pur- [ thirds of thc entire capital stock of chaser whereof. If on the offer for said corporation: ®le of the whole property the bid is I That ns noon as the assets t.f said J less in amount than the aggregate of corporation have been disposed of. the bids for the separate parcels an d the money derived thereform hat' then the bids for the s?parete parcels been paid out or distributed to credi-! tors, that this corporation do forth- - with surrender to the State of Geor-j gia its charter and franchises, and j be dissolved as a corporation, and that the officers thereof are hereby! directed to do all necessary things to surrender the charter and procure the dissolution and wind up its af fairs. Simmons, Secretary of to this fbop for repair, we ap preciate ii and you are astured *h«t the work will be done skill- fc"y and promptly. Leave it to ua to rebuild your worn ahoes— You will be pleated with the quality of the work and the lon( nomy to your pocketbook. Phone 373 SUDDEN SERVICE WITH SATISFACTION Blain Shoe Plant and Club be accepted and dcecbi mad« the purchasers. Thc sale of said lard will be made subject to the assessments made for probate will be heard, and a S“ ins t the land by the Mayor and how cause, if any you have or can. Aldermen of the City of Millcdge- why the prayers of petitioner should v '^ e to i ,a T l ^ c cosl of street ini- not be allowed. provements on Liberty Street This November 5th, 1928. I Sa,d ,and Wtts found «n the possess- W. H. STEMBRIDGE, I ion of L - Ta nner and levied on as Ordinary, Baldwin County Ga. | property of O. L. Tanner, CITATION . Mrs. Margaret Cook Hendricks, j of Mra - EUn J - Borwn, deceased, thc guardian of J. T. Cook, Jr., and. ,J8Ucd from lhe Superior Court of Robert Brigham Cook, having afain-1 Bn,dwln Count y» Georgia, ed the age of twenty-one years, and I having made a final settlement with! her said wards, has applied to the i Court of Ordinary for letters of di»-1 msision from her guardianship. This is therefore to notify all j parties interested, kindred or credi-1 | Baldwii This November 7th, 1928. J. T. TERRY, Deputy Sneriff, Baidwii County, Georgia. Central Georgia Guano Company, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an abstract from the minutes of the meeting of the stockholders of Central Georgia Guano Company, held June 12, 1928, in the office of the Company Milledgevillc, Georgia, us appears from the minutes of the i corporation. (Corporate Seal.) T. C. SIMMONS, Secretary ’ Filed in office this 6th day of November 1928. J. C. COOPER. Clerk. I 1, J. C. Cooper, Clerk of the Super- Court of Baldwin County, Geor. PETITION .O SURRENDER CHARTER tors, that said application will be GEORGIA, Baldwin County, heard on the first Monday in Deccm- 1 To the Superior Court of said her, next, at ten o’clock A. M., and County: if no valid objections are filed there- j Central Georgia Guano Company, to, thc petition will be granted as ® corporation of Baid'.v'n County, I gio. do hereby certify that the above prayed for. | Georgia, brings this its petition and, * ad foregoing is a full, true and cor- This November 5, 1928. respectfully shows; j rect copy of the application of Ccn- W. H. STEMBRIDGE, 1- That by order and decree of tral Georgia Guano Company to sur- Ordinnry Baldwin County Ga. thi* Court dated 8th day of July, render i'.s charter and franchise, aa 1910, it was duly incorporated and appears of file in this office. SHERIFF LAND SALE granted a charter. This 5th day of November, 1928. GEORGIA, Baldwin County: 2. That petitioner desirea to dis- J. C. COOPER, There will be sold at public outcry, solve laid corporation and surrender Clerk Superior Court to th-» highest and best bidder for *ts charter and franchise ao granted. Baldwin County, Georgia. A car for every purse and. purpose” N O matter what you plan to pay for your next car, you can have General Motor*’ quality and value. General Motor* makes a car for every purae and purpose; it offers a choice of suitable models in every price class; and each General Motors car —whether its price is a few hundreds or thousands of dollars—has shared in Gen eral Motors’ purchasing economies, has benefited from its Research Laboratories and Proving Ground, and is equipped srith a strong and luxurious Fisher body. See what General Motors offers for the price you want to pay, and remember that the model you want can be purchased con veniently on the low cost GMAC Pay ment Plan. $525 to $725 (ALL PRICE FACTORIES! Seven models of the Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History. A "six” in the price range of the "four". Powerful new 6-cylinder valve-in-head engine. Beautiful new Fisher Bodies. New colors. New 4-wheel brakes. Also: Delivery sedan; Light delivery chassis. lH-ton chassis and lH-ton chassis with cab, both with four speeds forward. $745 to $875 Seven models of today's PONTIAC—Further improved from radiator to tail-light. More powerful 6-cylinder engine. Greater operating economy. Quicker acceleration. The strik ing Bodies by Fisher express the vogue of the hour. —$925 to $1,085— Seven models of the New OLDSMOBIIX—“The Fine Car at Low Price.” Completely redesigned and unproved by General Motors. Marc powerful- 4-wheel brakes. Longa-, roomier Fisher Bodke. ihohvDsLasswdB, $1,145 to *1.23*. —$1,145 to $1,375— by Fisher. A cm you’ll be pseed to own. —$1,195 to $2,145— Eighteen models ot the BUICK—The Silver Anniversary Buick, recently presented. 3 wheel-bases. Lightning flash getaway. Masterpiece bodies by Fisher. Comfort and luxury in every mile.' Power for the it repost hill and thc —$2,295 to $2,875— Thirteen models of the LaSALLE—Companion car to Cadillac. Smart Continental li t. 90-degree V-typc 8 cylinder engine. Beautiful bodies . Fisher. Striking color combinations. —$3,295 to $7,000— Twenty-six models of thc CADILLAC—The standard of the world. Famous 90-degree V-typc 8 cylinder engine. Luxurious bodies by Fisher and Fleetwood. Aa extensive range of color and upholstery combinations. ALSO FWGIDAIRE—Ths^Autotnstic DE1.CO-UGHT EUctric Plants of electric refrigerators. Frigid- water GENERAL MOTORS ■ m m asCLIP THE COUPON^ buhi General Motors (Dept. A), Detroit, Mich. Please wend, without obligation to me, illustrated literature describing thc General Motors product I have checked — together with the booklets, “The Proving Ground ’’ and ” Principles and