Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, November 29, 1928, Image 4

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union ncouti. MU-mxatTim. aa. wtumi an. : I LOCAL HAPPENING* Justice of Peace and Constables will be elected Saturday. 1 | armour company will OPERATE DUBLIN CREAMERY Numbers of farmers killed hona duriag the cold weather of the past ^ U y week. I q Uer The dairy business has become an y nnc ^ or flower important factor in Baldwin county. Knfrliah sporl prints or an old maj medallion fashion and shellac th« HINTS FOR THE HOME BY NANCY HART When you’re wondering what give Aunt or Cousin or State and-So for Christmas, rememtx a lovely scrap basket for one’s room i is always most acceptable. j Attractive metal baskets that are tlw priced fro™ $0 to *15 i„ Ac rtop. purchpsed the cre.ntery be made for *2 « 1» « h ™'- I 1 '% „ new , to the farmer, ed metal frame, lac- . 10,5 3 - a of it with antique gold i of Baldwin county, as a number of mount a lovely old : them are conducting small dairies and r print, one of the j have been selling cream Ini dairy. The taking So Large Qaaatity •* Cream Ha* B««n r that j Sold Dublin Concern by Baldwin The r.ewy has reached Milledgeville the Armour Packing Company • i Dub- TTTTTTTTTirTTTTTXXXXXlIZXXXXrYTTTYrrrry^ » the Dub- inte re sting who j e to protect it from .soiling. You can be truly proud of such a gift. The 1889 chronicli this week. They tel! of one of the greatest events ever pulled off in Mil- ledgeville. It was u banquet given by the citizens, in honor of the men. for Vegetable Night who aided in locating the Girls Norm- Cream of Asparagus Soup al and Indur.rii! College in this city cheeie CuUcti Tomato Sai This college is now G. S. C. W.. and Buttered Green Beans has grown, during these thirty-nine Beet am ] Egg Salad years to one of the greatest giri'f colleges in the South. the winter. The thermometer reir.«tered ten Mjx cup Knl p e „ u ..s, 3-4 cup deitree, below freerinp Monday mom- r ., uini , 3-4 eup Englilh wnl- the coldest weather of 3.4 cup cooked prunes, 1-1 cup citron, all cut fine. Dissolve a 1 package of lemon-flavored gelatin in A umsil covey of partridges found p pjpt of boiIinK w>ter „d while still thoir way into the residential Mellon ho( >dd ^ mixed fnliu and of the city .Sunday. teaspoon of cloves. 1-2 teaspoon of cinnamon and salt to taste. Mold Several new subscriber* » > the Union Recorder list Satur- and serve with whipped cream. day. Chop finely a half green pepper ' and a small onion ar.d soften in four The stoma of MlldertevUle will hsve tab , „ or ham fat. o. display their holiday nods, and Ad(J , cup of ^ t0In , to pllr . ei Christmas ahoppin* will start after >|n hi|[hly with ,„ d ub .«„, TSankaRivine Dap. brin|! [0 , boj , ,„ d M , t . b , . .... ' quick cooking tapioca. Cock until Services at all the churches were The crowd lingered n the city long after night Saturday in spite, of the cold. spoon of the tapioca. Several of Miledgeville's hunters have made u.-eless effort thus far to kill a wild goose. They have seen numbers of them, but have failed to The best utensil for whipping cream is the double boiler. , ! Put ice or cold water in the lower i saucepan and whip the cream in the ; upper action. The cold water has- I tens the whipping consistency and the ,high, straight sides of the pan pre- 1 vent spattering. of the plant by Armour means that the demand for cream will be increased, and that cash payments will be paid. There is not n better dairying lund anywhere than can be found in Bald win county, and should be engaged in more extensively. There is one j county in Tennessee, which realise* more than $600,000.00 from ita dairy products. Baldwin county could be made a great dairying section, and advancement in this industry has been marked the past several years. It has been suggested to the Union Recorder by a citizen who is always alert and active in advancing the interest of Baldwin county, that a Company should be formed to pur chase high gride dairy cattle, and sell them to those who wish to en large or engage in dairying, and tha*. Capt. J. H. Ennis,*Mewrs E. E- Bass, H. T. Cline and T. B. Dumas would be good men to head thia company, j and carry it forward to success. assortment of cheap fords for sale Wu hare MM aavaral Feed Tour- tags, C—»—, R*adat*ra MivwT Tracks that wa ara offar- iag at practically jaak priaac. Tkara i. lot. .1 R~J •—*«• <• •' lb... «M an 7-t L. N. JORDAN Save bits of soap until you hove u pint of chips, then melt them and add a little glycerin© or oatmenl for toi let use. Or.it you prefer to use them for laundry purpose,, add borax or naphtha. A quantity of Baldwin county made cine syrup is being offered for sale. Our citizens should buy it. It is expected that the work of reflooring and repairing the bridge over Oconee river will be finished this week. The bridge has been closed •at night for the past several weeks. ■The County Commissioners and the County Board of Education will hold their regular monthy meeting next It is expected that there will be large number of visitor* to Milledge- ville Thun day. AL JOISON TREMENDOUS IN THE SINGING FOOL” NEW And 4ma ,; no RCA RADIOLA SO Playiag a* Rial la Thaalra, Macon Georgia Navantbar 22nd, Through December III "The S'nging Fool,” Al Joison'i newest film production, is a triumph of up-to-the-minute motion picture art. In the first place the Leslie S. Bar- row.* strov is written out of a deep familiarity with the life of the stage and of New York night clubs—.end what is greater, an understanding ol these qualities which make all hu manity akin. Then, too, of the scenes revelry bring created with the cer tainty of .-cal magic. As for Jolson, be is revealed as an actor of unquestionable sincerity and amazing power of emotional expres sion. In many of hia scenes hia sor row are tragic in their intensity, and exercise an unus’ial effect on the feelings of the audit nee. This is the more remarkable when on? considers; that JolM>n has always been looked upon us 'I comedian, though to the more discerning there has invariably been hte touch of path.- which made it evident that he would be able at some time to interpret the tragedies of life as well as the lighter mods. Al Johon sings in the picture "Sonny Hoy,” "ThereV A Rainbow ‘Round My Shoulder,’ "Golden Gate," "The. Spaniard That Blighted My Life,” "Trouble’s A Bubble," "Sitting On Top Of The World," and "It All Depends on You." It amazed even us—after having watched the miraculous de- velopment of radio unlil we thought nothing could. This compact table model, with powerful A,C Radiotrons. is im proved with a power detector tube that takes the full volume built up be the 8-tube Super-Heterodyne circuit and passes it along to the audio-amplifying circuit without distortion. Full toned clarity of reproduction such as you have never heard! Opperates from any AC electric light socket. Price $175. Telephone today for free demonstration. “EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL" Clifton Adams Milledgeville, Georgia Old Santa Has Established Headquarters At Chandler’s Varisty Store NEVER HAS THERE BEEN SUCH A TREMENDOUS DISPLAY OF CHRISTMAS GOODS—TOYS FOR THE KIDDIES' AND MANY GIFTS FOR THE OLDER PERSON— TOYLAND NOW OPEN Go through our toyland and see the many high class toys and gifts for the Kiddies. We have taken special care in the selection and you can find just what yo uwant at our store. DOLL CARRIAGES. AUTOMOBILES. WAGONS AND OTHER WHEEL GOODS You have never seen such high class well made and attractive wheel goods. The prices have been marked very, very low to avoid any carry overs. We are to remodel after the holidays and we are determined to clean our stocks during the holidays. You can find just what you want here at the price you can afford to pay. Make your selections now while the stock are complete. Make yourselections—We reserve packages until Xmas. Chandler’s Variety Store M Extraordinary Hosiery Offer Buster Brown Hosiery In Co-operation with the Makers We Make This Remarkable Introductory Offer With Every Purchase of WOMEN’S “BUSTER BROWN” PURE THREAD SILK HOSE AT We will give away, ABSOLUTELY FREE, one pair of children’s Buster Brown Hose. In full or 7-6 lengths. This pure thread silk stocking at $1.00 is a remarkable Buster Brown achievement. The narrow grace heel and the modeled ankle, togehter with the slipper sole and the extra over-the-knee length, gives that essential touch that the mode demands. Style features of this hose are those that usually distinguish only hose at higher prices. $|00 PAIR USED CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE Ou that is an excellent buy me chanic aU 7 perfect, wonderful rubber, ""l. N. JORDAN ! FOR RENT Two 2 Rooms and Bath Apartments In aw of the most desirable Sections in the Cily Phew 3S2-J. FREE; FREE! FREE; WITH EVERY PAIR OF WOMEN’S BUSTER BROWN HOSE AT $1.00 YOUR CHOICE OF THE FOLLOWING: Misses’ silk and rayon 7-8 sox. Misses’ lisle and rayon hose. Misses* fine mercerized hose. Boys’ 7-8 school sox. Boys’ golf sox. Boys’ full length heavy ribbed Every Pair Guaranteed. hose. ON SALE Friday, Saturday, Monday November 30, December 1 and 3 GOLDSTEIN’S Milledgeville Georgia ammmrnaiHHmw - - i