Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 06, 1928, Image 10

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., DECEMBER «, 1926 LEE’S RICE MESSAGE iPi 'll AD NEWS TO YOU! n uimg 36-in wide checks and stripes heavy weight. Special 15c SWEATERS All Woo! Sweaters Coat style in Navy, red and tan. Special $2.98 Sheeting 9-4 Brown sheeting 48c value, prit <-d to go at 39c Boy’s Sweaters All Wool, made to wear, in blacks, reds and tans. Special $2.48 RAYON BLOOMERS A very fine quality in all the light shrdes $1.75 value Sale price $1.39 Bed Ticking Heavy weight, our Special price for this Sale 14c This Sale Runs for a Limited Number of Days ACT HOW - DELAY MEANS MONEY LOST! EXTRA Shoe Values One big table of Oxfords and Straps—odd sizes, values to $6.5 ). Your choice $1-98 Another table of Patents and Kids, low and spike he si Closeing out at $2- es Ladies’ Pumps. Straps and Oxfords—in spike and Military heel—fine foot wear priced $3 ,98 Ready-to-Wear Values Unexcelled One rack of Satin Backs, Crepe and Combinations—beauti ful style.., attractive colors, priced for quick sale $8-48 ses—value illy priced $14-95 $27.50 Georgi nations reduce $1975 One rack new Dresses—values to $18.50 in Satin Backs and Crepes. Specially priced for you at One rack value to $27.50 Georgettes—Satin Backs, Velvet and Velvet Combinations reduced to go at Silk from hem to toe, Chiffon weight. Specially priced Cotton Jersey Bloomers Heavy quality, well made variety of colors. Special Men! Here Are Values For You. Men’s dress Shirts—white and colors, attached colarc 98c. Men’s fancy Socks—checks and plaids. Specially priced 25c. 39c. 48c Men’s Outing l ~jamas—heavy weight, priced $1.48 and $1.98 SEE OL'R SHOE VALUE FOR MEN Dress Suitings 36-INGUSTUME VELVET Outing Gowns FREW’S UNION SUITS JaY-EE-KAY hose Heavy Wool S iting* in tans, blues, In brown, red. Navy and black. Heavy wegiht, well made, stripes Heavy weight good quality $1.48 Full-fashion—all Silk top to toe— reds and greens 98c value $2.00 value. Special and solids. Special value Chiffon weight $1.79 value. Special 79c $|.59 98c $1-29 $1-48 WOOL TEX BLANKETS in Blue, Gold and Rose, full double size, extra heavy. Special ST.98 Double Cotton Blankets in Pink and Blue Stripes. Extra heavy LEE LEADS IN LOW PRICES MEN’S WORK SHIRTS $1.98 CHILDREN’S SWEATERS Slip-over and Coat Style. All Wool in Brown, Red, Copen. Tan. Specially priced 98c. $1.48 $2.98 Ladies’ Facny Slip-over Sweaters for Sport wear in Navy, beautiful patterns $1.98 Heavy blue Chambray—double stitched, 69c value. Special 50c Extra heavy blue Denim Overalls —well made for lor,? wear, $1.98 values $1.48 LADIES’ HAT BOXES Letherettes ideal Christmas gifts, beautifully lined. Special $2.50 Blue Bell Chambray, extray good quality, 19c value. Special 15c