Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 06, 1928, Image 6

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UNION RECORDER. M1LLEDCEVH-LE. GA„ DECEMBER «■ 1928 UNION RECORDER R B. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE—Buain... N SUBSCRIPTION RATES THURSDAY DECEMBER 6, 1928 ■live in the State. There is every indication that the manufacturing concerns of the North East »nd West are turning towards the South for locations to establish plants. Recently there have been u number of inquiries i 7 7 PROMPT RESPONSE GIVEN SEAL MENS B,BLE CLASS elec ts SALE AU' vantages offered by .and these advantages vestignted. If a plant or factory slocated here will have to them. The local capita) ir it thut will have l «• small when the or enterprise is considered. Union Recorder believes that Pleased With Results of -Tubucular Seal Sale Launched This Week BY JERE N. MOORE I come back to this desk after a j ten day trip into the Shenandoah. volley of Virginia. A country' rich , p rom|)t respon . e given the six hun- in history and one that has plenty to | drcJ m:|i|cd in B.idwin coun- captivate the interest of those who ’ tl]i> WMk pr()m ,, tin g the sale of have not been there. „ I Christmas seals for the anti-Tuber- I could not help but make a few | colosi!1 A5 , ociatl o„ yave the officials cracks at some of the natives about of th .. as ,ociation, „ ho in cn-opern vested the state having gone Into the Re- i t ;„„ with the Parent-Teachers Asso- »lue of the , iub l ican column. This atate, the ' ciatioI) were p r „ mo ti„g the saie. much birthday place of Jeffersonian De-1 M ti 8 f ac , . mocracy and the mother of Presi- Dr H D> A „ en| Jr-f cha irman of « ntw ,s JU8t ' lkead f ° r M,llcdKe * dents, took for their leader Bishop the coanty> state .| that he had ville, all that *s required is for our Cannon, and they believe this gentle-1 ceived from over 2 0 per cent people to make a united effort to . men j„ the type of messiah they I nf tH „ Ut „. mnil , bring outside capital her? for invest- should follow, ment. j I ulso FIRE AT SCHOOL PROBED SHOP EARL^ Sparta, Gu., Dec. .‘1.—After in vestigation by Supt. W. H. Maxwell, the time to begin to hink the Tenth District A. and M. r Christina, shopping—and '«*■>»'. "» tlul ' h “ s b «' n f,,ului •» thc P at merely thinking about " f ‘he disastrous fire which you o .shopping now for destroyed the mule and feed barn of f later, you do the school on last Thursday night, nr as well as ex- Practically all of thc students When you go irself a great fa' fine spirit of coopera- home for the Thanksgiving privilege of your patronage. You avoid the Last minute rush. You have larger stocks to choou? from. You are sure of getting who*, you want. Nothing is "all sold out” yet, though it may be when the late ®Hy ®’°° d shopper comes ’round for it. You help every clerk whose Christ mas labors you lessen by dc shopping in advance and not both ering him when he is most busy. pie, of You have more time in which to compare prices and examine quality. When you stop at the last minute you are all too likely to buy "any old thing” to get it overwith. We can't urge you too strongly to do your Christmas shopping now. .his city to the picture show, so it s impossible to see hoy the fire ‘tarted. The school farm made an unusu- .and forage crop this being much better than in other parts of the county, your and <>f thin was stored in the upper story of the barn. Three fine mules were also in the barn and left in P eris hed- The fin? dairy herd of the school was housed in the dariy barn nearby but were not harmed as thc wind was blowing in the other di rection. More mules will be pur chased in time to start work next spring, but it happens that all of th? fall plowing had been done and they will not need the n'oek until OUR BANKS then. A ne w^shop building and garage is being built at the school and the barn will be rebuilt in the next few months. A new dairy house is also in course of erection. The Banking business is built upon |f|n;*N|ia|c ucion NAl/AI confidence. The people of Milledge- IUAKU NAVAL ville and Baldwin County have abso- OFFICER TELL EXPERIENCES lu:c confidence in the four banks of this city, and thc honesty and Lait. Jones Related Man - Interesting integrity of the men, who are direct- Facts About Chin* and Its People ing them. i Friday Night The banks located here ara upon ■X firm and .ubxtantial baair. havins Tht ' Kj'vann Club had as their iarire capital stark; aurpluaaes and ducats kriday evening Felton Rice, undivided profile built up in the N “ val Recluitin E Officer, -.nd Lieut years they have operated. They ear- St " n,cy Jo "'« ,,f ‘he United States ry larpe amounts of deposits which *' Hvy - prove the confidence their depositors After the luncheon and reports of have in them. the committees, Lieut Jones made a They Have during these years been most intercstin K telk China, and the bulwark that has stood in this m hls recitnl he,d tht * c,08Cat attcn * eommur.ty as a rock of gilbraltar t,on of hls hearers, to project our citizen*?, during fi- ~ ieut * Jones in tho °»*' nin K of his nancial stress, and come to their aid * poke ln ,h * Urm * of and assistance when times were hard Co1 * Cnrl V,nson * Representative of and money was needed to tide over Con,rrcs8 frotr th,? tonth M-iicl. He ndividual and business embarass- “ a,d * "* l Mr * /in8 ° n wa * -^cognized of thc leading m.n in Con- gresr., «r.d wus rendering his country valuable service a« a rr-mber of the Nava! Committee. The people of MilledgeviHe and Baldwin county fhould l proud that Mr. Vinson was i. citizen oi this conrnunity. He then periences he hud in China, giving a discription of the habits and customs of the people and the relationship of the United States in lealing with the many diplomatic which confronted them. He told of tho work being by Missionaries, and the heroism ry they had shown in carry- lusiness embarass- The bunks have remained in. and are today on a firmi dation than they ever were. A FARM AGENT FOR NEXT YEAR of v iv The sentiment for the a farm agent in Baldw stronger now than it evi opinion of the Union Recorder. That th,- agents Baldwin county has had huve been instrumental in aiding the farmers of the county in meeting their problems. The agents have rnnd, ‘ 1 Possible for poultry to bring a higher priea, they have been instru- • X 7"!'",™ C1TY STREETS in pretty individual aid to a SHAPE FOR HOLIDAYS nui. farmer, in bringing about . ’ yield of their lord.. Make Beautiful Appearance for i-n It.(order believe!, that Hclid.y Crowd. That Vi.it City. “ d progrenrivc form agent street Sweeper Kept Bu.y cur m . nipilth grvoler rer-jlta in Wcdneeday ' ■ u; -b <b. j.-rieultura! inlo-eslx Tl >■ 'Ireels or M.iledgevUle mode ° io county. 11 tpiendid uppvurance Thanksgiving T i un : I'.mmitiomr. w in D »>' for the holiday crowds that bnd ry-. "i—rtd..;, Itodayl to decide b red here for the fi. S. C. H h eyl of the tetters mailed. The Parent- ' Teacher,' Association through thc town of, hundrt . d |,,. ter8 containinE onc d„l. k.liznbelhton Tenn., made famous by worth o( , hc , eaK The moncy the visit of Hebert Hoover, sod this ' ceivcd from the sale will be used is a nice town. The people nre on' ficht th<! dread . d di , t .nse in this industrious buoeh and are energetic. L ounty and caty . on thc hcallh 1 had pictured i » small mountain | proera m in the schools of the county, town, u rough mountaineer type ofi R „ ponse from cvcry one is an tici. citizens, but I found I was not so good J)a te d stated Dr. Allen. The per- sons receiving the seals and not U9e- er and the | them and asked to sell them to upplants ^ those who will use them on Christ- packages and letters and full sizing up this place. The Political furror is Hogan “Shop Early” m those of the political nature. ivill do credit wil be given for all salea complete list will be published of the purchasers of Beals at the close of the campaign. Thc ministers and churche well- to turn their thoughts to the principle and primarty reason for their cxistance, that of leading sin- rs to repentance. The world will never be improved by organizations trying to legislate people ideals. The individ.ul is I Mr „ A Khouo ., Manager of the the salvation of the world and if the Arm0 ar Creamery at Dublin, pawed churches nnd ministers will realize throuph thl . dty ToaIday afternoon their miszion, a revival of religion I „„ hi „ way E „ onton . H? stopped in the city a few i ites and stated to n reporter of the , Jnion Recorder that he expected to| 0 days spent much of hi, life imprison- \ daya for the purpoM , of c ,tabliriiing g cd and he saw the cruelties and ex- visit Miledgeville in the next few § pvnoneed the hardships of prison life ! „ station to buy c „ nm jn th , s city . % but he did not come out and otganixe Hc , uys the -tation will he een- g f. j 13 ®? e S°ciety but con-1 trally located, and equipped hinue is mission preaching the mac hinery to make tests, etc. , There are a number of small He also hved during the mo.t. dlirieI throughout Baldwin county tyranicol reign the world ha, ever tl , at arc realizing qnite an amount known but he did not busy himself from thc M |e of cream, organizing a political body to improve ill be the reiult and awakening realized. Thc Great Paul of New Testament OFFICERS The Men’s Bible Class of the Methodist Sunday School at their meeting Sunday morning elected thc following officers: President, Col. Geo. S .Roach, Viet President, Mr. O. B. Twilley, Secretary and Treas urer, Mr. Homer Shy. Dr. W. T. Wynn is teacher of the class, and his talks are interesting and instructive. The effort is going to be made to make the music a more impressive feature, and Prof. Thos B. Meadows will be at the piano, and Mr. T. T. Hardman, musical director. The men of thc Methodist church and congregation are most cordially invited to attend. PRICES REDUCED—Pecan trwa*. Satsuma orange* and other stand ard fruits and ornamentals. Quality best. Properly grown. Prompt shipment. J. B. Wight, Cairo, Ga. FOR RENT—My Blizaard place in East Baldwin, 200 acres in pasture. W. T. Blood worth. FUNERAL SERVICES OF CAPT J. W. ROBERTS HELD THURSDAY ! The funeral service of Capt J. Roberts were held at the Baptj n church Thursday .afternoon, at 2:3o o’clock, Rev. H. D. Warnock 0 ffj ci . ating. The remadins were buried in the city cemetery, grandsona of Capt. Roberts, acting as pa)l-bea.*ers. Capt. Roberts lived to the old igt of eighty-six years, and during the* years he was known os an honest brave and courageous man. ^ a mere lad he enlisted in the Co* federate Army, an a member of t* cavalry, and rendered the Southing valient service, at the conclusion ol the war he joined in bringing order out of chas, and rebuilding a broken bleeding country. During those da>i he met the duties of life unflinching, iy, and with courage. As .a member of the city police force for about twenty-years, he performed his duiie, faithfully. Floor Bridgo Lumps $1.50 a WOOTTEN’S. In Considering Gifts for Christmas GIVE ARTICLES OF UTILITY E the government nor did he go about denouncing the ruler but worked in season and out of season on the indi vidual preaching and teaching the principles laid down by his Lord and Master. The churches have gained nothing by entering the recent political cam paign. Their cause has been weaken ed and when the Methodist church in session in Atlanta recently voted to continue their official organ “The Wesleyan Christian Advocate” as a political sheet, they laid open the doors for just criticism and joined with thoie who would tear down the great principles nnd teaching of Christ. | Thus I end my say on politics, at least the recent campaign. Whit : per lb. 2 lbs. 35c. DON’T FORGET That there is not a belter mechanical shop in this set ours. We can do the job right. If you ■ L. N. JORDAN uble Pocket Knives Shot Guns Brass Fire Sets Brass Andirons Coal Vases Electric Heater Oil Heaters Majestic Range Fridgidaire Percolator Many other items in our stock suitable for gifts—Call and let us put something aside for you. fi. W. HATCHER HARDWARE CO. Wholesale and Retail South Carolina grown Irish pota toes, 2 l-2c per pound at CHANDLER BROS. METHODIST BOARD OF STEWARDS ORGANIZE The Board of Stewards of the Methodist church held their first meeting of the Conference year Tues day evening at the Parsonage. The work of the church for thc past year was practically closed up. The Board was then organized by the re-election of Mr. H. G. Bone, Chairman; R. B. Moore, Vice-Presi dent, .and A. I. Bu ts, Treasurer. The same committees w.re retained. Many important questions were discussed, and the Finance Commit tee was instructed to make out a budget, and make an individual can vas of the members. ts tire trouble—stop the woi ave all sizes in Kelly Spri and the prices make you *m RALPH S1MMERSON Buidc Dealer lor lie Day of tlieYear—tlic Car of tlcYcar CHANDLER BROS. ?d tha will u»-ir w;_, cl ar to emplov wvi e ami colored farm agent. 1 ,u ‘ sw « day night MANUFACTURING ENTERPRISES nt>SS ami NEEDED through houses ha' MilledgeviHe ne will snd the annual football j H at G. M .C. They had been neatly goc and all trash had been : ; „ ed from them. per started late Wcdnes- ind gave the entire busi- residential section leaning. The busii swept the side walks, all sh had been removed and the < I OOK at your calendar. Look at thc d crowds thronging thc streets. Holly everywhere—and fir trees from the North ern woods. The day of the year is almost here. It’s high time to be selecting a gift to fill thc hearts of those you love with happiness. Buy them the car that everyone today praises for its style and beauty, for its thrilling new Twin Ignition performance. its ease of handling, its luxury and per sonality—the Nash "400.” You can select it now from our complete Christmas display of new "400” models— a brilliant and colorful showing of all that is newest and finest in modern motoring. Then, we’ll deliver it at thc exact moment you want it to arrive—Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning. For /be e/ay of the year —the car oj the year—the new Nash "400"/ manufacturing enterprise.*. The tile t,rt ’ toWn had « n appearance of neat- °nd brick plants located here are nt ‘* x and freshness that makes fav- lead:-r i their line, and their pro- orab,e impressi duct, re t-hipped to all sections of Strtet Committee of the City thi- Suite and country. A city to be ^• ounc il headed by Alderman Horne as prosperous ar i: should be must and Aldermen Stembridge and King have something to ship to the out- kad ‘‘ xert ed their efforts to put the side world tu bring in money. streets in tip top shape. They are The two colleges located here and askin K the co-operation of the the State Institutions near the city 2ens to ke ®P them clean. All cart ... give MilledgeviHe an advantage not thc 8treet s during the night should potseeed by any other of the smaller ** * n the yard so that tha citicr in Georgia. They make it one * w *®P* r on.' have fall clearance they Ol the most prominent and progree- *•**■*• • WHITFIELD CROl CO. 9 Sedans from $885 to $1990. f. o. b. factory 8 Loupes, Cabriolets. Victorias from $883 to $1775, f. o. b. factory NASH ”400 AoUalt MrM ta .«Ur Hines-Callaway Auto Co. MilledgeviHe, Georgia