Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 20, 1928, Image 1

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voiIJIXCK TRIE OF LIGHT FUND FOR POOR Church Services Sunday G. S. C. W. TO READY FOR XMAS City, Georgia Power Company and Civic Committee of Baldwin County Federation Put np Tree in Burin eu Section by NELLE WOMACK HINES There must always be a begining for everything, so the little “Tree of Light" you see on our streets is the beginning of abeautiful great big tree or maybe several small ones, this plan will be worked out as the time comes. If you try hard enough you will always find somebody ready to help you put over things, so it was that the city—represented by Mr. Louis Andrews, and the Power Com pany, represented by Mr. Wilson— and the Baldwin County Federation, represented by your humble servant, decided that it would never do for the historic little city of Milledgeville to lag in this matter of a litlte light for the Christmas season. Next year we will do better. Do you remember the first year we had a lighted tree—and it was on the college campus in front of Terrel Hall? Do you remember, how all the children in the town gathered at th- Methodist church and marched over to the tree singing "Onward Christian Soldiers"? Do you remem ber how their little faces shine when the lights we turned on and the beau ty of the tree appeared with its many colored bulbs? Do you remember how the Sanitarium band played uo beautifully and all the big audience joined in the singing of the Christ mas carols? And how—toward the end of the program—the sky was over cast with clouds and just above and toward the East—a spare of clear sky appeared and in it was one single star. Thia was noticed by almost everyone present, and was the sub- > ject of conversation for many days. Many towns and cities are “light ing up" for Christmas but no where was there evdr a more beautiful cele bration than we had here in Milledge ville for several years—especially that first year. Next year, lets try ourselves—lets have a wonderful tree—and a wond erful celebration. BEING RAISED Ministers Secure Money As “Empty Stocking Fund." Poor Families in City to Be Taken Care of The five ministers in Milledgeville organized into a board of charity are raising through their congregations this week an "Empty Stocking Fund” to be used among the poor of the city. The movement is meeting with the haar y cndor.- nient of the people of Milledgeville, a.v one of the most com mendable undertakings presented to The fund is raised to meet the necessities of the needy and there are possible mnny who need more sub stantial things than is suggested by an “empty stocking fund." When ever such cuses are known an effort will be made to render such service as is needed. There is danger of these cases being overlooked unless people 'icquainted with them report them to the committee. The pastors will make an investi gation of cases reported the commit tee from each church working in co operation with the ministers will try to meet the needs. The ministers are urging that every person do their part by contributing a small amount to prevent there be ing any empty stockings this Christ- maa Money may be given to either of the pastors or left at either of the banks. The pastors urge that those know ing of people needing help, white or colored report it to them at once. Re*rflohn ''arb.jjgh declared today that the r lovemont was gaining mom entum *•» 1 that all cases of need would be met he believed. He stress ed the fact that it was more blessed to give than receive. JLo Feature Christinas ! CLOSE FRIDAY! LIONS MONDAY Music and Sermons in Cimrches to Express Spirit of The Birth of Christ. Special Service at Presbyterian in Evening. Baptist to Have Special Gifts v Students Will Leave ou Beauty District Governor Joe Popper Gives HOLIDAY AT G. M. C. STARTED WEDNESDAY SHOPPERS RUSH AS XMAS NEARS Stores Packed With Holiday Crowds as Bargain Counters Are Sought, Santa Clans Needs Supplied and Gifts The hurry of Last .minute shoppers grows more intense as the number of hours diminished until the arrival of Christmas and the relization came that only four more shopping days re main to wind up the annual gift pur chasing marathon. Toy stores, fruit counters and bar gain stands were packed as the hun dreds hurried to and fro to find the gift for sister Sue or Aunt Kate and supply the necessities for .Santa Clau; who will be a visitor in these parts next Monday night In the majority happiness was writ ten <>n their faces, while occasionally hat anxiety of .a mother who was finding it hard to get everything ahe needed for the little fellows back Bome was noticed. Standing at the doll counter she fingers a doll asks Cie price and then turns away dis appointed because the pocket book v.«uld not stand the purchase. The little boy watching the elec tric train hurry around the track. E’.i-ry turn of the wheel was noticed an<s when he could stand it no longer he turned and hurried away to brush back the- tears. The pitiful scenes must come when so much humanity is congregated togehter but in the majority the faces are happy and a general spirit of contentment is mani fested. NO. DELIVERY of mail on CHRISTMAS DAY master H. T. Cline has Bounced that there will be no de- Uver y of mail Christmas Day, with tke exception of special delivery WPkage*. The the daily papers will be placed in the boxes. The poet office will be eloeed to the public all day. The Georgia Military College clos ed for the Christmas holidays Wed nesday at noon, and the boarding Cadets left on the evening trains for their home. It was originally planned to close Friday, but there have been a num ber of cases of flue among the bar racks boys, as well as among local students. There has been no danger ous case. u . and the recovery has been Col. Roach, President of the Col lege. decided that it would be wise to close a few days in .advance of sche dule time, and decided to commence the holidays Wednesday. The fall team at G. M. C. has been an unusually successful one, and the scholarship has been brought to high er efficiency. The morale of the Cadet battalion and the student body has been splendid, and the faculty and teachers have been untiring in their efforts nnd proven capable, qualified and untiring in their work. The Union Recorder wishes teach ers and students u joyous and happy Christmas. STATE AND COUNTY TAX BOOKS CLOSE TODAY The books for the collection of State »nd County taxes will close to day (Thursday.) According to Tax Collector L. D. Smith there had been collected up to Wednesday $45,000.00 in round numbers. This is considerably less than half of the amount to be collect ed, but it is quite probable that con siderable of this will be in the hand; of the Tax Collector before the books close tonight. The law requires that the Tax Col lector close his books on December 20th, and issue executions against all delinquents, and collect interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. The church sen-ices in all the churches next Sunday will center around the Birthday of Christ, music and sermons to have this special Christmas season as their topic. The Baptist Sunday School will have a sen-ice in the morning for young people. Each member of the school will bring a piece of fruit to go to the poor of the city. Christ mas Carols and a Cantata will bu presented at this sen-ice. At the eleven o'clock sendee, Rev. II. D. Warnock will preach a special ser mon for the occasion and a special musical program will be given. The Methodist church will have a special musical program at the morn ing sen-ice. Rev. John Yarbrough will use n theme bearing on the Christmas celebration. The choir and soloists will sing several songs during ths uervica. Sunday evening the Presbyterian church will have a sen-ice of song telling of Christmcs story, Rev. George B. Thompson will preach a special Chri tmas sermon at the morn ing service. The sen-ices at the Catholic and Episcopal churches will be held Christmas day, the birth of Christ be ing especially celebrated on this duy. OFFICERS NAMED FOR BLUE LODGE W. H. Banmgartel Named Worship ful Master of Benevolent Lodge Number 3 for Next Year Succeeding John Riley . W. H Baumgartel was named Wor shipful Master of Benevolent Ledge Number 3 Tuesday night at the an nual election of officers, succeeding John Riley who has served for the past year. The following were the officers named: W. H. Baumgartel Worshipful Master. I. L. Beck, Senior Warden. Geo. DaviB, Junior Warden. W. B. Wood, Sr. Dcason. S. L. Stembridge, Jr. Deacon; J. T. An drews), Sr. Steward; W. H. Stem- bridge, Jr., Jr. Steward; J. T. Mc Mullen, Secretary, J. T. Day, Trearar er; Warren Welch Tyler and J W. Riley and J. T. McMullen members of the Governing Bornd of the Mn- SpecUl *1 -7:45 O’clock Spend Holidays at Home The “Beauty Special” will run over the Central of Geogria Friday morning, leaving Milledgeville 7:45 o’clock. Pipers Making Organization Possible. Chib of Twenty- five Members Begins Work THE CANTATA SUNDAY EVENING WAS ENJOYED Unde: cf Peabody High School he Wondrou. Story” lion of MU. Jenkins The beautiful Can’.ata "The Wond- r«*u-. Story" was presented at the Methodist church Sunday evening by the students of Peabody High School in the presence of a large audience. The Cantata was directed by Mins Maggie Jenkins, and the G .S. C. W. orchestra which rendered ".he music was under the direction of Miss Chris tine C'ottncr. Rev. J. F. Yarbrough rend the scriptures relating th-? “Wondrous Story" as the Cantata was rendered. The music through out was inspiring and the girls who took part sang with a melody and -weetness that charmed their hearers. It was a musical rendition that was thoroughly enjoyed.* EASTERN STAR ORGANIZED HERF Large Macon Delegation Comes tc Milledgeville Monday to Institute Chapter. Mrs. Webber Heads Organization The Milledgeville Chanter of the Order of the Eastern Star wa> stituted at a special meeting of the chapter hut Monday evening when large delegation came here for the installation ceremonies. More than twenty women were present at the first meeting Monday and witnessed the degree work of the order. The organization was .per- f:cted with the following officers: Mrs. G. H. Webber. Worthy Mn- J. T. McMullen, Worthy Patron. Mrs. J. \V. Riley, Associate Patron. Mrs. J. V. McMullen, Secretary. Mra L. C. Hall, Treasurer Miss Cecile Humphrey, Conduc- rtess. Mrs. F. R. Hargrove, Assistant Con ductress. Mrs. George Davis, Ada. Mrs. Jim Smith, Ruth. Mrs. Godfrey 0*terman, Esther. Mrs. E. B. Jackson, Martha. Mrs. West Mosteller, Electa. District Governor Joe Popper, of be Lions International, presented the its capacity with the stud- Milledgeville Lions Club with their en‘s of G. S. C. W., who will be Charter Monday evening at the Buld- on their way home to spend the w * n Hotel. Christmas holidays around ihe home ( The l,1 “ b w «* organized last week firesides. with a membership of twenty-five nnd The G. S. C. W. will finish all the district governor with a delcga- work required Thursday, and Friday tion from Macon came to Millcdge- morning the students will be up early v *lle Monday nigh, ot insntll the club ready to leave the dormitories for and present the charter, the Central Railroad depot, where I The meeting held in the dining tney will get aboard the “Beauty : rooni of the Baldvln Hotel was cn- Special" which will carry them to Mn- thusia tic and attended by a large con, to catch train for all section* of ; number oi the club members Acting President Jcrr Moore pre- The girls are happy, and are spend ing their time, when not in their study nnd recitation halls, in the business section of the city purchas ing a token to carry their loved ones The fall team, at G. S. C. W. has been a most successful one, the at- t.ndance being the largest in the his tory of the Institution, and both faculty and students have been happy in their work. The college will open for the spring term on January 3rd, and the stud ents will take up thciie work whtfro they will leave off Thursday, as if there had been no interruption. The young ladies and members of the faculty have the best wishes of the Union Recorder for a happy Christmas. NEGRO KILLED SUNDAY NIGHT Joho Reese and Luther Sanlsbury Under Arrest Charged With Brutally Murdering Ed Thomas The members of the Milledgeville Lodge of Elks are gathered, as we go to pres* Wednesday night, at a great home-coming. Large number of the members and former member ■ are at tending. District Deputy John S. Mc Clelland and Walter P. Andrews, of Atlanta, and Chas H. Smith. Exalted Ruler of the Macon Lodge of Elks are the prominent visitors. The lodge room is decorated in vines and lights, and presents a most attractive ap pearance The dining hall, where a turkey dinner will be served, is beautiful in its doecoration of varied colors. Plates have been laid for sixty-two. Exalted Ruler, J. H. Ennis, as is al ways has habit, has left nothing un done to make the home-coming a memorable event. The four banks of Mihedgcville have declared their semi-annual divi dend and paid it to the stock hold- eis. No city or town in Georgia has better or stronger banks and more capable bankers than has Milledge ville. They have all enjoyed a pros perous year, and are strongly en trenched in the confidence of the PMPk- LOVE—THE CREED OF CHRIST Next Tuesday all join in hymns of praise and joy for Him wh<» <:■ as never man s>pake, teaching that love and and love alone is cure for all ills of the spirit. Whose words are allied with the ine sentiments of peace and sympathy, understanding and for- As the world progresses His word comes to have greater and greater significance. His message of love gnins force with each revolution of the earth abou'. the sun. The world He visioned, ruled by the sunlight of kindness, toler ance and sympathy, comes ever nearer a* we grow in those qualities exemplified. No act of kindness is lost in this world, no expression of love or pity or understanding fails to bring us closer to the ideal for which the race of men has striven for two thousand years. Let us heed the words of Christ, remembering always to sub- si'.ute love for hate, forgiveness for vengeance, gentleness for wrath, go that peace and joy may reign supreme. We come to that season when we reflect upon the things of the past and turn our faeds toward a new sun. Our wish is so great that we hesitate to try and express it to you, bift bringing it (town to so many words, we say, “May peace, happiness, and joy be yours at this glad Christmas tide and may the light of love reign supreme in your heart, remembering the teaching of Christ, “Do unto others as you would, they do unto yon." John Reefe and Luther Saulsbury, two negroes, are in the county jail charged with murdering Ed Thomas, another negro, in Midway Sunday night. Reese, according to the reports of the officr-r.% making the arrest, hay admitted that he had a part in the murder, and accuses Suulabury, as be ing equally as guilty. Un the other hand Souisbury denies his guilty and accuses Reese of committing the The murder was a most brutal one, the head of the "’ctim being beaten to a pulp with i stock of a shot gun as he lay upon his bed, and was evidently committed for the purpose of robbery, as it was though that Thomas, who was an itinerant barber had acconiulated an amount of mon ey, which he kept on his person or Thomus lived in a room adjoining that occupied by Suul.4>ury and his wife, and at an inquest held Monday by Coroner Newton, the man and woman testified that Reese commit ted the murder. That he came into 1 presented the speakers of the evening. Tom Halliburton, Ma con Lion, responded to the address of welcome delivered by Lieut. V. L. Nash. Rev. F. H. Harding extended greeting* from the Milledgeville Ki- wanis Club and assured the new civic organisation of the co-operation and support of .he older organization. Mark Etheridge, Managing Editor of the Macon Telegraph and President of the Macon Lions Club, presented the loc"! club n gave! from the Ma con club and expressed his pleasure in coming to this city. Mr. Popper in a happy speech pre sented the charter to the club. He outlined the principles of Lionism and expressed the best wishes of the International organization. He also pledged the co-operation of the Ma con Club. The G. M. C. orchestra under the direction of Mayor Osterman render ed a musical program during the dinner. A colored quartette sang several negro spirituals during the program. Dr. II. E. Stanford won the utt&idance prize. The dining rooms were attractive ly decorated in the Lion colors, gold and purple. CHRISTMAS FOR STATE INSANE Dinner With Usual Fruits, Etc., To Be Given All Patients At State Hospital Christinas Dajr. Lar jest Dinner in Sooth Extensive preparation ui going for ward at the Georgia State Sanitarium for the celebration of Christmas duy at the Institution when more than five thousand people will be served an elegant Christmas dinner. The dinner Chriktmsa duy will probably be prepared for more peo ple than any in the south. The dinner will be served at the noon hour to patients and nurses in the dining rooms at the hospital. The menu as announced will be Roart Turkey and Chicken; Giblet gravy; Sage Dressing and Cranberry sauce; Sweet Poas, Candied Yams, Fruit Cake, hot biscuit, Milk, Coffee and confectioneries. Tho supplies necessary to prepare their room and threatened to kill, the dinner are a* follows: 75 boxes them if they connected him with the of oranges; 65 barrels of apples; 70 crime. He gave the woman a five boxes layer raisins; 3500 lbs. mixed dollar gold piece, and the man ( candies; 25000 lbs. nuts 560 quarts Thomas* watch and chain to keep of cranberries; 12000 lbs. of fruit ! cake; 175 lbs. sweet cracker*; 225 turkeys; and 1500 grown chickens. silent, they claimed. Deputy Sheriff Terry was called :o Midway early Monday morning by telephone message from Andrew Dennis, who gave him information that Reese, Dennis brother-in-law hn<| killed Thomas. The officer with Mr. T. N. Brake learned that Reese was at work on one of the buildings be ing contracted at the State Sani tarium. Reese seeing the officers left and made a temporary escape. Blood hounds were secured from the State Farm, and Chief of Police Haynie and Policeman Broom and others joined the officer* in the chase. The negroes trail was found in Scottsboro, and lost later when he got into an automobile, and rode several mile*. It was struck again in Wilkinson county and the negro was caught in a lake swamp about five o'clock in Un afternoon. H» offered no resistance to the officers when they arrested him. Ha was fat the city and piacod In jal The Trustee* of the Georgia State Sanitarium were in session Wednes day, and awarded contractu for sup- plica • There were a number of bidders for the list of general supplies of groceries, dry goods, shoes, etc., and contracts ever awarded various firms. Capt J. H. Ennis was awarded the beef contract for one month. Capt Ennis has had this contract a number of years and the quality of beef he has supplied the putJtiitior.fi baa been highly satisfactory. Roeae confessed the crime to the officers, and implicated Saulsbury \a bright being equally as guilty. Sanlsbury ni then placed under arvest’