Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 20, 1928, Image 12

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE, GA.. DECEMBER 20. 192S THE PRINCIPLE FUNCTION OF THE GEORGIA PRISONERS AID ASSN’N. By Geo. B. Thompson Through the columns of thi- paper, hu there has been brought to the atten- the lion of the public the movement sponsored by the local Kmunis to bring into existence some kind of organization, the purpose of which of wol l<e the assistance of release I' «•'* prisoners who desire to reform and be in the front compartment. This a decidedly distinctive touch, such a might br expecteii only in custoi : 1 5 West M.; North to the Oconee River; thence do’ j said river to Rock Hill Branch; up said branch liah'a new train to Lv. Eatoi A. M. K. T-. Ar. Macon 11:30 A. A Lv. Macon 5:20 P. M. Ar. Eat nt 7:35 P. M., connecting at Mac with train 9 for Atlanta, which laav M r -cen 11:55 A. M. E. T., arrives At-! Rocky Hill, this branch being boun- 1:35 P. M. C. T.. and train dary line at this point between lands j lH for Montgomery and which leaves Macon 11:20 A. M T., arrives Albany 2:65 P. M., M gomery 7:15 P.M. ®red t To per:,- an organization the followim: made membeit of the commit ■•*: M. Rogers. Citizen: B. H. Uunawi Superintendent of the Prison Far W. E. Ireland. Superintendent of t Training School; E. C. Atkina, Pr on Chaplain; F. H. Harding and G< B. Thompson. Ministers. At ths first meeting of this co: mittec there was formulated a tenl rive program, setting forth what the Superior should and should not be held •n Rit e 1362. In the Mip. I of January Te 1929 Petition for equitable relief. TO WILLIAM HOWARD RICE. DE FENDANT: You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the next term of the said county, to rond Monday in ; ‘ earing befu ; ffics. Koon l.mta. Ga. f n i 10 o’clock A which :ime a be afforded heard. has been asedgned for • the Commission in its 119, State Capitol. At- nieeting beginning at "M.. December 18th. at Albany., of Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Frank Wil- :.)aon; thence North 60 degrees West - 36 chains to the point of beginning. This being the land occupied by Will i made emphatic NOTICE that the January 1029, and mr.ke your answ- trrtsX it- «*r in the above named and stated securing paroles or pardons, case, as required by the order of and above all, it would refrain from «W court. any word or act which would leave Witness the Honorable J. B. Park, the impression with the prisoner that Judge of the Superior Court, this 5 he was being unjustly dealt with by day of December 1928. the state, which exacted a penalty J* C. COOPER, for violating the law, or by the pris- Clerk of Superior Court. on authorities, who carried out the ________ sentence. Whatever might be the need for prison reform, the commit tee wus aware that it was not entrust- Notice rs hereby given that the ed with the ;.xsk of making any Central of Georgia Railway Corn- changes in the penal system of the pany hus applied to the Georgia state of Georgia. Public Service Commission for au- A recent survey of the Male, Fa- thority io discontinue trains Nos. 21 male .and “T. B.” Prison Camps and 22. operating between Macon and brought out the fact that one hun- Tennille, Georgia, on the following dr.'d and fourteen prisoners express- schedule: ed the desire to avail themselves of No. 21 Lv. Tennille 9:50 A. M. Ar. the benefits the organization would Macon 11:45 A. M.; No. 22 Lv. Ma- give prisoners whose determination von 5:20 P. M. Ar. Tennille 7:20 P. was to lead a clean life after their M. release from prison. Of this number For authority to discontinue train forty nine will be released in 1929, No. 19, operating between Gordon * interested will Ray, as Administratrix of the estate t unity of being of A. B. Barber, deceased, issued from the Superior Court of Bibb This notice is being given in ac- County, Georgia. Said land is levied cordance with the requirement* of on as the property of A. B. Barber, the Georgia Public Service Comm is- deceased, found in the hands of Mrs. sion. Mary D. Ray, as Administratrix of A. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY B. Barber, deceased. The defendant COMPANY in fi. fa. and tenant in possession POLLARD, Vice-Pres, have been notified of levy, and of the .29 chains; thence running Louisville, Ga., in favor of the Fed-, hour* of sheriff’s *k degrees East 38.62 chains! eral Land Bank of Columbia, S. C.,|est bidder, for cash, the rT,™' again a J A. Stiles, I have levied up- described property on and will sell at public outcry be fool of | fore the court home door in Baldwin county, Ga., within the hours Sheriff’s sales, to the best and high est bidder, for cash, on the first Tuesday in January 1929, the fol lowing described property, to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land situnte and being in the 319th. Dist. G. M. Baldwin County Ga., and bounded on the North by the Mil- leugeville & Monticello Public Road and landn of Mrs. Annie E. Hum phries and Jno. T. Allen; on the East by lands of J. F. Miller 4ind Alec Banks; on the South by lands of Mrs. Mattie Wood, W. A. Webb, und Hor ace Napier; and on the West by lands of Mrs. Annie E. Humphries and Jack Webb; containing 245 acres, less, as sdiown by plat of J, Gilman, upon which dairy. Said above described land levied on to satisfy a fi. fa in favor of Mrs. Lillie P. Little against Mr.*:. Mary D. -ill uary. This does not include th< her who may be paroled. With these fac; before the mittee they realized that thei Jan- a nd Covington, Georgia, on the fol- num- lowing .schedule: No. 19 Lv. Gordon 6:05 P. M. Ar. com- ^ ovington 9:17 P. M. connecting at task Gordon with train 22 from Macon. was large enough without taking up- l*" r authority to discontinue train •n themselves that of prison reform. No. 20, between Portcrdale and Gor- Should there appear in the newspap- Georgia, operating on the fol- ers any criticism of the penal system •"wing schedule and connecting with of the state, any criticism of the tra * n * 1 and 2 operating between Sa- prison camps, whether located at Mil- vunnah and Atlanta: lt'dgeville or scattered throughout No. 20 Lv. Porterdnle 8:33 A. M. the state, the committee wishes to go •* v * * ovington 8:48 A. M. Ar. Gordon on record that such criticism does not *2:30 P. M. eminate from them, neither have they For authority to discontinue train authorized any individual member to ^ r °* 23, leaving Covington 8:15 A. M., publish such criticisms, nor have they arriving Porterdale 8:30 A. M suggested to released prisoners that Application for authority to estab- they criticize the prison for any real or fancied unjust treatment whih* they wer? ih prison. I ( There is need for an organization , to aid released prisoners, and the < committee would like for their ef-'( forts to receive publicity. At the I same time there is a kind of publicity * which will njure rather than help. To j prevent thi-re gong abroad anything , which wovid set the public against < their endi-avcm or make the public ( < suspicious of what they are endeav-j* ering to do, the commttee wishes toj ( state the first principle in their I* tentative program. “The Georgia I Prisoners Aid Association (the name . wus chosen until some better name I could be giveu the organization) was organized for the attainment of the following principle objective:—The Relief, Restoration and Reformation of paroled, pardoned or released prisoners.” SHERIFF’S SALE Will be sold before the house door between the legal of sale on the first Tuesday ii uary 1929 the following des property towit: One Lincoln automobile. Model No. 8 Mot< 2928, Georgia tag No. 57649 same being sold by virtue of. : satisfy, an execution issued Baldwin County Court in fav Kuseil Manufacturing Compar B. G. Glass Motor Company lev , terms and place of sale, as i quired by law. Thi* December 4th, 1928. J. T. TERRY', Deputy Sheriff, Baldwin County, Ga. J GEORGIA, Baldwin County n To Whom It May Concern: Rena Roy having filed application 1 ‘ | for permanent letters of administra- u j tion upon the estate of Tobe Raines,, n | deceased; this is to therefore to noti- ! fy the next of kin and creditors of * j said Tobe Raines that said applica- , , 11 • tion will be heard before me at the as the property of the B. G. Glass | Jflnuary Term 192g of ^ " an J," * e ] Court of Ordinary of said County. Witnesr my hand and official sig nature, this 3rd, day of December, 1928. W. IL STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. All that tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Milledgeville, of State and Countv and being in the Southeastern sec tion of said City, and known as J Tart of the Joe Brown estate, bound, ed as follows: on the South by Lot No. 2 of same tract; on the Fast by Lot No. 3; on the North by Jo e Brown estate; and on the Wart by South Warren street, and is known as Lot No. 1 of same tract, and said lot fronting on Warren street a dis tance of 52 1,-2 feet to Lot No. 3, and it being a part of the land con veyed to Purchase & Sale Company by Joe Brown on the 4th, day of February, 1910, and recorded in the clcrk’a office of Baldwin Superior Court in deed book No. 2, page 212; and it being the i H. Glatlin, Au*mt 16th, 1921. a copy °" d L* b ' in * th / > ot •*«<**<> »y of which ia attache! to the abstract * . Pu T^T * C ? ‘ *° «*' the 8th, day of May, 1911 attached to the abstract in file with the Federal Land Bank of Columbia, S. C. Said property levied on as the property of the defendant in fi. fa., J. A. Stiles, and being in possession at the time of said levy of said J. A. Stiles*. The defendant in fi. fa., J. A. j Stiles, and tenant in possession duly notified in writing, of said levy. J. T. TERRY. Deputy Sheriff Baldwin County Ga. f .-aid defendant. Terms of sale Thi* December the 3rd, 1928. J. T. TERRY’, Deputy Sheriff Baldwin County Georgia. LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County: Will be sold at public outcry, the highest bidder for cash, between! the legal hours of sale, before the! court house door in said county, on I the first day of January, 1929, the following described land, to-wit: j All that tract or parcel of land LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Under and by virtue of an execu tion issued from the City Court of, January 1929, bctwi LAND SALE GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Under and by virtue of the power contanied in a mortgage, executed by Rhody Ford Mason to the Milledge ville Banking Company on the 10th day of September 1921, and by said Company transferred to Mrs. C. T. Caraker, which r/.urtgage was given to secure an indebtedness of $325.00, there will be sold before the court house door, on the first Tuesday in legal Ford < and deed recorded in book No. 2 page 534. The lot herein conveyed being the same on which Rhoda Ma son, formerly Rhoda Ford, now re sides and resided for the past li Hal Ford died 24th, day of May, 1913, leaving as his sole surviving heir, his wife Rhoda Ford, who after wards married Robert Mason. Then was no administration upon the estate of Hal Ford and no debts and the absolute title to said lot of land is vested in 'the said Rhoda Mason, formerly Rhoda Ford. Said sale is had for the purpose of paying said debt, together with interest and other costs of this pro cedure. The undersigned will make a good and legal title to the purchaser. This December 3rd, 1928. MRS. C. T. CARAKER By ALLEN & POTTLE Her Attorneys-At-Law. situat , lying and being in the South City Common of the City of Mil- ledgevilk* and in the 321st District, G. M., of Baldwin County, Georgia, containing one hundred and thirty (130) acres, more or leas, and hav ing the folowing lin**s, to-wit: Com mencing at the common corner of Mrs. Frank Wilson and the Edwards estate, measuring North 17 degree; The Seasons Greetings I will be out of town from December 20, to Januar-' 2. attending a REVIEW COURSE at the PALMER SCHOOL OF CHIROPRACTIC. Fountain Head of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. KEEP SMILING H. E. Stanford Chiropractor—Sanford Bldg. Preferred Stock Georgia Power Company" to yield 5*55% 4 FORD SEDAN DE LUXE CAR OF | THE NEW LINE The Fordor Sedan is the de luxe car of the new Ford passenger car line and has many features that are new and exclusive in low priced cars. It is distinctive from the other! Ford passenger cars »a exterior ap pearance. The cowl sweep* down in a graceful curve from a raised panel at the windshield to a narrow belt moulding which runs from the front of the hood on a straight line hack and around the car. This gives the body a long, low effect. Another feature that adds much to the exterior appearance is the roll belt effect below the windows, which rolls down to the narrow moulding. The ton and rear quarter have round ed comers and are covered with a pyroxylin coated material of a tan shade, ,n pleasing contrast with the 1 body colors. There is a ventilator in the lower panel of the cowl on the i left side, for greater driving com- 1 fort The interior of the car has a ltrickingly rich and inviting appear ance. The trimming is of light brown effect with deeply cushioned aeats upholstered in soft brown hair- i line cloth, a highly effective combi-' nation. The cushions dre of the I lounge Ftyle with overstuffed plain 1 Panels. Arm rests in ..he rear com- partment are another convenience. Seats in both compartments are deep- ’y cushioned, wide and most comfort- able. The attractiveness of the in- 1 terior is furthe renhanced by the of embossed panelling on the 0 UR XMAS WISH—is for your happiness in this gi ld season—May joy and peace be yours. We appreciate the business of the past and want io serve you in 1929. City Grocery Company BART WILSON. Manager Merry Christmas Happy New year IS OUR SINCERE WISH. LET US SERVE YOU IN 1929. LEE’S DEPARTMENT STORE L G. LAWRENCE, Mgr. The Georgia Power Company now serves approximately 200 communities. There is an increasing demand for the essential service it renders. The prosperity of the State of Georgia and the future of the Geor gia Power Company are linked to gether. The progressive polici** of the Company, the millions of dollars of equipment and the essential char acter of its service combine to make this stock an attractive investment. Savings Payment l'ian You may purchase this stock on a time payment plan for as little as $10.00 down per share, the balance in $io.oo monthly payments. Your r. oney thus invested draws 5 % pej- annum provided the subscription is completed. If you desire to with draw your money before final pay ment, you may do so at any time upon five days’ written notice, in which case you will be paid inter ests the rate of per annum on such payments as have been made. Not more than 25 shares may be subscribed for at any one time by any individual under the time pay ment plan. Dividends at the rate of $5.00 per share per year are payable quarterly. The Investment Department of the Company, or any employe, will gladly explain full details. (590 per ahare plait ««eru«-*«l dividend to yield 5.55* Oar Company £ < n«*i r V - a fail. Our bnnineks I, K:i «ervi»»j5 sbi* pi'blle w;:.’i #•;•**•*- ll v * Vi'hnlever rtiangeN liter** may come In Ifie world, there will foreve;* be a demand for energy. P. S. ARKWItBVirr. *An Enduring Christmas gift Shares of Georgia Power Company $5 preferred stock will be a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness, four times a year as the dividend checks a.*e received. Georgia POWER COMPANY 1 I Investment Detaktment, | Georgia Power Company, Atlanta, Ga. I Gentlemen: PleEve send me full infomurion nboul ycur IS Cumulative Preferred Stock. Mall Coupon X—M. I I 1