Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, December 20, 1928, Image 5

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S' UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., DECEMBER 20, 192* BURNS-K1NG cial ^ ^pcieiy An i •uncement of cordial inter est to their friend:, here wan that of Misa Marguerite Burns of Carrolton, t" Mr. John Thomas King, Jr., of this city, the marriage to be polemized at an early date with no cards. Miss Burns came to this city sev- J eral year- .ago and has been connect- CLUB The local chapter of the American Association of University Profes-or met .at the home of Dr. E. H. Bohm la‘t Monduy evening, Mrs. Bohm urd Miss Winifred Crowell acting as hos- An unusually interesting program I hau been prepared. Miss Crowell, -a Ennis, who teaches in Guy C. McKinley, it home for the holidays. • • • • • • Mias Lucy Hatcher and Miss Weth- jirv H. F. Tarbutton, of Wrights- ersby Hatcher who are at school in oil*, i- ' isiting relatives in the city. Washington will .arrive Thursday to • • • spend the holidays with their par- 1 j), Thos M. Hall lias been confin- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hatcher. , d to his home the past several days • • • t^illne*- Mr. .and Mra D. H. Atkins, who • • • recently left here and went to Au- Mn. L. S. Kelly and children, of gusta, have returned to the city, and .Atlanta, will spent the holiday* with are making their at Mrs. J. N. But- th.* family, of Rev. J. F. Varbrcugh. lers. .Visa Lauree Farr is spending the The mother of Prof. W. T. Wynn, holidays with her parents, Rev. and who has been ill at the city hospital Mrs. J. A. Farr. the past several weeks, has been car- • • • ried to his home. She is improved in Mis* Bettie Zachary, who teaches health. it Tate, is at home to spend the holi days. \tr „„ i i n \t v t A** with the Milledgeville Banking .Mr. and Mrs. Lee C. McKinley and , children. Pauline and Lee. of St| T 5 ' She is a young lady of, nau oeen prepare, m.ss cn-wo., L ». . ... .. ... (much personal charm and has gained j chairman of the program committee ' ' q ,nR ‘ r * in< ”■'» wide circle of friends with her j being in charge. Dr. George Harris pleasant personality. i Webber talked on NEW EXPERI- Mr. King i*. the Secretary of the j MENT IN COLLEGE TEACHING. Milledgeville Telephone Company I calling attention to some of the new and a young man of largo business j ideas, new aims, and new methods acquaintance. He i» the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. King of this city and his family connection makes him one of Milledgcville's most prominent and out standing young men. v He is ac tive in civic .and club life in the city. Mr. and Mrs. King will be at home after the Christmas holidays, having an apartment in the home of Mrs. L. G. Lawrence on "The Hill.” coming Into this field. He spoke particularly of the recent experi ments tried at Harvard and Minneso ta Universities. Dean E. H. Scott spoke or. AIMS OF A WOMAN’S COLLEGE, explaining the experi ment conducted by Professor Char tres at Stevens college to adapt cur riculum, textbooks, and methods to the training cf women. SANTA CLAUS We can supply you with the best Fruits. Nuts. Raisins, Con fection tries at low prices. Genuine Indian River Oranges 30, 35, 40 and 50 cts per doz. according to size. We have a splendid assortment of first class apples from 20 to 40 cts. per dozen. Fancy Cluster Raisins sold everywhere for 12 1-2 to 15c—!Gc per lb. Fancy Cluster Raisins I lb. Cartons worth 25c for ..15c Fancy Candy. Stick Candy in fact any kind of candy you may want for 15c per lb. to $1.00 per lb. Best Quality English Walnuts 25c lb. Extra Large Brazil Nuts 32c &». Fancy Cranberries, Lettuce, Celery, Carrots, Cauliflower, for your Christinas dinner. GIVE US A CALL Dr. and Mrs J. W. Mobley a nouncc the birth of a baby boy i Wednesday, December 12th. Mr. and Mra A. R. Gindin and .and daughter, of DeSoto, Missouri, 1 are visiting Mr. Gladin’s mother,! .Mr*, f!. W. Gtadin, and Mr*. EuU| B.M.-inTounty'", prominent' familir, n cy ‘ ... |and has a large number of friends in this county. HICKS-HUFF SUPT. BIVINS ISSUES STATE- Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Hicks, of Li- MENT WITH REhERENCE TO zella, announce the* engagement of! CLOSING SCHOOLS their daughter, Sara Louise, to Mr. I — ——— Emmett Huff, of Milledgeville, the The attendance in the public wedding to take place at an early ' schools has been good until this week. There was a decrease of only five Mr. Huff is a member of ■ per cent las week, but report* today | show a further decrease of thirty per cent. A check up on this situation ! fhows that the enfluenza epidemic isj responsib’e for most of the absences • After conferring with Dr. Ander-i son, the Coun y Health Commisaion-, or, and the Executive Committee of the Board of Education it was decid- 1 close schools today (Wednes-j Mr. Hyman Class was called to At- Mr. Gordon Chapman, Mayor of lanta Monday on account of the ill- Sandersville and Editor of the Pro- ness of h*s son, Richard. gress, paid our office .a visit Friday. • • • He says that the paving program in Mr. Seaborn Lawrence who is a Sander.wille has about been complet- student at Emory is spending the ed. Christmas holidays at home. • • • Rev. H. D. Warnock spent several 1 Mrs. Carl Massey was called to days of this week __ Dublin last week on account of the ing a meeting of the Executive Com-; $j on p death of her uncle. mittec of the Georgia Baptist Con-, S olo*—Old Folks at Home—Foster j MRS. * * * vention. —Spring Song—Cutter—Virginia I Mrs. T. E. Pugh, who was stricken * * * j Ba „ ton ! with paralysis about ten days ago, is Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Bone have; Solo8 Mc i ody in F— Rubenstein Mrs. Albert Susan entertained her gradually improving. -arrived at home from Asheville, N. Largo—Hcndel— Eugenia Shy. bridge club Saturday afternoon and * * * C* B°th were stricken with the flu,, o uc tt The Little Sandman—Bra- the members gave a miscellaneous Col. Jos E. Pottle went up to while in Asheville. Their friends j, ma —Maie McCullough and Virginia shower in honor of Mrs. Carl Massey. Madison Friday and enjoyed a bird are rejoiced at their recovery, and Baston- a recent bride. The home was testily gave them a cordial welcome home. Solos—Long Long Ago—Flow decorated in ferns and holly, and Gently Sweet Afton—Laurette Bone, presented a most attractive scene. PROGRAM OF VIOLIN CLUB The Peabody Violin Club held it first open meeting in Miss Cotner' studio on December 14. After a short business meeting the following program was given. | day) instead of Friday os planned. Duett—Come All Ye Faithful— Our school system is too expensive to i Atlanta, attend- ! Mary Caroline Lee and Laurette operate with such poor attendance dinner with a number of friends. Miss Mary Humber will leave this i-eek for Washington, D. C., to visit er «istcr, Mrs. Jos H. White. A number of Milledgcville’s young Solos—March Militaire — Arm- Those playing were: Misses Mary .omen who have ben away teaching sfronK —Home Sweet Home—Bishop Bell McMillan, Frances Thnxton, s_ _Maie McCullough. Mary Davis, Righton Brown, Kathe- Solo*—Happy Farmer—Schumann ine Butts, Carol Butts, Mrs. Swan Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Maxwell of ing home to spend the holidays. They Traumerei—Schumann—Mary Caro- and the honor guest, Mrs. Massey. Devertaux, vsiited their daughter, will receive n cordial welcome from line Let , After the grmc a *alad course wan Mrs. Roy Hayes, Sunday and Monday, all the home folks and their friends. Due*.b-^-All Through the Night— served. * * * * Eugenia Shy and Miss Cotner. Mr. Sam Terry. Jr., who ha* been Sheriff S. L. Terry continues in the Miss Kate Thrash made a short talk MR. MACK R. TUCKER DIED with his father. Mr. S. L. Terry, has condition he has been in the past ssv- contrratu lating the club on its work. SATURDAY returned to his home in Burlington, eral days, no mnterial change hav- Thc c j ub jg to be entertained soon N. C. ; in £ taken place. with Christmas party in Miss Cot- Mr. Muck Tucker, one of Washing- • • • * * * ner’s studio. ton county’s prominent citizens, Mi?* Mary Crawley, passed through The friends of Mrs. W. I. Harper farmers and land owners, and the city Friday on her way to her will regret to learn that she is criti- M jss KNIGHT TO WED IN JAN. chairman of the County’s Commis. i Auguste from Griffin, where tally ill at her home at Meriwether, she t aches. All of her children, who live else- • • • where, have been called home. Mi.«» Zell Rosier spent Wednesday — night with her wistcr, Mrs. Dennis CHRMISTMAS SERVICES AT THE Turner enroute to her home in Sparta PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH from Atlanta. sioners died at home Saturduy after a Mrs. W. L. Knight announces the long illness, engagement of her daughter, Rachel Mr. Tucker was always active in Warthen, to Mr. Lester W. Moon. the civic *ocia! and business life of The following announcement is be- Washington county, and owned many ing read with interest by friends of thousands acres of farm timber and Miss Rachel Knight in this city. kaolin lands, and was one of Middle The wedding to be solemnized Jan- Georgia’s largest farm operators. He uary 20, nineteen hundred and twen- is survived by his widow, one daugh- ty-ninc. ter, Mrs. Gordon Garbutt, nnd one Miss Knight is the youngest daugh- son, Mr. Harper Tucker, ter, of Mrs. W L. Knight, formerly The funeral services were held HELD In the mind of the ancient Jew Prof. T. W. Yarbrough, of Sara- there was the earnest hope of one sota, Fla., will arrive Saturday to who was to come and brine to his visit his brothers. Dr. Y. H Yar- people ull that the henrt could wish, brough and Rev. J. F. Yarbrough. There was the thought of, what the • • • prophets referred to as “that day, of Milledgeville, Ga., where rtie spent Sunday afternoon, and were Srgcly Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Hargrove ‘‘that great day,’’ the “latter times.” j, e| . c hHdhood. She has made Jack- attended. The members of the announce the birth of a son. Decern- The coming of the One nnd “that gonv iUe her home for the past two Prcsbyt<*rian choir, Messrs L. C. her 14th, to be called Harry Morris day” form the background for the ycars .during which time she ha:- Hall, L. H. Andrews and Miss Louise Jr. Christmas sendee, ”?!ESSIAH’S made mnny friends here. Albert and Mrs. Edyth Gibson, sang • • * COMING.” The voice of Scripture, Mr. Moon is a prominent young at the funeral. Mrs. E. R. Hines will leave Thurs- rather than the theory of man, ac- business man of this city and is popu- Mr. Tucker was a frequent visitor day morning for Baltimore to *pent companied by songs are the sub- i ar w ^ t b n host of friends. to thi* city, and was well-known by th • Christmas holidays with Mr. and stances out of which the ser.-ice is Friend* of this popular young our people. Mrs. Emmett Hines and little son. made. couple will be interested in the above • • • As we read of the manner of Met- announcement. Mr. Klsworth Bivins who is a stud- riah’s coming, as ve are introduced ent at Emory is ut home for the holi- to those who were honorsd wi‘* wcl- days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. coming him to earth, as we contem- Homer Bivins Pl ate manner in which he was ac- • • ■* 1 cepted by his own people, then rea- The Doctors* Academy of the Geor- announcement hoping that they can Mr. Anbury Farr is at home for lize what Jesus has meant to the j.j a state College for Women held its us next Sunday afternoon. the holidays with his parents Rev. world, we must admit that the hand second meeting of the year in the N ’ cxt Sunday afternoon at one o’clock nnd Mrs. J. A. Farr from Emory Uni-, of God, rather than that of man, has historic old Mansion, the home of the Sunday School begins. Brother versify. (given us the spirit of Christmas. j) r . and Mrs. J. L. Beeson. George Steed of Crawforiville will • • * j What is this “spirit of Christmas?" j The program consisted of two very P reac h for us after the Sunday Miss Jessie Allen who is tenching We tlak about it, it is in the air, we interesting and instructive paper* School. in Atlanta will arive home Friday to claim to make much of it. The morn-, which aroused considerable discus- 1 spend the Christmas holidays with ing sermon will deal with what wc ? j on . j) r j L . Beeson reported on u EXTENDS GREETINGS TO LIONS her parents, Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen, j call the “spirit of Christmas” that n | ?ce of researc h done in the state CLUB • • • I we might learn whether we should. (( f Louisiana, the results of which; Mr?. Ben Harrison and little daugh-, make use of it at any part icular sea- j were published in the Journal of the The Kiwanian* at their melting t«r, of Greenville, S. C., are visiting Mon or whether it should become a > American Chemical Society in 1898. Friday evening, passed a resolution Mr-. Harrison’s parents, Mr. and part of the daily life. jt w-as on “The Nitric Nitrogen As- unanimously authorizing the Secrc- Mrs. E. F. Bloodworth. ; A cordial invitation is extended to similatcd by the Pea Plant.” Dr. tary to write a letter to the Lions • • • i *he general public to both of these Edwin Bohm’s paper was entitled, Club, which is jus‘. being organized Dr. J W. Mobley returned Sunday services. “Reuxeau’s NOVELLE ELOISE.” felicitating them upon their entrance from Augusta where he had been for 1 j A most enjoyable informal social in Milledgeville as a civic organiza- the past several days visiting Mrs. RAILROADS TO TAKE EXPRESS ( hour followed the program. Mrs. J. tion, and promizing co-operation in Mobley and children. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Wootten will leave Friday morning for Selma, Ala., to spend the holidays with Mrs. Wootten’* parents. Mrs. Albert Lugand has been Mi-s Beni’s Bass who teaches * Griffin schools, is at home spending the holidays. The Griffin schools closed several days earlier than CO., FIRST OF MARCH It is reported that the Railroads will take over tbs Express Company the first of March. If this is done it is probable that Express offices wW be established at the depot of both the Georgia and Central Railroads, and there will be no office in the ‘•usiness section of the city. If this it i« understood, that wagon: L. Beeson, Mrj. Francis Daniels, and the work of advancing the interest Dr. Amanda Johnson, acting as hos- of Milledgeville, and a feeling of losses, served refreshments. I good fellowship. CHRISTMAS GREETINGS BELL GROCERY CO. 2*3—PHONES—498 Of re -/rmet/iufi Oo/rcfviral My, what a beautiful gift a radio makes. It is a gift that every member of the family will enjoy, today, tomorrow and for many months to come. The Gifts of Gifts—RCA Radiol* 60 at greatly reduced prices. atm vjf efivtc To our friends and customers we extend the seasons greetings. May joy, peace and happiness abound an., he spirit of love, kindness and good 4 per cent and Safety FOR RENT—Nic „itb Okw pUnMd on .count of th. fine Imw,'* 1 . +■■■"'■ ”***“ ‘I vnlMt hi that CUT- The Feast of the Wotivity. Chrwt- mas Day, Vill be observed by a cele bration of The Holy Communion us ual service at 11:00 o’clock. All ar cordially invited to worship with u »n this day which commemorates the birth of the Saviour of hte world. F. H. HARDING, Sector of 8t Btophoa’s Church The Seasons Greetings With keen appreciation of the pleasant business re lationship which you have caused us to enjoy, we take this means of wishing you all the compliments of the season. MERRY CHRISTMAS Ralph Simmerson The Seasons Greetings In hearty appreciation of past favors we wish our friends and customers a Merry Christmas and a New Year of Happiness and Prosperity. R. G. Smith Co, MERCHANTS AND GINNERS FOR RENT—A two i and kitchenette or c FOR SALE Two Shares of Milledge ville Banking Company Stock. MULES STRAYED—On D»c«mb.r 10th, strayed from John Walkers farm on Oscar Ennis place one black horse mule 7 years old, two black mare mules about 6 years old all weighing around 1,000 poaads. Finder please notify Jno. Walker, Deepstep, Ga., R. D. or J. D. New man, Sandersvillc, Ga., and receive re wal'd.