Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 24, 1929, Image 1

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ax VOUM XCK federal 1 aontUn Union Eatabliabsd in lfttt Milledgeville. Ga., January 24, 1929 Number 23 REEVES GIVEN Milledgevilie-Gray Road Paving Started DEATH SENTENCE --.-- — NEARING FINISH Dtiro to Die In Chair for Murder „i Ed Thomas- Jury Returna Ver- d ; d After Lengthy Deliberation Caubberrv to Be Tried J, hr. R eves must die in the Elec- •E:air t" pay with his life for the murder f" **-•* Thom-as, »as d.e verdict of the jury Tuesday after- t aftei Theca nK and i lengthy deliberation, called Tuesday morn- er 0 f states witnesses ■eves asked for the introduced. .. „( the court without making Thc jury r< ' tur " < ' d » v ,r*i late in the -ifternoon after having ha.i the case amce t-hree ydwk. Th« condemned man wll :* sentenced by Judge Park later.. Ls:her and Viney Snulsberry in- dirJfJ with Ree ves for the crime will fc iried Thursday it is understood. The crime happen?d in the Saulaberry h.»me and they have been linked with the murder. VINSON BUI PASSES HOUSE New Era Predicted as Measure Regulating Cotton Trading Goes Through House, Bill Now Goes to The Senate CHEST FUND FOR New Paving Work POORISSOUGHT Pushed to Rapid Completion Mau Meeting Sunday tc Consider Contract Let Several Week* Ago and Work Begun. Road Direct to Barkethall Team That Dazzled WONDER FIVE c ^„,. HERE FRIDAY c rt^"tZ, a Ut Bridge. City Payt $5M. Associated Charities Results in Pledge to Join With Red Cross In Work Louisville to Be Paved. Commissioners Urged to Begin Work Over River to Get Road Bed Ready Nation Coming Here for Game With Cadets. Two Big Games on Schedide the highway department ask- A proposal t The American Red Cross was designated the official charity or ganization of Baldwin county at a ma s meeting Sunday night to perfect the organization of an associated charities, so that a chest fund could be raided to meet .he needs of the poor in the city The decision was Reached after suggestions were made by Dr. T. M. Hall and D. M. Rogers, Red Cro*. of ficials of the county. The meeting was presided over by Rev. F. H. Hurding who presented the purpose of the meeting to the gathering of several hundred people, after prayer by Rev. G. B. Thompson Rev. J. F. Yarbrough and Rev. H. D. Warnock cited cases of charity recently occuring in the city and told of the imperative need of an or ganized charity association so that thb needs of the people could be met and cared for. The unamiou-. opinion of the peo ple attending the meeting was that the Red Cross should be used to function as the charity organization I -|-a , o • O • the city with the present officials i llXtr2i ^CSSIOIT OlipCHOF V^OUlTt The County Commssionors and tho City Council ironed out their dif ferences the past week, and work j was begun on the fill approaching the bridge over Fishing Creek on the | lower Macon road on the eastern the paving could be carried on with- 1 that has made American sport lovers H j 4 | e< out interuption. I marvel at the .peed and acuracy of j Tho city Counci , aBrccd pll} . the The stretch of highway when com- thia team will he here Fnday nigh. , CoB1Btalon .„ , r>00 .00 if they would pleted will give n hard surface road | fo r„ game with Coach Horencc a G.j uk( , ^ w<irk chnrKl , and have lt from Augusta to Atlanta from this : M. C. cadets at the college Gy-n ut city ar.d will also make pratlcally a I eight thirty. * _ , . . . , ., complete paved route through to The two team, are scheduled in! ™e Commuononer, completed tho Florida. j what la expected to be the beat baa- , »" d th « «" »' the waUn The county commissioners with a j ketball game of ninny seasons. V body of citizens recently appeared and G. M. C. both boast fast »«»»r ... . ...... , .. J hcduled 1 W|U be completed this week if weath- Work began this week on the pre-1 could begin on ihe roud east of the j leminary surveys and necessary fill- city leading to Sandersville so tha‘ j Vicnnas "Wondei ing for the paving of the Milledge- ville to Gray road, contracts having been closed several weeks ugo and the work will be curried to rapid completion, according to highway officials. The highway department has made plans to pave the road from Macon to Louisville and the first section of th* road from Gray to Macon is be ing completed. The section from Gray to this city has been let to the contractors and although the final agreement has not been reached to continue the project front here to Louisville it is understood that the papers will be signed within weeks for this section. The county commissioners have been urged to begin their work on the Macon road at the Jones county i?tg that this work b will probably be the last del-taken by the Holder believed. construction woi This is ei the sporting or this week-end should be the best f the season. Monday Coach Red Barons Monroe ’ive are scheduled on the court here. er condi.ions permit. It is expected thuu the bridge will be opened to the public within the next ten days. The bridge and fills that are be- w.xshed away and attractive to sport lovers of Mlledge ill begi * ew ; within a few days it is understood an I will be completed on record time, ville. : lave j The company Is now finishing the Coach T. H. Rentz, head of ath- j ■ flf* Macon-Gray road and will go right If tics, suited the association had ! M L Ml\U V I |L IL|« i:tad? rperial effort to get these teams ' lTILillvll 1 vl liliii the Milledg" that the paving work will not' ru.*vey from Gray to Haddock has be delayed. The commissioners stat- been completed and the stakes set ed that the Macon road will be finish-) for the paver?, Thi» survey will cor ed within u few weeks so that work! tinue right into this city. * apP r <” apply the «amc regu-1 actin K as doctors, thus avoiding the cuvwOi. exchungos a s | necessity of organizing another or- orce on th<* grain market l I Monday by the House The Charity Cheat Fund W.II be ’ 9 given over to the Red Cross for dts- of Representative with the passage of ‘.lif blil introduced by Congre: Ban Carl Vinson. Repre the enactment of the bill would elimi nate the raddling rul that under it the Red Cl j bursement and all cases of need will reported to them for investigation. . Committees and particulars of the prec ic e , orc , an j za tj 0 p pre shown in articles - elsewhere in r*nper. Is Set for February 18th. Heavy Crimna] Docket Crowds Court and Makes Extra Session Neces sary. Grand Jury to Re-Convene on Third Monday. Presentments Held up Until Next Session .and thut he expected big crowds • to attend. He stated the association had been keenly disappointed this season in the crowds attending games and that he was particularly anxious that interest should be revived this year as the team had a strong chance for the Slate Championship and that Milledgeville should back the t n am in its effort to bring the laurels to Mil- ledge ville. »n. the squei of the future THE RED CROSS Judge Janies B. Pnrk permitted the ri Grand Jury to adjourn Wednesday ! t Bday morning when he was notified the Grand Jury that they Jdeled after the vould confer up- j agriculture -he morning to rc-conveno on the third I Monday in February, when an extra tiJAriT/ rrrr/vrnrr i **** ion of the court wfl| be to W0RKEFFEuIVFJ:;;;:r;:rrr;:L3rii i c ;™:i‘: Four murder cases, a number of Local Chapter Can Distribute misdemeanor and felony cases, wth Funds and Has National Or- ! th * a * ual numbtr of whiskey ganization Back of It In Times of Distress 1,5 ,,r iin y tra shipped y and regulatory n future exchanges n. of Bill it would b? unlaw- on to delivery for j , f the eitixen8 c f Milledgeville and ugh the mails or j county w |j realize what nn merce by telephone 1 a g C ncy for good they have in the offer to make con- , j oca j chapter of the Red Cross ther? ] u ' j will be no difficulty in securing the funds necessary to deal with the cases of need and distress which are on all sides. In the reorganization of the Bcld- -ounty chapter of the Red Cross congested the docket until it made it impossible for the work to be cleared in a week's time. Judge Park gave his decision Wed- die, and read to the court their presentments. The Grand Jury will go back in session when the February term is called. Their presentments will be rend then. All committees had made their in- SHERIFF TERRY PAID TRIBUTE Court Holds Memorial Session for Late Sheriff Wednesday After noon. Bar Pays Tribute to His Memory HONOREDJAN. 19 Program of Miuic a ad Song Rendered. Dr. W. T. Wynn Pays Tribute to Southern Chief tab as An Edacator s and reports had been re nd the jury had prepared [•sentments. ourt.will make an effort to c docket at the February tion of the ' rnct in cotton fu- be used in hedg- DR. G.H. WEBBER FLOGGING CASE NAMED DELEGATE GOES TO JURY *'f a properly such in Tho measur mining the price ba- »r delivering cotton • received in inter- with certain excep- ptions would permit tton or the member gulated exchange to there has ganization which has been contem plated for some time, an organization t*» care for the poor, the needy, the unfortunate of the community and county. It was thought best to con tinue as the chairman of the new cribes the condi- organization, D. M. Rogers, who ha.-> which exchanges shall meet j served with such satisfaction as the '• they may be permitted by i head of the organization which has •‘•rotary of agriculture to oper- done such efficient wrok. T" y would make regular re- In all probability the most import- l| f -pot and future transaction-' ant committee is the Home Service rohit.it their members from is- Committee whose function fal-e 1>r misleading condition , investigate all ■ manipulating prices. mendation as the need of r t!i.provisions, the govern- particular case, whether it b? ir •n of i hr exchange also would j form of food, clothing, medical ! H * 1 m excluding repre- Brings High Honor to Himself and College as Repr. sentative of N. E. A. At World Federation J. W. Hubbard on Trial Accused for Part of Floggng Jim Angles Last May Trial Consume; More Than Day Judge James B. Park halt ssion of Baldwin Supi ir about an hour Wednei The anniversary of the birthday of Grp. Robert fc. Lee was observed in this r«*y Saturday, Jon. l!*th, with appropriate and impressive -jxercises. The program was given under the auspices of the R. E. Lee Chapter of the U. D. C., and was rendered be fore an audienc? composed largely of young people. The stage in the auditorium of G. M. C. was decorated in the flags of the Confederacy, with a picture of General Lee prominently placed. Col. Gen. S. Roach presided, and ed the | ,he °P‘* n5n fc invocation was given by 'Urt tribu th« lif- ■ pay Baldw the Dr. George Harris Webber, head of the department of education and psychology of the Georgia State Col- leg? for Women, has received a high honor .and distinction in being named a delegate from the National Educa tion Association to the World Fed eration of Education Associations Jury last July for assault with mwu. which will hold its fourth annual to murder, after they had been ac- conference at Geneva, Switzerland, cused by Angles of beating him with and make yecom- l July 2Gth, to August 3rd, 1929. This a tack studded thong. Hardy was t need of that app'onitment carries with it mem- j acquitted by the court last July. A Ii?r.«hip on the Committee on Inter-' bill was returned against I. L. Bar- national Relations of the National ron as being the fourth member of If the citizens will refuse to , Education Association. Ihe party at the present session of pr aid to those who beg upon the j) r> Webber has been prominently the Grand Jury ts or who solicit from door to identified with the N. E. A. for many "" and report to any member of ; -- Pan5 , having served on the board of mittee. the very expensive directors during the past eight years. the late Sheriff of ih? county, Sam L. Terry. Col. Erwin Sibley, Col. Joe Pottle, Solicitor Joe Duke and Judge E. R. Hines, of the Baldwin county court, paid their tribute to the Sheriff. Col. Pottle, President of the Lar and So licit or Duke recalled many pcrsonul incidents in the life of Mr. Terry. Judge Pnrk concluded tho services with a tribute to the Sheriff. Sheriff Terry had served the coun ty for 20 years as Sheriff and was one of the most beloved men in the ,-ou.aty. His death occurcd December 31st, the day before he entered upon term. n Superior court is the trial of J. W. Hubbard another four y accused by Jim Angles as one of the * men taking him from his home last CAMPAIGN FOR SHERIFF May and brutally flogging him. NEARING ITS CLOSE Hubbard, Levi Smith and Fountain Hardy were indicted by the Grand Election Wdl S*L B p A u NES tr *velinc Uman for VA„ concern l l r poitij- . m has accepted a f F Sau- r' liRU Ralf?tmnn of the hi* . ' r °f Richmond, Va., *”J r x «h South GMr ® i ‘ ^mond haR ^ ust returned from d *>- »Uh,\ he ’•Fent several •«.. He ^ auer c ° ,s P‘nee of busi- »'», h,vi„. U " eI P'rienced sales- ker ot , betn on the road a num- Co , „i H '..Y in m * ke ' the plendld representative. habit of charity duplicatii done away with. All case* ever nature, should be r Rev John Yarbrough, Dr. derson or to Rev. H. D. Wa Home Service Committee. D.-. T. M. Hall was •n will be He is now n msmb.r of th< , of what- * oe on rrsolutions which hold a pre sorted to liminary mooting in February in Sam An- Cleveland ar.d makes its final find- mock, the j nffs a t the Atlanta meeting this sum mer. Dr. Webber is a member or the appointed committee on reference, being the chairman of the committee to solicit representative from the South At- funds for the work, the committee laqtic States. Dr. Webber is a life to work with him to be selected by member of tho National Education the chairman. Rev. Geo. B. Thomp son and R. W. Wootten were ap pointed members of the Publicity Committee. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE, The Parent Teacher Association have gone to a great deal of expense in draining the grounds around the grade building, and are in debt. They nope very much that the people will rally to their needs and respond liberally on tag day Saturday Feb. 2. COACHES ATTEND MEETING G.. I. A. A. Coaches T. H. Rentz and George Florence of G. M. C. attended a aes- sion of the Georgia Intercollegiate Athletic Association in Macon Mon day. Plans for the G. I. A. A. Bas ketball tournament in March were Held Friday Feb. nd Three Candidate* Are Active Geo. B. Thompson. , The musical feature of the program was music by the G. M. C. band, under direction of Maj. Osterman; three songs by the Sophomore Norm al Glee Club, of G. S. C. W„ under direction of Miss Alice Lenort- Tuck er, the last of these songs being “Dixie” in which the audience stood and joined; n song by Mr. and Mrs. Chas Conn and Mrs. Edyth Gibson, u’th Mrs. M. H. Bland, at the pano. All of the music.d numbers both song and band were of the highest charac ter. It can safely be said that no better or more appreciated program wa% rendered anywhere. Dr. W. T. Wynn, of the G. S. C. W. spoke of Robert E. Lee as an Edu cator. The speaker treated his sub ject in a clear and comprehensive way, and the address was lofty in thought and pure in diction. It can be read in this paper. Rev. H. F. Harding paid a. short tribute to Stonewall Jackson/ as a soldier and leader, and the high type of his Christian charac:er. The entire program was replete with interesting features ar.d was in spiring to higher ideals. Those pres ent thoroughly enjoyed the exercises. The candidates for Sheriff of Bald win county have entered on tho last lap of their race, as the election is just one week off. s m. robm fa™* dy, and the election will be held Fri- DIED TUESDAY MltHT day Feb. 1st. Judge S-cmbtidge will appoint the Third Member of Family Pa»»e» manager*, and every precinct in the Away Within Ten Day*, After county will be opened. j Attack of Flu The election is called to name n 1 successor to the late Sheriff S. L. The death of Mr. Robert Patterson Terry, who was elected in the Ne- 1 which occurred Tuesday night at his vember election, and died before his j home in tr.c south-western part of the new term of office commenced. \ county, takes the third member of The selection of a jury con umed the greater part of the morning and the trial was begun near the noon recess. A brief pause in the case was caused by a rercss for memorial services for the late Sheriff Terry. The jury will have the cat? early tomorrow it was believed this after noon (Wednesday.) A large number of witnesses were ( in-roduccd by the d-tenw to cstob- Therefore a Sheriff will be named the Patterson family within ten days, liah the alibi and r .core or more for the fall term of four yearn. — character witnesses were placed on The three candldatea have been the atand. 1 he State relied upon the quietly at work with the voters since th" testimony of Annies and his wife the election was called, and each to establish its case. ««>>» confidence that he will be the choice of the people. MUSIC CLUB TO MEET NEXT SATURDAY The Senior Music Club will meet Saturday afternoon at three thirty o'clock at the home of Mr*. Edgar Long. Mr*. David Ferguson will have charge of the members • » urged to be wn*nt, The Senate has confirmed the ap pointment of Hugh T. Cline as Post master of Milledgeville for four gears. There was ne opposition to the appointment Mr. Cline. Mrs. Patterson and a son, having di:d Sunday, January 13th. Flu and pneumonia laid a heavy hand or. them, there being eight of the family ill a‘ or.e time. As soon C3 this condition was learned prompt steps were tr.ken :o give assistance and relief, medicine nurses, clothing, provisions, and other necessities were provided. Mr. Patterson was well-known throughout the section in which he lived. The funeral and burial was held at Mt. Pleaaant. 4 • W'jdneeday