Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 24, 1929, Image 3

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5> * ? ? ? INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY | SCHOOL IESSON FOR JAN 17 UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE. CA., JANUARY 14. !•» HINTS FOR THE HOME | THE HOLY SPIRIT eY i EB 'J N of “““ thinf I J-t- l«.7-"> *■> *12-17. 2«, 27 >' J|»ch«<‘ke °““ he MW Many 1 - * “ " Ri « wn have been invad- places This lesson study is the introduc tion to a Person. It is .in nmplifi: have f n» n 5 . , v .. tht fa ,r * r . ^ i b > 1 — retreats for men are (j they find that they li-ss useless and are as a hsngnail would t as essential os a to poached egg. places that man en- ?hat has undergone I,, of all changes is longer » are bccotsms J merely tolW* tcd or * K » boU By Nancy Hart i are so unfortunate as to home without a fireplace, can acquire the full effect of by simply introducing a man tel with a false grate to accommo date electric logs or coals. Then, if possible, have bookshelves built Apostles i * nbo ^* e cither side and you ' will have a charming hearth set- tion of the confession Creed, “I believe in the Holy Ghost.” . . While multitudes make that ercedal tlnK at vcry httl ® cost - atatoment they do not have an inti-' The scheme can be worked out mate knowledge of this third Person | inexpensively in almost any room in the Triune God. The Holy Spirit is i si "cc '* entails no outside repairs or as distinct a Person as is God the structural work. And the decora- i the da;. ' fort Father, and Christ the Sou. All Three are equally, externally l was a iod of the existent. Revelation, however, of the ;te, that I thought personality and activit came in time . when I could go From the first Jehovah God was and listen to the known as the Father. Far back in " ,h:i* o-'k place and rear history there were evidences of the R . ' \ hiiir my f® ce lathered, Second Person and there were repeat- 1 ” , y reached -hat most ed promises of the Advent of the 7 i:<- of manhood. Son, which were fulfilled in the com- u- u-<‘l - s l»°p for ing of the Messiah. There are also uhnity. But the citadele of many nrohecie3 concerning the Holy *7'“' *"**■1. longer belongs to the man. Spirit in the Old Testament, one of Cen r ■; u., .1 to relate with gusto the the most distinctive being that in Joel • one we heard and’we could in- 2:28-29, which was specifically ful- into the private life of Sam filled in the Day of Pentecost, after , ^ |0 . j ;i nd make many re- the Ascension of Jesus Christ. Jesus ark' about his affairs that would spoke deary, though lie did not ex- brine forth th09C l’ ca * s °‘ * au ^ ter plain the extent of the meaning when that would he the envy of those not He told of the eagerness of the Fath- tive effect—the atmosphere of < For Afternoon Tee Cocoanut Kisses Cinnamon Snaps Date and Nut Bars and I the police Gazette neh..« and there was e r to bestow the Holy Spirit ith its pictures beloved. Much more than earthly beauties arrayed parents delight in giving good things the back the big to their children does Jehovah have ist won the heavy j C y in making the Holy Spirit avail- ;am pi..i!>hiji. Let’s not for- able to those who are willing to meet H black siov ethat on winter the conditions. coaled up to a red g'ow and Among the many references in the ;be latest town gossip was passed Bible the following arc selected for and the circle about its warm P p ec jfj c study today by the Lessons es. And occasionally Old John Committee: Joel 2.28-29; Luke 11:9 snon would g. t down the mandolin 13 . John 3:5 . 8; 14:16 . 17f 2 3, 15:26- aad with that dear baritone of his 2 7 ; 16:7-16; Acts 2:1-21, 32, 33; Ro- jisf some of the old southern songs, mnns 8:1-17; 26, 27. I Corinthians -Comrades” was my favorite. I am ( 12:1-13; Ephesians 1:13-14; 3:-14; ■gkd I was oi.l .nough to have ex- .H;14-21; 4:1-6. 30. Turn to your jxrienced some of this and can enjoy concordance and Bible Dictionary for reveling in the memories of it. I many other portions. A very help- AU these old retreats arc* gone and f U | f or collateral reading is “A nan now enjoys none of the privacy u e jp to the Study of the Holy Spirit,” .f these old places. | w. E. Biederwolf, D. D. Obediently the disciples waited in prayer for ten days after the As cension. Then came the advent of the Holy Spirit to them in Jerusalem as miraculous signs were wrought. The abiding personal evidence was their news possession of spiritual power for service, as witnessed in the conversions which followed Peter’s sermon on that day, when 3,000 be lieved. Such evidences were repeat ed in the abiding Presence with them both for companionship and power .ck Duck Split pork tederloin down the and fill with a dressing as for fowl. Roll and tie up, sprinkle with salt and pepper and four. Bake in a buttered pan, basting frequent ly with a little water to which melt ed butter has been added. The changing nf the calendar for thirteen months is being strongly ad- Yccated in muny circles. I for one .pposed. This life is complicat- •nugb without having something else added to require deep thinking o figure out just where you are and chat anniversary this is. And think what this change would do for birthdays. It would take for- o really know when you were day your wedding anniversary was which every married man knows be had best not forget. Christmas would come around on Bob L‘- > birthday and Easter would l*e flying in on us just about the time '<* would ii'u-jlly celebrate Memorial day. We learn-i! that little juvinile wm. “Thirty days has September 'Pril, Jure and November,” etc. and think it would >poi| this beautiful tie poe m and we would not hove '•aching it to our lit- riec<., ind nephews, and ail the idies would not know about this hat probably sonic brainy chap would that would help us poor addle brains remember the name tne new month and which came 1 and so forth even if we did not ft to barn a poem to remember * r *“ny days there were in each. sonu* guy is always trying to r.L up -mething new and spring - folk-. Jt will give Congress oppol lot ‘ and kill « lot of time ■ of us already burden- *ka . •"riling *see W. C. T. U., have rn sleuth and in solemn pledged to report all ■ law that had the amell on their breath. Banana Salad Cut baaanas in half lengthwise and scoop out the centers. Fill with a mixture of chopped nuts, diced canned apricots and chopped maras chino cherries blended with dressing. Garnish with whole maraschino cher- • Baked Peppers Cut stem end from green pep pers and remove seeds and core. Be for 6 minutes in salted water. M together 1-2 taacup boiled rice, tomatoes, chopped, 1 chopped onion, large piece butter and seasonings. Drain peppers, put piece of butter in bottoms, fill with stuffing, sprinkle wth crumbs and dots of butter. Stand in pan, pour 1-2 cup boiling water over them and bake for 3-4 houi 1928 CHEVROLET FOR SALE One that has been through our chanical department, looks i wonderful rubber and offering a way below ita actual value. This one a knock-out, better see it quick. L. N. JORDAN Spirit takes our ‘‘unuttered groan- ings” and makes right and specific petitions to the Father on our behalf. He is always convicting us of sin making the work of Jesus effective as our Saviour. The life of the Chris tian is not materially lived. 3 lived rcsultfully only through spiri tual possessions. That Clink Like Steel Arr Made by the ’’McMlLLAN” Proce.s I. BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS J There is No Waste in Our Bricks. J W. M.k. Quick Shipm.nl. in Any Qu.nlily, , l RICH GI.O FACE BRICK-FIRE BRICK-COMMON BRICK \ l Milledgeville BrickWorksCo * ♦ MILLEDCEVILLE. CA. ( » E.Ubli.k.d 1883 by J. W. McMillan. ♦ t K. C. McMillnn. Prc.iden! Bell. M.Mill.n, Vic.-Pro.iu.nt J Hke HlE Wheel and learn why MASH ran say: “World’s Easiest Driver (imtrol” E FFORTLESS steering ... softness of clutch action . . . quick brake re sponse—these a "400”thatgiven i features of the Nash v deli ght to motori ng. Thousands of "400” owners will tell you that to them driving is never tiring. For the Nash "400" has "World’s Easiest Driver Control." This is a strong claim, but we make it earnestly, and with the firm betiei that it is an unvarnished, accurate statement of fact. We invite you to test it. Ask us for a Nash "400 ’ to drive. Take it through the severest traffic, up to and away from stop lights. Try parking in difficult places. Sec how effortless arc even the sharpest turns, with what ease brake and clutch pedals operate, how sw iftly motor and brakes respond. You'llfind yourseljdriv ing with more driving confidence than you ever bad before. And you’ll know what a truly remark able car the Nash ”400’’ is! ^NASH ’400" ^ M^eattu the lfY»rf«f in Motor Car Value IMPORTANT “400” FRATI KF.N~.VO OTHEH f.ffl H.f.V THEM .1 Cl. Twin-Ignition motor 12 Aircraft-type spark plugs High compression Houdaille and Lovejoy shock absorbers Salon Bodies lubrication Electric clocks Aluminum alloy pistons Bijur centralized New double drop frame Torsional vibration World's easiest steering 7-bcaring crankshaft Longer wheelbases One-piece Salon fenders Clear vision front pillar posts Nash Special Design (Rr/Jnt c Short turning radius HINES & CALLAWAY MARKET QUOTATIONS ON FARM PRODUCTS the Market repor t(wholc.'nle) of fat products in Atlanta, on Monday, January 21, 1929, ns reported by th* State Bureau of Market) Georgia Department of Agriculture. Eggs—45 cents dor. Butter—Table, 45 cents pound cooking, 35 cents pound. Hogs—9 cents pound, No. 1 basis corn fed. Hens—Heavy, 25 cents pound light, 23 cents pound. Fryer*—35 cents pound. Turkeys—30 cents pound del., At- •m—$1.20 bu., slipped-shuck, $1.25 bu., shelled in sacks, h. Atlanta. Sweet Potatoes—2 cents pound f. o. b. shipping point. Irish Potatoes—2 cents pound, No. 1 graded f. o. b. Atlanta. Creai Cake he breath fair have of all the n 1 ni- of the women that’ 1 b.-n’t relish their job. addicts and limbcrger ' to subject themselves : ■ 1 upposo and 1 can '"•-sjo n that would 1 luces when they got *' r ' ; -th heavily saturated j!d find an increased fu-r a suggestion to the esp, , % nv,ny Her for Tennessee “i^ln "" Sn ' f Or?." take a , '" ‘'f'Oe before being sniff- yourieW 10 being of t* hout f,r>t taking a gargle , y might star a! 5 !l for those doing the sniff- da*h(fV tr always take a odors : l 18terine ’ destroys all foul 8 *nd germs.” n/, F0R ? roads ter for sale »• kraj ' W ‘" C.-r R.w.l.r .W ... .ki. W b,,: * ot *“ d »•»” ,ba.W. If !«. . pick-., it i. *• I L. N. JORDAN !1 >«- W. •I laterf Let us Hatch Your Eggs! Our hatchery is now in full operation and we are ready to receive your eggs any week you might desire. We have the latest type Buckeye Mammoth incubator which will take care of them with absolute accuracy. Would like to have them any week not later than Thursday. They go into the ma chine on Friday night. Each tray holds 112 eggs, but will take care of less number if desired. The trays are so arrang ed that it is impossible to get your clucks mixed with anyone else. The price for hatching is 4c per egg. Will appreciate your patronage and feel that the experience we have had merits same. WE HAVE THE BEST VALUE IN BROODERS AND SUPPLIES IN THIS SECTION. Let us figure with you on these. Also have your favorite breed of chicks coming off each Saturday at $15.00 per hundred, $8.00 for 50 and $4.50 for 25. BASTON HATCHERY Phone 126-L MilledgeviUe, Ga. Cream 1-2 cup butter and 2 cups sugar. Add 3 eggs well beaten. Dis solve 1-2 teaspoon soda .in 1 cup cream and udd alternately with 3 cups of flour (sifted) to the s and egg mixture. Flavor with a scant tsp. lemon extract, pour in greased cake pan and bake* in a moderate BILIOUSNESS Arktnun Convinced Since Hi, Childhood That “Black- Draught Can’t Bn Beaten” For It. Block-Draught, when needed, all my life,’’ writes Mr. G. L. Smith, of 253 North Third Street, this city. "When I was just a child, my mother made Black-Draught tea. and gave it to mo for colds and biliousness. It was a family medi cine with us. "After I was grown and went out on the farm, working hard, I would get a dull, tired feeling and a bod taste in my mouth. I would know then, that I was bilious. I would take a few doses of Black-Draught, and soon feel good as new. "In later years, I have taken Black-Draught and It has helped me for constipation and biliousness, and I am still of the same belief, as when a child, that Black-Draught can’t be beaten.” Thousands of men and women find Black-Draught of great help in Black-Draught Is prepanal from sriected medicinal hots and roots. A natural remedy for mnatjirml Welcomes the Friend Warns the Intruder! A brilliant porch light welcomes the friend and warns the intruder. To the friend it shows that the hostess is thoughtful. The guest feels his company really is desired. To the intruder it is die sign of warning. It notifies him that the pierring eye of light is ready to expose him. Because of the extremely low electric rate, iLe cost is insignificant. You can bum your porch light for as many as ten hours for only a penny. A Light all Night for a Penny! Georgia COMPANY Your dearie service biU is the smallest kem of yom family budget WATCH YOUR RADIATOR r i. Ml mwm. w. kin catch your radiator, if yaa ha Riywdw. Drive hjr mm toetod aad U* add «la aawaat af alcahal. L. N. JORDAN