Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 24, 1929, Image 5

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ifl «0<5GO wyo<x>. UNION RECORDER, M1LLEDGEVILLE, CA.. JANUARY 24, 1»2» Morton of Grey, was a Mr. L. H. Andrews made a business. » F ,c„uiu juuuuw. w*ej> *» Tuesday, Th« 8 ... iMA»v afternoon., trip to Augusta the past week. creditable chapter. Old time songs! * J ' CHILDREN OF CONFEDERACY PAY TRIBUTE TO LEE The children of «\te Confederacy held a most delightful meeting with Miss Martha Buss on Saturday after noon. honoring the birthday^ of Gen. Robert E. Lee. Mr*. Mar-hall Bland has his or ganization in charge, and under her ■plendid guidance, they make a most LARGE NUMBER ATTEND MISSIONARY INSTITUTE Inspiring Addrrut ■ Delivered by Dr. Crawford and Or. Rogers. Fifty Preachers and Laymen Attend The Missionary Institute of the I Southern part of the Oxford District j held at the Methodic church in this j largely attended by preachers and lay Friday afternoon., trip to Augusta the past week. creditable chapter. Old time songs I poachers* and la**men. ~ I • • * . . • * * MW the P r «id«nt Mi„ An-j ^ Elim F t<idin|I , , HcnJrrson m-.de a bus.-j Mta> E | iMbcth Napter is visiting Lamrence prodded, and M» ^ of thc 0x(ord n>tri , idod If y ' 1 .. . ..m«s this week. ! relatives in Pittsburg, Pa. Jane P*tteraoil secretary read the > u- l • the Institute, and several inter- mVi .l w ,nd Mr. H Andrews Mr.. Alice Me- Andrews spent d Tuesday u*y Alligood and spent the nth Mr. Alligood and and Mi>- Idrcn > relative* » \V. Edwards and turday and Sunday Madison. , -smith is visiting his sister, Raines, of Daytona Beach, as he has done ; tag No. 1, on ... has returned to ■ Ciyt N. J-, after Mi ., Catherine Ballon, ol Elbcr- the week-end guest of Miss E. M. Smith, of Sunday and Monday secretary j minute of the previous meeting. Mi., "t^TIuT^awte Millton. Elizabeth Stewart had charge of the Mr. Ralph Simmerson Buick Deal- projr ram. Tributes to the memory cr hus been ill for several days. His of Ro i )l>rt E> Lee were read by Miss condition has improved. I Xell Day, Josephine Jennings, Doro- • • • 1 thy Parks; Miss Hudson rendered Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jefferies and >?vcral musical numbers, and Miss little daughter have returned to Mil- Edyth Ivey gave two humorous read- ledgeville after spending several ings. Dixie was sung at the con- weeks in Cha^e City Va. elusion. • • • .Miss Bass assisted by her mother, ( Mr. Jefferies, head of the Jefferies Mrs. E. E. Bass, and Mr*. W. E. Rob- McElraht Lumber interests, has re- ! inson served delicious refreshments, i turned from an extended visit to his I home n Chase City, Va. THE FARMERS CLUB GUESTS heard. The principal address was mude by Dr. Crawford, who has been en gaged in mission work in Europe. He told of why it was necessary to have missionaries in Europe, and the work they were doing. Dr. Crav- ] ford is a Canadian, and during the 1 world war served with the English eral promotions account of bravery. Those who heurd his address say that it was in spiring and educational. PENUEL • Dr. Wallace Rogers, Secretary of OF MR. F. C, Mrs. Ophelia Lingo is spending I The Fanners Club held their regu- the Board of Missions of the North some time with her brother in Sand- lar meeting Saturduy at the home ot Georgia Conference, also spoke. Dr. ford, Fla. i Mr. F. C. Penuel. A delightful Rogers presented his theme convinc- • • • dinner was elegantly served the mem- , ingly and eloquently. Tha friends of Mr. Dawson Wil- bers by Mrs. PenueL At the noon hour dinn.*r was serv- son will be glad to know that he has Judge B. H. Dunaway, President cd the visitors by n committee ol returned home and hib condition has of the Club, presided at the business ladies of hte local church, greatly improved. I meeting, and presented W. F. Turner,, The ins Ituic v:zs r .'cr.t';.* enjoyed ! Horticultural Agent of the Central by the fifty preachers and laymen Mrs. Wiley Wasden and little of Georgia Railway Co. Mr. Turner attending, and wu* pronounced a daughter A Bee, have relumed to their discussed the cultivation of pecan great success. home in Millcn after a visit of aev- trees. He pointed out the several eral weeks to Mrs. Wasden’s parents, blights that had attacked the trees in MARIONETTS AT G. S. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Carr. Mr. Was- various sections, and gave proven- FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND Statum,! den came to Milledgeville Saturday tiona for them. His talk was a most, EVENING in the and accompanied them home. , interesting one. ! • • • - The February meeting of the club The friends of Mrs. Thos E. Mor- 1 "ill be held n-ith Mr. Geo. Hollin-1 We Have Special Bargains In Grape Fruits and Oranges FOR SATURDAY Medium size Oranges, sweet and full of juice 25c per doz. Large size Oranges just the best we can buy for 35c per doz. Delicious Grapefruit, large heavy fruit that retail for 12 I-2c and 15c each for 10c. SPECIAL PRICES ON BOX LOTS W sell half box of each at same price of box of either. BELL GROCERY CO. ZC3—PHONES—4M GRAND THEATRE Macon, Ga. Marv Burns was called to! ton art- glad to learn that her r.villc on account of the death! dition continues to impro-" r uncle last Sunday. Mrs. When Tony Sarg started his re searches for suitable material for his Spanish Fi.sta he was quite surpris- has been ill at a hospital Macon the past several weeks. Jli^es Louise Humphrey and Gillie i spent the week-end in At- r. and Mr>. John Riley spent irday and Sunday in Millen, visit- Mr». Riley’s parents. !r. and Mrs. Ed Bell, of Macon it the week-end with Mr. Bell’s »nt§, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bell. Mr and Mrs. George Bell and lit- gntcr are spending several siting Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Bell. Mr. Jin of Savannah, with Mr. George Mu. P. X. Bivins was called to ublin last Friday on account of the lots* of her mother. CAPT. J. H. ENNIS GETS SANITA- l ' d ‘- find that in Spain many of RIUM BEEF CONTRACT j f » vorl, *'s hol<1 "" ay juvenile The Board of Trustee. of tho State . cla ” ics - Therefore it will plen.-e the The following social item from Sarnltarioin at their meeting last'® ““'J'!* * °“ ,* o ,mi -t ave Sunday’s Atlnnta Journal will be week awarded Capt. J. H. Ennis the evciythtn* educational quite as read with interest here: contract to furnish beef for the “ ucb “. fIii^T?™ ote fn“fom- Miss Mara Sanford was hostess 1 institution for the next twelve P P 1 ‘ J , , . . Friday evening at a bridge-supper at 1 ntpnths. Capt. Ennis has had tbia ; marv »lw hold forth to know -hat her home on Myrtle street in honor contract for a number of year, past, ^ • f „ of Miss Rosalie Robinson and Mr. 1 and has always met the requirement*, Dan Sanford, whose marriage will for good and wholesome beef. M take place the latter part of January. [ CIRCLE A BAPTIST W. M. U. Circle A of the Baptist W. M. I 7 , me*, with Mrs. R. C. Swint Monday af ternoon at 3:30, Mrs. T. A. Reese presiding. Just before the devotion al, led by Mrs. L. N. Jordan, Miss Ruth Stone gave a talk in which she paid a beautiful tribute to the retir ing chairman, Mrs. L. C. Stewart, as well as to her successor, Mrs. T. A. Reese to whom the circle as a whole expressed its gratitude with a rising Marie Smith has returned to vote of thanks, oca Beach Florida after an cx- i Mrs. Reese gave an impressive td visit to her parents, Mr. and j Bible lesson and conducted the busi- J. M. Smith and family. ! ness meeting at which an interesting • • • i line of work was tabled for the ycai Mr. 1‘awn.n Wilson who has been 2929. he Piedmont hospital in Atlanta Delightful refreshments and game- trgoinc treatment, has returned, featured the social hour and the af- it. His condition has improved.j ternoon was greatly enjoyed. ■cs In Dorothy WOMAN’S AUXILLIARY WILL Won, Jr.. Monday en and Mr. Ossie some time in Ma pping. T " friends of Judge W. H. Stem- ttc* will 1»C glad to learn that he u *«*tly improved after an at- OBSERVE WEEK OF PRAYER The Woman’s Auxiliary of Presbyterian church will hold week of prayer for foreign missions, beginning Monday, January 28th. Monday is the regular Auxiliary day, and there will be a special deal- • • • j ing with foreign missions. This ib. and Mrs. W. B. McKinnon and ! meeting will be held at the home of dr daughter art- spending several j Mrs. L. S. Fowler. Mrs. McKinnon’s parents I Tuesday Mrs. J. L. Beeson will Brunswick. I lead at the home of Mrs. R. T. Bais- Vi c * • • den. **■* *- Ufr Osborne has returned Wednesday at the home of Mrs. 0m a four weeks vi‘it to her sister, j Leon Callaway, Mrs. Josephine Jcnn- n - M. J. DeLacure at Winter ings will lead. ,Ven - | Thursday Mrs. G. C. McKinley will . • • • conduct tne meeting at Mrs. W. L. ** frie nds of Capt. E. N. Ennis Ritchie’s. bam that he is at his home ! The closing meeting will be held ^ TOn i injuries repeived by 1 Friday at Mrs. Josephine Jennings *f his limbw by by Mrs. L. C. Hall. The meetings will be held at 3:30 clock each afternoon. performance which will be shown at G. S. C. W. Auditorium will be Red HATCHERY EXPECTS Riding Hood with the wolf and grand- LARCE OUTPUT SOON m *’ and al1 ot thc thri,,H with a few I ' laughs interspersed, just because it is Toqy Sar K »ho is dome it. But th« will be only one fe.ture of the Milicdjreville Enterprise: | aftrenoon show whmh is quit, like Elsewhere in this issue will be' Marionette Vaudeville would be ,f found an advertisement from Ban-,»« »' cre f» r ‘ a >>»tu unough to have a ton's Hatehery, of Mlledgeville. This ■»«* “**«t‘-* theatre in every dtp. business is owned by Mr. J. C. Bas-! Tt *' r ' '"foduc- ton, well-known traveling salesman;'"F D °" « u,1<otc ' the old favorite, tf that city who makes wnekly visits i«" d numerous stunt, which give the to Hancock county. Mr. Baston ha»! T ° ny Ssr * M » rlonctte! "PP“ttu"- been in the hatchery business for ai^ t0 show what marionettes can do number of years and has established ■‘“"to » hlc t h c "“ d not »'fH be intro- a reputation for giving his customers i du « d >” th « Adventure of Chr.sto- some of the best chicks ever seen in P 1 ™ Columbus which will be given this section. | > n thc Thcre w " W Since- last season the Baston Hatch- cal nu "' l ' t ' rs f” d "'anonettes cry hus installed a modern electric in- in £ wit ^ *«ts ° scenery as cubator which turn, out a hitch backgrounds for the aettou The every week. Nothing but the best U ' rn “°" P r0|tr “ m ' ri “ n,,t bc ” 8 > „„ eggs are put in the incubator for “f th " starting at J:00 hatching and this assures fine chick- »‘tlock and finishing on hour and cns. Mr. Baston expects to sell more >“ ,f Thl ’ P lay P r baby chicks this season than ever be- d ““'° n . rcqUlreS , fully '‘" Ur fore and has equipped his hatehery | , IH ls n01 “ yceuln num ''er. for the increased business. He is near ' enough to Sparta to deliver the chicks D. without getting them chilleu and de-. serves the patronage of our people. For those who wish eggs hatched • he has arranged to do*lhis for much an egg. Read his advertise- ment ' i M M NCOM PARABLE m M M N H M H M M M H H M M M Rio Rita THE WORLDS GREATEST MUSICAL COMEDY A Famous Beauty Chorus of 60 * RESERVE YOUR SEATS NOW Gigantic Broadway Cast of 116 People SATURDAY—MATINEE-NIGHT—JANUARY 26. Prices—Night—$3.00 to 50c—Matinee $2.00 to 50c gXXXXXTTTTXTXXXXXXTXTXZXXXX f lucked on om v **adolyn Daingcrfield of City was the guest of Miss n, Hinp : Mond »>’ of this week. 1 Tgerfield was enroute to her ■•'•me in Florida. i Mr.-. liichard Binior. an- f> K t °f a daughter on c*« ^ as ^ een named •'"ell for her grandmother, Mr '- T. O. p owell . ^'» u .i n e McKinley u spending ;te(i m w ®ycross. where she is . ® Home Demonstration *' r the ausnicips n f tin. ">r a H, Un> - -■ J - fclwr, of rtii f ' en * ^* a ’’ announce tha Wl Hi.’i, ten , • >ound b °y on Jan. Dc-nj a bc ™ k'teen the name » ll^“' i0lph - and Do- MRS. J. F. BELL HOSTESS Mrs. J. Furman Bell entertained most delightfully on Tuesday evening complimenting Mrs. Frank O. Miller, wife of the past Grand Communder of the Grand Commandery of Geor gia, of Fort Valley. Early spring flowers with unshad ed tapers were used in the living room and hall, where thc guests were seated for bridge. The games were proceeded by delicious refreshments. ROGERS EXPLAINS HOW RED CROSS WORKS . At the mass meeting held Sunday .night at thc Methodist church there■ being some misunderstanding by some present just where the funds contributed to the Red Cross went. I wish to make this matter thorough ly clear in all th cminds of our citi- Monday morning the total sales of j zenB * ur cream a; tho stnlirn at Chord-1 Mch yc “ r ' wc bav0 wh ’ t >* known as annual roll call, at such for but.er fat. The Souther-. Dairy j ' im “ “ nd oth "- fifty c ' nts of any ler Bros., netted $275.(»0 bring SOc lb. | Corporation buy at Chandler r. Tv ,„ - amount contributed ia sent to Nation- other creameries operate here T;.e| al Red Cross - Washington, D. C. Af- Land O Sunshine at the People's '" thc 'l» aa » f thc a ” nual r0 " Hardware and Armours at L. D. "■> ra °" cy contributed to the local Smith ' c ^apter is sent to National Head- I quarters; but every penny is placed WALTER BLACKWELL BUYS 1 in * oca * chapter here to be disbursed INTEREST IN MANHATTAN CAFE a5 thc regular elected executive com- | mittee may authorize. Mr. Walter Blackwell has pnrekas- The matter of Home Service Work ed the interest of Mrs. j. T. Burke is left entirely in hands of special in the Manhattan cafe. This well- committee, of whom are authorized known eating place is now operated to assist such cases in their judge- by Mr. Harper Tucker and Mr. Black- mentf after due investigation of each well. ! and every case may be necessary. j The regular executive committee WANTED—Information concerning to meet once each month to go into riBni; Solomon Ooden who lived and had the work done during the past month GEORGIA GREETING CAKU a large plantation aoincwhere near of the various committees, perman- By Nolle Vfom*ckHu Milledgeville the fir»t part of the j ent records being kept of .all cases! ON SALE WOOTTEN S ST last century. Who was hia wife? assisted, thus avoidin'* any duplica- What Woman would not love a Qift from Elizabeth Arden? j£TuzABimf Annex's famous Venetian Toilet Preparations £ —creams and powders and tonics which makr a woman lovely—will make her happy, tco, o:t Christmas Day! There is an Elizabeth Arden £ifc for every woman on your Christmas list. Beauty Boxes in leather or lacquered metal, fitted with every accessory of thc toilette. Poudre i! Illusion, O-Boy Compacts, Venetian flower Powder, Treasurette (a tiny vanity), Venetian Bath Salts in handsome jars—these arc gifts which will prove your discernment and express thc subtlest flattery. Elizabeth Arden's Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at Culver & Kidd Drug Co. Euxatevn Aanirv, 673 Fifth Avenue, New York 15 Old Bond Street, London iruc dc la Paix, Paris S«e display *dd ef r.fr..hm«nto CHANDLER BROS. GEORGIA CREETING CARDS By N.1I. Womack Hi.m ON SALE—WOOTTEN'S STORE MISS VIRCINIA McCRAW ENTERTAINS BRIDGE CLUB Miss Virginia McCraw entertained the members of her bridge club most deligthfully on last Thur-day evening at the home of her mother, Mrs. Alice McCraw on thc hiU. Before the games were played d' liciour refreshments were 1704 Ger- tion. D. M. ROGERS. Chairman 1 Baldwin County Red Cross’ 'SHOOTING ’EM UP OH THE CORNER FOR SALE--Male 4 ye< weight 1100 lbs. See G. W. Clark , $20.00 REWARD—Fo ut Hardwick Georgia- 1 leading to recovery of I’ll say we have keen stepping in .formation high, foar Chevrolet* wmU Friday and Wincheit- two Saturday, foar op. two down, j or 16 graga single barrel pump gun. and we oat. Bat they will com PIANO FOR SALE ThU gun was laft in field on Dixon rolling in Monday agate. Got yw served. , At a bargain, torus to roaponaUblo ( William* place about December order In for they Miss Alice McCraw assisted her sister parties. , * tk » *•**• * oti * jr *• **• ca * , * f ’ in entertaining. L. N. JORDAN Jeffreys Oranges and Grapefruit, Specials for Friday and Saturday. Oranges SOa per peek Grapefruit 5c each. CHANDLER BROS. WONDERFUL ASSORTMENT OF USED CARS Wo havo never bad neither have the public a bet ter Una of used cars at a bettor price. These cars bare been -■d are ready hr go