Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 24, 1929, Image 6

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Dr. W. T. W,«* P»y» Tribute t* CaafeAcnte Ckicftam >t Me morial El trait l HeM Saturday Hr. W. T. Wynn dtlivcrtd U principal address at the Mcmorl Exercise* held Saturday. under tl au .pire» of the R. E. Lee Chap’.* ring American! There b always HUch -eat characters* that the real not seen. Today my desire in to pic- to you the real Robert E. Lee. of the beat stock that ever lived filik.sd nation, reared umong stalwart men and virtuous women, .eulogi* th • birth «>f Ge Dr. Wynt edi . Rol»ert F.. Le , spoke of Gt . Le* i pan ; folio 1 am not unmindful of the hone hal you have hestuaed lip..n me i lekinu tha" I speak of Robert h. I.e ,s ail educator. The honor is all th educated at West Point with the pick of American manhood, tried on the field of carnage, forced to make de cisions *that brought out his charac ter, he always stood for the right. General Lee gave up his position in the U. S. Army when promotion was assured; he gave up Ariinglon —the magnificent country estate he loved, where he courted his wife and where his children were horn—all for th supreme desire to serve v '-ere duty called. General Lee did not make u march the did whni lembeied appr that fathn iidcr in * n 1 rem with the icmbe yet he did march nia with his uimy ami t y be said he made wi he was incapacitated on the five minnie hall woui fighting for the cause a tion he held sacred. The reminded that, we, the Confederacy, must carr s and for the principles lant Confederate soldier soon be numbered only who sing the hallelujah God and his angels. Robert Edward l«cc w Virginia, January. Itf, 1N( at the United States Mi rmy; served as army ul dwellings; and pr life and proprety all c ry emei nsidered was “Is it might be revered; Federick, without his tyranny; Ne- 1927 i strength of charac- polean without his selfishness; and .ood only as superintend- United States Military Academy and as President of Wash ington College, he would have praise from the lip* of civilization Since, ho' makers of biographies, er, Robert E. Lee had as a commander, lived Washington, without his reward, was obedient to authority as a and royal in authority as a king. H* was gentle as a woman in life; modest and pure as a virgin in thought; watchful as a Roman duty; submissive to law Socrates; and grand in battle CHEVROLET ROADSTER FOR SALE In good shape, good tires, I* good. At a bargain. L. N. JORDAN his fell*. Lowly N earthly dignified the life of the econd only to that of the izarene, no shaft can be too ’ onimenorate his deeds, no| *-ulogy cun exaggerate his of character and nobility; among Achilles.” CPTOMETRY THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Coats lcaa. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for abort trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM SPECIALIZED SER’ICE— C. H. ANDREWS * SON. um up the life and charuc- ur hero in a no more salie . manner than by the use o: •rds ofthe immortal, B«-n Hill possessed every virtue of oth eat commanders without heii Me .ithoi hate /ithoi A gen- the Mexico; for a time was the office charge of Indiun affairs; led ed John Brown ; and was offered the position of Com- mander-in-chi:*f of the Army of the United States when war was declar ed a gains', the Confederacy. When Virginia seceded from the Uni* resigned his place in the army nnd offered himself as a private company his son was organizing. Virginia next called him to com-. mand her forces, then the section of I which his native state was u part) offered him the leadership of her: united .armies. Lee ate the same kind of food that | was furnished his soldiers, slopt in a i tent, nnd endured the hardships of his men. He fought against odds, from the beginning of war until its I end, yet without one word of com plaint. Armies directed by four dif ferent generals were ordered by the Federal war department to overcome him, yet without success. They were McClellan. Pope, Burnside, and Hooker. Finally Gen. Grant with 120,000 well-armed, well-fed, well-clad sol diers was given the task. Lee had only 35,000 men in rags and tatters only question right?” Politicians, indeed, may the gift of leadership and to go into forbidden path: eral may be so foolhardy as to send j his men needlessly to destruction. A i teacher may so instruct as to cause wrong thinking, warped minds, and twisted consciences. Yet Lee exer cised tin- leadership that carried men into correct paths; he taugh those principles by precept and example, that made men love right, shun evil, ami act nobly. The question that nuturally arises, then, is “What kind of greatness | rhould men most honor in their f«*l- ien?” If he had been great only immandcr-in-chief of the Con- | federate .armies posterity would dc- ‘ light to honor him; if he had been pure only in his social nnd home hery; a soldi rj rtor without op-! m without mur-j public officer lie citizen with-! without hypo-1 ; guile. Without his nmbitii *^ ,fy | APPLICATION OR ADMINISTER- TION Baldwin Court of Ordinary Jan- iry Term. T. J Brooi... r ivi. g filed his appli- tion for administration upon the late of Mrs. Emma Hodges late of id county deceased. This is there- rt- to notify all persons concerned *t!. kindred nnd creditors that the . me will be heard before me. on the j rat Monday in February next at j n o'clock A. M. and if no valid ob- ction are filed thereto letters will granted as prayed for. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary. SCHOOL SUPPLIES VAUtETY MERCHANDISE STEMBRIDGE & COMPANY PHONE 352-J life. Nc ough food to sustni man in all history eve uore heroic stand again! whelming odds. The inev b, and th** gallant band su' at A- nomafltox Cou: House. As he dismissed his men he sa “Soldi* rs. we have fought throu the war together. I have done t best for you 1 could. My heart too full to say more.” He urge*! them then t<» go home and live for the af flicted counrty. After the war his desire was to go to some quiet place that he might he •happy with his family. Hoi many sections were tendered him. An English noblenjan offered him estate in England, nnd two of his soldiers asked that he accept a horn* in the mountains of Virginia, i salary of $50,000 n year might hav been his as president of a life insur ance company. All of these offers were declined, and he accepted the position as president of a struggling college with four professors and forty students. Tib- memorable ■words uttered on this occasion will live as long as human knowledge ex ists. He said. “I have led the young men of the South in battle; 1 have seen many of them die on the field. I shall devote my remaining energies to training young men to doty.” In private life he was n LADY’S SUFFERING She Write* Tkit "A Friend Told Me To Take Car ds and I Knew It Helped Me." OneneiHe. Miss.—In 'describing how she suffered several years ago, Mrs. Mattie Dalton, of 213 Walnut Street this city, recently wrote: “I would cramp, and my hands and feet would draw, so I came near having convulsions. I would have to stay In bed a week, and when I would get up, I Just dragged around, nnd did not feel like doing my work. I suffered a great deal with my back. “A friend camo to ae me and saw how I suffered. She told mo to try taking Cardul, which I did. I seemed to have more strength, after my first bottle. After I had taken “I quit having such bad spells, and was stronger nnd better than in a long time. I gnined to weight. I took a few more t: ittlcs of Cardul. and felt so well that I quit taking It. **I certainly can recommend Car dul. for I know what it Is to suffer, and I know that Cardul helped me. - " Thousands of women have writ ten to tell of the benefit Cardul has been to then;, in helping io build up their health. Purely vee-L-ble. < today. All dm CITATION GEORGIA, Baldwin County. Robert H. Harper having made ap plication for permanent administra tion upon ttie estate of Mrs. Mary F. Harper, deceased, this is therefore to notify all persons concerned that said application will be heard or first Monday in February at 10 o’clock A. M., nnd if no valid objec tion is filed thereto, letters will be granted ns prayed for. This 7th day of Janunry, 1929. W. H. STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin Co. G.n. YEAR’S SUPPORT J The Standard Newspaper of the South { THE ! ATLANTA CONSTITUTION offers - $8,000.00 I GEORGIA, Baldwin County. The appraisers appointed to set aside a Year’s Support for Mrs. Jose phine S. Boone the widow and Joseph i Boone, the minor child of S. A., Boone, late of said county, deceased,! out of the estate of said deceased, having filed their return in this of fice, this is therefore to notify all persons concerned that said applica tion will be heard on the first Mon day in February, next, ..t 10 o’clock A. M., at which lime let all persons show cause why the return should not be made the Judgment of the Court, and if no valid objections arc filed thereto the appraisers return will be made the order of this Court. This January 7, 1D-H. • W. H .STEMBRIDGE, Ordinary Baldwin Co. Ga. P the abitrament of the s\ last years were his greatest. He had no unkind words for those who had been his foes in the mighty conflict between the two s?c‘-ions of hi.-* he loved nation; and his great amhitior throughout life was to do his dutj and encourage others to do thosi things that mean the making of bet ter citizens. Posterity may never realize 1 fullest extent how nobly he during the awful struggle; nor may the world ever .appreciate the in fluence that his great life had on the nation from 1865-1870. During this period General Lee did more to make the states one united nation than any other man, North or South; and I make bold the assertion that as he J directed the affairs of Washington College and ccat his influence for the I entire country he was the greatest rizes I Follow the Arrow! Mail the Coupon! | Get full details of tlie greatest and easiest contest ever offered by one of the world’s greatest newspapers. No words to build. No letter to write. Neatness does not count. No figures to put in a circle. c o- e 1 1 Here is | a contest | where you do not need | to be a genius to win. This Coupon Bring* Full Details. NO OBLIGATION You win can if You can add EVERYBODY IN THE FAMILY CAN COMPETE, AND A CON TESTANT CAN WIN AS MANY AS THREE PRIZES. MAIL THE COUPON! SEE WHAT CHANCE YOU HAVE TO WIN! distributed by A. J. CARR CO. Tear off slow this line. ADDRESS and mail at once. To THE ’RITHMETIC EDITOR, The Atlanta Constitution, Dept B, Atlanta, Ga. Please mail me full details about you $8,000.00 contest. Name . City — [UNKC vond*r w [ts Mid mil' l0 t art Baby Chicks For Sale FROM OLD STOCK BIRDS—HEALTHY—VIGOROUS—CH/CfCS J| Now is the time to make money on chickens—Hatches off each Monday. Plac your order early. LndtW* Ie»rth’ ! f,jr V think ’ l tho in , thinks 1^ for him. :ht tho di import’ I the l« d - §nfined to t earth’s • of her iddenly il Lie arnbul. lola Bern - X- Ennis • Hsrriso [ The frie: - C. Bran l ^ r - Bra the ' * heal Br; ^Paper