Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, January 24, 1929, Image 8

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, GA., JANUARY 24, 1929 TRIBUTE TO LEE BY HWANIS CLUB Scatter* Melodies Rendered on Violin by Major Osterman. Rev. Geo. B. Thompson Makes Talk new AUTO TAGS are in I EPISCOPALIANS AT COUNCIL EVIDENCE Same of our citizens have provid ed themselves with new automobile and truck *-ags for 1929. The figun are orange, with a black back which brings them out very plainly The high priced cars have the lettei A in addition to the figures, while the lower priced one. 1 I 1), according MEETING M MACON of Atlanta in on A» Christ Chi F H. Harding Official of Co. JURORS FOR THE JULYTERM COURT •labors of St. Stephen t Epi*cu- hurch are attending a meeting marked B. 1 fo the C-'jncil of the Atlanta Diocese he weight, in . wo day session at Christ chore 1 : Club thei rd tlx- E. Lt South*- The K ing Friday ev ninj on- of Gen. Rnbei day. the 19th. wj of the birthday. Chieftain. Southern melodies were sung, and Rev. Geo B. Thompson, as si/okesman. paid a b.-autiful tribute to the life and character <>f Lee. re ferring to him us a builder of the j highest principles and chri*tian character, as a soldier, as a state*-' ert .f The figures are divided by Ga. e _. j bring much smaller than , _ numbers, and the word ’‘fro tag K. 11. Hardi of the ■n the back ng of the same I 1 ttcred alike, I air. f the car each size and numb so that the mher the nppr it hustles along the high- The double tag is a new thing i-orgiona, us heretofore only one -.•quired, and it was generally i-dura placed « i the i Febrin which wa.* Virginny.” Thi. music v ed. as Mr. 0*1 violinist. Carry Me Back t roughly Chain Dr. Geo H. Web the Program Committee, in announc ing the program, stated that the com mittee would arrange its programs so as to pay tribute to the memory of the great men of the country, during the months upon which their birth- le limit for.buying tags is 1st, after which those who (| f delay in the purchase of this orna-, llj ment will hove to pay a penalty for; i delaying the purchase of this equip- < ment. A postoffice money order or y ’ a cashier’s check should he sent to' Hon. Geo. H. Carswell, Secretary of State, Atlanta. Ga., as individual! i checks will not he accepted, as there i ,c ‘ are some rascals who would take ad- 1 in ' vantage of this opportunity to pro- fn cure their tags without cost hy send ing worthless checks, and the s run not afford to take such chan The following are the Grand and Traverse Jurors drawn to serve at the July term of Superior Court: These jurors were drawn in open court by Judge Park on January 18th. GRAND JURORS 1 Long. K. E., Mayfield, J. A.. Babb. | I.. B.. Underwood. J. II., McMiehnel, G. L., C<>1- man, Frank. Leonard, A., Kidd, J. E., Simmons, J. M., Ennis, J. 1!., Watkins, A. W., Stembridge, W. W., Humphries, J. E., Mt-Comb, R. H. t Brake, W. J.. Harper, J. Ben, a member of the w . A. Pettigrew, W. A., Mc- •e is also attend- Lilian. R. W., Babb, L. B. Sr.. Wil ing the session. Representing St. son> jj ar{i Fowler, L. S., Walker, W. Stephens church at the meeting are: Day, Jno. T., McComb, T, L., Lieut. V. L. Nash, Mrs. F. H. Hard- Torrance, C. R.. McKinnon, W. B.. ing. Mrs. M. H. Bland, Mrs. V L. Overman, J. P., Spivey, C. W., Nash and Miss Bessie Bland Bloodworth, J. 1.. . F. E. B. f the nd Mond. HOLDER PREPARES TO VACATE PLACE nginy Affai •d Job. P« atared Agai: day Mr. J. L. Edwards was a guest of Mr. F. E. Bone and was presented to the members of the club. Mr. Ed wards is a sen nf Mr. Harry Still well Edwards, .and is connected with the State Highway Department The County Commissioners h placed him in charge of highway co struction in Baldwin county. A letter to Mr. L. N. Jordan fro the State Highway Department w read. The letter was in reply one written by Mr. Jordan, rcquci ing that the southern entrance Fishing Creek bridge on Way street be repaired. Mr. Jordan w informed that the work would be undertaken at an early date. - Mr. R. M. Rogers stated that communication with the Red Cross WANTED TO RENT- Headquarters he had been informed that u Red Cross Nurse would be sent here at once to go into the flue situation and all assistance possible would be rendered. It wus reported that three mei bers. Col. Erwin Sibley, Marion Stembridge and Dr. Frances Daniel Atlanta, Jan. 20.—John N. Hold er today pr.-pared to wind up his chairmanship «>f tee state highway board within, the r.ext four months, before turning ortr the reigns of of fice to Sam ' • i- of f Tate, Go., the first week in June. Amicable settlement of a long con troversy between Chairman Holder and Gov. L. G. .Hardman was an nounced in correspondence published today Governor Hardman’s lettei MR. ARTHUR ALLEN DIED MONDAY MORNING Mr. Arthur Allen died at his home in South Baldwin Monday after an ill- ne-s with pneumonia. The funeral service* were held iuuuy ummiwr f her hard t B F icently Tuesday afternoon at Mt. Pleasant the board chief asked retirement be- T ^ , hurch, Rev. J. L. Lawrence and Rev. [ fore the next regular session of the . T. McCIuney officiating. ^ legislature, and the reply indicated a Mr. Allen is survived by his wife willingness to promote harmony by in July PANEL NO. 1 Neal, C. R., Wysong, Forrest, Stembridge, Oscar W., Garland, Robert L., Babb, L. L., Roberts, H. B., Smith, Arthur S. t Hardy, A. B., Smith. E. J., McCrary, J. T., Wnot- ten, H. S., Holloway, James N. PANEL NO. 2 Wright, S. R. Jr., Etheridge. J. C., Gheesling, J. T., Goodson, L. A., Pettigrew, J. T., Huff, Emmett L., Barr. Geo. W., Taylor, R. A., Law rence. J. B.. Wall, R. L., Coxwell, C. F., Hemphill. Walter A. PANEL NO. 3 S-.nith, Roy, Harripgton, M. C. Jr., Ivey, Wm. H., Butts, J. W., Grant. J C.. Harper, C. T., Jackson, Ernest, Brake, Darwin, Meeks, J. T., Home. J. H., Frederick, NEW Atwater-Kent Electro-Dynamic | RADIO Now on Dispiay Clifton Adams | Electric Contractor-Dealer and five children, mother and other relatives. Mr. Allen was well-known in the section of the county in which ‘he lived, and engaged, in farming. FOR SALE—Two sha SIMMERSON. rith garden I before March 1 r the city. Addri n- FOR SALE—Two were ill. Rev. Geo B. Thompson, Chairman, reported that his committee had completed their work, as an organ ization had been perfected to assist prisoners when they were discharg ed, in getting a new start in life. dent Ccolidge’ W. H. Blank, ledgevillc, Ga. w white collie Ire doe. .tunts uncle i. Pre.i- Phone 44. Mr.. . No. 86. Mil- 1-24-29 pd. HOW WILL YOU TRADE need « Rood .econd hand A pluR seating between the first and fifth of June. “If this meets with your consent.” the governor’s letter concluded, ‘‘the ssity of PANEL NO. 4 Holder, J. H., Hutchins, J. M., Wilkinson. C. F., Humphries, W. H., Barnes, Stewart, Batson, F. C., Hall, L. C., Hall, T. H., Faulkner, V. W., ta.ii™-, R - s - inated, and I think you will agree with me that the nffairs of the high way department will be in first class In reply, Mr. Holder said the ap pointment met with his “heartiest approval/’ and he praised Mr. Ttate as an outstanding, capable citizen. The letter add'd: “It has been my purpo - ‘ PANEL NO. 5 Hollinshead, Geo. W. t Hurt, C. C., Bloodworth, Geo. C., Minter, C. R., Anderson, B. F., Mathews, Jno. W. t Adams, Grover J., Horne, Louis, Adams, J. J., Jordan, L. N., Carr, A. J. Sr., Patterson, Sam C. Traverse Jurors for Third Monday in July retire PANEL NO. 1 rs of the faculty re kept busy for examinations. FOR SALE—Two .h. ville Bank Stock. SIMMERSON. CHEVROLET COACH FOR SALE; One 1927 Chevrolet Coach that is 1 perfect, look. Rood, and ha. been | ° from the highway hoard, and Berny, W. P., Johnson, J. C., Bow- I hereby reaffirm that purpose. I doin, B. F., Tunnell, Geo. H., Brown, .am gratified -hat I will thus be en- Julian S., Prosser, Wm. B., Bass, W. abled to aid in liringing about peace, A. N., Ham. Lamar F., Wright, S. E., harmony and good will in our great Hubert, T. E. (Dr)., Barnes, M. S., state.” Wood, D. M. The chairman of the department,- PANEL NO. 2 it was indicated, would have his. Martin, J. L., Tvey, C. B.. B1 book* audited, make his annual re- worth, J. E., Stripling, J. H., Bl port, and complete several projects j. ||.. Digby, W. L.. Prosser. N. I'., ibutor, andj now undcr way i, t f 0 re he leaves the Bell, Miller S., Williams, P. E.. Dur- R. 1. Red. | department. Colonel Tate, of the den, W. R„ Gibson. Chas. J!.. Little, of the M- town and mnrlile works of that name w. P. .lie, .econd j in m , rth central Georgia, will urransre PANEL NO. 3 iter. Ion, | |,j s affairs before tnkinir May, G. C., Tucker, llarner, An- dstr.d and over the reigns as chief of the state’s drews, J. T„ Simmons, B. D., Ten- afer *to\e, j road building forces. nille. W. C.. Ivey, J. Tim, Simmerson o the | His interest in good roads impel!- Jesse, Ivey. Frank B., Benford, J. A. 2.000 feet I ed him to accept the appointment. Hargrove, F. R., Durden, Paul, Mnr- j the governor announced for Mr. tin, J. A. SIBLEY ! Tate. PANEL NO. 4 j ' Meeks. R. J., Smith, R. G., Cox- have a la.ge lot of WEEK’S SALE OF POULTRY well. T. B., McDaniel. J. L., Mathis. Crtu Hay.— , BRINGS STATF. BIG SUM Reid. Moran, J. W., Bone, W. D., Moran. Henry, Brown. W. P., March- ! Atlanta. Ga., Jan. 21.—Thut the man, II. M., Kitchens, Wm. M., Hol- TEN MILES ON A MULE . poultry industry in Georgia is grow- lis, J. T. »r the first time in thirty year. I injr to j arRe proportions is indicated PANEL NO. S le a mule Tuesday, 1 was looking - by the sulcs last week held by the Tcnnille, A. C., Harrington, G. T. the 600 acre, ot timber that 11 State Bureau of Markets of the Geor- Torrance. W. A.. Worsham. J. I., offering for .ale. A lot of tim- jrj a Department of Agriculture, in Davis, George, Batson J, C., Wilson, my timber, co-operation with the local County W. J., Ward, B. C., Berry, Isaac, f they let Agents. A total of 145,953 pounds Bell. E. E.. Rice, Wm., Simpson. W. Begin to Plan Now INCLUDE The spring like temperature of the last few days has suggested preparation for your FLOWERS, LAWNS and GARDENS. START RIGHT Give your young plants a good start with the most wonderful plant food VIG0R0—It will positively astonish you in its results with old plants—bringing them out fresh and vigorous with creased foliage—It is odorless—Easily handled. . Let us be service to you on your flowers and gardens—We have every tool and accessory you need. R. W. HAtSHER HURD WARE COMPANY Wholesale and Retail I VII Hay, they will be ju.t a. ..d thi. tract .lip by them. S J. L. SIBLEY L. N. JORDAN FOR RENT- hav bottom h.c Millan. ’!.:n Put to Many Ucjs in New England Phoi 462. 1-24-29 3t. EXPERT CHEVROLET MECHANI CAL SERVICE | \«. Bool Weevil A.hfield ha. been at-1 tending 'he regular Chevrolet .chccl !• thi. week, it i. the polic : - of the 1 l ily diversified i of chickens sold for $36,488.25 on P. j three runs which were operated in PANEL NO. 6 i North Georgia and which filled nine Humphries, T. C., Hutchins, Harris, i cars. Oih* run included Hartwell, Moran, Sam, Badger, F. D., Horton, | Bowersville. Roy.ton, Canon, La- C. W.. Hutchinson, Jon W.. Twilly, vonia, Martin ard Tocca, four cars O. B., McMillan. R. W. Jr., Curry, ' being filled with 59,953 pounds which M. L.. Ivey. C. A.. Willis, J. D., Tor- brought over $15,000. On a 'run ranee, Edward A. j from Carrollton, Whitesburg, Newnan , i from Bo- r three cat Hog. BROS. for CHANDLER • load- Che Olct Mr ? thill pi five cars weighing 86.001 hi ought $21,500. nties as much as • poultry on these of l CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE. SPECIALS Two cars that have thousands of miles of unused service- 1928 Buick Standard Sport Roadster, Rumble Seat—red wire wheels—A pippin. 1925 Master Six Buick Touring, you can’t tell it from ne"'- Brand new Essex Challenger. The latest car built by E 556 * will* 72 improvements. See this one and you arc sold. PAY AS YOU RIDE Ralph Simmerson Buick Dealer Hay. Hay. we ha TWO CENTS LESS FOR GASOLINE Pcj than to have * man try to do thi. I work that is not familiar with the) car. When in need come to see u*. j >' L. N. JORDAN | J i f SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES TOl „ TAMPA, FLA. j c ACCOUNT I SOUTH FLORIDA FmIR AND ! CASPAR ILLA CARNIVAL Tckets on sale Januury 27 to Feb. 8, inclusive; final limit Feb. 19, 1929. Stopovers allowed at all stations on »ither going or returning trip, or both. For Sleeping Car reservations and other travel information ask Ticket Agent. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY "The Right Way” A new , said if the; 20.000 gal CHANDLER BROS. The Parent Teacher Association nn wll have a tag day Saturday Feb. 2. °f A11 lx U^!i It* oprety * New ar ful .trie, I colo down the curb, (and fill one of those VARIETY STORE. e etyinonogy ol the word can he big 20,000 tank, from the tank car. * -u from the French ’’potnpou’’ In parked on Wayne street,) to your Orange, and Grapefruit, Special, -(on- .l,o colonlzuUon of Aim-ricn. fiUi „„ , h „ eor „„ win [or Fri4 , y ..0 S.turO.,- Oran,.. rail Ik. .U.«u. ■W.mnlnn" nn,1 ■ 9 7 “ CARD OF THANKS :ish to express and appreeia- our friends for the kind ex- s of sympathy at the death wife und daughter. May God’s richest blessings rest with each of you. MR. HERBERT HOOD AND FAMILY MR. AND MRS. 0. F. VEAL AND FAMILY. through the stage* of “pouiplon” and ’’pumpion” to “pumpkin." And except in print and awon*, precise speakers one today will encounter the colloquial “punkin" ofteuer than the literary “pumpkin.” the >u cut the pric, There i. almo. Montog. pound papera :h. paper.—CHANDLER’S STORE. GEORGIA GREETING CARDS By Nell* Womack Him# ON SALE—WOOTTEN’S STORE New phonograph rvci weekly—CHANDLER’S STORE. • The Parent Teachetr Association will meet Friday afternoon at 3:45 in gride building. GEORGIA GREETING CARDS By Nello Womack Hinos ON SALE—WOOTTEN’S STORE A CARD OF THANKS fills with Our hearts tude for the kindness shown band and father during ' J and the many word* of sympa* helpful acts that came to u? a he was il) and after his death, friends have been loyal and trui their sympathy has b« en a us, during our sorrow. They ** ways find us ready to se n when they have sorrow to ^ them. Mny a kind provider., kindly with them. MRS. C. T. PROSSER AND > FAMU Mm*, shirt.—coller E.l.ra hmatifnl $3 VOUI k5 S£EI Ci Drive t Mom] Be! C DR. U Unde: M- Hall Cross » for tlx Methodi approve Cross. Mon, will be Dr. T. Mr. L. The cl dost ft the ne, The Crow Chest suffici elimint calls f plan h citin i Mrs. Scott for B Confe speaki intere. The pionee along lines i Lowe Way