Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, February 14, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE. CA., FEBRUARY 14, 1929 DOCTORS OF TOWNS SAYS Ga. White Brick Con. boundary line of the lands formerly fHE TOWN DOCTuRS THE South and Wert by | owned by Mr-. M. Ida Cline, which j »r Stewart. Mr*. Leon point is 05 feet South of and 44 1-2 i H. E. Dennard and be- j decrees East of the Souhtwert cor- lands deeded to the ner on the tract cf land first in this ?!. F. Ryie on i> ember, above described; thence Sou.h aid deed being recorded 14 1-2 degrees East 67 chains to a age 105 Clerk branch separating the lands convey- •„ rt, of Wilkki on C'-ntt y, ■ T from th? lands of Zach Phillips; :• j reference is hereby i thence along aid branch folb art of the description. . r-c.. .derings to i ' .nth 30 1-2 We tight of Way of Railway Cor • Company an that c cry cc of diamonds” >:ng Ra 1 L NO. 8. 1 and lying Wilkinson County. Geo :>C One Hundred Three < ind being part of hte 1 is the Massey lands, and of the shares in the div lands, and being bounded «mi : take; thi*.i,. mQn j ty 3G chains to the . hat ^ ^ Central of Geer-> ^Ir. Newcomb Carlton, President' iy; thence along (of th{ , Wcstcrn Union Telegraph -:d Right of W ay North <1 1-2 Vc-t. Company says: “The advantages of I •|a community for bo*h business and’ often lost sight of by 8.50 chains to the point of Said trac. of land contn and one-half (4 1-2) acre: PARCEL NO. 2. The ]« The dulls their peri rtheast by the I). Brookins of land lying and being in Baldwin !d to the Ga. White Brick Co., County, Georgia, 318th District, G. W. Brooks tract and the lands M., containing twenty (20) .acres of; f J. K. Brooks; On the Southeast by land, more or less, and bounded as. Public Road; On the follows: M .v v> a vu..« c by the lands of Major On the North by lands formerly be-1 more so than do its parents; candy i ▼3Z.50. id Florence Bloodworth. longing to C. L. Case; On the East j s no treat to a confectionery store] 1 lands being fully described in by lands formerly belonging to S.; clerk, and a rose in your own front neighbor does; you can’t get create in pay urless the ft-, more business; the firm caj more business unless the com grows—progress with the time prospers. The community none of these things efficien • ‘•contemptously familiar” w vantages and dia-advantage:. This Town Doctor Artic’i u seris of fifty-two is pub. the Union Recorder in co-i.j with the Milledgeville Lions ( quality plus clothes I have now this line of ciofc and they are all the name si„ )NTEMPTUOUSLY familiar.” * |es * nand railored, snappy, it is only natural that to that with trimmed and the best clothes neh we nre most familiar wc pay }, ave ever seen f or least attention. North we, Will'll disillu: book call could be the early Hahci He l' niclc and Florence Blodworth; on the South modern lfc y th= ,ands of Peasant Burney lot |, ou 7ided ml dumb " f Ann Brokins Estate; and — West by the Central of Ga. nee Ent- Brookins tract, on the South and East well, but by the J, J. Tr. t-raon and J. R. Brooks beard, land and on .he West by the Irwin ir turned Fitspatrick place. Also 15 1-2 acres. , more or less, being the lands deeded ! in W. F. Den,nth by David Brovkins a Dec. Gth, 1924, and being lot No. 1 in It the division of the Ann Brookins going back t«» E-tate. Also 15 1-2 acres, more or. ding family of less, being the lands deeded to W. F. t its name from Demuth by Irene Brookins and Jun- But it’s hard to Sous Brookins on the 28th day of (aid State and Coun- (jpetln from Laura M. Vanburen, T. Barrett: On the South by lands of J. yard is much more attractive to the n«I described as fol- E . Fitzpatrick, et al to S. C. Fitz- T. Phillips and on the West by the man j n t h e next block. The grass on Lot No. 3 in the Ann patrick and being the same lands Right of Way of the Milledgeville the other side of the fence always n of her lands to her conveyed to Irwin Fitzpatrick by S. and Eatonton branch of the Central looks the greenest; the other fellow's ning Sixteen and one- c. Fitzpatrick Hendricks. «f Georgia Railroad and being about business appears to be a “snap”: some anil bounded as fol- PARCEL NO. 9. All that tract or om ‘ und one -kalf miles from Milicdgc- other town offers greater possibili- parcel of land lying and being in Ra- vi,!c * Ga “ '** be,n * the 8ame ,ot or ties as long .as you stand so close to mah District, Wilkinson County. P arcel of ,and deeded b >' Charlotte , ho picture of your town, your com- Stat? of Georgia, containing one hun- ^ lt \ to Henry Bland by deed dated munity or your neighborhood that dred ninety On the North by lands of Brookins lot of Ann Brookins ; on the East by lands of Mrs. >re or less, and Mu - V 12 ’ 1915 ’ and rccorded in Deed you cannot ^ e the fullness thereof. On the North- ®°°* { ** a R e 375-0 in the office of. “Contemptuous familiarity work deaf and dumb 01 Ann liru,l "i* whuc; *»«m »... im- oagt j, y i ant j s „f Georgia Whte Brick Clerk of Superior C ourt of Baldwin | >0 tli ways and therefore we have ear a >ound, learn to Wc8t •*>’ the Central of Ga. R. R. Company formerly owned by Irwin county * Ga - i sickly cities, callous communities, iderstand the speech of Company. Fitzpatrick, on the Southeast and PARCEL NO. 3. All that tract or tired towns, haggard hamlets, and others. With imagination’s power,! "PARCEL NO. 2. All that tract or South by the Gordon Kuolin Com- Parcel of land situate lying and being hundreds of vanishing villages, the never having sein. the earth or the parrel of land lying and being in the pany’s tram road and the public roud > r * the 318th District G. M. of Bald- citizens of which go on about their sun or the sound of a friend’s voice, j 27th land district, County of Wilkin- known as the Macon Road, on the win Count}', Georgia, containing daily tasks apparently totally una- they are able to understand beauty son, State of Gn., as follows: 51 1-2 Southwest by lands of Mrs. Emma thirty (30) acres, more or less, and. ware of their condition, and friendship. acres, more or less, being the lands Dennard, and on the Northwest by bounded as follows: ‘ The old saying that “There’s a lit- That answers those who ask: “Is deeded to W. F. Demuth by J. W. lands of Mrs. Florence Bloodworth, On the North, East and South by ' tie bit of bad in the best of there really such a thing as a soul?”. Brooks on the Gth uay of Dec. 1924, and being parts of the Massey estate other lands of The Georgia White little bit of good ir. the wor | bounded on the North by the Dave and the Barfield estate, and said lands Brick Company, and or. the West by. applies to towns and communities as ing shown on map of lands purchas- the Right »i Way of the Central of well as to individuals, by said Georgia White Brick Com- Georgia Railway Company. j What is GOOD about the com- ny. Also, ail other real estate where- munity whree you live? What is ALSO, the following described real cwr situated which the- Company now BAD? What is there that INVITES? late situated In the County of Bald- owns or may in any manner hercaf- What REPELS? n. State of Georgia, to-wit: tl * r acquire. ! No town can be all good or all had. PARCEL NO. 1. All that tract «r Also all buildings, structures/ Rail- therefore, RECOGNIZE hut which reel of land situate, lying and be- way, tracks, sidings, switches, en- »• Pood, and capitalize on it—reco- • in the 318th District, G. M., of Ifinep, boilers, motors, cranes, shaft- Pnize that which is bad, and personal- id State and County, containing »*>g. belting, pulleys, wiring, heating l.v do something to eleminate it! Fif y-Onc (51) Acres, more nr less, equipment, lighting equipment, ma- Don’t think that wha*. YOU do n the Milledgeville and Eaton- chinery, tools, fixtures, furniture, won’t make any difference for it will! G. W. BARR Merchant Tailor WANTED—Information Solomon Ogden who li a large plantation tom Milledgeville the first last century. Who wt Mrs. Robert L. Dowling, 1704 Ci vai» St., Columbia, S. C. f thi OPTONiE i RY puhlishii rtially about your c l peo- Nov. 1924, and being lot No. 5 of the i division of the An I Abo 15 1-2 acres. Highway. The boundary ^ line drawings and patterns, and equip- Everybody doing something gets Brookins land, around said land runs a3 follows: Be- ment of every kind and descrip- things done; sitting back “letting lore or less, be- ginninj, a t the Northeast corner of tion which may now or at any time George do it” never gets ANYTHING William decided that some things «ng the lands deeded to W. F. Demuth t j, c | an( j f ormer ]y belonging to Mrs. hereafter be upon said real estate and done. Your town is your business, .vere wrong in the Hohenzollern fam- by Charlie Brookins on the 29th day jyj j,j a ciine, on the West side of the used or provided for use in connection j Whoever you are—whatever you do ily, and blames its troubles, passion, °f Nov. 1924. | Milledgeville and Eatonton Highway therewith in conducting the business —>t’s GOOD businss on your part to sudden rages, bud temper, etc., on a PARCEL NO. 3. All that tract or the Jine runs thence South 46 West of the Company .and owned by it. ‘ every little thing you can to make hc . tv. PARCEL NO. 3. All that tract woman, Maria Pawlowa, Russian by parcel of land lying and being in the! 24 c h a ins to a rock corner marking! Also all casements, rights of wH$,'y°ur town and community a bet‘i blood, Hohenzollern by accident of 27th district of Wilkinson County.! t j, c boundary line between the Cline licenses and privileges to the premises place in which to live, work, play, and marriage. That reminds you of State of Georgia, containing Sixteen j an( j an( j ^ ] anc ja of the Washing- hereby belonging or in any way ap- make money. It’s POOR business to Adnm blaming Eve. j (10) acres, more or less, and bound- j ton phniips’ estate; thence North | pertaining, now owned by the Com- j become oblivious to*anything that in- jed as follows: On the North byj 44 j. 2 West 32.80 chains to the P an y or hereafter acquired by it. j vites .business or repels it. William says Maria was “the’ vil- Jones County Road; On the East by, i ant j R G f Fowler and Flemister: thence Also all and singular the tene- \ YOU can’t make money unless your lain of my family.” Hi» predeefsjor, the land, of Juniona Brookins; On tho North 44 Eoat 19 70 chaitl , to the'ments, hereditament .and appurten- Frederick the Great, would know South by the lands of Mrs. Florence, i an d s of Joe Sanford; thence South ances belonging or in any wise apper- Mjr charges are reasonable, guarantee all wrok done as rep aented or refund your money, you take jo chances in doing bi ness with me. Office hours 9 12. 1 to 5 Sundaw 2 to 5. W. J. Brake better. Maria Pawlowa, because *he Bloodworth, and on the West wus wild, violent, ungovernable, may knds of W. A. Jones. Being the have given Prussia’s ruling family its l aad knov-n as Lot No. 0 of the divi- genius. Ision of Ann Brookins Estate. PARCEL NO. 4. All that tract or Use of electric machinery in the parcel of land lying and being in borne, sweepers, washing machines, Rnniah Militia District of Wilkinson fans, irons, mangles, exercising ap- County, Georgia, containing Fifteen pnratus. hns increased enormously-in nnd One-fourth (15 1-4) acres, the past year. L. J. Horov Starret*, biggest building donrern* the lands of Dave Brookins; On thi announces privately, a new electric S«*uth by lands of Mrs. Florence cooking stove that will be operated Bloodworth. and on the West by the as cheaply ns a gas stove. That will lands of Toni Brookins; Being lands interest General Electric and West- known as Lot No. 2 in the division inghouse. of Ann Brookins Estate. j PARCEL NO. 5. All that tract or A bill in Indiana's Senate *ug- parcel of land lying and being in Wil- t:ests “Hogging for male criminals kinson County, State of Georgia, who carry weapons while committing Militia District, containing < rimc.” | five and one-tenth (5.1-10) acres and Strokes would be “administered bounded on the North by the Central to the bare back, well laid an.” and of Georgia Railway Company, on the punishment graduated up to SIXTY East und South by a straight line LASHES. I separating the lands herein conveyed j from other lands of the grantor, said Why not have criminals, operate ,in « being a continuation of the line* | with or without weapons, put to work between the lands of grantor and thel for ten or twenty years. Pay them ^ and * known as the division of the j for work, let them accumulate money, 1 Ann Brookins place, said line being, and, except in cases of murder, re- ninrked and staked, and on the West j lease them after time convinced them b >' ,and * formerly owned by Ann thut work and saving are worth Brookins. Said land benig a triangu-j wh!ie. | lur piece lying South of nnd adjac-. ‘ right of Way of Central of I Railway Company z j 1-2 East 3.40 chains to the South-' taining to the said premises and j west of the Joe Sanford land; thence property, or any part thereof, and the North 69 East 3.30 chains to the Mil-j reversions, remainders, revenues, | lcdgeville and Eatonton Highuray; royalties, issues and profits thereof. I thence South toward the City of Mil- 1 Also all the estate, right title, 1 lcdgeville along said highway 6.95 interest, property, possesson, claim: chains to the Northeast corner of and demand whatsoever, ns well at 1 what is known as the Lee lot; thence law ns in equity, of the said Com-' and One-fourth <15 1-4) acrea. West along the Lee lot line 420 feet; pany, of, in and to the above describ- | bounded as follows: On the North by, thence South along th? Lee lot line od premises, property and rights, and! 'U<1 of Thompson, th ® Stage Rond; On the East byj 2 io foci; thence East along the Lee each ami every part of the same, with ! lot line 420 feet to the Mllcd|>cville | the appurtenances. 'and Ea ™top Highway: thence South; Abo all ano singular the patents,! ; along said highway 6.84 chains to the patent rights, lice; , and license j Northeast corner of the Clara Harper ugreement, trade marks and trade .land: thence West along the Clara names, together with the goodwill of j Harper land 210 feet; thence South the hu-iness carried on nnd to be car- I along the land of Clara Harper and rled on in connection with the said ; Duvall 4211 feet to the Southwest cor. trade marks or trade names, now or ner of the Duvall land: thence East hereafter acquired by the Comnsnv. 2!0 feet to along the Milldegeville [ All of said realty and personalty and Eatonton Highway to the point bring covered by a collateral trust | of beginning. The said tract of land mortage given bv'tho Ga. White Brick I is bounded ns follows: [ Co., to c. B. Reynold-, Trustee, which | On the Northeast and East by the said mortgage was filed for record in lands of Joe Sanford and the Milicdgc the office of the Clerk of the Superior ville and Eatonton Highway, the lands Court of Baldwin County, Georgia of the Lee lot, the lands of (Tara on the 7th day of March. 1928 and ' Harper and the Duvall lot; on the was filed for record in bix.k 10 Southeast by the lands of the e-tate Deeds at page 462 of the records o1 of Mrs. M. Ida Cline; on the South*- said County .and was duly filed west by the lands of the estate of record in the Clerk’s offioe Washington Phillips and by the lands Superior Court of Wilkinson Coun of the estate of Lon Sanford; on the ty, Georgia on the 7th day of March, Northwest by the lands of Fowler and 1928 and duly recorded in Volume ... , , i finnrtrin RnSiwon Pnmnmnv Flenister. The boundary lines of the 45, folio 439 of the to cut her army in two, leaving ONLY l ,arc ‘‘ l * f » aad lying and being in \ 6markt “ d * Saul land will be sold subject 715,000 fighting mm to be fed by County Wilkinson, State of Geor-| ALSO: All that tract or parcel confirmation by the Court and the | Children Cry If* MOTHER: Castoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. ords of i ! Said h reel confirm: ; :t.“ highest bidder will be required »th posit a certified check covering 10 i ity, per cen: of his bid with the undersign- j not confirmed. | ^ All of said realty and pem»nn!tv!■ ivi i RRIf K That Clink Like steet ♦ f thei♦ "I**''**' ♦ | Are Mode by th. "McMlLLAN” Prove,, ♦ BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS 4 There is No Waste in Our Bricks. We Make Quick Shipments in Any Quantity. RICH GI.O FACE BRICK—FIRE BRICK—COMMON BRICK Milledgeville Brick WorksCo