Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 07, 1929, Image 1

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tttuti Southern Recorder " 111! federal Unua Established fa 18*§ M&dfcriOe, Gi., Harck 7, 1929 Consolidated in 1872 Number 29 TILLE HOUR ON AIR MONDAY Sponsor Progrtm Orer Broadcasting Station. ,..l S an to Be on Air From One to Two ...rod by the Milledeeville flub. Milledgeville will have , r or. the air next Monday, «<tine a program from W. M. >n from one to two DELUGE SWEEPS COUNTYMONDAY Rains Send Creeks and Rivers on Anotfcer Rampage and Property Damage is Great. Five Inches Fall in Dav 7. Mace ’'ftfcwree Harr' 8 Webber, of the : C. W. faculty, will preside and ■h.’ an*'otmc : mr during the hour. DrW rnm has been arranged by Kiwants committee and is -jdtf'rt county sorg. composed by F. H. Scott. Short talk. Mil- iV :i' P r' and present Cultural _ Professional Life, Col. Erwi i \* t .';tv Number. Whistling by [;V ? v - :n Pyle 3 of G. S. C. W. \ cV,nvt Tf' 1 :, Bu-Incict and Eank- r .dgevillo, Mr. L. C. Hall. M.-j. Godfrey Oster- T !!:. Thi* Vnlue rf Military Life ■r |in-,-:, r 0 1. n 1 -'rce Roach, Violin Solo, Miss Ho-sbrough. T::R-. Our St-utc In-titutions, Dr. L H. Scott. Sore, Gcoreia Land, Composed by 1-*. F~ K. Mine*. Mrs. Hines, Mrs. |/mgino and Mrs. Long. Msggie Jenkins will preside P’rtrt durintr ho propram. f a frit* that will be broadcast- \ ncraber of Georgia twons prir is being offered for the rogrrm. The decision will bo |md? by votes from the listeners. inday, the M’liedgevillc party will the truest of the Chamber of Com- ■rce at a dinner at the Dempsey tel IRS HIKES WRITES SHOW TO BE GIVEN AT G. S. C. ucirntioni, Three Act My*tery cmedy to Be Staged by Y. W. ■ A. in The Celle** Auditorium Saturday Night The Oconne River had barely re- 'urned to its bnnks after the heavy rains of last week, when it was sent on another rampage from excessive rains Monday. A total of 5:16 inches was recorded for the twenty-four hour period. Earlv Monday torrents of mins be- pan falling and con‘inucd uniterrupt- d thioughou' the -day until early Tuesday, morning when a cloud burst accompanied by terrific winds cli maxed the storm that had brought about large property damape through cut the county. The Oconr.e River began a steady rire early Monday and reached its height about noon Tuesday, thirty- '' } u;ht fret bilnjj the peak of the ri*e. The waters covered the road on the west side of the bridge ard halted all ‘rnffic along *his route. While every stream in the county wan out of its banks and many road* were covered with traffic molested in pratically every direction, none of the water reached the height ii had attained the week before when the -B'*n fell for more than fifty hours with a record of over eipht inches. The rain fall for the last seven duy» is probably unprecendented in his section, nlthouph the damape was not as great as the freshets of lnte summer in 1928. Clear weather Wednesday broupht a rapid fall in the streams and a continued fair weather prediction has been sent out from weather bureaus. The damage in :he county has not been estimated but crop and road damape probably take a toll of sev- --oral thousand dollars. DR. FOWE'.L ALLEN ELEVATED TO IMPORTANT POST Named Assistant Attending Physician At St. Luke's Hospital in New York, one of Largest in City Business Men Petition For EXCESSIVE RAIN Lower Power Rate. 80 Sign DAMAGES ROADS Commercial Rate Higher Here Petition Shows. Fans, Motors and _ . . Show Window Lights Entitled To Lower Rate Site Petitioners Lcnnty Commissioners to Meet Entire Dublin District Joins in Effort for Lower Rate A petition signed by eighty-two | We rsepectfully ask that you set business houses went to the Georgia' a date for a hearing on the above Pubulic Service Commission Monday petition .at the earliest possible time, morning asking for a reduction in Yours truly, the commercial power rate of Mil-, L. N. Jordan, Auto Dealer; Union ledgevillc and requesting a date forj Recorder. Newspaper; Southland the petition to be heard before thej Coaches, A. C. Tennille; Hines-Callo- body. | way Auto Co.; Boone's Pharmacy; The petition originated in Dublin Baldwin Hotel; W. H. Baumgartel; at a meeting of the towns in the Dub- Heaths Dry Cleaners; R. W. Hatch- lin District served by the Georgia er Hardware Co.; Singer Sewing Mn- Power Company. The Dublin meet-j chine Co.; W. W. Miller; D. W. ing resulted in the towns through- Brown; Culver & Kidd Drug Co.; A. out the district filing similar peti- J. Carr Co.; W. H. Rives; Kays Dry tions before the Service Commission Clenners; Darien Hotel; Sanitary for an early hearing. j Barber Shop; F. W. Hendrickson; The Pe itioners cited tho fact that Whitfield Grocery Co.; The Rose Ten the rates in this district were higher Room, Chandler Bro-.; F. R. Mal- tliun in other towns in the state and pass; Rogers Incorporated; John since the company had recently plac>., Conn Co.; R. H. Woo.ten; Jos. A. ed the re iden ial lighting and pow-| Moore: Goldstine’s Dry Goods Co.; er rat on a uniform basis, the peti- L. Smith; Fraley’s Pharmacy; Wil- tioners make the point that the mcrcial rate should be equally as low. The following is the petition •To the Public Service Commission A Junta Georgia, Gentlemen: Having observed that your hon orable body has made uniform thi Pow Saturday to Look Into Situ ation With View of Quick Repair of Bridges liams & Ritchie; D. A. Danr.er; M. F. Davis; City Grocery Co.; Jones r Drug Co.; Blntns Shoe Co.; Man- < Milicdgevillc business Huttan Cafe; Chandler’:? Variety the Commissioners Store;*J. C. Grant Co.; E. E. Bell; | the damage done An extra session of the Baldwin County Board of Commissioners has been set for Saturday when a sur vey will be made of the road and bridge damage in tho county, fol lowing the excessive rains and high waters of the past two weeks. The Commissioners in session Tues day were unable to reach a definite conclusion as to the damage, witli many bridges and roads still under water. Camp Creek below the Asy lum dairy had the bridge at that point sumerged for .hrec days and the Scottsboro road bridge in the pro- c:ss of construction was also in dang er of serious damage. The Oconee -Ivor road and fill had been washed to such a state that repairs would *n tint to an expenditure of sev eral hundred dollra-, ‘.he commission ers believed. The meeting Saturday, will give ight into d plan Loni Moore; The Fashion Shoe Co.; formulated to speed the repairs and City Bakery; Bell Grocery Co.; place the roads in the best possible Chandler Gin Co.; Fir t National .condition, us rapidly as possible. Bank; W. A. Walker; J. H. Hollo-j ■vay Clothlnc Store; Dixie Shop; COUNCIL SESSION MONDAY Rhodes Bros.; People’s Hardware WATER PLANT IS HIGH AND DRY AFTER ROOD Plbllucinations” n three act mys- T piar, written by Mrs. Nelle Wo- will be presented Satur- 7 evening in the auditorium of the “nria State Cologe for Women un- e auspices of the Y. W. C. A. _* Pty is being staged and direct- Mr*. Hines. f mystery has caused a round ment on the enmpus and tho are talking about the things that have happened >y around the auditorium, a r mttiod employed in ndver- ♦ tk? show. * p:iv packs a pile of thrills and od"u-ly funny, as only Mrs. sold for the 3; students and a packed ' tx Pectcd to greet tho initial -Dee of Mrs Hines’ first Dr. Powell Allen, son of Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen, last wek was named A .sistant Attending Physician at St. Luke’s Hospital, one of the largest hospitals in the city of New York. Dr. Allen was elevated to this im portant post by the officials of the hospital without his making applica tion and came in recognition of his Vapidly established reputation and nvirked ability as a physician. Dr. Allen did Post-graduate work at the hospital foi; two yeras and is now a-- ociatcd with Dr. Bastido, famed Gastronologist of New York. Dr. Allen will continue his office pratice with Dr. Bastido, taking the i”" 5 " • hospital work as an additional inter- Thr tickets p3t< Thc office to whjch Dr A11(?n P*°P c 1 has been named is one of the mo?t important to bo held in New York by a member of his profession and carries with it much prestige. tcent Improvements at Water Sta- ;on Save Pumping Machinery and Well* from Flood Water* of Fishing Creek » °' W *U include 1- i ng young ladies, students * college : V 1 —-t Jackson, Carol ’ Colquitt, Josephine g/J ' l ' n e McClendon, rnu- 1 1 Thftxton and pTDfictt I r r : ' &,V FFv/ E r 'NESDAY ' C | ' 4 TOURNU The City Water plant remained high and dry during the recent rains that sent the waters of Fishing Creek out of their banks and into flood state inundhting much land for hundreds of yards on either side. The floods of last September cov ered the plant and male the water situation a grave problem for several days in the city. Superintendent P. E. Williams presented to the coun cil a plan to prevent further danger from high water and the council ex pended $5,000 :o carry out this plan. The high waters of la^t week and this week failed to stop the opera tion of the water plant and while a flood was feared, the precautionary | methods employed saved tho plant from high wa‘.cr damage. The County ComnUKsioner.j held their regular monthly meeting Tues day, with Mr. G. C. McKinley ab sent on account of the highwaters of the Oconee river FOOTBALL GAME SET FOR FRIDAY AFTERNOON Delay in Spring Game or March lit. Madi.on 0 Be Here for Good Battle After having been postponed due to heavy rains, the first spring foot ball Earned to be played in Georgia prep is scheduled for Friday after noon when the G. M. C. cadets will batlc the Madison Aggies. The gamcfWas scheduled for Mnrch l» f -»nd was called in when heavy rains made roads almost impassable. Thc game w start at 3:30 and will be a full four quarter football game. Coaches Mehre and Thomas of Georgia are scheduled to watch thc came from the G. M. C. bench advis ing with Conch Broadnax on the team piny and system used. Coach Wallace Butts will bring a s’rong team down from Madison for the opposition with the -cadets. The G. M. C. fnculty basket ball team composed of former collcso I Gcoiila Sti'to cil'lcVc"^ Worn« Plans are being made for the nunl trip of the Senior class of the ; will play the cade. transacted j 1 a benefit game 1 the cadet gyn • the end the expense! AMENT r court held the past ■The ComntUsio ers won h. Ful. the damr.gc dr . r.d j roads and bridges 1-v th has ext Monday night :od as a benefit f the varsity to will have Sl ip , Johnny Bro : - . former be the c!:h( dr.»d young of the three hun- g Timber Sold for $1400 five Bid. Final Paving wed for Advertising 7 om ) HANDLES REGULAR R0UNT1NE Georgia and in view of -he fact Faulknc , Ga()ccrJ . Co .. j T Ghec „. ling; S embridgo Co.; J. C. Ivey; L. Smith; College Hill Servi Massey Sen-ice Station; Hugh ; R. L. Nelson; Dunham Meat Market; Johnson Grocery Co.; Pur chase & Sale; D. F. Montgomery; The Inn Hotel; McCullough Garage; Wayne Hotel; Millcdgevillo Market Place; Spot Cash Store; Modern Mercantile Co.; Baldwin Service Station; McKin»«m Motor Co.; At lantic Ice Coal Co.; Ralph Simmer- son: Jay’s Department Store; Boston Cafe; Fowler-Flcmister Coal Co.; Ex change Bank; Purity Dairy. for that the commercial lighting rate in our community is very much higher than other sections we respectfully ^ on " petition you to make uniform the £jj n commercial lighting rates and to re duce same on an equal with the resi- dental rate. Having also observed that in some you have recognized that elec ode signs and show window's are entitled to a lower rate we respectfully peti tion your honorable body to give us current for these purposes at the power rate and to include in this rating store motors and fans. The City Council in regular session Monday evening accepted the bid of Mr. Jesse Simmreson of $1400 for tho timber on the Moran Spring site, thre& other bidders offering for the property. T>.« meeting Monday • was the regular monthly session and busi ness matters of regular routine were disposed of by the council. Bonds for thc final zones of pav ing were pas-ed and ordered adver tised for sale. The bonds included all thc remaining bonds against thc paving recently finished. I I' Mr. H. S. Wootten while in New York the past week, got in touch with and investigated several propositions to locate manufacturing plants in the South. He found that on account of labor and other conditions existing in the North and East that a num ber of manufacturers were turning to the South for locations for their plants. Mr. Wootten i* confident that at an early date an opportunity for the location of .1 manufacturing plant here will be offered Milledgevilie, that our citizens can ill afford to pass up. There will be 1 singing at Coper- ille Baptist church Saturday night. These singings are greately enjoyed by the people of that neighborhood, a large crowd is expected Satur day night. Regular preaching services will be conducted Sunday morning by the JV. Leslie I* Williams. The pet pic of Coopevorille neigh- >rhooJ are invited to attend. SUPREME COURT RULING SITED “Baby E-oat) Plan” for Paving Upheld in Ccnrt and Protest Must be Made Fifteen Days After Work is Ordered In a ruling handed down last week, the Supreme Court decided that all -•bjectors to paving assessment un der the “baby bond plan” must start litigations within fifteen days after the work is ordered, or be regarded * os acquiescing. The petition filed by R. L. Wall and C. F. Fowler last week to pre vent the city from levying upon their property to satisfy a paving assess ment agonist their property, paved under the "baby bond plan” attracted attention to the ruling. The paving in the city was begun about two years ugo and was finish ed b?t Juno. During that time only one protest was filed, the records show. The city fathers contend that they have adhered strictly to the law- in every respect and that property holders will huve- to pay the price assessed against their property with out legal recourse. BONE TILE IS GAINING FAME X0X Tile, Invention of RosseD Pone, Revolutionizes Industry Larrje Plants Over Nation Begin Manufacturing XOX Tile, the invention of Mr. Ru-aell Bone, member of the firm of the Oconee Clay Products Co., has^ gained international approval during ho jjast lew months that thq-mwia- facturhig rites have been offered the tile producers of America and pluuts throughout the nation have taken over the tile as their major product. Mr. Bone has secured paten', rites in thc United States, Canada,' Mexi co and Cuba and [s receiving royalty for tlie manufactured by the dozen plants already contracted with Mr. Patents were secure in Cuba last week and the first XOX tile will be introduced there. Thc Bone tile has revolutionized the industry since it was put on the market, its load beaming qualities, easy handling, light weight and mor tar saving have caused manufactur ers to take it over as a major pro duct. The tile makes water proof, sound proof and double thick walls according to Mr. Bone and will stand greater .,«ad bearing strenth. DEAN SCOn ATTENDS TEACHER COLLEGE MEETING OWLF.R TOUR OF EUROPE TO INCLUDE MANY PRORVNENT CTTE5 it h i b( group < I from New nd Ml! ;.vv| for Atlanta G. L A. A: to battle for the winner ’-ay d .u. ^ U,t " n the firs round icssful will play l! ’ be enter- . •‘Lruiment. | * . • PUming his team W plejr. C. • l.„ , »;jj ‘ ‘bapter of the 1 ***£ .r h h - d - 1 ; ° n M “ r ' h large attendance FORTY-FIVE GALLONS OF MILK LOST IN THE WATERS OF THE OCONEE at a premium when t 1 jamc star cd. 1 Jun Mr. Baxter Trawick lost fortv-fi gallons of milk which he was bring ing for delivery to the State Sani tarium,- last Friday in the Oconee river. It wns impossible for the truck ■;o reach the city, on account of thc water covering tho fill on the west •Y;c cf the bridge, and it was trans ferred to a boat. Tho beat was capsized and the cans containing forty fice_ gallons of mill; were pre cipitated into the river .and sank out of sight Accordin', student pub el ps, auth » ed authorise The Collonnadf. William Lyon me of-the most empora:y Rev. John F. Yarbi urh will go to Augusta March, 28th., to asaist Dr. G. M. E&kcs, paster «>f St John’s Methodist church, in revival services. Mr. Yarbrough is recognized by the ministers of the N’^rth Georgia conference as being quite sucessful in evangelistic and they call on him frequen !y *-0 assist them in ravivai meetings. literature, will deliver a lecture to !hc tud nta and faculty of thc Geor gia State College for Women. Mr. I helps is spending some time Auguita and the Li crary Guild of tho College is sponsoring his visit Misr, F.ayc Screens, will repre sent the Georgia State College for Womrn at the meeting of the offe rs of the Student Volunteer Con ference in Decatur on March 17th. -I'd the Levinthim Europe have a intercnthij itineracy in praspi-ct for them. Mr. Fowler, who is managing the lour, has arranged stop ovcr3 in tin principal cities end while in London a visit to many historic and interest ing points. Brussel.?, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Colongne, Heidelberg, Lucerne, Venice, Florence, Rome, Nice, Monte Carlo, and Paris are c omo of the towns to be visited. The trip will be educational with enough time for play to give the tourist most interesting trip. Mr. Fowler ha.- arranged to spend se veral days in Paris and London and while in France will visit the buttle field* of the late Keeling iA Cleveland Attended by G. S. C. W. Dean. College Placed in For Front of Major College* Dr. F. H. Scott, Dean of the Gcor- :c State Callegc for Women return ed Saturday from Cleveland, Ohio •here he ntlzndcd a meeting of the American Association of Teachers Colleges in se-ision during the past week. Deans of the colleges in the As sociation and Department Superin- ■ndenta of the National Educational mociation wt 'e those attcn«*ing the eeting. Plans were made for fhe . E. A. meeting to be hold in A t- L.rta in July. D»-ri Fcntt staged that the. G. S. C. W. was given the «nri»* High rr.t- 1. has h?!d f 'r r.: nl yen-3 nr. i Fie r : on given the local - Hege p’r. • it in the front rank of ’ho maj'.r c lleges of the na’fon. C'«l. S*ih Wilkes of the Georgia ^n'lro-id, v.aa i n he city a few hours Wednesday, as the guest of General > ent. Geo. H. Tunnel!. Mr. Wilke* is one of the beat known railroad men in the State, and has many friend? here, who are always glad to