Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, March 07, 1929, Image 5

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEVILLE, GA., MARCH 7, 1»I» cia.1 -, ^Qiciety MORRI5-LITTLE UNIT HELD INTERESTING MEETING TUES DAY „ nnd Mr- J- C. Stahflm spent a pa-t in < AuK " aU - Greene and Marie ^iTW"' in ^ John Riley has returned from *jt to Snludii, N. C. of the G. S. C. W {ifaltj- *P* nt Moadoy in Macon ‘ IC C. Swjnt spent week in Atlanta. Tuesday 01 Mr. H. Wootten has returned ic-s trip to New York. Kidd is out after ! APPROACHING MARRIAGE OF INTEREST HERE Morris-Little Unit No. S, met Tues day afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. T .Baisdcn, with Mrs. J. M. Salter, president, presiding. The meeting was an enthusiastic and important business was transacted. The Rehabilitation Committee, Mrs. P. N. Bivins, chairman, was instructed to prepare Easter boxes for the ex-service men in the local The announcement of the engage- sanitariums, ment of Miss. Irma Louise Prosdame . , u of New Orleans, I-n.. to Mr. W. Rsiph A ,ettcr ™ roali r ° m **™- E - Moran .on of Mr. and Mr,. W. W. * " ,nM - fhn.rman of the Federated Moran of thin city, will bo received f»»»"» the, co-opemt.on of the with cordial interest by the many friends of Mr. Moran and his family in this city. Miss Prosdame, the dnught* Mr. and Mrs. Harry P. Prosdame, of New Orleans, will become the bride Thc , Tt '"‘ h D,s ‘ nc - . ,pon! °" , of, Mr. Moran on tho 13th of thi, for thc ° f I.egionaire one month of the y» auxiliary in lighting Christmas tree! each year, by paying one dollar. The auxiliary being a member of thc* Federated Clubs, voted to grant Mrs. °* Hines request. The Tenth Di: INTERESTING PROGRAM AT THE METHODIST MEN’S BIBLE CLASS J. L. of month, at a quiet home wedding. Mr. Moran is connected with Gen eral Motors in Louisana and hiv~> es.al.lished himself prominently 'in allottcd tl ,„ t(:nth dirtricti the hu'-inCM life of New Orleans. He , ocal Auwilliary will pay the! is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Ilc);t montb W. Moran and his wide family nection proaching marriage of particular in- He graduated nt the Georgia The Men’s Bible Class at the Methodist church had a very mtcrsL ii.g program on last Sundny. Mis* Butts has kindly consented to play tho piano for the class each Sundny, and she made an additional contribu tion on last Sunday by arranging for Major Osterman of G. M. C. to assist with his violin. Tbose vho hewej not heard Major play the violin have missed a treat. In addition to the regular singers of the class a splen did quartet was rendered by mem bers of thc class with Mr. flardamen as leader. The entire musical pro gram w-os unusually good nnd we are looking forward to better days for the adults of the Methodist church. Our regular teacher. Dr. Wynn, was not present at this interesting meeting, but Col. Roach made n each member of the Auxilliary in selection in securing Brother R. B. the district paying twelve and half for teacher of the c,a8R f ° r cents per capita. April is the rnon h this ' very i Brother Moore gave piring talk on the function We Still Have a Few Cans Hand Packed No. 2 Tomatoes a« 19c per can ANOTHER BARGAIN Silver Bar Fancy Corn No. 2 cans at 15c per can, 7 for $1.9# 3 Rolls 2,000 Sheets Toilet Tissue 45c Regular 20c seller. Indian River Oranges, Sweet and Juicy—20c, 39c, and 35c per dozen, owing to size. Weekly shipments Kraft Cheese, all varities. Sandwich Spread, Mayonise, direct from Factory. Delicious for lunches, dinners and supper. Want something for dinner—See our Vegetable Window—If it is on the market we have it. and Mrs. ■ T n .S. C.. spent the week-end B-;:h home folks. I 1U ih.«JI %.» ... . . .. . • • ' * r.. „ . gunmng new units u I tcrcst. He graduated at the Georgia . .. .. , ... •• i rurrv is out after Uc- _ „ . , . . ,. , . The April meeting will be held L. curry « MU.tary College and later stud.ed at ^ Edwin A “ en „„ M „ „ a „ Alien, Jr the (irst Tul!ldliy the district. - confined to his by illness. Mr. Harry Bone. Jr., of Emory L'nirersily spent thc past week-end j,,, m e with his parenst. Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Randloph of Macon, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jen* N. Moore. Mr. J. X. Holloway has been con- r ,<l to his home the past several Emory University. Miss Prosdame is one of New Or- leans most beautiful younc women MRS. J. C. COOPER HOSTESS and IS prominently identified the Mr> c Coopt „ e ,itcrtsined most tocml life of the city. delightfully on last Thursday after- UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS MEET home . of the church. He elaborated at length on th cscope of whqt the church should mean to individual? and to society when viewed as an institution broader than any creed. Fellowship founded upon faith and tho brotherhood o' Jesus Christ makes church membership have BELL GROCERY CO. 263—PHONES—498 Mr. W. L. Ritchie was absent from bis place of business several days of the past week on acount of illness. • Mrs. K. G. Godbce, of Eatonton, is visiting her parent. 8 , Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ivey. ilrs. J. 0. Blackwood, of Hawk- insville, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ivey. Madison Montgomery has gone to 1 Aiken, S. C., spent the week-end i position with the Owlens Transfer Co. Mr. Alton Rogers, who is a stud ent at Georgia Tech spent thc past wetk-end with his mother, Mrs. J. <?. Etheridge. Mrs. William Lewis and little daughter, Fannie Way, of Atlanta, iriting Mrs. Lewis’ mother, Mrs. Ihivid Ferguson. Dr. David Ferguson, of the United States Naval Hospital in Boston, isiting his mother, Mrs. David Ferguson. Mrs. J. E. Kidd and son Cadet John Kidd, spent the past week-end iB Atlanta, with Dr. J. E. Kidd, who • in the Piedmont Hospital. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Allen went to Atlinta Monday to attend a reunion ^ Dr. Allen*.- graduating cla« '‘ A banquet was held at thc Dnry Grady Monday evening. '' I Ta Ivey iw spending several 1 ' ' f ’hi* "eek in Atlanta attend- -:i convention of the Hair Dressers 1 '** Ivey i s with the Miraline Beau- • Shop : n this city. , Mr an 'l Mrs. Asa R. Philllpa of hw,,,, n „ nonnM tbo birth Jy eir! - She has been named ‘■tab. h Carroll. Mrs. Phillips will Miss Sara Albert. four .ablcs of bridge at her the Hill. , , f [ 7.. , Spring flowers added much color Thc local chapter of the American * J* ... . . . „ , to the beautiful living room where Association of Lnivcrsitv Professors . , . , iL .. , „ * , .the games were played. A delicious met at the home of I^ofessor and , “ Mrs. O. A. Thax’on last week. An interesting program of which Miss Wirefred Crowell, chairman of hte program •committee had charge, had been prepared. A paper on ‘‘Chapel Thr American and British Points of ^ r;h Lc0(;ut , of tbo Mcth0 _. ' diet ' hur ' h - hnd “ most intore!tinK meeting Sunday evening. The pro gram was in charge of Miss Mary Farr who told of the aims and purposes of the league in an entertaining and Professor Thaxton spoke on “Gradu ate Work” and Miss Clara Morris on “Faults, Students Find with College Teaching". Dr. Amanda Johnson rave a report of the Nation, lAsso- in5tnictive „ ay . nation of Professors nicotine which , Mjas TcrcsIl p yle5i ot th e G. S. C. she attended in New York City dnr- w cbarotod hcr hearers with a nom ine the holidays. A social hour fol- ber of wbl5tlin) . selections, with lowed io which refreshments were Mr> „ M Parks at the piano. •eived by Mrs. Thaxton and Miss M , ffl M>nn ^ Conymi Oxford Johnson, joint hostesses fpr the even- Di>trict S( . crtUiry o{ tbc Les K uc, was in--. Mis-, Beulah Thaxton assisted ^ audiencCi and att er the serving:. j p TO(n . am> rongratulated the officers | and members for the splendid pro- ; gram, and the activity shown, j Those at the head of the League plan entertaining programs for every held a most inter- mee ri n «. t a nd receive the co-opera- - Friday afternoon Qf tt e Leayue's The P. T. A esting meeting the grade building at G. M. C. Thc meeting was called to order byj the President, BIrs.- R. B. Moore. | ‘America the Beautiful" was sung NOTICE c in my possesion ten head , B !cf cattle, that I took up. Owner can after which the annates of the *>"-! idontf f y a „ d E et them by paying ex- uary and February meetings were ^ kep and for thi , adv ertise- read by the secretary, Mrs. Clnrance _ . ... ,, , . ment. wall. The treasurers report was E PUGH. given by Mi*s Manic Jones and the | gride treasurer by Miss Mary Simp-| FQ p RENT Three room down -on- Matters of importance were dis- ttair> ap , rtmanl , p .„| y f U mi.hed cussed after which a splendid pro- , f dc . lirod Pri . a ,. h.lh sod gar- trrani was given bv Miss Julia Moore’s s C W. Po»e**ion nnd Margaret Yarbrough’s classes, i , ee M r ,. c. C. Shou»e. assisted by Misj Gertrude Treanors p hone 40 6 harmonica class. The program was — well rendered and enojyed by the OCOr* .JOBOi ■ ■■~O c large number of parents present. Miss Julia Moore’s grade won thc dollar for having the largest number | of mother’s present. Attendance significance than merely belonging to a fraternity. We regret that every adult Metho dist in Milledgeville -hr.s not joined this splendid group of leaders in Sun dny School work. What would our community mean to us without these few faithful men who carry on in- spite of bad weather? Watch our class grow with Miss Butts as Pinni«t Col. Roach President and a few of the most faithful men in the com munity to assist these noble fellow- Every Sunday will be better and th<* more one misses the greater will be | j his lost,’ Come early next Sunday, 1 boys, and we will start something that will be a happy surprise to those who are still doubting our musical ability. Wc want to make Dr. Wynn so sorry that he was absent on last Sunday that he will bring several new members with him to make up for his loss. It would not surprise us very much for our pastor to slip in on us one of these days when we get going nt our best. Many of us do not know how anxi ous tome people in Milledgvcille are to co-operate in various activities when properly approached by those who have tact in doing such service. We should utilize the material that is available in our community. Each member of our class should make his conrtibution in building up our work to even greater efifcicncy. No one can do your part as well as you, so let us count on you for your bit. Faithfully, THOS. B. MEADOWS. FOR RENT—The two store rooi which I now occupy in tho Sonfo Building—Pcpeooion given '«"» diottely. J. T. Checking. Feeders. If you went hey, beit cell or see us quick for its yoing fe Bermuda, Pea V.ne, and Oat. CHANDLER BROS. THAT DA!HT.HESS ** ^ mbreed i Mr*. S. R«ach had hcr ' P n *t week her mother, ... Thompson, of Ilawkins- 'j -i-ters Mrs. C. H. Peacock Warn.!?’" nnd Mr *’ S * M * Way ’ ° f " n " friends here of Mrs. T. ‘ --egret to learn of her ’'"ration illness. She has Tr.no nnd Stanford Uni- IUUIV ,, miu u , V vu. P «. ’■ piftal of San Francisco, 1 derire, burning lips, pound TV.ulir rill be Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Conn are anning to leave Saturday for a visit of ten days to various points in Fla. COLONIAL THEATRE MONDAY & TUESDAY March 11th, 12th. “SYNTHETIC SIN.” A sure cure for what ails you. Take a bunch of Colleen Moore; add a barrcll of Colleen Moore comedy; a dash of Colleen Moore tears; a rqueeze • of Antonio Moreno and you’ve got “SYNTHETIC SIN,’’ thc snappiest, happiest, merriest picture ever made by the screens most popu lar star. It will bum a hole in your heart. WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY March 13th, 14‘h. “LOVES OF CAR MEN" DOLORES DEL RIO, the per fect woman—in a fiery love story that will miuo nil others you have look palid by compnri on. Wild T9 be remembered* here racing hearts—YOU MUST SEE s,e 'Kh. THIS PICTURE. FRIDAY March 15th. “MARQUIS PREFERRED.” Oh! he’s a gay one - this droll nobleman. ADOLPII MENJOU.in a delightfully qnjoy- nble sophisticated farce comedy. SATURDAY March 16th. “OR PHANS OF THE SAGE." Tom Ty-| l^r in a western s‘ory that you will, like. j «v*ry day I " T '.nard has returned '. *' ' v}l ? r e ■•-he spent six ! hcr J “uchter, Mrs. Dick- ■"»’f-ril. and her .on P. A. ■r-r,! .’'v. Hcr many 1 >C dad to learn she ia , ,n •‘Mltk. Mr. and Mm. inr . ” f Atlanta are fliend- Vlore „T d *, > ' witl ’ M"- Leonard kav. i,,.,:* '™ 10 Atlanta. They * ‘ n wi “> so necessary to the charm of awell-appointed table, is further emphasized by the delicacy of Electiik Maid pastries. Are you planning a little festivity at wheih you wish to serve something just a wee bit different? Why not let us suggest something especially baited for the occasion? Prices are moderate. Electrik Maid "hi e Shop No. S87 Owned and operated by Milledgeville citizens. Home of Everything Good That's Baked. “Taste the Difference’’ rrorers =v: NOVELTY SWEATEES ON DIS- 1 PLAY AT SAY'S DEFT STOW. For Sale A limited amount of Cockers Improved Cleveland Big Boll Cotton Seed. First year from Grader, as pure as possible to same without private Gin. $1.25 per Bushel. GEO. V. HOLLDCHEAD CHIROPRAC I’iC Pain is a signal that you should heed. It may lead to some trouble you do not need. . If it keeps up and you go right ahead You may soon be sick and lying abed. Of such ills, there's no need to complain. Have the cause removed and you lose all the pain. (Continued next week) Copr. Phone Office 14; Residence 70-L Office Honr« 9 to 12; 2 to 5 DR. H. E. STANFORD SANFORD BUILDING DON’T TAKE THE CHANCE Relinc your brakes with Raybestos—it insures instant action when you need to stop. Have your brakes inspected regularly—We guarantee our work. RALPH SIMMERS0N Living Up To ,_A ••• Good Reputation The EXCHANGE BANK has served a long list of sati«fied customers for more than twenty-five years. The growth was built upon a reputation of promptness, accuracy, courtesy and efficiency in service which we are constantly striving to improve. WE ARE CONSTANTLY ADDING NEW CUSTOM ERS—SO WHEN IT IS A MATTER OF BANKING CONFER WITH US. Exchange Bank 4 Per Cent and Safety CALL 300 . AND WATCH FOR OUR WRECKER ft No matter the weather—Day or Night, our wrecker is ready to go. We can get you out when other, fail. Ralph: