Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 04, 1929, Image 4

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDC.EVILLE. CA.. APRIL 4. 1»2» The Sale of a Life Time Beautiful Spring Merchandise Sacrificed Values That Are Worth Walking Miles For LEE’S Sea Island BLOOMERS ■ STEPINS Good quality, sells for 15c yd. Beautiful quality Rayon values to Saturday only 10 yds. $1.50. Special $1.00 98c (Only 10 yds to Customer) . Introductory Sale opdbncncas Smartest Washable Dressy ' ViNDELBNE AilDAVE ' 0 FROCKS'" We have .carchcd the market. for a really outstanding line of Washable Froeka, and are proud to offer you - tomorrow— thia wonderful K-lection of dre^ They are marvclcu, valuer, styled as smartly aa an expemive gown -fashioned of exquisite Pnnta. Du-nea, Batutcs. and Broadcloths,-in a gorgeous Vanety of the mast beautiful new shades and color combinaaoos. Materials Every Dress Guaranteed perfect in woikma.nh*p jnJ Abaclutciy Put m Cobr. If K faa— we will replace it »tb t New Dn» designed tor women who demand better dresses Smarmoa rfwyle, beauty of pattern, hannoiuow mint comhinitioo. crock oxizw, Cutm ci color, and quality of fabric—every factor required to -,l. , "Perfect Dress," has been included in this wonderful hue, and we aw ourselves very fortunate to be able to offer them at this Introductory Rale, at so moderate a price. a Styling by Specialist m ‘Dress Creations Come in early. Make year wleclion. wide the Sk is casnpleW. Dfcht fad to we these beautiful Alkbye Frocks. There ate Wyfca to please all—the modern girl, the conservative matron, the buainew wcanan, as well at ""kit for outing and sport wear. -v All CT^TCC- M** 69 * Size*—14 to 20 4 . ' ALL M&itdd Women's Sce»—36 to 46 Moonsheen HOSIERY All Silk Chiffou Pointed Heel. Regular $1.95 value. Special $L48 Printed Wash Silks $1.00 qualities all new patterns. Specially priced at 89c Flat Crepes in al Ithe light and darker shades. Extra heavy. Guaranteed wash able. Special price $1.48 Printed Garbadine Guaranteed fast. Specially priced 45c PAGIF.G DILI PBIilS Fast colors—Variety of patterns. Special 45c 27X27 BIRDSEYE Diaper—1 dozen to package $1.39 Patent-Tans White Kids Men’s , Men’s Figured Spike and Military Heels. Values in Spike and Military Heels. Sea sons newest oatterns. Special Work Shirts PIN CH! GK PANTS Celenese Voiles to $6.00. Special price Heavy Blue Lhambrav. Specially priced for this sale $1.48 value. Special for this sale All the new patterns. Specially priced $298 $4.95 49c $1.00 98c Lee’s Departm’nt Store