Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 04, 1929, Image 7

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDCEVIIXE. GA., APRIL «, IRM Spencer Rockwell, of Atlanta, Mrs. W. H. Arnall is visiting her Sunday with his mother in this mother in Griffin. • * * I Master Reynolds Allen is visiting Jsrk Day °t Atlanta, spent his grandpaienta in Norcross, Ga. [ fek-tnd with his parents, Mr. • • • Irs. John T. Day. i Miss Catherinne Butts spent Mon-' • • * ; day with friends in Macon. Willie Tunnel! of Atlanta.' • • • Sunday with his father, Mr. j Mr. and Mrs. W* A. Walker, Mrs. t Tunnell. I N. L. Coats and Mrs. W. A. Massey • * * j spent Wednesday in Macon. . Julia Martin of Salem was- • • • eek-end guest of Miss Lois l>r. and Mrs. J. C. Stuthum j little daughter spent the past v • • • j end in Atlanta, joe Omerson of Millen, with j • • • •wen spent several k visiting his father Miss Mae Asbury has returned to Atlanta after a visit of several weeks to friends here. Mrs. Heindel Mobley and Mrs. R. « McElrath spent Wednesday in Macon. The A. A. 17. W. will meet Mon day aftrrnon at the home of Mrs. Tuttle. Miss Ellie May Phelps, of Greens- to, spent the past week with Mrs. E. Phelps. Mr. Harvey J Veal of Albany, Ga., spent Sunday and Monday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Veal. The Robert E. Lee Chapter of U. | D. C. will meet with Mrs. Jense Bone Tuesday afternoon, April 9th, at 4:30 Mr/. Russell Bone whs hostess on last Friday afternoon at her home on the hill to the members of her bridge club and complimenting her sister, Mr'-. L. L. Griner of Fitzgerald. The home was beautifully decorat ed in spring flowers and with their many brilliant colors made a most impressive and beautiful scene. At the conclusion of the gnmes a delicious salad course was served. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Methodist church met Monday afternoon with Mrs. M. M. Parks, the president presiding. The secretary, Mrs. W. A. Marr-ey, read the minutes of the previous ting. I fiiends spent Tuesday in Mil-! Julia P. Wes* has retu S’. Augustine. Fix, where • \ oral months. id Mr: i d Mrs. Otis Smith, of Ten ant Sunday with Mr. and D. Wilson. G. M. Bnntley, Tcnnillc, were the guests of Mrs. • • • | C. Alford Sunday. v W. Minor, of Douglas, was • • • i. city la-t Friday, visiting rela- Mi I mile, • • * ( Mrs. Mi- J. O. Sallee uttended the! • • • rul of Mr. Stephens in Atlanta | Thp many friends of Mrs Wednesday. j Walker will be delighted ti • • • I that she is improving after Mi . L. L. Griner of Fitzgerald, tack of influenza. • t several days of the past week * • • her sister, Mrs. Rusell Bone. | Mrs. Thos McComb and little son • * • I l’«**e r-’turned from a visit to rela- •I . l/'uis Cline and Miss Emily! lives in Albany, and points in Alu- ..!.erts. of Atlanta spent Sunday j 'nama. ith Misses Mary and Kate Cline. J • • • j Mrs. Ollie Giles and Master . . Dorough, Crenshaw, and) Harvey Giles pent the Easter holi day in Macon Perry ('. Blooi Mohl.y . Mobley An interesting report of the Cart- •villo meeting of the N. Ga. Con- *ence Missionary convention was on by Mrs. R. B. Moore. Mr . Mattie Bivins offered n rcso- ion of thank- and appreciation to j Mrs I.. J. Roznr for the splendid i study doss conducted by her during J. W. Mobley. Jr., February. The book "What next in dding of Miss Helen | Home Missions?" was studied, and Monday morning, about thirty-five ladies studied thi- ing i book. Mrs. R<>z:ir is enthusiastic and Au- | efficient in this work and the Society were unanimous in their praise and thanks to her for the time she gave :!ock. Miss Ethel Montgomery of Green ille. N. C., is spending several days ith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D '• Montgomery. Dr. turned lion A BIRTHDAY PARTY Bl?rk, Ann and Sara Pennington, . Alma and Jennette Giles, Dorthory Enjoyed |, y „u , Uttle party Hmdanon, Row Mary Putt.non, ittron in hono, „f Thomas Marion Martha Duma.., Mattie Bell Butt.] narrow's 6th hirthdsy, Bam™ were Helen Watkin., Gertrude Horne, played, refreshments served by Tiney Horne. Mi.'scs Dorotha Scott and Frances Harrow. After which all took part 'Kg hunt. present were: Carolyn Mos- chock ymr Thai tello, Walter Brown, Vernon Nash,! . Jr., Rn;!,r Turner, Miller. John and Bubbcr Horn. Carroll Twllly, Bnookie hrederick, Robert Goftjrin,, Cason well grmmtm4 -it right. RALPH SIMMERSOW Buick Dodcr • Mr. J. F. Bell w.as carried to his i to the class no '' home today from the City Hospital. 1 Mrs. W. n a ".where he has been the past week, o | His friends are glad to learn that he j g is convalescing from his illness and ! f, hope he will rapidly regain his I strength. Massey and Mrs. Dix- Williams took part in the pro- « giving talks on women ir. ign countries. ek-end ; Mr. J. ~f. Ox lord, formerly of thi.- county and u brother-in-law of Mr. W. H. Minnor, was buried at Ocilla f MrR ■ Tuesday. Mr. W. H. Minor. Mr/. |Alice Barnes, Mrs. W. R. Dunham ' “ ’* T. O. Whitton attended the schools, < Mr. and Mrs. John L. Mot children of Atlanta, visited ueek-end. I Moore's parents, Mr. and Mr; • • • I Montgomery Saturday. Mr. ('arlton Hardie and Jay Me- 1 • • * sell of Gordon, spent Saturday I Mr. and Mrs. A. I. But cat m Milicdgcvillc. I Susie Butts and Wi • • • I Sunday with relative Mrs. W. B. McKinnon and little county, lnghter arc spending several days! .• • ' Brunswick visiting Mrs. Me- * Mrs. Olin Jackson and little daugh- innons* parents. ter have returned to their home • • * I Macon, after a visit to friends and Dr. and Mrs. T. E. Vickers of! relatives in this city. Mjightsvillc, sped*. Sunday with Mr. Darden Asbury and Miss Ma* Asbury came down from Atlanta Tuesday to attend the funeral and burial sendees of Dr. J. E. Kidd. Misses Lucy and Wethersby Hatch er who art* attending Trinity College and Georgetown Convent in Wash ington spent the Easter holidays with their grandmother, Mrs. Thomas H. Wilkinson " r 'K* lt in Portsmouth, Va. Many attractive social events were given in their honor while in Portsmouth. M:-. Vicker’s sister, Mrs. Arthur La- Mi»s Kate Thrash has returned fa.m a visit to relatives in Atlanta. H< r little niece, Betty Booker, came hom* with her for a visit. Mr. Winfred Wynn of Emory 1 aiversity spent the past week-end !1 " me with his parents. Dr. and W. T. Wynn. Mr-, Marcia Blizzard has rcturn- ' her home at Los Angles, Cal., • j -r a visit to her sister, Mrs. Jos Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bivins, Miss Hazel Bivins, Miss May Moore and Cadet Milton Jones spent Sunday in Atlanta visiting Mr. Ellsworth Bivins who is a student at Emory. Miss Leona Frederickson, Miss Stoddard, Dr. W. G. Dobbins and Dr. J. W. Mobley formed a party go ing to Mngnolia Gardens the early part of this week. School Superintendent P. N. Biv- Sam J. Whatley was called ; ns ,pc n t Tuesday in Warrenton and ‘Vton Saturday on account of Crawfordville in the interest of the a i r.f her uncle. Mr. WilWurl Georgia Educational Association. J Superintendent Bivins is vice-pwd- • dent for the association in the tenth •nd Mrs. H. I). Allen were - district. Miss Bessie Butler at • • • in Madison Sunday. They! ' n K a group of distinguished' ' the Butler home for Easter, j nd Bom McElrath. Mr. Joe McElrath | oni ■x Miss Mae Asbury of At-} Mrs. <1 Mrs. It. J. McElrath of this! r moT a party spending the. Magnolia Gardens. ! «, * , ■a. L. L. Griner, of Fitzgerald, Saturday and Sunday in the visiting her sister, Mrs. Russell . She \vent front here to spend time at Grey with her sister, Thos Morton. ■r Ear! Bloodworth and Harvey Giles enjoyed an ■ egg hunt Saturday at the home of R * Dunham. Mr. W. H. Mrs. Bloodworth in Log Cabin Hts. Mrs. Alice Barnes and Miss Macon. About fifteen children were Barne» attended the funeral, . ireM? nt at the hunt. •' of Mrs. F. L. Minor in Ma-, • • • 1 • 1 Dr. Elam F. Dempsey, Presiding j Eller of the Oxford District, was in D- Allen, Mrs. Schly,i t he city Tuesday, coming to attend I -• v 4,r, d Mia* Ida the funeral and burial of Dr. J. E. “Pent Friday in Macon Kidd. He was the guest of Mr. and of Dr. | .M rs . Miller S. Bell. Azclia * ! Mr. R. M. Rogers, Mr. DeWitt i garet Cook spent Sunday j Rogers and Mr. Sidney Lee Stcm- with her > on, Mr. Tom bridge motored to South Carolina attended the christening Sunday and spent the day with the -on of Mr. and Mrs*, relatives of the Rogers. They en- as the Mulberry street joyed their trip, church Sunday morning. * * * ' Mrs. H. D. Alien. Mrs. Julia West, S. Kelly and children have Mrs. M. M. Flemister and Mias their home near Atlanta Florida Allen were a party leaving ^t to Mrs. Kelley’s father, Milledgevillc Tuesday for a trip to ' ■ YnrbrouBh. Mr. Kelly B&gnolim Gardens. They went by ■n and carried them home in Savannah to see Wormsloc and from there to Charleston. ■ Brown returned Mon- Dr. Hunter, of the G. S. C. W. •r.!,,... honic in Richland, after faculty has been invited to present T Cral week * with her a paper before the American AAocia- Mrj * C. B. McCullar. Mrs. tion of News Bureaus in Nashville, * anp^i and litu e daughter ae- Tenn., this month. Dr. Hunter has I ■ '«! da-s. h ° r hom * and spent sev- been an offker in the Association BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Montgomery rpent Sunday in Macon, where they attended a birthday dinner. and family reunion nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McAfee. With two ex ceptions all of the children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Mont gomery were present, and a pleasant day was spent. An elaborate dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. McAfee. The occasion was the celebration for Mr. McAfee and Mrs. Montgomery ooth of whom had birthdays within a few days of each other. I Help Yourself to Health WITH BATTLE CREEK FOODS Fig Bran Package 15« Fig Bran Flakes Package 25c Whole Wheat Flour Package ...5tc Psylla, a natural lubricant $1.0# (Most efficient in combating constipation.) A FEW SPECIALS Brillo. Small 3 for25c Brillo. Large .25c pkg. Stokely’s Hand Packed Tomatoes No. 2’s 10c (Only a few left) Bell’s Special Coffee 30c lb. (This coffee has stood the test of years) 24 lbs. Good White Self-Rising Flour $1.00 Good White Meat 14c lb. 3 Rolls Best Tissue Toilet 6,000 Sheets 40c Fresh Vegetables and Fruits FRESH EVERY DAY. See our window. Florida Valencia Oranges the latter part of the week. Phone your orders early. We have a delivery to each side of town at 9 o'clock each day. BELL GROCERY CO. 263—PHONES—498 MRS. GEORGE ECHOLS HOSTESS Mrs. George Echols was hosteaa at two tables of bridge on Wednesday afternoon of last week in honor of Miss Ruth Bruner, of Savannah, the guest of Mrs. G. E. McWhorter. Spring flowers in a gorgeous array of colors were artistically used in decorating the living room, where the tables v ere arranged for the games. Delicious refreshments were served at the onclusion of the games. MRS. BOWEN ENTERTAINS CLUB Mrs. U. S. Bower, was hostess on last Friday afternon to the mem bers of her bridge club and n few out side guests at her home at the Sani tarium. Wild spring flowers of honey suckle, violets and lilacs added to the attractiveness of the home. At the conclusion of the games delicious refreshments were served. WHO IS YOUR BARBER? For the Best Service Go to GILMAN’S B-A-R-B-E-R SHOP GROVER GILMAN Proprietor Prices Reasonable ALL WORK GUARANTEED Courteous Service Ladies Hair Cutting a Sj^cialty Fine Weather To PAINT WE SELL COOLEDGE HYGRADE Made in the South for our Southern Climate Cooledge HYGRADE PAINT is backed by our absolute guarantee and has many satisfied users in Milledgeville. Let us figure on paint for your house—our figures will save you money. R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wkoloale ud Retail EXCHANGE BANK MILLEDGEVILLE. GA. AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS MARCH 27TH, 1929 AS CALLED FOR BY THE SUPERINTENDENT OF BANKS OTTO M. CONN. •-tmrUU'ut H. G. BANKS, Caihier Date of Bank's Charter 1903, 1909, 1919, 1924. Date Began Business June 1903 LIABILITIES Capital Stock $100,000.00 Surplus Fund 75.000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 0,513.11 Other Real Estate owned 18,088.55 Cssh in Vault and amounts due from ap proved Reserve Agents . 70,917.10 Checks for Clearing and Due from other Banks 2,798.57 Cash Items 43.49 Overdrafts (if any) 2,162.12 Other Resource- 110,819.59 Memorial Coin- ~ 75.50 Baldwin County War rants as cash 3,016.89 Items in Transit - 1,912.91 TOTAL $828,583.47 Undivided Profits Reserve Funds Di.idcnds Unpaid Cashier-: Checks Demand Deposits ...... Bills Payable ... Notes anti Rills Redis counted —... i.r,8!*.t:: 440,354.35 145,000.00 TOTAL $828,583.4' GEORGIA Baldwin County. Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths in =aid county Otto M. Conn, who, on oath, says that he is the President of the Exchange bank, and that the above and foregoing report of the condition of said bank is true and correct. OTTO M. CONN. President Sworn to und subscribed before me, this 2nd, day of April, 1929. H. H. HENDON. N. r. B. Co. Ga. We, the undersigned directors of said bank, do certify that we have carefully read --aid report, and that the same is true and correct, according to the best of our information, knowledge and belief, and the above signa ture of the President of said bank is the true and genuine signature of that officer. » This 2nd, day of April, 19*9. . Specials At R. G. SMITH S Across the River HEART’S DELIGHT nn 24 LE. S. R. FLOUR—A REAL WHITE FLOUR7/1 If* WHILE 90 SACKS LAST AT v IS A BARGAIN WORTH DRIVING MILES FOR Happ Grade Overalls—Heavy Denim made for service. Peters Shoes—for every member of the family. PLOW TOOLS AND HORSE FEEDS R. G. SMITH IN OUR MARKET WHERE QUALITY IS A CERTAINTY Fresh Fish Virginia Red-Fin Croakers Lb 10c Banquet Bacon^f.'t 1 29c Salt Meatf EST CRADE Hamate