Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 04, 1929, Image 9

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fQ Lu HEALTH AND HAPPINESS dr i«niirr Macfaddca) Not Guilty A nwn was chanted with kiwing -,rl ..earnst her will, and durinc ‘ ,,ceding* the jrirl went into |a . v -You say.” said counsel . {y, defense, "that my client took surpritt, and that you »* ve n( ,. n c.,un»gemcnt?” "I do," . I the iriwj. "Doesn’t it strike .rramie that he should have . '..pj to kiss you as you were '- n gV' added counseij “Look „ V 11 it** .and then consider your , V.-ht. Why. you are newly a' r aier than he is.” "Well, what retorted the Kiri. "I can a ,s only a shoemaker’s daugh- ,he uas good to the last. you think he’s fresh? xactly: merely inquisitive. HU l and is cold His eye is dim; Friend wifey Waited up for him. • i thought, James, you were . ir.g out for a second.” nd: “Yes, dear. And I’ve excursions to charleston, s. c. I Magnolia Gardena) ViARCH 29-30 APRIL 5- 6 $8.00 Round-trip $8.00 from Milledgerilie, Ga. : ■, world famed Magnolia and . t.-n Gardens will he at their .nd in full bloom this year dur- 1 t week of March and the • i day- of April. The unique r.-aatv of tiiese famous gardens is • thravJing hundreds of miles .. ,nd you now have the oppor- ‘ making the trip, ‘.here and turr. approximately two-thirds • * , regular one-way fare. 5*at«-r of i-ale: March 29-30 and April 5-6 only. Final Limit: All tickets limited to ft “ days in addition to date of sale. F«r reservations and any informa tion desired, apply to your local t cfcet agent or write to th- under- * J. P. Billups, G. P. A. GEGORGIA RAILROAD Atlanta, Ga. EARLY MARRIAGES Among my young friends there is one who has put up to me a question that I think U of general interest to young people. He is a young atfr»u; twenty, normal i. e.erj .. sped, .and anxious to get married, but his parents feel that he is too young. “Wait a while," they have urged him, "until you have had a chance *.o play a bit and are making more money. Then you can seriously con sider marriage.” And so he has asked me for my views on early marriage. 1 believe definitely and emphati cally in early marriage. As soon ns a yotr.h has attained man’s estate it is time for him to marry. Aside from the pleasure of sharing your joys and sorrows with the one you love, early marriage has enabled many a young man to avoid tempta tions that he might otherwise find impossible to overcome. Furthermore, early marriage establishes u high ideal at a period of life when habits are being formed. Every normal hoy, when he attains manhood, has a distinct and empha tic desire for a home, a wife and hildren, along with the duties and responsibilities of a home. He craves the companionship of one up- *n whom he can shower his affection, ic wants to be loved in return, and it is only right that these yearnings should be satisfied early in life. UNION RECORDER. M1LLEDGEVIUX, GA , APRIL 4. 1989 It is true that we cannot over look tne financial burden of a home and children as an Important factor of the problem. As a rule, the earn ing capacities of a man in his twen- tits are limited, but the responsi-1 bilities that come with marriage of ten act as a stimulus to a man who j might otherwise be inclined to tske things easy and watch for a "lucky break.” The necessary and the de- j sire to protect and provide for those | who arc dear to him, is character j building, and often such a young man i arrives at a comparatively early sue- j cess in life bccuuse fo his economic burdens and not in Bpite of them. Until some entirely different social; and economic system is evolved, men must continue to bear the brunt of paying the bills. That is the game of life as we know it, and he w.io would play must abide by the rules. The longer marriage is delayed, the less chance it has of ever being consummated. We already have an j alarming ..vrc^ntftge of unmarried men and women who are of a marri ageable* age—which means one ! wo things. They are either tak ing love where and when they find it, with all the dangers that implies; r else they are living the life of libates, which is bcr:h unhi.-althful and unnatural. Therefore, I say that marriage af- r the twentieth year should not be discouraged if a high standard of health, happiness and morality are to b e attained. FOR SALE—Cha*p . Coup- Font 1927 Model in fine shape. Apply to this office. better J V a —because it tastes better, slices bet ter, keeps better and gives letter health. That’s why M ■’ better. $5.00 ROUND TRIP FROM MACON TO JACKSONVILLE EVERY SATURDAY (March 30th to Oct. 5th, 1929) Saturday Excurrion Tickels sold for following fast high-da? i trains; Ar. Jacksonville 8.05 PM 6:55 AM 7:20 AM 7:45 AM Lv. Macon 12:30PM 10:35 PM 11 :45 PM 12: 15 Night Tickets good returning on any train over Southern Railway System leaving Jacksonville Sunday night and arriving Ma con early Monday morning following date of sale, and will be honored in sleeping and parlor cars upon payment for space occupied. G. R. PETTIT, Div. Pass. Agt. Macon, Georgia SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM DIAMOND Birthstone of April iJlj and true to its flawless j,g| clarity, it stands as a sym- bol of Innocence. 1 :B'! contemplate the purchase jhll of a Diamond Ring, that j 3 j wc have them of carefully jpjjj selected quality and'so widely varying in their prices, that you will surely find one to completely please you. SPECIAL EXCURSION FARES To CHARLESTON, S. C. Account MAGNOLIA CARDENS, SEASON 1929 Low rate excursion tickets on. sale March 20.23, 26-28, April 2-4, 10-12, 17-20, 1920, final limit of ticket For total fares, schedules •thcr travel information. Ask Tick- CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILWAY The Right Way THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Moat com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM BOSTON C*FF —Where Everybody Eats— Trv Our Home Cooking Dainty Fresh Oysters XXXXXXXXl Fresh Fish Some fresh fish would taste mighty good for dinner, so why not let us send you what you will need? They are all clean ed, ready for the pan. DELICIOUS MEATS It isn’t enough that our meals look good—they must be fresh and taste good as well. We’re more particular than you can be, that everything you buy here is of the best. CITY MEAT MARKET W. T. STEELE, Prop. Phoae 38 For Ten Days Only The Greatest Tire Sale in Years at Ralph Simmerson’s it All Kelley Springfield tires, all sizes are offered at give away prices, will pay any auto owner to throw away his old tires and buy during this sale. LOOK AT THESE PRICES-YOU CANT BEAT THEM ON QUALITY TIRES Buckeyes $4.25 4 55 Kelley Heavy Duties 6-Ply 110.10 Kelley Regulars 30x3% Corf $ 6.05 30*3 Fabric 29x4.40 10.35 30x3% Orerne ...... ... 6.50 30x3 l / 2 Cord - 4.85 29*4.50 10.70 29x4.40 BaOooo ... 7.40 5JS 31*5.25 14.70 31x5 25 BaBoon — 7.95 5 95 33x6 00 17.55 33x6.00 BaOooo . ... 14.35 29.4.40 BaBoooa — A size for every car—many not listed, but every tire in the house at corres ponding low prices. You have never had such an opportunity to buy tires of this grade at prices as low as these. RALPH SIMMERSON Baick Dealer