Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 25, 1929, Image 1

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II MO* tltDtt VOLUME XCK taSK-uSSrlSubu^ „ 114' MiBcdicTille, Ca., April 25, 1929 CauoUdaUd la 1171 X-CADETS TO SWARM INTO CITY ^ 0 f Acceptance Aniving goK and Hundred* * of Former Students are Coming Home miNI MEET1N1G THURSDAY 1<a jeu from *H P»rt» «t the . written their acceptance •he ••Hijme-r*'ntinir” of G. M. C. nrd and 4th. and the largest -hat has ever visited Milledge- ut expected to swarm into the ^ for the re-union of the Military Hardlv bud the news of the “Home- reached the outside world fetter* frc»m the former stud- \ ..j, n i.. arrive, all of them . r J preat enthusiasm and plcas- ,.r the proposed plans. Indi- w point to the largest and most iButtt rarotir.fr ever held in Itafenille and evehy citi»n in ct;v i- asked to co-operate with G. M. C. alumni who are sponsor in' re-union, in entertainment ! -option of the former students. 4 meeting of the Alumni has beer, uunred by President R- H. Woct- f or five o'clock Thursday after- m. The early hour has been Dfd jo avoid conflicts with the re- il services at eight o'clock. Every ntr student is urged to be at the I Capitol building in the chapel at e so that other plans may be out- td and complete details worked ; for the celebration. Mr. Woot- ;5 making a strong appeal for imp: and active assistance due to jbort time left before the "Home- bust" celebration. Many distinguished men are listed jJ» roll of former students, who t planning to come back to the d campus again in June. Hon. J. B. Duke, Solicitor Gi neral 'it Ocmulgee Circut, Dr. Ed F. a*, ymninw.t Methodist Minister, me* A. Hall. Vice-President, Trav- i Insurance Co.. Hartford Conn., ®. John A. Siblev, Atlanta Attor- p. Dr. Proton Brooks, noted Edu- >t. Dr. C. T. Caraker, noted Physi- ». B. F. Vinson, Vice-President A. 4 ?. Tea Co.. Chas. F. Barrett, piialist of Miami, J. D. Howard, Afliortiey, James A. Fort, pcalist Bartow, Fla., B. J. Fo'.v- • Attorney, Macon, J. O. Wall, Niter, Eatonton, Dr. W. F. Tan- - Health Service U. S A., Dr. iry Carr Rockefellow Foundation, Cay] Minor Baptist Minister, 5- Carl Vinson, U. S. Congress, *• Wilbur Vinson, U. S. A., CoL Kr - Humber, U. S. A., Col. Isaac **"• C. S. A., Col. Julian Lindsey A., Col. Robert Whitfield, U. A. Cf Albert Jones, U. S. A., Millard Little, U. S. A., Capt. • McKinley, U. S. A., Lieut. 1BW Hinford. U. S. A.. Capt. Whitehead, U. S. A., Alfred Atlanta Business Man, Bulo | "Pbel!. Atlanta Business Man. i Crawford, Steel Magnate, j "inrh-un. Dr. Chas Hcrty, Chem- j Note, 1 hr. R. II. Hatch* • ' 't X. V. In ane Asylum, Lee tehmley. St. Louis Business j D’. is. u, dine, Atlanta Speciu- i ■ < has Supple, Texas Lawyer, i v Whilden. Lousinna Livestock ”- r and Exporter, Elbert Biv- L ui>i::nu Business Executive, D.v.;«i Ferguson, U. S. Navy, arc ■cebded in the list of distinguish- rft *' members of the •ile the list would include CADETS TO PLAY LANIER FRIDAY Macon Team and Cadets Meet in Holiday Diamond Classic on Memorial Day. Game at Four With the biggest baseball classic of the season scheduled for next Friday, when the G. M. C. cadets meit I.anier in n Memorial Day holi day gume. Coach Slap Rents was priming his cadets for the battle with the ancient rivals of diamond. Gridiron and court. After losing two games last week to the Locust Grove team, the vet eran coach was busy polishing the ragged spots on his infield play and long sessions of batting pratice hnye occupied their time during the week. Lanier comes to Davenport Me morial Field with the best team of several years, and fresh from a vic tory over the same Locust Grove team that played havoc with the Rintzmen. They loom as the strong est contenders for the G. I. A. A. baseball crown, possessing plenty of hitting power as well as a first rate pitching staff and great defensive The cadets are resting camly in their lair for the mighty Macon Giant and regardless of odds and dope, a mighty battle is promised with the two teams. Coach Rents has made no announcement of but tery, but it is safe to say that Lily the Ace of his enmp will be on the hill Friday when “Play Ball*' is nounced. The largest crowd of the season is expected at the game Friday. The hostilities will begin immediately af ter the Memorial Day exercises that will be held at 2:30 and extra seating arrangements are being made to ^omodate the crowds. A throng of Macon people afre expected to accompany the team ovef and the added number that will flock into Milledgeville from hill and dale is expected to overflow the nark. A holiday has been declared In the city which insures the expected rapacity audience. The G. M. C. line-up will be the same that has started the earlier games in the season and it is under stood that Lanier will use its regu lar line-up. G. M. C. has lost only two games this Reason while Lanier has gone undefeated by a prep team. Tribute Will Be Paid Heroes of the Confederacy Memorial Day, tomorrow Friday. April 26th, will be observed with ap propriate exercises, os the people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county gather to pay tribute to the memory of heroes of the Confederacy. The R. E. Lee chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy have arranged a most interesting pro gram. Luncheon will Be served the mem bers of Camp George Doles U. C. V., and Camp Dan Sanford, Sons of Confederate Veterans, afte»r these organizations have held their meet ings in the morning. At two o'clock the stores will be closed, and at 2:30 the line will be formed in front of the court house for the march to the cemetery, with Lieut L. V. Nash .as Marshal of the Day. • * The procession will be made up as follows: G. M. C. Band, Cadet Batta lion G. M. C.; Baldwin Blues, Veter ans Sons of Confederate Veterans, .-(leakers and chaplin, officers and members of R. E. Lee Chapter, chil- I dren of Confederacy, Mayor and Aldermen of city, citizens. The line of march will be up West Hancock to Libert/, and thence to the stnad in the cemetery. The address will be delivered by Mr. Darden Asbury, of Atlanta. Mr. Anbury has made a close study of the history of the war between the States, .and will deliver an interesting and entertaining address. Mr. Otto M. Conn will be master of ceremonies, and announce the follow ing program: Music—G. M. C. Band. Invocation—Rev. J. F. Yarbrough. Music—G. M. C. Band. Song—G. S. C. W. Glee Club un der the direction of Miss Alice Le- nore Tucker. Introduction of orator, Col. Marion Allen. Orator*—Mr. Darden Asbury of Atlanta. Music—G. M. C. Band. Benediction—Rev. J. F. Yarbrough. Firing Salutes by G. M. C. Rifle Squad. Taps. iin?*d business and profeas- held in Milledge- lT »NAl. secretary VISITS Y. w. AT COLLEGE R. Young, National * Tj . 1,1 AV. C- A. with head- ^ in New Y ork City, made an v wit to the Georgia State or " on >en three days of this feting spoke to the Y on Sun- -amg ai their Vesper Service Ptap .? ^ ect * “The Heart food Y p Mond “y »he addressed J conf* Cab * net and Tuesd «y she vri-nces and visited inter- m the city. m .. aBc 13 ° n 8 f°ur of the col- ‘ kt ‘ south. E. BAZANOS CAR GOES INTO CREEK Milledgeville’* Candy Man Has Natrow Escape Thnrsdav From Drowning in Hancock Coo»ty Mr. E. Bazanos, Milledgeville’s candy manufacturer, had an experi ence Thursday of last week, which came near costing him his life and one lie will not forget. Mr. Bazanos wa- in his automo bile, with a negro driver, traveling •hroutrh the country selling candy. At Buffalo creek, near Linton, in Hancock county, the driver lost con trol of the car, and it went plunging n to the creek, where the water whs ibout eight feet deep. The negro -«c:ng that the car was going into the -reek jumped out, but Mr. Bazanos vent into the creek with the car. He however, was able to keep his head •hove * the water, until the negro could hand him the end of an auto mobile robe, and assist him in getting out of the water. The Messrs Trawick. of Linton, vent to the aid of I«r. Bazanos, and *ot the automobile out of the creek. The car was found not to have been ’imaged to any great extent Mr. Bazanos. however, lost a quantity of -and**. Ho is loud in hi.- prai«e of 'he assistance extended him by the Messrs Trawick. EXPRE5S CO.. HAS DELIVEVRY TRUCKS The Railway Express Co., has re- nlaced the horses and wagons, which have been used for delivery purposes at the Milledgeville office, with two handsome Ford Automobile Trucks. These trucks have attracted wide at tention in the city, and the familiar forms of the large horses, which pulled the wagons, are missed. MACON POLICE AT PRISON FARM FiBgerprmt Expert* Makin( Rec ord of All Pritoner*. Fint Step ia Plan to Get State Bureau WORK BEGUN WEDNESDAY . Chief of Police Ben T. Watkins and W. A. Carroll, Superintendent of the Bacon Bureau of identification arrived at the State Prison Farm this morning, Wednesday, to begin work on establishing a fingerprint station at the prison and collecting perman ent records of the inmates now there. The firs; time ; n the states his tory the fingerprints of the prison ers at the farm and their records are being taken for file with the Nation al Bureau. The work is leading up to a bill to establish a permanent identification bureau, to be intro duced in the Legislature this sum- Chief Watkins is of the opinion thtt the records to be secured this w *ek will reveal the fact that many o{ the prisoners have other crimal records. The permanent records that will be secured will make the appre hension of crimnals with other crimes to their credit comparatively easy. Judge B. H. Dunnaway stated to day that the visitors would be given every assistance in their work and he was of the opinion that the sys tem would improve the methods of establishing identifications and rec ords in the state. Each prisoner is having his finger print made on a card that together with other records will be filed at the Central Bureau and at the National Bureau. The prisoners interested in the procedure and yielded readily to the routine and questioning. MUSIC Cl ( JE TO MEET NEXT SATURDAY The Senior Music Club will meet on next Saturday, April 27th, at the • of Mrs. M. S. Bell. President of the club, at four o'clock. All mbers are urged to bt present. AUTOTAGSTOBE MADE AT PRISON Machinery Ordered to Be Installed at Priion Farm for Prisoner! to Make 1930 Anto Tag* WORK TO BE STARTED SOON Room was being made on the basement floor of the male building at the State Prison Farm for the installation of machinery for the manufacture of the automobile license tags for Georgia the prison ers at the farm. The order for the machinery was placed by Secretary oC Stc.W iJaoir* CanwalL this week. Judge B. /I. Dunaway stated today that the machinery wnujd be in stalled immediately upon receipt and that the order would be rushed. Room was available at the farm with out the necessity of erecting another buildirg, and it was believed that the first tags would be made early in the summer. Several months will be necessary to complete the order necessary to meet the states needs and full time operation of the new department will necessarily have to begin in the early summer. Judge Dunnaway has already be- iun to make room for the new mi- ehnery in the building so that there will be no delay ininstallation. He tated that a score of prisoners wodld be necessary to operate the factory and some clerical work would have to be done in checking the tags. The prisoners would manage the entire ipe ration and care for the full de tail of manufacturing the tags. The color and design of the new tag has not been made known. DRAMATIC CLUB GIVES PLAY FRI. STAGE SET FOR WEEK OF MUSIC ‘'Seventeen,” Four-act Comedy Brilliant Program Arranged to Be Succea*, to Be Played Friday Be*t of Number of Festival* Night at G. M. C. Chapel Given m Many Yean SOLOISTS TO BE FEATURE The G. M. C. Dramatic Club will offer on Friday nigftt. April 26th, the dramatic treat of the season when it will«present "Seventeen", a play based on Booth Tarkington’s fam ous novel of that name. The per formance will take place in the G. M. C. auditorial and will begin at 9:00 o’clock, so as not to conflict with revival services at the Methodist church. “Seventeen” is t delightful four- act comedy of youth. It depicts in a clever manner the life and philoso phy of the modem young American of seventeen. It fairly crackles with life; its lines are catchy and its action intense. It is u work of exquisite human sympathy and de licious humor. The entertainment will be present ed by u splendid, well-coached cast. The Dramatic Club is composed of eight G. M. C. cadets and six young ladies of Milledgeville, all of whom are cast in the play. I)URne Wilson interprets the role of Willie Baxter the male lead. Prominent roles are also taken by John Newman, Willie's worried father, and James Comer, who stars as Genesis, the Baxters’ buss-voiced negn> servant. Oscie Thaxton, Joe Bazanos, Ben Stem- bridge, Lamar Beck, and Earl Gunn portray the lesser male characters. The leading female roles are carried by Mbs Susie Butts, Miss Elizabeth Brannen, and Miss Dorothy Parks. Miss Martha Bass is prominent in the plot as Mrs. Baxter, Willie’s disturb ed mother. Miss Margaret Yar brough and Miss Evelyn Eskew carry other female roles. Miss Florence Cole, an experienced coach, has .been in charge of the re hearsals. James Henderson is acting as stage manager. A feature of the program will be a between—the—acts skit in song and fun by Jake Howard, Tommy Rich, and Clarke May, “Colonel Roach’s Rythm Boys.” Following on the heels of the Me morial Day exercises in the morning and a dress parade by the cadet battalion and a G. M. C.-Lanier High School baseball game in the after noon, the entertainment will come as a fitting climax to the holiday festi vities. Admission prices of 75c and 50c will be charged. The play is sponsor ed by the staff of “'Ifce 1929 Re call,” annual year book of the i»i- stitution. The club will present a «rcond per- formnace of "Sventcen” in Warren- ton on the night of Friday, May 3rd. Music lovers and people of Mil- ledgwille in general are injurious ly waiting the first curtain that will rise on the annual Music Festival that is being sponsored by the Music faculty of the Georgia State College for Women under the direction of Miss Alice Tucker during National Music week, May 5th, to 10th. The inspiring and tuneful operetta The Egyptian Princess will be the opening night offering and a brilliant musicul program will continue throughout the week with the finsl performance Thursday evening when the Sophomore-Normal cluss will give Verdi’s “Ernani.” The opening show is given by the four Glee Clubs of the college and will be completely staged in full costume. Miss Tucker is directing the entire week's program. Tuesday will be given to concerts the voice, violin and piano pupils with a concert by the college orches tra under the direction of Miss Bea trice Hosbroogh, head of the violin department at the college. Wednesday evening the Freshman class with a choroua of over five hundred will sing the popular opera “Martha." Mrs. Helen Maxwell Longi- no, Mrs. Helen Grenade Long, Mr. Solon Drukenmiller, popular Georgia tenor and Mr. Raymond Nixon. At lanta Bnss-Barftono, will sing the principal rolls in the Opera. The week’s program will come to a close on Thursday evening with the Verdi’s “Ernani." The same soloists of Wednesday evening singing the leading rolls and the members of tin! ^phomore-Norn.al class of ovei*' fou. hundred voices taking the cho- rous parts. The week’s program is the most brilliant ever given by the college during the long number of years that they have celebrate dthe Festival Week. Capacity audiences are ex pected to attend each performance, with numbers of out of town people coming here for the music week. | Sunday evening, the opening of the Music Week, a sacred program will be given by the Y. W. C. A. at their Vesper services. Miss Tucker, head of tlie music de partment, is being assited in the work by the faculty of her depart ment, Mr*. Wiles Homer >*Uen, Miss Maggie Jenkins, Miss Beatrice Hos- brugh, Mrs. Helen Maxwell Longino and Mrs. Helen Granade Long, Mrs. Nclle Womack Hines and Miss Chirs- tine Cottncr. P. T. A. MEETING ON THURSDAY MAY 2ND The regular monthly meeting of the P. T, A. will be held Thursday, May 2nd instead of Friday May 3rd. The change of tlie date from Friday to Thursday i* made because of the all-day sing which will be on Fridaj*. A large attendance desired. CHICKEN SALE NETS OVER $800 Oyer Three Thonsand Pound* of Poultry Sold at Sale Today, 43 Cents High Price SCHOOL SING TO BRING CHIL DREN OF COUNTY HERE MAY 3. Galt Program Planned for Baldwir Red Letter Day by Mr*. Hine*. Revival Services in Progress At Methodist Church Here Revival services ire in progress at the Methodist church this week, and re being held in the morning at ten ’clock and in the evening at eight. There is a large attendance at evrey service with interest increasing. At 11:40 in the morning a service of twenty minutes is held at the Colonial Theater for the business people. Attendance at this meeting increasing daily. Rev. John F. Yarbrough, pastor of the Methodist church, is conducting the services, and is preaching helpful and convincing sermons that are making an impression on the minds and hearts of bis hearers. Gospel singing lead by Rev. W. H. Boring, of Lincolnton, is being made a special feature of the services, Mr. Boring is a splendid leader, and poss- a strong full voice. The choir is composed of a riumbdk of the sweetest singers in the city, and the song service is thoroughly enjoyed. While the services arc being held at the Methodist church, they are city wide in their interest, and the pastors and congregations of all the churches are attending. Automobiles are bringing from all sections ot the city, people who arc not able to walk to the church from their homes, on account of the dis tance. In this way many who could not otherwise attend are being brought under the influence of the meeting. The people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county arc invited and urged to attend these services, and it is desired by the Christian people that a genuine and far reaching religious awakening oiay result Ov«*r three thousand pounds of poultry were sold today, Wednseday, at the Georgia Depot in the first poul try sale of the season to bring in a sum of $890. to the raisers of poul try in Baldwin county. The highest price paid was forty- three cents for fryers while hens, stags and roosters brought twenty- ‘•■•ven cents. The car came to the depot before noon und left early in >he afternoon. Mr. Jones Purcellc, Georgia Railroad Agricultural Agent, was in charge of the sale. Announcement has been made that Mr. Aubrey Jones has bought a sub stantial interest in the Jones Drug Store and will manage this well- known drug store. Mr. Jones is a licensed and experienced diwggist, having been connected with the Jones Drug Store a nun>ber of years. He is well-known to the trading public, and will conduct the busineaa on the high ^nd efficient plan it has Ween » its organization . Baldwin county school children are planning, watching and waiting for May 3rd when the annual School Sing ha<* ben scheduled and every kid in the county who is in the Gram mar schools will come to Milledge ville, spend the day. Mrs. E. R. Hines who has the day’s celebration in charge has arranged I the program that will begin at ten j thirty at the G. S. C. W. auditorium. ) The children of the county will gnth- i cr by schools in front of the audi torium and march into the bbilding by grades. A program of music, patriotic and folk songs will be sung with several special numbers that Mrs. Hines has not yet announced. After the sing at the auditorium, the children will have a picnic dinner on the Court House square with the G. M. C. band furnishing the music. In the afternoon the Colonial The atre will be open to them, and man ager Curry will show a special pic ture with the kiddies as the guests. The Red Letter day in Baldwin, a* it has been styled by Mrs. Hines wa u begun several years ago and has be come an annual custom. Tin: city is turned over to the children for the day and everything is planned for their happiness and pleasure.