Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 25, 1929, Image 10

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UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA., APRIL 35, The Sstory of the Opera “Martha” To be Given by G.S.C.W. Freshmen ! U . I I|ui-er. and assert their rights. I-ady On Wedneasiay night, May , e| • teiIn the courtier, who come Freshman class wfill make It* con , ^ ^ ab j tbat sbe la 8Ur< Uj.n.1 is tribution to the week of music be- >nd bjd , u , im le „ e h i ro mu observed at G. S. t - - un .inns In despair, Lionel appeals to the direction of Miaa Alice Leonora j ^ ,, and pr „ducea the rin,. le.'t Tucker, head of the Music Depart^ by h|( fath . r Much t o his ment at the collepe, the clsas wU, L IMIt . m , n t he finds that he is the present -Martha, ' a semi-serious , ^ of [lprby of , h( . „ ld Karl opera in four acta, in the college j b , d been eI1 l, d „„ B liaise auditorium. The prra.nt.uon of the j .inir au-ait«ri With TTVflt PRESBYTERIAN MEN GATHER COLLEGE Y HUT TO BE OPENED J AT MANSE LAST THURSDAY FRIDAY . P. CRAWFORD PRESENT. SILVER LOVING CUP ie men of the Presbyteri. n church were the guest* of Rev. and Mr*. George B. Thompson on last Thursday evening at their home on the Hill. Annual report* were given and the years work reviewed. Plans for the coming year were outlined. The following report of the meeting wn .,r. by Rev. Mr. Thomp- opera i* being anticipation, becaux very popular production. The music to "Martha was com posed by Friedrich Freiherr *on Klotow and the words were written by W. Freidrich. It had it* first performance in Vienna on Novem ber 25, 1847. The original cant was composed of well known operatic stirs. It was as loll own: Lady Harfriat. Soprano—Anna 7.0 rr. Nancy, Gantralto—Thereat Swarz. Lionel, Tenor—Joseph Erl. Plunkett, Base—Carl Formes. The Story of the opera i* very interesting ami entertaining, and the time of the action is supposed to l»c in the .-vigil of Queen Anne. The i laid i the old i it* Sh T a-erer report* that during ,, there ha* been raised an ,. ,un; exceeding the budget which a ' .ivcn fixed at the beginning of the church year, April 1, 1928; the i iismv nao >•«•-, —» | Pastor's salary has been paid in full •pulse* her, knowing how he has' n j ra id promptly; all other out- •rerf. | standing account* have been taken distracted and seeks carc 0 f f anf j an y financial obligation ■storing hi* love. It is „f t h e church for the ensuing year *°ng ^iu he adequately provided for as a ult of the recent annual financial iwaited witk grv.l — y Harrlrt loved Lionel bef a is l., finds that he is of noble ran i when she hears this she seek* throw herself int its I UP ruggested that she sing which he liked so' well. The first scene is re-enacted, and Lionel .again succumb* to her charm*. The result in love ami happiness, amt that happincM is strengthened by the knowledge that Plunkett has won the hand of rognish Nancy. Since the time of its first produc tion, .t has rapidly increased in popu larity. -and has come to be England "the accepted in America very enthu tically and ha:i proved to be lasting (j to , t _„ r . Tucker may be congrntulat-d the head of the Cadet class, selection of thi The church reports a resident membership of two hundred; u Sab bath School enrollment which is only 25 per rent les than the ideal set by the Sabbath School Associations, wl irh id an eni*ullment equal to the re-ident membership of the church. \V. I>. Morrison remains at the head popular.” It was (lf t ),j H department. L. H. Andrews,! Ir._ is the newly elected Secretary, i trpenter has been placed a* e new log cabin hut, recently erected on the old government square in this city and r.ow converted ir.to a play ground for the students of the Georgia State College for Women will be officially opened and the first entertainment given in the new rreation park next Friday after- on when the Y. W. C. A. will enter- n the Freshman class of over e hundred young women with party. The young womer park und participate in games and stunts. Each Hobby group in the. _______ afs will give a special stunt Col- LIEUT THOMAS B1NFORD ge songs and yells will be given and i ie entertainment will conclude with ; marshmallow roast and picnic. Miss Annie Mooro Daughtry, secre- iry of the association has the enter tainment in charge. The Augusta Preabyterial is in session in Eatonton this week, and is being largely attended by the Ladies Missionary Union of the local Presby terian church. Among the ladies from this city attending have been Mrs. C. P Crawford, Mrs. J. L. Bee son, Mrs. Sam aPtterson President Miss Bell McMillan, Mrs. David Fer guson and Mrs. James .Salters. Mrs. Crawford has been an officer | of the Prd byterial a number of I years, and in recognition of the ill go to the j ^ has rendered was presented a beautiful silver loving cup. A FIRST LIEUTENANT SILK STOCKINGS REPAIRED— G«l double wear ou* your stockings by having runs mended by invisible method, experienced person, charges small. Mrs. Tom McComb, Jr., 103 N. Wilkinson St. The friends of Lieut. Thomas Bin- ford will be interested to learn that he has been promoted from a second to a first lieutenant in the U. " Army. Lieut. Binford is the youngest of Mrs. E. W. Binford, and i graduate of G. M. C., and the West j approved Point Military Academy. He is now stationed in Hawaaian Islands, | WANTED—A tw but will return to the States next | FARM LOAN PASSES NINE THOUSAND MARK Ovar nine thousand dollars • been loaned in Baldwin county Ua . der the Federal Farm Loan Keh,j Fund according to an annoucctRt. , that has been made by L. H. Andrew chairman of the committee arranir. ing applications for the leans. Mr. Andrews stated that se\*nty. five applications had been made and that they had all been approved and —i amounting to $9,465.00 had ! loaned to the farmers in th* i county. Under the Federal Aid Act, $15,000 wus available in the count; and about two thirds of this an has been used. Time to make . cation for this financial aid has bees 1 extended to April 3Gth, Mr. Andrew* I has announced and the remainder < the fund will probably be used. The committee working here in o. der that the fund may be secured are giving their time gratis and their efficiency has been attested to by fact that all application< were fall. «.f Richmond in Yorkshire and vicinity. Lady Harriet. Q fomes’ litV’.'itk' its I «P»" ,,, ' r •'•l.-tion of this npera. and G . w. McWhurter is President of j aa« routine day by day. and con- H'" the -lection of the c.*_ The Men', work. A monthly trather- trives o D'm by which she seek, lo princip* cast will consist of Mrs. | j„ R ihe men is planned for. at V_» co,. eonfiifca her I Lone and Mrs. I.omrino singing the wbicb ,; m tbc spiritual, social and 7“* ; “ li" w Harriet and Nancy. rollp „ u , activities of the men of the P n * ’ I .wksia, At,, rirnniranmillap «nd j church w'ill be made prominent. The Woman’s Auxiliary made an •client report to the Presbytcrial tarn Micklcford, h-r toasia. who. i while Mr Draakanmiller und altho* somewhat ao-. d, agrees to .ssist | "ill the her in the fun. The three disguise Fre.hman clas. wtll ,,n„ the ehon.se. themselves a, menial, and ito to the The public may be assured that tt j Richmond Lady Harriet, who is now called Martha, und Nancy, are attired as servant maids and pret*:nd thut they wish to hire themselves. Sir Tris- tam is attired as a farmer and he wacthes the activities at the fair, be ing bothered very much by the fair folk. He soon tires of it, purchases release from their torment* with a puise and tries to persuade the ladies to go home. However, he finds that they have carried their joke to its farthest extent, and have engaged themselves to two young fanners, Lionel and Plunkett. Lionel was a waif who had been left at Plunkett’s doorstep with nothing except a rii g for identification. In case of need he is to show the ring to the queen. Up until this time he had seen no need to show it to the queen, but had lived the quiet life of a farmer with his foster-brother. When Sir Triatani suggests thut they go home, Martha and Nancy are willing, but since Lionel and Plun kett hold them to their bargain, hav ing already paid their money, they are obliged to drive off with the young farmers. Much to their dismay, Lionel and Plunkett find that their servant maids could not do anything required of them. While teaching them the simple art of spinning, Lionel loses his heart to Martha, and Plunkett loses his to Nancy. At Lionel’s bidding, Martha sings "The List Rose of Summer," and he is impressed very much by it. Whcr the hour of midnight ap proaches, the men go to bed, and the women are rescued from their nwward position by Sir Tristam. In the next scene, Lionel and Tris tam discover their erst-while ser- vunt-maids in a hunting party of the j enjoyed very much. VANDIVERE OSMENT. ,'hich has been in session in Eaton- Mrs. Jas. Salter i; •wly elected President, taking this . ; th«. place made vacant by the auto- M. L. CURRY JUST MISSED LAND- of the forme r Presi- ING BIG TROUT ■al of the former Presi mt who, according to the Constitu- [»n of the Auxiliary can only serve ro years in succession. The following officers were elected rtUii Mr. M. L. Curry came near being the ehampion fisherman in Milledge- vi"... and winning for hhwU the -- for thl now rtputat.on of huvinjr caujrht thv larg- cburfh vcar . G . w . McWhortot. ust trout that had beta cau K ht arou d chajrm Kenneth McMillan, Sccre- ncrc ta b ton. tin,. He. with a ta G . H. Andrews, Trctwurer. party of frienck^ a few mornings * ... since went down to Golden', pond.! The Pastor wtshe, to tako this oc- Lurk was attains! then, for a while, casion to expresa his appreciation of hut finally Mr. Curry felt a tup on the co-operation on the part of the his line, and realized that he had congregation who have contributed hooked |i “bigun.” He berfan to anything toward this report. try to land him, and after a tug of wnr got the fish out of the water. F« but there were some hushes between den. Mr. Curry and where the fish hand j — first seized the bait. He got the trout into the top of the bushes, j where he glistened in the sunlight, but he beat himself loose and went back into the water before he could be landed. Those who «iw the trout say that he was one of the larges* they had ever seen. Messrs Cason Black and Jim Smith were among the member, and they can give you the measurement and weight as measur ed by their eyes. >r the Farm and Gar- si*. J. H. ENNIS. Announcing - - HAYES PHARMACY Formerly Boone’s Pharmacy 1 have purchased the drug business formerly operated by the late Dr. S. A. Boone and have taken over the management. I wish to extent a cordial wel come to my friends as well as those of Dr. Boone to continue their patronage with us. You will find prompt, courteous service and it will always be our pleasure to serve you in any way possible. We will have a complete line of Drugs, Sundries, Toilet Articles, Whitman’s fine Candies and Nutting Flowers. WE WILL INSTALL THE LATEST COMPLETE ICELESS FOUNT We are as near you as your telephone. Call us day or night. Day 396 - DR.ROY HAYES - Night 283L MEMBERS OF CAMP DAN SANFORD WILL MEET FRIDAY The members of Comp Dan San ford, Sons of Confederate Veterans, will meet at the court house Friday morning, April 2Gth. at 1U:3C o’clock. A full meeting of the members is earnestly desired, is there will he business of importance to transact. The members will joh» the vaterans as guests of the R. Lee Chapter at dinner. ws Set this dial at the freezing speed yon want Many Millcdgeville house wives now appreciate the meaning of COLD CONTROL. We wish to express our gratification at the large attendance at our demonstration last week as well as our appreciation for the orders given us for Fridigi- daires with the new COLD CONTROL—Everyone attending was most enthusiastic over the wonderful noiseless motor and its companion the new Cold Control on the new FRIGI- DAIRE. Don’t fail to see it before buying an electric refrig erator. R. W. Hatcher Hdw. Co. Vkolcalt ud RrUil Most Popular Oil Ranges ever brought to Milledgeville MR. W. W'. SLGGS, a Perfection Stove representative will be with us MONDAY,TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, 30 Will be glad for you to meet him as he is a stove expert. He can answer any question you may want to know about the PERFECTION. Big Shipment new porce lain enamel Perfections - - arrouses great interest See Exhibit at PURCHASE & SALE CO. FROM the interest shown in our beautiful new Perfection ranges, it looks as if every lady in town wants one. This is the reception these stoves are having all over the United States. And we are glad of the opportunity of introduieng them to the ladies of Milledgevlile. If you have not yet been in to examine the range, note its new features: porcelain enamel finish . . New design . . New burner arrangement . . Built-in, “live heat” oven . . Accu rate heat indicator . .Cooking heat as swift and clean as gas. FREETRIAL IN YOUR OWN KITCHEN Brighten your kitchen with one of these new stoves. If you wish, we will deliver it to your kitchen. If you do not finJ it perfectly satisfactory in every way, we will take it out. without obligation or expense to you. YOUR OLD STOVE HELPS TO BUY IT During the period of this special offer we will take your old stove as part payment on the new one. Convenient terms, if you wish, on the balance. This is the finest liquid fuel stove ever built, and we urge you to take the opportunity we offer to own one. If you can’t come to see it ’phone or write us for a free demonstra tion in your own home. Purchase & Sale Co. Phone 401. 117 to 121 McIntosh St. |TW< b