Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, April 25, 1929, Image 9

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H&iSiraSi&ilswiWW; HdsWeek Arthur INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON FOR APRIL 28 T.« T«. M Br»ba»i ’.tTnc hoovers hand C'p^POSS.B.UT.ES. JSml pun.shhene. for farmers. HANDS? Espe- Fulfillment of prophecy is or the gtrr' feat evidences of the auth enticity of Scripture. The fact that exact statements of fuutre events could be made hundreds of years in advance, and later developments would be in perfect accord, argu< mightily for the inspiration that be lievers in the Word claim for it. In no instance is the problem of fulfill ment made any greater than in this lesson study, in which these varied Messianic statements are made. Much disci^sskm has centered The Ser- Man's indifference to such love is 11 worse than pathetic. The picture is of sheep purposely going astray while th* shepherd is tenderly calling them to safety and fullest provision. Throughout His earthly life He was silent under every form of abuse and | oppression. Pilule was amazed at His quiet demeanor. Others under similar circumstances of injustice would rail at their accusers. The; lovers of this Messiah rejoice that, after He had been crucified between two thieves, there was a royal-like tomb for that body through the graci ousness of Joseph of Arimatheu. This one suggests to all of us that great souls do not peddle personal miseries. Archbishop Trench, speaking of our debt of sin, said “It was contracted in the currency of earth: He paid it in the currency of heaven.” gHV . . t . n your fellow citizen, push- * l0 „ profcsUnlly, show« hi. about the implication * * n w .; t h „ K rip developed vant of Jehovah,” which theme i» r 'h Mi' i: -tin furrow straight | found in repeated portions of Isaiah, * Frani mbrsft Fhv shake nanus: i else? Rubbing ludian-fashion, would not do; o suiiy germs. Why not simply , jj, f row of 1767 proud Ameri- r„ craight in the eyes, and say low do you do*” W, 1 Rop-rs understands public BtuBcnt. expresses it tersely and lttU imccurate use of English, the training at Eton and Ox- •t ay* “There is two things that n disrupt business in this country. w j, war and the other is a mect- r of the Federal Reserve Bink.” War. fortunately is suspended for Fifty-two Thousand Britains de- 3B d abolition of capital puntsh- lr nT. In England criminals are jajfvd. They don’t use fancy elec- r»- chairs, n .‘< rving science for bet- a things than killing men. An end of cupital punishment n,skl in* a htep toward civilization. Meanwhile, British capital punish- irnt shows common sense. When one Briton kilb< another, hey rune him a few weeks later. No |tars of delay for appeals, delivery >i b-'uq'j-1 nnd sympathetic letters such as -11:8-20; 42:1-7, 18-26; i3:5- | 10; 49:1-9; 50:4-10; 52:13-^8:12. meeting Many claim that the “Suffering Ser- don’t do. vant” refers only to the Jewish mportant . each other, we aoni uw, Whv shake hands? Why not tion. The conservative interprita ttling else? Rubbing tion is that, while it has a direct implication to the Chosen People, it refers primarily to the promised Me- siah and is a glorious description of Jesus Christ in His divine office work. There are many other pro phecies concerning Him in the Old Testament. Compare the record of this Life as recorder in the Gospels and note how each prediction was performed, and there will be both added and intense reverence for the Holy Bible. Read this particular lesson text at least three times. A wonderful Person is being por trayed. Multitudes still fail to be lieve the message and hence lose much in their lives. He is referred to as a man, and so is His Father Jehovah. W e continue to objectify a spirit in terms of human form, such as “the arm of the Lord.” Constantly through the years of His public ministry "He was despised and rejected.” No one can ever know the extent of Hia sorrows. He was more sensitive than any other in all the history of the world. We know of His agony and bloody sweat in the Garden of Gethsemane. Only the angels could appreciate worth as they looked on in pity. His physical sufferings and heart ache.s wer*. only incidents compared with the mediatorial work He was perfecting. His acts were vicarious, -as He took the law place of the tiers of the world. His bruises of heart as well as of body, together with the chastisement of the Pilate commanded 'stripes, healing. British criminals, knowing this, irely carry deadly weapons on srrliry expeditions, since using •:n '.ii kiil would mean hanging, ■.r : means hiring an able lawyer. Rudolph Kaulikowski, head of the ••n-'.i Machine ^orks, of Goerlitz, trinany, and a serious scientist, has itn-ning news for farmers. H* says they can run motors with ® made of pullverized coal, char- *!, (arm waste and other sub- Kawlikowski runs an eighty horse- >**r Diesel motor with pulverized «table materials, costing 76 per I'-* than gasoline costs in Ger- Ita'd and ground cornstalks could 1 *1! the farm machinery. Everybody know* the terrific ex- power of dust as demonstrat- ; n ’Xploding grain elevators. Con- ■' r - that power in motors is new. hundred advertising agen- e ‘ and writers are asked to com- > fur a prize of $1,000 answering * Jtettion, -Why Go to Church?” W’hat would your answer be? An an.-wer to the question would ’ ^ lt ‘ «nly important thing about is his coception of Divine in- f«ice and wisdom.” In other * ct *. he is like mice, frogs and ta So, go to church and e lhat you are not a guinea pig WES JOSH D ’ rj ; "He toid. t ■*“ forever.” . , Art you RO * n K to let him?” t ’,°' lI * I find out what I’m go- 'despondently): “I am to ne*t week, and I ^ (i ut all sure that I really love Marior : , .... t - J 1 ■ ‘low positively thrill- x B j <t ' ,l ' UR htfully); “Why do so md, rest the »f chins on their H> ,L. en are thinking?” ^fh* r ,U1,y): *'^ 0 ^ ec P their •k tk.-LV* a “ t lh,, y «"» , t <u»- OODCAKift«M»C«H»0««>COO SPECIALIZED SERVICE— C. H. ANDREWS k SON. “Notbiag But IsinruN" OUR SERVICE IS SUDDEN Our prices are the lowest—What mora do you want? High class Shoe Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing BLAIN’S SHOE PLANT AND PRESSING CLUB Phone 373 THE PERFECT COAL. Phone 252 Quick Delivery Fowler-Flemister Coal Co. BRICK That Clink Like Steel Aru Made by the "McMILLAN” Process BURNT IN OUR CONTINUOUS KILNS There is No Waste in Our Bricks. We Make Quick Shipments in Any Quantity. RICH GL0 FACE BRICK-FIRE BRICK-COMMON BRICK Milledge ville BrickW orksCo MILLEDGEVILLE, GA. Established 1883 by J. W. McMillan. K. C. McMill.o. Pr.eid.nl B.II. McMill.n. Vir.-Pr.,ii.nl SCHOOL SUPPLIES VARIETY MERCHANDISE STEMBR1DGE& COMPANY PHONE 352-J New Arrivals By Express CO-ED Summer Frocks THE MODELS ARE ENTIRELY NEW. CEORGETTS AND CREPE ENSEMBLES MANY HIGH COL ORS. SPECIAL SALE LADIES’ New Models OF SPRIN6 FROCKS JUST ARRIVED BY EXPRESS MORE THAN FIFTY IN THIS LOT. GEORGETTES IN MOSTLY HIGH COLORS ORCHID ROSE, NILE, WHITES. PINKS AND BLUES. SIZES 14 TO 40. CO-EDS—IS A GUARANTEE THAT THE STYLES ARE UP TO THE LAST MINUTE. Lot 1 - $18.75 Lot 2 - $10/< 5 IF YOU WANT THE BEST SHOP AT LE.BelFi Shop as Seldom as Twice A Week—Safely! It’s no longer necessary to break into each day with a visit to the market. Now you can shop twice a week, lay in a good supply of fresh foods — with out danger of them spoiling. Take advantage of food bargains — safely. That means owning a General Electric Refrigerator — the modern answer to the refrig eration problem. Because suf ficiently low temperature is maintained automatically with never a rise to the dan ger point, you ran forget about the danger of food spoiling and buy more heavily when you do go to market. Thus you economize on your time and work — and protect the health of your family against food contamination. You save the food that was formerly wasted, too. The terms are mighty at tractive, as you see. The prices are reasonable — with models and sizes in a range of style and price sure to satisfy anyone. It costs noth ing to come in and sec these sanitary electric refrigerators — no obligation to get the facts. Naturally we have set a time limit on such liberal terms as these, so act right now if you want the benefits of modem, automatic, electric refrigera- GENERAL ^ELECTRIC Refrigerator Georgia Rower ■ sibvs A CITIZEN WHEREVBB rp UNION RECORDER, MILLEDGEVILLE, GA.. APRIL 25,