Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 09, 1929, Image 1

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TttOtt UiLUMEXCIX Federal Union MiMvenHe, Ga., May 9, 1929 Consolidated in 1871 Number 38 STATE INSTITUTIONS INSPECTED THIS WEEK DR. ANDERSON TO LEAVE CITY loo. M. L. Duggan and Hon. Ed Rivers. Spent Three Days Here on Inspection Tour ASH G. S. C. W. WEDNESDAY Itricw G. M. C. Cadets and Will Visit Stale Sanitarium Thursday Morning I> r . M. I Duggan, State Superm an, C School*, and former State ruTi'T E D. Rivera of Lakeland, , .mi.tu part of Tuesday and Wed , M j„y the city, nerving a* a com- [.* . making a tour of inspection •he State Institutions. t! . --ion of the General As- ^. t bly t» years ago a committee amed consisting of two senn it , numbers of the House and tatc ..fficials to make a tour State visiting all State Resigns As Heolth Officer and Alderman Effective June 1st. Successor not Named WILL STUDY TOR TWO YEARS Dr. Sam Anderson tendered his signe.tion to the State Board Health as Health officer of Bald' county and to the City Council Alderman, last Monday and annou ed his intention to leave this city for two years of study before enter ing into the pratice of hit. profession. Dr. Anderson came to the county about five years ago and has been instrumental in the advancement of I In-Tituions and to report their I health conditions throughout g, when the Legislature con- county. in June. I j> r Anderson stated that he " n| v members of the six mem- | pocte d to devote much time to ■ rnittee coining here were Dr. | physical diagnosis before n and Mr. Rivers. They ar- , p ermBTlt . n tly locating. His resigna in the city Tuesday afternoon tion to the State Boar ,| of Health left , nt to the State Farm where j vacant the office of Health officer •jh*nt several hours inspecting j ht?re The j^tor who will fill his place has not been named. The city council at their session Monday evening accepted his resig nation as alderman. Dr. Anderson OPERA THURSDAY ENDS MUSIC WEEK Vesper Service Opens Four Dny Program at G. S. C. W. Monday Performances BriKiant OPERA “MARTHA” WEDNESDAY POLICE MAKE THEIR REPORT CITY FATHERS junior order and HOLDMEETING ELKS offer g.m.c. aid Mor.tWy Session Develops Little Action. Dr. Anderson', Re,ig nition Accepted tut In-iituion. Later in the nfter- u.n tht-y visited the State Training ehool ft-r Boys. Wfdnvsday morning they arrived the Georgia State College for Wo rn and spent the entire morning ere. They were special guests at ie chapel exercises when a recital as given by the young women of ie music department. Seated on -tage with the representatives ere Mes-rs M. S. Bell. E. E. Bell, | thp w the led the ticket in the ra-e two years ago for this post and has been a po tent factor in the council during his two years term. Dr. Anderson through his office as Health Co missioner and Alderman succeeded in bringing about many changes plant. Dr. Beeson , ^U^a.Maiixiujaryheld IMPORTANT .nntf were made and bath MEETING TUESDAY AFTERNOON Mr. Rivers and Dr. Duggan respond- j —— f''. Mr. Rivers diiCtund the Tax Will Decorate Soldier* Graves, Gift« of Georgia, ifnd spoke 'in | To Be Sent to Hospitals. Officers highest t«-rms of the work being done Elected by the college. j mrnittee were the guests of ! The Morris-Little Unit American :«• at dinner. Col. Marion Legion Auxiliary held their regular Alien. Baldwin Representative met' monthly meeting Tuesday afternoon tee shortly after nocn to | and transacted important busine/s. ■ccompany them on their tour of the ! The rehabilitation committee wil! rmtarium and G. M. C. send boxes to ex-service men at t si f*oI. Allen showed the two men | Georgia State Sanitarium on Miy through G. M. C.. where they witness 12th, hospital day. The committee parade of the cadet battallion. will also send sweets to the hospital nration of Milledgeville citizens ' in Augusta. The Auxiliary voted invited by Col. George S. Roach $5.00 to go towards buying a vic- * the distinguished guests at trola for the Augusta hospital. Verdi’s "Err ,ni” to be sung Thursday evening by the Sophomore Normal Class with a chorus of over four hundred voices under the direc tion of Miss Alice Lenory Tucker will bring to a close another music festi val at the Georgia State College for Women. The two remaining performances bring to the music lovers two popu lar operas. Wednesday evening the Freshman class singing “Martha,” one of the most thrilling of all operas. Mrs. Helen Maxwell Longlno, Mrs Helen Granade Long. Mr. Solon Drukenmiller and Mr. Raymond Nixon will sing the solo parts in the two performances. Mi's Alice Le- nore Tucker who has directed the en tire week will lead the choruses on Wednesday and Thursday. Music week at the Georgia State College for Women opened with a lovely vesper service in the campus auditorium, Sunday evening. The entire service from the prelude to the postlude was delightful. The organ, in* tailed by Doctor Parks with loving forethought, was never more soothing to the mind nor more harmonious than under the direction of Miss Maggie Jenkins. The as sociation choir and all the rest of the young ladies who assisted in the service showed in their voices the effects of the painstaking work of the music staff of the college through the year. This effect was -..oticeable eloquence as the Mayor and his alder- in sweetness of tone, volume, and men told Dr. Anderson how much (Continued on back page) | his services has been appreciated. G. S. C. W. Operating On A Small Appropriation Ninety-ieveis Per Cent of State Money Paid in Salaries for Facility, Audit Show,. G. S. C. Given Leu Th,n Forty Per Cent The Average Give Per Student in The State Colleges Patriotic and Benevolent Orgauiia- i tion, Aunre Alien of Aid in Effort to Create Junior College STATE COUNCILOR ENDORSES Will Move Into County June First Appeal to Several Lodge, Over to Lay Lime Rock Base Over State to Get Lepalative Support Nine Mile Stretch for Bill to Be Offered BALDWIN PAVING TO START SOON The regular monthly meeting of the City Council threatened to become a love feats when Dr. Sam Ander son resigned hi* post as Alderman j and speche. of regret were Heine | TO BE COMPLETED IN SEPT. The MiHodfWllta Council^ »!„ Jun- With the h„»e for surfacing from ord nt recent meetings as favoring Gray to Haddock pratically complet •, preparation is being made for the transferring ,»f machinery to lay the lime rock base on the nine mile stretch in Baldwin county in the pro posed Milledgeville to Macon paved made by Mayor and Aldermen at the meeting. The session Monday evening brought little action other than the report* of the departments of the city. Th,« most impressive of these was the report of the Police Depart ment. The report rend at council, showed that during April 48 arrests had been made with 42 convictions and a total of $412.75 had been collected in fines. This department ai«*o brought into the city ceffers $963. from street tax anr $276. from do An appropriation of $125.00 month ly was made to the City Hospital. This fund has been donated several years and the vote Monday wai continue the payment of this, contract was awarded George Gib son, colored, to paint the fire de partment and the tower on this build ing. Gibson was the lowest of i eral bidders. The members of Council each pressed their regrets when Dr. An derson resigned as a member and wished him success ii deavor. All old misunderstandings were ironed out uppologies were made and the council chamber glowed with The The memorial committee will place wreaths on all graves of deceased soldiers on May 30th. The gold star mothers will be membered by F|ic Mother’s Day. Mrs. Edwin AD?n, chairman of the nominating committee, submitted the following officers for the year 1929- Auxiiliary President bridge. Miss Bertie Stem- M. C. committee will visit the State iiUrium. today, Thursday. The n u, | o impressed by the splendid "^r in which all the Institutions r re operated, and commended excellent way in which affairs v administrated. "key expressed doubt ! ,n being •» recommend an increase in ep- ttprintions for any of the Institu- e until a revision of the Tax nuld be made. They slated j Vice—Mrs. T. A. Reese. i.i g t , cond vi C e-President—Mrs. Fer- .. t ... .. , , , —on Hargrove. that would be considered for) Scfretary _ To be appointed by ure date when more money could , president. p ^ r< ' ' ■ Treasurer—Mrs. Geo. Davis. -r-Senator River., will report hi, j Geprg? Carpen- 1'l.ng. to the appropriation com-i ^ "f the Legislature which will 1 cbop | ain __Mr,. P. N. Bivins. Poppy Chairman—Mrs. H. B- Ennis. Necessity for an increase in funds for maintanance of the Gerogip State College for Women were out lined before the committee of Legis lators and State Officials that are making an inspection of Georgia’s Institutions this month, by Dr. J. L. Beeson, the school head. In comparative figures that sal- ork will begin about June lrt, A. E. McLean, foreman of con struction has announced. The ma terial for the base will be shipped to the State Farm siding and all ma- chinery for unloading and hauling will be placed at this point. Mr. Mc Lean stated that about one mile per week could be laid -and treated and it has been estimated that the three summer months will be necessary to complete the laying of the base. The asphalt coating on the Macon- Gray section is now being done and this work will be moved ^into the Gray-Haddock section early in the summer. It is not hoped that the complete road will be open for traffic before January 1st, of next year. Mr. McLean stated that he had the two mile stretch from Haddock to the Baldwin lin e to complete which would put him on the Baldwin stretch not later than June 1st. The road will he of lime rock base that will be oil treated for perman ency and an asphalt top coating. Mr. McLean stated that the half mile stretch from the county line in to Montgomery street where the pav ing stopped was not included in the contract and that the couny officials and Sr.te Highway Department were endeavoring to get the city officials to bear part of this expenses and had been unsuccessful to date. He stated that unless the city would share part of this cost, a half-mile stretch in ance of the college Is used arie, for faculty excluding, matron, ^ wan|d be , eft nnpaved . and other employees on the cumpus. i The college is furnishing 36 per cent of the trained teachers for the state and is operating efficiently at an uncomfortable margin. Applica tions sufficient to take the places of all graduates wil lbe received be prepared. Dr. Beeson presented the fore June 1st, although the great- fact that the college was receiving est number of applications is always leer than forty per cent per student received during the three summer the money appropriated for higher education in the state. In the pre pared statement it was revealed that an average of $360.53 per student was appropriated for higher educa tion in the state and that the col lege received only $138.18 per stud ent. of the months. The college has room for seventy more students. Dr. Beeson explained, but ’ack of money will make it impossible for the.*e places to be filled and further growth and expansion is necessarily impaired by MANY ANTIQUES PRESENTED COLLEGE FOR LOG CABIN Show Sq«< All Millcdgcville is interested in the log cabin for the college girls of G. S. C. W. The big fire piece will soon be completely furnished. After the crane and pot hooks were given, Mrs. David Ferguson has ior Order and the Elks ' ord at recent meetings i the creation of G. M. C. as a Junior College and offering Col. Marion Allen their support in bis effort to pa<s a bill nt the coming session of the Georgia General A'sCcmbly to create the Military school a Junior J. D. Gilstrap, Councilor of the local Council of Junior Order. stat ed this week that the State head of the organization has issued his in dorsement to hte movement and that a letter has been addressed every Council in the state asking their aid in passing the bill through the Legis lature. Oth'-r state officers have al so given their support to the measure and a united effort is seen By the Junior Order in Georgia to get Legislative aid for the measure. The Natinoal representative is a mem ber of the Chatham county delega tion in the General assembly and he has assured the local council of hiB support. Capt. J. H. Ennis, Exalted Ruler of the Milledgeville Lodge of Elks, stated that a resolution has been passed by that body assuring Col. Allen of their support and aid in the pa-age of the bill. They commend ed the idea in the resolution drawn and made dear the fact that they stood for higher educational systems and that their entire effort would be spent in securing this improve ment for G. M. C. The G. M. C. Alumni association through their organization are lend ing their support to the movement and other organizations are expect ed to join in and see this effort to a successful finish. P. T. A. NAME OFFICERS FOR NEW YEAR Annua! Report Show* Splendid Progress. Large Amount of Money Raised for Improvements The Parent-Teachers Association of G. M. C. held their regular meet ing on last Thursday afternoon, con cluding the year’s w »rk and naming new officers. Mrs. R. B. Moore was re-elected president The following officer* were named: President—Mrs. R. B. Moore; ice-President—Mrs. R. W. Hatcher; shortage in funds. The number of j presented a pot, and Mrs. Lamar j Recording Secretary Mr. Laniar applications for admission that will Ham has donated a wonderful old, H nn »; Treasure t ■ ’ be turned down will he much greater j Dutch oven. Long handled wafer! Grade Trca,urer-M,„ Man.- Snap- $185,000 appropriated for maintan-! than before. DOCTORS AT STATE MEETING IN MACON THIS WEEK will measure control the f money the State Institu- j it is understood. hour of service at EPISCO PAL CHURCH CHANGED ac-ount of the Pilgrimage to Appleton church home in Macon > rvice at St. Stephens Episco pal church will be held at ten-thirty °f the usual hour. There no early sen-ice. All persons rdially invited. KfcV. F. H. HARDING, Rector MIDWAY METHODIST TO HAVE MOTHERS DAY PROGRAM The Midway Methodist church will observe Mother, day next Sunday with an impressive program o’clock. The Sunday School will have charge of the program. Mr. A. S. Tennillc is superintendent of the school and a large congregation 1, invited to attend. which occurred in that city Saturday, April 24th. County Schools to Close Term On Friday, Way Thirty-first r. Richard Binion Named V»c* President Railway Surgeons Dr. Geo. Echols on Program The doctors of Milledgeville are at tending this week in Macon a mect- of the State Medical Association that is in session there Tues day. Wednesday. Thursday and Fri- day. Dr. Richard Binion wts named Vice-President of the Medical As- sociation of Railroad Surgeons | J u d pe Supple their meeting Tuesday. Dr Binion j younjf man _ has Seen prominently identified in , Supp , ( , wa , boni in M il- the profession for many year, and |, d ^ Ju | v i_| lb , 1863, and grew the honor came in recognition of his u]> Hi WM „ pjpi , uader the great ability. . ; l at e Prof. O. M. Cone, when the Dr. H. D. Allen, Jr.. V.ee-Coune.- Uo>rht jn U]e o)d academi „. among the first cadet* .iviis also have been given by Mrs. *°n. I Hutching, of Utica, N. Y. Old fash- The following wn, the officer, rc- FORMER RESIDENT OF THIS ioned cookery will ,00,1 be the order! ” ort ,or th ‘' y ™ r: CITY DIES IN TEXAS | of the day for picnic affairs. i Last April when the auditorium I Mr,. Hum ha, given aluo, an old G»"r wn, completed we owed Cha, M. Supple Who Left Milled,.- time spinning wheel and another *308.30. We have paid nil on e villa Fort, Year, Ago and Became 1 friend is searching for hide bottom- [ f| onr but ^7.24. ^ We bought HI, a Lawyer Died in Lon* Star State , t-d chairs. ■ ' i For the college itself Hon. Oscar A Waxahachic, Texas, paper re- j Wall of Eutonton, Ga., ha, presented ceivcd in this office announces the j n Creek Indian mortar and pestle, death of Judge Cha, M. Supple, | These have been labeled and placed long the museum pieces of the college. Mr. Wall stated that the nt, .. mi -cod : ?tone of which the mortar is made, The announcement will be read r * * not found either in Baldwin they* will'remember ™ un > y - b « th,t boy and **n>l>>«* >> f '• n<,ar Mucon, Ga. with regret by the older citizens of MiPedgevilli Dr. L. P. Longino, who had an at tack of influenza, continues ill at hi: residence at the State Sanitarium. torical books last June at 3 cost of $63.50 we still owe $36.00 on these books making our indebtedness $123.24. A filing cabinet for the 8th grade v.-as bought and paid for $32.70; Paid for piping to drain ground $49.96; Paid on floor $80.00; Paid for penn ant $4.50; Paid on books $27.50. Total amount paid out $231.66. Amount in treasurer $59.81. In December we assisted Dr. Allen. Dr. T. M. Hall and Mr. R. W. Hatch er in the sale of Red Cross «eals— (Continued on back page) county schools will close ..ession on Friday May ‘ ^ the Board of Education decid- *' their meeting la*t Tuesday, Bivins has announced. : meeting Tuesday brought out ,^ cl that the Standards for lln ir requirements would be the Board will meet Sat- special session to make was hinted. Superintendent Bivins stated that the full nine month term would be carried to' completion despite 3 shortage in finance, and the an nouncement that hud previously been made that the schools would close on the 15th has been revoked. lor of the Tenth District and dele- gate from the Baldwin county ciation was in attendance throughout the session. Dr. George L. Echols will appear on the program of the meeting Thurs- day, making a .pecial oddrc»s on the mental phases of the child. Representative, of the local Auxi- Hiary aleo attended the meeting in Macon. G. M. C. from which institution h> graduated. Mr.,W. T. Anderson, editor of the Soon after his graduation forty Macon Telegraph, will be the guest years ago, he went to Waxahachic, of the Milledgeville Kiwanis Texan, where he taugh school. He next Friday evening, studied law and was admitted to the Mr. Anderson favori the State bar, and became a leading lawyer insuring bonds to build roads, and of that section. he will discuss that subject before Judge Supple is survived by one the Klwanisns. He has Bade a close sister. Mrs. Evs Supple Corrigan, of -tody of the road conditions in Geor- Atianta his wifo and one son. and gin. and the work that i. being done W. T. Anderson To Speak To Kiwanians Friday Night ill be a clear and comprehcn-