Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 09, 1929, Image 6

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wmmmmsimmmmm UNION RECORDER. MILLEDCEVILLE. CA., MAY 9. 1929 INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SH001. LESSON FOR MAY 21 arv b«*nt on doing apl to stay reform- ,, r h»w murh tney may time. Isaiah had been a ^ ^ ^ | prophet during the, ^ f i(| jr king* hi Judah. Enough from other warring na- ived from God to make them eager to do right ju*t by way of showing . ..ank* if for no oth er reaeon. Both kinge tnd people kept returning to the vile abomina tions under the name of worship Which had hren introduced from the When people evil they are no ne had be HINTS FOR THE HOME To lengthen the life of linens, re- nnmb r th« -•• rules for their care: Tablecloth* and napkins of linen damask -hould be washed at home, ,f pi,--'Kir. Otherwise, select a re- Habli laundry where cutting solu tions are not used. NVw linen* should be laundered before they are stored away. Then chests subjected to ire, always avoiding the concentrated heat of radiators and pipe- Cedar chests are prob able- th** best containers. Linen enjoy* exposure to sun and dew; in fact, po substitute compare* with thi-- means of keeping them beautifully whiu*. It also helps to preserv white ne-s to wrap linens in fas: colored blue paper when stor- Idol - thei Another great prophet i* raised up to guide them into right and safe way*. Jeremiah was lorn in the «am« year as good king Josiah who made fine use of the P(ntatcurh, which had been discovered in clean ing out the Temple. At least the memory of that reform must he in the thinking of the older people. For forty year* Jeremiah wrought through Fruit cup Chicken fricasse Buttered spinach Tomato salad Ice box pudding . -ninach and pudding irepared on Saturduy) five L-*<« Read the miah. Propn He siiik- i«a»«- E«*» With Rica a Good Entree aken from hi* writings.; 1 ’ 1 ^eups boiled rice, G hard- ,k of Jeremiah and also boiled cgiri*. 1 1-2 cups whit . wh'ch were by Jere- ] 1 t*. chopped parsley and 1 a* called the "Weer i he had much to lam ernani vf.rdi : Aragon Time: 1MB Elvira, a noble ve with Erna, being forced Spanish lady is bandit chief, but j marry the aged Judah insisted wrong thing in spite of righteousness. When called to his i doir • the i the i white sauce sprinkle top ; spread over all the mining and th chopped parsley. iff ice work uinh i ilwlarinc hi.,, wl >'" A,«r.,«,.A.ri.„ nfit-ifh, lit- ceiled himself a Try h-iUne espernRu. «ith cheese .sauce. Lay stalks (which have been boibd tender but not soft) in but tered baking dish and pour over them the cheese sauce which is the usual wnite sauce containing grated cheese. Spread buttered crumbs over top and iiake in a hot oven until crumbs are brown. “child.” One is not ap* to be very aggressive under such a «1( evalua tion. God quickly did awuy with that inferiority complex by telling him to consider Who it was that was com- mi- ioning him. Our Master Teach er is able to equip any one for ser vice to whom any special duty is a«- aigne-d. The ordination service was completed as the hand of Jehovuh touched his mouth. At once he was told t«» “speak unto all th? people.” Many laughed at him and mo-t refused summons to repentence. redu An Economical Salad Finely shredded spring cabbage, lierd apple and celery mixed with mayonnu^e and garnished wfth heed the chopped sweet pickk make a tasty nee. Then this and economical salad that fits nicely ho just must help the people,-: into ^spring menus. his appeals to writing and • a collection of these ad- Prevent* Odor cf Cooking Cabbage in the book we now study for A teaspoon of vinegar added to eks. the w-ater in which cabbage i,. boiled, overcome the unpleasant odor. P romi * c ' * tabB h,m(,clf ’ LEO JORDAN. Don Gome* de Silva, a Grandee of Spain. Ernani, ..n lh.- tv. of their wdilinu. ait’ lh. aid of the -noun- taineers to carry Elvira away. Wl.< Elvira i» receiving gifts and coi gratulation- of her friends, Don Cur-j las, king of Spain enters her apart ment. He tells her of his undying love for her and tries to force her! from the castle. She cries for help, and Ernani, entering through a secret door protects her, defying the king. | Silva coming to vi«it his bride, finds* Emuri and Surlas. a vengeance with his sword. The royal armourbearer, Don Ricardo ar rives and Silva discovers he has challenged the king. He begs for pardon and it is granted. Act 2 As the wedding of Elvira and Silva is about to be solemnized, Ernani. disguised as a pilgrim enters asking for hospitality; then, thinking Elvii is false to him he throws off his dis guise, declares his followers dispersed and demands to be give to the king. Silva refuses to do but late: determines avengcance cause he finds Ernani and Elvira still faithful to each other. The king arrives and carries Elvira off as hostnc "f the faith of Silva. Silva challenges Ernani to fight, but he refuse* to do so because Silva saved his life. However, he is ready to die if he can only see Elvira once again. He is vlwn told that she has been taken hostage. Elvira offers Im helping Silva overcome the king and gives him a horn to! sound when he is needed. Act 3 Thr king is concealed, dodging the consp.rators who are to meet. The i right of killing the king fulls on] Ernani. At that moment Don Carlos appears, announces himself as Em peror Charles V, condemns the plebe-, ians to prison and the noble* to the block. Ernani demands to be sent with the nobles. Charles, wishing to reign by love rather than fear i leases the prisoners and unites the lovers, Ernani and Elvii BELL’S JUST IN BY EXPRESS. 50 EVENING. GRADUAT- UATING AND PARTY DRESSES, BOUGHT AT 1-3 LESS THAN TEIR REAL VALUE. Special Sale Of PARTY DRESSES EVENING DRESSES Graduating Dresses More than 50 in the lot—whites and all the new pastel shadings, bought for 1 -3 less than their real value. $19.75 Dresses at $16.75 $15.00 Dresses at — $10.00 $10.00 Dresses at - $ 5.00 Chiffons, Georgettes and Taffetas dress- fiv, weeks. The newer of the people to , miah’* efforts on thpir behalf the sentence “Thou shalt surely The princes of Judah reaffirmed verdict. They did not want their sin* showed up and so shouted down the man who talked of keeping the moral law and the law* of God Thcr P was all too much expression of general opinion and no one thought the matter through a.* it might apply to him personally. They treated - Jercmiuh a* a renegade because he to said Jerusalem would be overthrown yo if sinners persisted in doing evil. He th is a patriot indeed who is bold his enough to speak aga He is a patriot indeed It is at the marriage. In the rejoicing Don Silva enters m: unds the horn. Ernani, faithful idst If you Want the Best Shop at E. E. BELL’S BOSTON CAFE “Fresh Eggs Served Daily" —WHERE EVERYBODY EATS— Try Our BLUE PLATE DINNER -lease the jury but said “Amend • ways and your doings, and obey voice of Jehovah.” He dismissed >wn life ns by a wave of the hand, evil. They could do, to him "as is good and bold right in your own eyes.” Then their speak against his nation litter judgment helped their guilty when they are riding to a,fall be- consciences to pronounce against cause of wrong doing. iJhter monu- themselves and to declare the prophet ments are erected bearing the names "Not guilty.” It still remained for of just such martyrs. the remnant of the great Jewish mi-1 When n formal trial came at the lion to reform their conduct and gate, the u-ual place of justice, bring it in accord vrith their recent] Jeremiuh saw that it was a fine op- vote. It is the same today. Deed* portunity to again tell them of their count, rather thxvn good f-nunding sins. He did not trim his message This Little Wife Goes to Market This Little Wife Stays at Home! B OTH of them are good housekeepers— but one of them has availed herself of modem labor and time saving equipment. She finds tha* - her General Electric Refrigerator saves her many hours a week that were formerly spent in the tiresome business of “going to market.” Now she can keep food for a week if necessary — keep it fresh and delicious, for the tempera- turc of her General Electric Refrigerator never rises anywhere near the danger point, but is always cold and dry. L that spoiled in a day or less now keep perfectly. That is an economy—and a great relief, for no one likes to risk earing food that i6n t quite as fresh as it should be. to,;, c: ' have this time saving, money modem type of refrigeration. The terms ■ rr. J e especially low sc. that eve y- • and benefit by owning this the Future.” For your own sake, you should investigate ... leam about the mechanical perfection of this electric refrigerator. For example! It never even needs oiling. The mechanism is all on top where it takes up no room that might be devoted to storage of foods. It is so quiet .you can barely hear it even when you try to do so, stand' in S right beside it! It is built like a safe—can't warp,and will stand years of use without a cent spent for servicing. These are details worth knowing. It's an in vestment that you make when you buy a Gen eral • • The only way you can.decide whether or not to :• first hand. Wr know v. oat your decision will be enpe you do That — c. peoaliy now t’ •;'.c new low electric rates have made t!:t Gc • -i Electric Refrigerator still more economical to operate. GENERAL © ELECTRIC Refrigerator :xxxxxzixixnxxx2zzxiiimxx::xixzxz: