Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 09, 1929, Image 9

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guide post health AND HAPPINESS bV bkrnarr macfaoden UNION RECORDER, MILLEDCEV1LLE, CA., MAY 9, 1999 BU Ths Coi !•*•*? . pro; very Ion* business world, created . ration by his caustic of • •Her® i they graduate from col- ^id. "they arc thoroughly FRICIDAIRE COLD CONTROL trouble often followed zero temperatures at the turn of a Apparently the cold control was equipped with this device leaped to WEEK CREATES INTEREST ' sp rs were cautioned to leave it har.Jle. And it enables the user to what the public whs seeking when new h^rh levels within u niomth, alone. Finally the company covered restore normal refrireration temper- it was tinkering with switches, the ! showing that onc e again the public A most surprising increase of pub- th ‘- switch with a tight metal covet, atures without calling in expert as- local dealer said, for soon after its had blazed a path for industry to fol- lic interest in electric refrigeration •‘■■'.me ran wires und’r the switch I 1 stria nee. introduction, the sale of Frigidairej low. was manifest in the number of visi- CuVir to accomplish the same result in showrooms througiiout the Dthers, whose . vol- country during Krigidaire Cold Con trol Week, according to R. W. Hatch- local representative. Thousands people took advantage of the op portunity to learn more about me chanical refrigeration for the house- lot of things they hold and to familiarize themselves know. Their brains arc with the newest Krigidaire feature, i i, v psychology, logic land which permits the user to obtain any \ and a lot of other stuff required temperature for tee and t,u- ...an or woman who in- dessert making. : ,ke it his or her life’s "This growing interest further i -1 ,.u!d meddle with. And emplifies the tremendous increase this useless learning, they tales that has occurred in all pa i,d another sort of educa- of the country," he said. "Th-. fi . •,.y niig.it well do without, tories at Dayton are operating ov -arette smoking, the use time, many departments working , ,t, powder, lipsticks and night, some on triple shift to *n< i «hoes.” the unprecedented demand, mind, this man is unfair records for compressor fchipn. • cralixation. There are all wer ® broken • • ollegc girls, just as there .,,rt.-. of school girls and d that by installing a short tifletitling snap switch they could get the same results. What was wanted was a choice of all h mperaturea. The situation was intensified when hundreds of thousands of wo men began to experiment in the preparation of frozen desserts in their electric refrigerators. Mkny of these delicacies required unusuai- _ i ly low temperatures for successful n making. Back went the wire into „ place, and again the service man was called to restore normal turape ra th- per Then factory engineers completed some research ttnd experiments they Ktd been conducting for several years and the Krigidaire Cold Control was the result. This device is not mere ly a temperature adjustment for the “March shipments were fifty per j food compartment but is primarily ahead of the same month last designed for controlling freezing . y „ ame C ° e,re year with 1040 carloads of finished speeds, in the dessert and ice making March. ersities of hutr products leaving the factories trays and is caoale of poducing i ontributed even more to pre phenomena! conditions,’ he add- i a black , weighing STRAY NOTICE—I 1 hog with crop in right about 50 lbs. in my possesion. Owner can get same by paying ex pense* of keep and ad. Unlass claimed before May 24th, will sell. E. W. Clance, Route 3, Gordon, Ga. 4-29-29 4L eiri* ju.t like other Kiris Thf introduction of the Fri s i<liiire . V.t curette smokinc i» h.rm- cold control, wit.i its sis freezin, „,r..t of them smoke be- s P- ed *< which cuts the time of ice . mukes them feel sm.rt and »>«** i» h ” lf - « *«- h - icated. For the same reason *** , ..|... rouge and lipstick and slang seI •■.pike" hi-eled shoes. This is c<1 - ir 1(JPa of fun—but ts it worth- Back in the ^ when the in . Ir " hen it takes away from their Bta ]iation of an electric refrigerator sweetness as well as the strength of j n a i, ome W as a topi? of discussion akokacine girlhood? f or blocks in every direction, the In ’he matter of high-heeled shoe>, proud user found that he had a pl*y- usrtily agree with this critic. They thing much more adsorbing than an _ , actually physically injurious for automobile carburetor, according to umber <>f reasons, chief among Mr. Hatcher, local Krigidaire repre- v .., ng that they throw your sentative. By changing the tempera- .iy structure out of line, and turc switch with the family screw rgmns that bring pain a.id driver they found they could run up ir. later life. They jar the boz tempo ratine t-> cut down • "... krone with every step. They operating costa nod run it down to xtaid and sedate; stiff and build up an ice cuba reserve. "i:.d why not—since the high As the switch was not derigncJ to - nothing more or less than a produce such thermal acrobatics rt - it. It is the deadly parallel " iou.s and cruel practise of r.-r.;nding in China, that the “ OUR SERVICE IS SUDDEN Our prices sre the lowest—What more do you want? High class Shoe Repairing, Cleaning and Pressing BLAIN’S SHOE PLANT AND PRESSING CLUB Phone 373 tightened Chi uboiiah- * i’. with the low-heeled—of better | tht heeUeaa shoe, your* whole U; oudouk changes. Try it and j The delicious feeling of frec- :: tives invites you to run and you did when a child. You pto be alive. : back to the coliege girl— .•"iieges themselves are not above erhicum. In the past they have i "toriously lacking in their at- - to the requirements of . i. Many girls and boys have • i! themselves into semi-invali- rder to pass examinations. •i\.- • ven committed suicide ICE Is Cheaper Than Spoiled Food! i days costly iugh ■ uric. El ation is useless unless it .[■ the body, broadens the in-j ••"tual facilities, increases one’s 1 - r in pim er and gives one the j Uf and ability to solvel life’s ; roblems. Such an educa- a gold mine to infinite depth. 1 C fr:w:-x«»oooooao©cax>oot><>»2 SPECIALIZED SERVICE— c. H. ANDREWS & SON. ‘‘Nothing But Insurance’' BILIOUSNESS Arlfa-.,i[ rorvinc-4 S'hcp Mh Childhood That “Black. Draught Can’t Be Beaten” For It Vest Helena, Ark,- “I am fifty- fi'arv 0 *^? r *f age. and I have taken S*;,-Draught, when needed, all my £1 Mr. G. L. Smith, of 253 Turd Street, this city. tenth 11 1 Was j 125 *’ a child, my Black-Draught tea. 1 i;e it to me Tor colds and 11 was a family medi- us. 1 vas ^rown and went out r*. 1 ’ ,“^ m ' woritin « hard, I would tir» ^ uL< lircd feeling and a bad •if-, * «n°uth. I would know '*_!• ‘r 11 1 waa bilious. I would 1 • doses of Black-Draught, •In i . feel 800(1 03 new. Skrv r’, ' cr , J cars, I have taken ^ -Draught and it has helped rm’j . t0: - ‘tipation and biliousness, Vi J *f ; . ^ °f the same belief, as •5? £ Black-Draught 1^ woraen >. Dni ught of great help in ‘*° ' ; • n';l > coa S 011 alL-nsnts. duo & >-' UGri. P UOn * bUlous ness and in- Prepay from A h2rbs 311(1 roo ‘ & e ° D dh^* rJ^2 edy Ior unnatural Cost.'’ w°f. lhe system. Ulien the thermometer starts rising and the we SET IN, Food will spoil quickly—and that means waste—unless it is protected by Ice. Always keeping your refrigerator supplied with Ice is inexpensive when you consider what you save—and the way in which it keeps your food fresh and palatable. We deliver Ice daily right to your door. Atlantic Ice & Coal Co. Pho!.,- 485 A Real Hit with the Children FLOUR C HILDREN hurry home from Hchoo! to sample - that delicious cake mother . baked—and it’s wholesome \»»“ deUc5o “ s ’ ^ *■' :0L ' \ useii Omega flour. i is Red Tag is YOUR PROTECTION are a few examples of outstanding values .3 the Chevrolet V V red “O. K. that Counts” tag at tached to the radiator cap of a used car— you know that it represents outstanding quality and value. This ta:; means that the car to which it is attached has been thoroughly reconditioned and checked “O. |.V by expert mechanics — using genuine parts for all replacements. If you are in the market for a good used car, come in. We have an unusually wide se lection of used cars taken in trade—and our prices and terms are exceptionally luw. Come in today! USED CHEVROLET ONE TON TRUCK FOR SALE Buy this one and you will be silting on the world for twelve monins with no expense, ihoroughly overhauled, ready to go to work. This one with the 0. K. that counts. CHEVROLET USED COACH FOR SALE This one is a knock-out. the best buy ever offered in town for what we are asking. Drive this one out it will sell it’s self. A CRACKER JACK CABROLET FOR SALE 1928 Chevrolet Cabroiet that is worth far more than we are asking. This one is a jim dandy, being offered with an 0. K. that counts, it is your move. DODGE ROADSTER FOR SALE Here is one that I am not expecting to get any thing like the value I am going to sell it. It is cut of my line, hang thisbaby and boy you will be tickled pink. “CHEVROLET TOURING FOR SALE If you have been bargain hunting, price them all any where and ihen drive out this car. Then old man we will get together. ESSEX SEDAN FOR SALE If Mr. Essex ever made one any count, I nave it, and you will not believe your eyes and ears when you see and hear the price. Act quick if you are Essex inclined. L. N. JORDAN DEPENDABILITY, SATISFACTION AND HONEST VALUE Announcing a NEW Free Service to Motorists THE STANDARD OIL t TOURING SERVICE Motorists throughmii the South .tit be interested In tlie announcement of the new Standard OH Tonring Service—a service organ ized to help you in planning any motor trips you may desire to make, and amixt you in selecting the best, shortest or most seenie routes through out the United States. This wrv-ire i* free. Fill out coupon below, or drop n line to Standard Oil Tonring Service. 126 W. Bloom St., Louisville, Ky_, stating destination, and you will immediately lie supplied xitli maps and up- to-date, authentic information on the best route. Then, to make your trip as economical and us free from trouble a* possible, fill your tank with CROWN ETHYL GASOLINE—the motor- fuel of maximum mileage, and your crankcase with "STANDARD” MOTOR OIL-thc quality lubricant that prevents friction and wear. Standard Oil motor products are refined up to a standard—not down to a price! They are prod ucts that you can depend on! Their popularity (they're the bnt-eellen year in and year out), proves their worth. Sold by Standard OH service- stations, and dealers throughout the South. Standard OilCompany Planning a Motor Trip? Let ns route It ^ lor you | INCORPORATED IN KCKTUCXY I — — — . Standard Oil Tonnag Service, 426 W. Bloom St., Louisville, Ky. . I J would lika you to send me detailed route • ! fa” | |ss