Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 16, 1929, Image 1

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moti OLLME XC1X (^CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED HERE |»n Shipp Addrewes M«t- in Inlerfkt of Bond luut for Roads in Georgia ; CROWD ATTEND MEETING rJSftnjiSTtei ibliahad ia ltfll RECKLESS DRIVING OF DRUNK EN NEGRO CAUSES ACCIDENT MUIedgevlile, Ga., May lb, 1929 wi.*. ‘tied An autumn at the juncti« North Wayne , Middle Georgia di- rive for the Rond' d Roads in Gvuigin, | ipaign in his div . Wedae-day night with Mt •I, t biff crowd present, diw-o -I'd the plans fo: , natiitHtl road conditions i .xpwumd the need of immedi- snd discussed the meth- ... r»hxh the money would be ex- ; He reviewed in a vivid way , ,,d rendition* of the state and - ,j thr bond issue as the only hr bond issue as has been pro- by IIiffhway Chairman Slate fur a ion million dollar he counties which are due m the hiffhway department mid and a five year road program entered in IV county commissioner* of the •r endorsed the plan, i patriotic organizations have given tVir approval and the plan of id i—ur is beinff discussed befoi : people. ’ Hr Shipp came here under the :• r-nip of the Georgia Autoi r A - -nation, Mr. Adrian Horne iirman in this county. Mr. Horn* irrtained thx* visitor and several Bfr.« at 'Upper before the reeev LOCAL D. A. V. B. MeCullar Elected State lead in Savannah Last Week at Convention IMED WITHOUT OPPOSITION B. McCullnr, local attorney an«! r Commander of the Huff-Vin- ».f the Disabled American s . wa s named State Com- •n at their annual conven- i held in Savannah last week. *’ MeCullar was intrumcntal in : :i chapter here and in the ' the orffasization through- ‘He. He was he first Vice- er of the Disabled Veterans -tate wide group had been and brought the conven- tw., years ago. '"-‘••n as State Commander lision occurred McIntosh and early Tuesday afternoon, when Hubbard Lee Waller, a negro, drove his Ford cat full into the Chevrolet of Mr. Blood- worth. Tne impact was a forceful one. Hnd Mr. Bloodworth’s car was budly damaged. Waller was under the influence of liquor, and when placed under ar rest a large pistol was found con cealed on his person. He was locked up at the city hall, and was later carried to jail with the charges of driving a car while under the influ ence' of liquor, and having a con cealed pistol, against him. Head of Episcopal Church in Georgia Consolidated in 1171 CADETS PAY RESPECT TO GEO. STALLINGS DR. JOHN WILEY HEALTH OFFICER Sparta Man and Former Interne at The State Sanitarium to Take Over Doties as County Dr. WILL BEGIN JUNE THE FIRST Dr. John Wiley, who recently com pleted several months study with the Rockefellow Foundation in Mississ ippi after finishing an interneship at the State Sanitarium, will take over the duties as Couny Health Officer June 1st, the Board of Health ha- announced. At a meeting of the Health Board of Dr. O. F. Moran, Dr. T. M. Hall and Mr. F. N. Bivins, Dr. Wiley was named to the health post and has ac cepted. He will relieve Dr. Ander son who resigned last week. Dr. Wiley is a graduate of the State University Medical School in Augusta and has worked at the State Sanitarium after spending an additional year studying in Augusta after his graduation. He resigned his post at the Sanitarium to enter the public health work and went to the Mississippi valley for ‘.several ths study of malaria under the rvision of the Rockefellow Foun- u „„. jn . His qualifications make him particularly suited for the position will fill here. Dr. Wiley is u native of Sparta, e son of one of the oldest physici- ,s in this section Dr. R. C. Wiley, is also a brother of Col. Sam Wiley, prominent attorney of Sparta Bishop H. J. Mikell to Make Annual Visit to Parish Head of Atlanta Diocese of Episcopal Church to Confer Rights of Confirmation at Services 'Here Nexi Sunday. WMl Preach at Eleven Thirty O’clock Service The Right Reverend H. J. Mikell, Bi.-hop of the Atlanta Diocese will make his annual visit to St. Stephens Episcopal church on Sunday morn ing Bley 19th, conferring the right* of Confirmation and conducting the morning i-4*ayer service Mt eleven thirty. Bishop Mikelle will arrive in the city Saturday afternoon and be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bone, while here. Mr. and Mrs. Bone will be hostess on Saturday evening to the members of the Vestry ir. honor of Bishop Mikell and church matters will be discussed. Bishop Mikell will arrive in the in church circles in Georgia ano has many warm admirers in Milledge- During the CL M. C.-River*id« *'useball game this afternoon a pause was made and the twg teams and spectators stood with bared heads while taps was sounded in respect to George Stalling, the great Miracle ball. ug died at his home in early Monday. He wns itor here and had many i city. He played ba*e- ile » youth, spending this city with his fath- r who came here to build the con- alescent building at the State itarium. !. M. C. won the game from River- 5 to 2 and the two team* play Thursday. GEORGIA ELKS TO MEET HERE 1930 Convention of B. P. 0. E. to Be Held in Milled geviUe, Capt. Ennis Announces THREE THOUSAND TO ATTEND ville, having visited here many years. He is a devout scholar and is reco gnized as one of the most eloquent speakers in the South. He has or several occasions delivered the Bac- caulaureate f-ermons at the colleges Rev. F. H. Harding stated that th' Bishop would prohuhly conduct a service in Sparta in the afternoon, a large chorus choir accompanying him there. Milledgeville was unanimously and enthusiastically chosen as the place for the 1930 convention of Georgia Elks at their meeting in Atlanta last week. Capt. J. H. Ennis, Exalted Ruler of the local Lodge extended the invitation. Capt. Ennis while at the meeting last week expressed to the gathering ; of the B. P. O. E. the desire of the Milledgeville Lodge to have the state I organization meet here. The meeting Mr. Harding has announced that j hero next year i. expected the Right of Confirmation would be J the largest number trf administed to several persons at the service in the morning and that Bishop Mikell would preach. The {Jublic has been cordially in vited to this sendee. the W. T. Anderson Discusses Live Issues Before Kiwanis Club udy in Mif !, ippi ,’oted Mr. MeCullar will enter '••rni of office immediately will take him through- j •tOCEKs PREACHED AT ttTHODIST CHURCH SUNDAY Natalro Rogers. missionary Sar; ‘ "f the North Georgia Con- **• ’'^arh'-d at the Methodist ” ‘n ri»y Sunday morning. baaed on St, Paul’s ,n ' “I am a Debtor,” and from his subject many con- - ' J'.*:- which made a deep ' c| ° n u <»'-n his hearers. The ‘ •Mrreiration listened nttentive- J".ved his discourse. principally to Public health. Dr. Wiley was a member of the graduating class in Augusta with Dr. Mobley and he h'is many friends here who will give him a •ordial welcome to Milledgeville. THE MORRIS LITTLE POST OF AMERICAN LEGION AUXILLIARY GIVES MEDAL | The Morris-Little Post American I Legion Auxiliary recently offered la bronze medal for the pupil of the eighth grade who best fulfilled the following requirements during the school term, scholarship honor, ser vice courage and leadership. Mrs. J. M. Salters, president of the auxiliary, at the recent sing .unccd miss Rosa Ivey, of the Midway school as winner of tha medals, Mi-s Marguerite Ivey, of the Cooperville school, and Miss Dorothy Hooten of the Union Point school re ed honorat / mention. fiddle Georgia Masons to Gather at Banquet Here Mr. W. T. Anderson, editor of the Macon Telegraph, in a speech deliver- ered -before the Milledgeville Ki wanis club Friday evening, made an able and convincing argument in favor of a state issue of bonds for school purposes and road building. Mr. Ander*on was heard by the numbers of the club, and a number j of other citizens, who were the pecial guests of the club The speaker was introduced by the President Mr. L. C. Hall, and he was given a cordial welcome. Mr. Anderson was forceful in hi* criticism* of the conditions that had been brought about a shortage of $3.- i 000,000.00 for the common school funds, compelling tjhe ischooj: throughout the state to close, am the payment of the salaries of the euchers to be delayed. It was a d grace 10 the State. He favored bond issue, and the appointment of a commission composed of twelve' appointees one from each congress ional district to study the condition of the schools, and to place the money derived from the sale of the bonds, in building up a unified educational system. In discussing road bonds Mr. An derson brought out facts and figures showing that Georgia under the pres ent system was making slow pro gress in building permanent roads, and that large amounts cf money were being wasted. He showed that the destruction of automobili Lodge No. 3, will hav 'i June -1th Mason- ‘ !n all the Middle Georgiu ^'^ditig to aVi .announce- . made this week by the K *Qjre. s . mon ths ago delegations ’ ^Mgeville lodge began ! '’sited The local lodge proposes make this the largest meeting of Masons ever held here. The feature of the evening will be the conferring of the Master* De gree by a degree team from Benevol ent Lodge. This part of the program will be put on after the banquet that will be held in the club rooms early in the evening. J. W. Riley, Joe T. Andrews, Joseph A. Moore, good will meetings { h. middle section and more than a dozen _ >n ’* Un e 4th they will have ' from all tliese lodges I „ _a i -j r T Reck Distinguished Mas- ! W - »• Baumgartel and L. L. Beck ® kn action* of the state in- haw the arrangements of the pro- Grand L °dge officers will bo gram and entertainment in charge. McMullen, ent road far exceeded that in those states w lich had paved roads and It with the cost of excess gasoline would more than pay the amount of the bond interest. He showed that North Carolina by issuing bonds and building n permanent road sys tem, had far outstiipped the other outhern states in progress and ad vancement. In discu: keting advantages given the farmer by paved roads, he cited instances, showing the great advantages that had come to farmers, dairymen anu truck growers in Bibb county in get- ing their products to market since the highway from Macon to Atlanta had been paved. He was convincing in his arguments that the toll under the present road system in the State was far in excess of the amount of interest thut would accrue from a bond issue. He favored bond., paid directly to the treasury of ti.«* State, city has ever entertained, Capt. Ennis stated. There will be among the visitor^ many distinguished Geor gians and it is expected that nationally known figures will be pres ent for the convention. Elaborate entertainment is being made for the entertainment of the visitors who will he here for two days. Capt. Ennis stated that the local lodge would begin making plans now and every detail would be ready to make the event the most gala ever held in thia city. One of the big features will be an old fashioned Georgia barbecue . MACON EDITORS TO VISIT G. S. C. W. FRIDAY - W. T. And. I to Spea n and Mark Ethei >k at Chapel Serrlc Friday Morning Number 39 GREAT ALUMm RALLY PLANNED President Wootten Calls Meeting for Next Monday Evening. Ask ing Ail Alumni to Attend FINAL RALLY BEFORE JUNE •sident R .H. Wootten ba* call- rally of all G. M. C. Alumni ext Monday evening at 8:30 at ourt house when the complete plans for the Home-Coming will be nted and all committees or ganized. The executive board that has been working out the plans for she cele brated are ready to present them to h full meeting of the association and all people belonging t:» t*: >cia- tion or entitled to membership are urged to attend. The greatest gath ering ever held in Milledgeville will he arsembled on June 3rd and 4th r.nd the Alumni are urged to attend this final rally. The following communication from the homes committee has been issued and nil people who can re spond are asked to be prepared to notify this committee on Monday: To the people of Milledgeville and Baldwin county: From nil indications, there will be hundreds of alumni in Milledgeville to attend the G. M. C. “Home-Com ing” on June 3rd and 4th. It will be impossible for the hotels of our city to take care of all the men and women who have already aceptcd invitations to Ke here to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of our school. Therefore the committee on homes are appealing to all the families in our town and county, who can. to please modi as many as possible on these two days, with the understand ing that these same visitor? are to have meals at the hotels and cafes, unless specially invited to ent in the homes where they are rooming. We plan to have a booth in the lobby »f the Baldwin hotel whe t* several people will be on duty, so when all the hotels are filled up. we will begin sending them out to the homes where the heads of the fami lies have expressed a desire to help out in this emergency. We will have some Boy Scouts mounted on bicy cles to direct them to the homes im mediately after they have registered. We will greately appreciate any thing you can do to help u« out in getting and locating rooms for these s. If you can take one or people for these two days, please call the chairman of our com mittee, giving him the number of rooms and number of beds that you ill have available at this time. Yours for a great Home-Coming, M. F. (DICK) STEMBRIDGE, Chairman Homes Committee. Phone 484. I W. T. Anderson, Editor of the Ma- ; con Telegraph and Mark Etheridge Managing Editor of the Telegraph ‘ will attend the chapel exercises at ( the Georgia State College for Wo. ] men Friday morning and speak to the student*. * The editors are coming here at the ; invitation of Dr. Beeson and will be j n . i luncheon guests at the Mansion. Mr. j JO Anderson und Mr. Etheridge have „„„ i‘ n 7"p.'id”oat wh,7'n^d„l.l"“ d * " a* H * k,r HU phn «u the appointment of e •»*« °< the ,tate and are ' * . . . • interested in the local school, bond commission to act in juncturt with the highway commtaion. The 1 Mr.. Anderaon and Mrs. Etheridge highway commission to select a pro- will accompany the editors here, ject of road building, then to submit *~ ~ the project, plans and cost to the The friends of Mrs. G. C. McKin- bond commission for approval, and ley regret to learn that she is in the when approval was given the work to City Hospital, where she underwent be done and bonds issued for the ;.n operation Wednesday, amount. ! attentively by his hearers, and Presbyterian Evangelist to G. S. C. CELEBRATES WITH FIELD DAY The Freshman class of G. S. C. was declared victor of a hotly con tested field day on Tuesday of this we-k. The program under the supervision of Miss Anna Elizabeth Miller and Mrs. William Ireland was most inter esting. Games were played and track events entered into. The pro gram was arranged in different periods. Games of Ancient Greene. Old England and on to the modern American game of baseball were all contested by the four class teams. The program was the most inter- esing ever given at the colb ye. ; proiiotinced to We a strong pre- i Georgia, c of its pres- ! sentation of the issues discussed. JUDGE WARD MADE BRIGIDIER GENERAL Judge B. C. Ward today received his commission as Brigadier General cf the United Confederate Veterans, as Commander of the East Georgia Division. General Ward is preparing to at tend the convention in Charlotte, N. C-, next month and will have com mand of the brigade. He will ap point maids of honor for his bri gade. DR. SCOTT TO DELIVER COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS Dr. Edwin H. Scott, Dean of the Teachers College at G. S. C. W., and one of Georgia’s leading educators, will deliver e.n address today (Thurs day) at the graduating exercises of the high school at Deepstep. Dr. Scott ia a close student; a deep thinker, and a pleasant speaker, and his address will be an appropriate Conduct Revival in June Rev. Ralph Gilliam, Presbyteria Evangelist will come here next month to open a series of special services at the Presbyterian church, Rev. George B. Thompson, the pastor has arnounced. The services will begin on June 23r«l and will continue through two weeks ,it is under>tood. Rev. W. T. Pearman, who will be remembered as leading the ringing when the local pastors held a meeting in the Metho dist church, has been secured to have charge of the music for the services. “The Presbyterian church in Geor gia employs an Evangelist, whose duties are to conduct special services in churches that desire such a ser vice, Rev. Thompson stated. “He is, in no sense, a “professional” Evange list, neither does the church secur ing his serveies feel that a meeting conducted by him will be a financial drain upon the church and the com munity. Rev. Ralph Gilliam 5« under the direction of what i? called Synod's work Committee, wjiich has charge of the Mission and Evangelis tic work of the Presbyterian church, Mr. Thompson concluded. All denominations wiii be invited to attend the special service?.