Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 23, 1929, Image 4

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HtXUKUtK, MIU-EOCEVIU-E. CA.. MAY 23. IMt UNION RECORDER ••I (J n ion Cttablitb^ lSlf Publi.h.i W..kly o. TI.»r.a.j at G*. R. B. MOORE—EDITOR JERE N. MOORE—BmwmmMiT- SUBSCRIPTION RATES , year SI-50 ting Katti fi»rtiik*J Application OFFICIAL ORGAN OF COUNTY AND CITY eia’, Legislator* have gone to the I disposing of it, for the one PUH>o ?e Capitol, to protect the poor former, Tor tchich slot machmo, arc boUt » t,; M«td U* rights of the poor to take the money of those «<» ter bu.ine*. man nnd to card the down I at thrm._ To call them g*tnb- (rodden and bankrupt people of our j ling mnehmea .» to flatter them, for Mate vo long that we are all bettin- g.mbling pame, are pame. 01 jpg to believe their story and make chance. And the man who peta up tic came excuae for our indifference, ; against a riot machme harm the They have been blind to the lolutlon 1 ghost of a chance, a. the Thorn**- „f our needa becauae wc were too ville Proa points out He a juat a poor to atand anythinp that meant | aucl ''• The Albany Herald. projrresaiveneM. THURSDAY. MAY 23, 1929 poor? We own 260 mil lion dollars* worth of ‘.automobiles. ; We «pent thirty eight and one half million for gasoline and we contri bute to the Federal Government in income tax fifteen million. Where do we get this poor howl. The meat in the nut is this. Wc have used an antiquated system of taxation to realise our revenue and it i the poor man in many instances who carries the burden. Why not • hift the load. The Georgia Legis lature instead of trying to change •hi- burden and realy relieve the I uor man as they arc trying to make incrca ed the burdi THE ELKS CONVENTION FOR MILLEDCEVILLE Milledgeville will be host next ■ar to the members of the Be •it asd Protective Order of Elks, i organization of high ideals, • rthy tenet* and mo*t admirable inciples. It is a compliment to Milledeevill .t this organization has decided t for their annual R. E. LEE CHAPTER HELD MEETING TUESDAY MAY 14 Report* Were Made; Interacting »gr m Rendered; Officer* for Year Elected The Robert E. Lee Chapter of U. D. C. met with Mrs. S. A. Cook on Tuesday afternoon at her lovely colonial home in Midway. The spaci ous hall, living room and parlor were decorated in ipring flowers, adding to the attractiveness of the hofui CAPT. JOHN MATHIS MAY COME TO RE-UNION Capt. John T. Mathis, a member of the second class graduating from G. M. C., and the second command ant of the Cadet battalion, may come to the re-union of G. M. C. students. Capt Mathis is now a citizen of Jacksonville, Fla., and Mr. R. H. Woottc n recently learntfd his ad dress, and wrote to him urging him to attend the home-coming of the former students of the college. Mr. Wootten has not received a reply to his letter which was written only a few days since, but it can be expect ed that Capt. Mathis will be here June 3rd and 4th. The meeting wap opened with reading the U. D. C. ritual led by the president, Mrs. R. B. Moore, after which all joined in singing “Dixie". The minutes of tile April meeting ( Were read by the secretary, Mrs. j The members of the Sunday John Mobley, and treasurer’s report School class of Mrs. Mattie Bivins by Mrs. P. N. Bivins. Mrs. were entertained Friday afternoon pie It t.woore reported that all expense.- of by Mrs. G. A. Watkins. Plans for m-et. Capt. Ennis and the member*. Memorial Day dinner had been the work of the class for the com- „f the local lodge can rest assured j Th , n> were twelve veterans i R g year were made and n social that thiy will have the support of | . irpse nt, and about six widows of hour enjoyed. Delicious refresh- our people in entertaining *his ho - t j vctcr;ins present at the dinner. Mrs. ra ents were served by the hostess •_ I -plcndid Georgians. \ jj Bland reported splendid work the forward thinking peo-^ Milledgeville will do herself| ^ (Jone by the children of i Georgia are ready to showlpr-ud when hese mm come here and , Confederacy. They are planning apostles of ours the way. will add to her already honor the birthday - hoped and sincerely desired I reputation ns the most hospi » r >f Jefferson Monday, Taka id van tag# of thaws i city nten f«-r drunkenness. The number of people killed in the United States at railroad crosingj during the past four years is giver at 11,486. It is more than probable thav 99 per cent of the Davir in June Mrs. G. A. Lawrence had arrang ed a very good program honoring the " Women of the Confederacy." The Scuthern Girl" was played; Mrs. M. M. Parks read several short sketches of Women in war times. Mr. ., A *v, Chas Conn sang "Little Mother O’ Tuesday. May JOth the Liilu , b.ok nd Hr of England, after • thought that h has returned t« at the Geortfia Legislature will i I buckle down to the task and work ” oat a tax .y.tem for oar -late that RURAL MAIL CARRIERS Uill loin* into tho Troa.ury of .hr j TO MEET AT MITCHELL Government sufficient income ami: . at the same time place the burden | The Tenth Distnct Rural Utter ' equally and fairly upon the people Curlers As.ociatiun will convene " who are most able to pay. I Mitchell — - We hnve no reason to pity our-'There are 118 carriers in this dis- The nom j nat j nf r committee named 1 selves. There is no state so rich a J trict. 100 of whom are expected toj^ fo , Iowi||g officent nni , thoy were ours and surely we can expect no attend, along with thc.r Tamnte?- , unanimoualy elected: For President 'sympathy from others. Get self-j This is to be strictly a carriers con *i _ Mrs R B Moore: Vi pity out of your system. vention and the boy* hope to ___ I ,t the best convention yet held RALPH SIMMERSON Baick Dealer LIBEL FOR DIVORCE Raymond J. Delacroix, Landry Delacroix. Petition for Divorce i n Superior Court July Term. To the defendant. Lena Delacroix:— The plaintiff, Raymond — oix, having filed his petition i divorce against Lena Lar.dry croix, in this Court, re 1 this term of the Court, a..., H . made to appear that Lena Delacroix is not a resident County, and also that she d< reside within the State, and der having been made for on her, Lena Landry Delacroix publication, this, therefore, notify you, Lena Landry Dels, to be and appear at the next of Baldwin Superior Court to hf on the 2nd Monday in July then and there to answer “aid planit. Witness the Honorable James 1 Park, Judge of the Superior Coal This May 20, 1929. 1 (Signed) J. C. COOPER. Clerk I Our tire sale positively rloi Monday. Take advantage of i bargains. RALPH SIMMERSON Bakk Dsater ‘ and “Love’s Old Sweet Song." will Ik rod i the • has be THE TOWN DOCTOR Dinner — During the pa-t several weeks the riers in the dining room «»f tie i,inn Recorder har puhllahcd a | -chool building from a table pre- -lial attic* of article* entitle! pared for them. The F. T. A. will ••The Town Doctor" These article.-| furnish dinner to the publ.c at 50 i- v T ; i . on written tvith a view of offerin' ‘-nl- per plate. • esident Hoov. r wMI rnn-.ruetive suggestion. to the pe.-’ Hon. T. W. Hardwick, eg-Gover- tariff* "ched. H- »f - ti.y to the end that w. e - and « . , .. . , . may build n more *ub-tontinl com mmcipnl speaker tor the oic . . ™fhe u’itedStates munity spirit an.l eo-op. ra.lvenrss Mr. S. V. Whitfield of Bartow i* one that will bring These articles have had real meat the association president •in rnntiin I* re. ’ll them and those who have read j - them realise how much we would i HARRIS HUTCHINGS WITH ^ profit if the lessons taught were j FAULKNER GROCERY CO. porcrin noat-hes ar« a'- takm 10 ouraolvc.1 and applied in our, 7” '-rent m "krt 1MW. I Mr ' "arris Hutch,ngs has accept- h Will b. n ourro a t There is no place and no nred for ed a position in the Faulkner Groc- f the tate of Georgia ’ rfM-ion in our ranks. We hate to \ ery Store, which has been removed rous fruit* flv VC think that there are people here who! to one of the store rooms formerly m If the fl/gets into ^ that th, ‘>' win ,et occupied by the uhecslmg Dry hards he 1.., . h“ >"--on.l animosity interfere with Gnods Co., in the Sanford budd- bicalrulable.-—Vald.ra- their town progress nnd up-building. ! ing. Mr. Hutching, i, wx,.e-r. 0 nevrt A united whole ean accomplish thrice . in the grocery business having hi en as much and more than the efforts of | with Chandler Bros, a number of t., I... rW"mrrl that •* few with a part pulling backward*, t year*. He has a large acquaintance •i< of the prettied The er\iie we would render our! throughout Baldwin and Hancock ractivo little *o community is one that will bring u-' countie B. Moore; Vice-President, lit-*. W. A. Matfey; ' Recording Secretary, Mrs. John Mobley: Treas urer. Mrs. P. N. Bivins; Registrar, Mrs. Chas. Moore; Historian, Mrs. C. P. Crawford; Children of the Confederacy. Mrs. M. H. Bland. Delicious refre«hments were serv ed uy Mr*. Cook at the close of the meeting. mpre! i. to ainds of all who visit this the next three hundred* of to attend th' •ck ''I d whole working for tl d of us all. building, in to a goal of real achicv •complishment. r like the idea that w ; days that are gone. : MARKET QUOTATION GEORGIA PRODUCTS effo We rath •mployed . ■n see that oaays meeting to discus n his promts- 1*®*. lhe adoption of a l nde to make "the concentrated «ffort t it. The foil.. We cannot thrive Thv Home-Coming of tho -x- '•» a- doplormble sta Lulenl* of tho Goorgia Military : r0 sorry for thrmr ■ht ultl inuto.-t and entku*o^H>"'liW. Our town. to of Millodgoville. During il >« "oaithy i year, tSt ro have gone out di'ion. it is hlc.-od nd churrhos t .:• M. C. thousands of ye I v omen, who have won i historical tra- with ■ plcndid nnd the bag of Id at the foot of the gates and can withi emselves. If there ever started here that *•«* onl >’ with al to the full co-operation ^ ew cannot lur r.1» ii ;>t thnt i»f making 'inearth it. the and i ving is the market re sale) of farm products in Atlant: on Monday. May 20, a* ported by the State Buxc.au of Markets of the Department of Agri culture; Eggs—32 cents per dozen. Butter—Table, 49c pound: cook- g, 30c pound. Hogs—10.40 per 100 pounds, No. 1 basis. Hens—26 cents per pound. gtags—26 cent:; per round. Roosters 14 cent- per pound. Fryers—36 cents pc^ pound. Turkeys—28 cents per pound. The best b r test—ELECTR1K MAID BAKE SHOP. During 1 nspectihg SLOT MACHINES HAVE TAKING recently WAYS Irtrtitu- tb ns Hon. Ed River* met n number The sticnn oi i noma* county and of our citizens and made a very his deputies have been rounding up pleasing impression. He is a young rfut machines, following a recon man of plrnsnnt address, nnd full of mendatiun of the grand jury, an vim. and dynamic force. He has a soem to have made quite a haul. Tl gnisji of public policies relative to mund-up netted twenty-six machine the interest «<f Georgia, and discusser which are now held by the sheriff them cnt-rtr.ingly. He is a friend of pending court orders a- to their dis- the public schools and believes they position. • hould bo liberally supported by the Telling of the raid and of the gen- Stnte. He ha* his opinion on all pub- crul plan under which the machines lie questions, nnd does not mind let operated, the Thonvasv.iHe Brese t be known how he stands on them. nay*: # “Some of these machines are said tc hnve been doing a land office li E DIAGNOSIS OF ANDERSON busines in backs specially arranged to accommodate sports who like to VV. T. Anderson, the Macon piny a losing chance game, anc T '.-graph’s able editor, in our opion- among American people they nr< r.:i has diagnosed Georgia’s trouble legion. The nmehanicnl devices nri to th«* word when he says “Geor- nil fixed to trim suckers, and i! luble is self pity.” -cents that Thomasville ha* been hav as a desciple of Ing an ample supply of >urh suck ? according to the number of mn ines it took to supply the demand.’ There are, of course, various ways rid of money FOUND—Small f=malo puppy about six month-, old—white with brown marks. Owner can ge* by calling J. H. Ennis. And^l j ood roads ant] a more thorough educational budget, is rendering his state n valued service. He brings K - argument in n clear, cumprehen- of ipi, r ! ve and thorough vray which is in- openly displayed for the purpoi disputablt- and certainly logical. He inviting burglars, presented to lieht- hn-- studied the state’? needs and has finger, d ntry who play poker with gone with it to he people who are marked cards, turned over to oily- the logical ones to discuss these mat- longuod ?ale men who sell oil stock ters with. guaranteed to pay 100 per cent a In addressing the young women of year, and disposed of in various <5. S. C. W., la«-t week, he stressed other ways. Giving it to slot n»a-.TEN ACRES OF OATS—For sal« tbe point of our own self pity. Geor- chipe 3 is one of the simplest ways of or cu * on torms. Ssa J. L. Sibley. E APT! ST PH1LATHEA CLASS ENTERTAINED Mi r. Laurie Shurley was hostess. «:n Wednesday P. M., to the members j of the Philathea class of the Bap-, t ! ?t Sunday School at their regular: monthly social. Preceding the social hour a busi-' ness meeting was held, after which del'iiou- refreshments were served. Make IceCream QUICKLY WITH AN Alaska Freezer THEY FREEZE IN FOUR MINUTES i>t!l fem-S nuppy «b old—white will* bn rncr can get by call . and Mrs. H. S. Wo lay In Atlanta. RALPH SIMMERSON Buick Dealer :arifice. Own. FOR RENT—Four room t Apartment. Call Mrs. J. 76-J. MISS DORIS RICKETTS HOSTESS M ss Doris Picketts entertained her Sunday School clas, Friday evening from 8:00 to 11:00 amid many joyful games |aud contest*. Mr. Joseph Bazanos lent of his tal ent with a number of piano selec tions. At the conclusion delightful iefrc c hments were served. Those present were: Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Stanford, Misses Leone Stew- rrt, Ruth Jackson. Altn Martin. Re becca Benfdrd, Katherine Giln(an, Vcrdnn Johnson. Rebecca Hart, Eve lyn Lawrence, Odell Ivey, Ethel Veal. Bcunice Christian. Louise Ethridge and Mable Gore. Messers Walter Stanford, Earl Waits. Max Iloobin, Sam Roobin, Bill Way, Julia Costinmer, Antonio Alba, Harry Courscy, James Morgan, Chas. Fow ler. Jim Hyslcr. Morris Newsome Shorty Ncasr. U. A. Zeagler, Euell Ackin, James Comer, Wilson Drew, George Jones and Paul Dcvanc. Equipped with Aerating Spoon dasher which agitates from center to circumference—making delicious velvety cream; also has removable gear release making-possible fruit creams and ices without macerating the fruit. Don’t buy a freezer until you see the ALASKA. Ho Mbrr lunche solved ELECTRIK MAID BAKE FOR RENT—My Wall St., pots. 1929. Apply Walker. R. W.Hatcher Hdw. Co. Wholesale and Retail Hats 5C0 DRUMMER SAMPLES Sailors Soft Straws and Ladies' Men's and Childrens' Sun Hats Merchandise worth up to $1.00 your choice— Sun Hats 15* and 25c Sailors and Soft Straws ...,50c CHANDLER’S VARIETY STORE •X,//.,. Ill,,,, !CL F L 0 R SII E I M ^SHOES^s -• g5tuIDE — Today’s type of thoe for all around wear— tufdy—roomy—ready for long service—keen lo lake a high polish— good-looking at ail times. A decidedly popu lar FLORSHE1M style. In brown or black. Qllost cJiyhs no JOHN HOLLOWAY The Man’s Store