Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 23, 1929, Image 8

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UNION RECORDER, M1LLEDGEV1LLE, CA.. MAY 23, ltlt (Co. in the United States shows 125 men for every million population. Mary- [land’s ratio ia 162; Virginia’* 97: sued from front page) • the state of North Carolina 46. I 1 would seem that the work of Hop kins is responsible for the high rec ord of Maryland. This is an indica tion of the value of higher educa tion. Most institutions began to offer giaduate courses about 1870-72. Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, Tex- U-, Oklahoma, Rice organized grad uate schools 1909-11; Virginia 1904; South Carolina 1906. The war af fected graduate er^ollment for r» ♦ into but since that the increase has- been marked. Figures show an ir.- creusing possibility for s'udcnts who wish to pur.-ue graduate work in Southern institutions The South ha-; b«- n remarkably conservative in offering the I’h. D. degree hut the following institutions are now giv ing it: Virginia, North Carolina, Duke, South Carolina, Kentucky. Peabody. Tulane, Texas, Rice, and Oklahoma Movements are now on foot to provide large endowments for advanced college and graduate study in southern institution*, of DOCTORS ACADEMY INSTALL NEW OFFICERS i Address SVudenl* irship of DoctM Hopkins University in 1876. In the early days those few students who wanted advanced graduate work went abroad for study. Until about 1870 in Georgia the master's degree was granted to former students who made application three years after receiving *he bachelor’s degree. This was the early custom In other states al«o. History record, that in May 1801 Elijah Clark. William Prince, John Forsyth, and Henry Meigs were given the master of art- degree. Fif teen such degrees were conferred from 1804 to 1814. Until recent times the South ha> posses-ed colleges but few universi ties. John Hopkins was America’s first University. Now there are many. Graduate work i» u modern development. President Thwing is authority for the statement that Yale did no formal graduate work until the fifties o? the past century and reorganized its graduate courses in 1872 with 5tty students, that Harvard began its formal graduate work in 1872. But we know that a south ^*n *iil*titut|on preceded tHi3 by several years. Informal work was done at Virginia nt a very early date in its history hut its first form al courses were given by Gilder- aleeve in 1859-60. Chfldersleeve was a Southerner, born in Charleston. He studied at Princeton but received bis doctorate in Goetingen, Germany. 185.7. He became professor of Greek at Virginia in 1856 and re mained there until the organization of Hopkins in 1876. At Virginia he organized the ‘post-graduate’ courses in 1859-60. He became one of the greatest scholars in America. Virginia gave the Ph.p. degree as early as 1880. The fir: t curriculum for the mas ter’s degree at the University of ] Georgia is found in the catalogue of 1868-69. The first men who seem ingly took advantage of this special instruction were Washington Dessau, Walter B. Hill, and Burgess Smith who received their master’s degree in 1871. They were all Georgian* who later became prominent lead- Offtcers of the Doctors Academy of Milledgcvillc were installed at a specia. meeting tonight, Wednes day, when they gathered around the banquet table at the Mansion dormi tory. Dr. J. L. Beeson suceeded Dr. Daniels •>< President The academy sponsored the lectori cf Dr. R. P. Stephens, Dean of thi Graduate School of the Universit; of Georgia, who spoke to the young lady student at the chapel serv Dr. Stephen* used as his subject “Hfgher Education in the South.” T: • banquet at eight o’clock was f t’-- most enjoyable occasion of th»* y.ar. Dr. E. H. Scott. I rHarris Webber, and oth faculty-members had charge of the SCIENCE SOCIETY HAD BAN- OUF.T AT DARIEN LAST SATURDAY at which Webber, ited the learning. Members of the Pi Gamma Mu, Formerly m«st of the Ph.I)', went j *^ nt S'™ 1 Sci ‘. nc '; «° n ° n r f* int< teaching; now they are lurniny' ' ' 11 ,u ™l u c a t.it are aid. into other line, of „ rlivlty . I Hot. 1 ' : 1 Sotunlay evenmK Nearly I'O per cent of the Ph. D'« I ti,n '; >"'• GMr K' H »™ from Hopkins between 1876 and i Organizer, prese !POO entered the teaching profess-1 1 ’* 1 ■ Hu ring the next five year, the '' *>0 Mo “' P ”*" lent - re “ ,T - P' reentag. was 71; the remainderM =' ^rterand made, most,plea^ nt largely into the seieatific work ’ **“•« , I * r of th. industries. Great industrial ' '.f the nr.tnn and auns of the Speaking on “World Travel lab- are maintaining large ries for which workers aie •ained. The great universi- enrrying on vast research . with their libraries and ries. The enormous hospi- Foi Dr. I extensive scale. All these projects i require skilled experts who can be 1 trained only in graduate «chools. Agriculture, mining, and manufuc- j taring can only attain efficiency by an extensive use of scientists. If our industries are to be placed on n Social Integrating rancis Daniels presented the Cer- ficRtes of membership. Dr. E. H. .•ott received and distributed the rtifientes and spoke on Sendee Pi imma Mu may render in a world I of unrest. j Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Beeson were j hor.-ir guests and a key was present ed to the president of the college by Mis^ Morse. Miss Winifred Crowell, Miss Alice Nnpier, Miss Euri Hellen Bolton and Mis« Mary Morse had charge of the TOLL OF DISEASE IS HIGHEST IN HISTORY Statistics Show A Big Increase in Fatalities in Degrene<r*t7ee With the death rate from diabetes for the first quarter of 1929 the highest cvr recorded in the United State? and Canada for any three- monht period, with the number of cancer deaths showing no decrease, and with the toll levied by heart disease cerebral hemorrhage and chronic nephritis mounting to ncw ( high levels, medical men in general j are aroused. While it generally agreed that th? j high mortality so far this year ha- been due almost entirely to the ef fects, direct or indirect, of the rec ent influenza epidemic, the steady gains of degenerative disease-, especially of cancer, are causing wide comment. “There is not the slightest sign of improvement with respect to can cer,” says a leading life in?urance c o m p u n y. “Supplementing our statement that 1928 had recorded a new maximum for this disease, it must now be recorded that the first quarter of 1929 has registered a death rate for whites and colored policy holders combined of 76.4 per 1C0.000, as compared with 75.8 dur ing the like period of last year. The organic heart disease death rate for the fir.-t quarter of 1929 among polciy holders was 165.8 per 100,000. ns ngain«t 189 in 1927 and; 142.5 in 1928. FIFTY PER CENT DIVIDEND TO ALL POLICYHOLDERS The Southern Mutual Insurance Comparv of Athens, Georgia This grand old policyholders’ com pany. 81 years in business with hon or, has declared a 50 per cent divi dend to all policyholders for the-cur rent fiscal year. Represented in Mil- ledgeville by L. H. Andrews, out of the thirty two agents, Mr. Andrew-; SATURDAY Cash Specials R. G. Smith & Co. Gasoline 20c per Gallon Flour 24 Lbs. Hearts Delight 89 c 24 Lbs. Rising Sun $107 24 .Lbs. Siiver Fox $1.12 48 Lbs. Elbcrta $] .93 FEEDS $2.35 and Up 25 Lbs. Granulated Sugar .. 16 Lbs. New Potatoes 5 Lbs. Rice .. 8 Lb. Bucket Lard $1.39 88c 29c $1.16 Meat VERY best 15i c A FEW CASES LEFT 6 Big Boxes Matches . |J5 C 13 Big Boxes Octagon W. P 53 c R. G. Smith & Co. j.TTT TYTTTT TXXXXZ XZXXXXXXXXiiiiXXXZXXZXXZIi: H M Gasoline Still At the HUDSON-ESSEX SERVICE STATION Give us Your Business and Keep the Price Down. CASH ONLY Our Oi! Sale Continues A 100 PER CENT PARA FINE BASE lotor Oil Per Gal THIS IS A REGULAR $1.20 GAL OIL | Drain your crankcase today. This is introductory price and is good only ten i days. Hie life of your motor depends on pure oil. Our crankcase service is FREE WEHAVE A COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE Tire Repairing- Battery Recharge Doping and Washing Four Experienced Mechanics Thursday - Friday Saturday ONLY Washing and Ale- miting your car $1.50 This is a regular $2.00 job and is good for three days only. Clean and alimite your car for Sunday. This is a strictly first class job and is an opportunity you have long waited for. HUDSON-ESSEX FILLING STATION mxxxxxxxxxxxxxcxxxixixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX2:xxzxxxrTTTTTYTxxxxxxxx — :ixzzi2xxzxzr