Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, May 30, 1929, Image 2

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDCEVILLE. CA.., MAY 30. ia»» WITHIN THE CITY DR. ORME FLYNN ADDRESSES GRADUATE NURSES THURS DAY NIGHT Th** (BY MISS DIDDY) Commence right her* 1 with The time hops by r it seems only a short “a sweet girl gradu ate” looking out into a new era, thinking about everything had been conquered but a husband. Here I am still single and I have found that they are not necessary as I had supposed. AGRICULTURAL AGENT WARNS AGAINST FRUIT FLY p..pl, Vr Cr J to Co-op.r.l* In Fi.hl Spr. • Through Gei ! n,«ice that Maj. and Mr>. Osterman fet* ’ the numbers of the band at a lovely, party last week. Mr*. Osterman is u delightful per l lin . u member of on- -f Baldwin* substantial f.atnili' She hn:< al- wuv- taken inters t in hir husband’- work and the land boys adore her The »pta the cade nd of fe all MilvdgevUle <mor that should ■ embers of their contributing to ■ tier for the w« I have not wen the grandson but re for l »» M®* iru one day last week and “he did ut have to tell me—The fact was ritten in her smile. I bet this nans man thinks u heap of grand- other too and his visits to her will Wi.\ - il ie time for h e. Board President Deliver. Diploma. Kichard Orme Flynn, Presby Minister of Atlanta, delivered the Raccaulaureate address Thurs day evening to the graduating das of the Nurses Training School at the Georgia State Sanitarium, paying a lwnu'iful tribute to the profession and the calling into which the gradu ates were entering. Bt fore an audience that filled the a sembly room in the Convelc-ant building, the Board of Trustees, the members of the staff and the grndu " ith thc ,n "' ilU ‘ ion asking every citiren to co-operot P lay,nE " miirch - i ,|,h them in the destruction of the I>i. U. C. Swint, Superintendent, ^ before it spreads through Geor- who presided presented Hon. Jdinj^ The housewives are requested T. IVrantlcy of Blackshear. President ^ im j nt , u |j f ru jt and vegetable: ,.r the Board of Trustees who intro duced Dr. Flynn. Dr. Flynn impressed upon the graduates, the high calling and ■ splendid profession into which they were entering. Relating experiences that he had with nurses in visiting George H. Frior, Field Agent from the State College of Ai 5c-J- ture. spent Saturday in the city dis cussing methods to prevent the . pi t ad of the Mediterranean Fruit Fly tnut has infested Florida, taking a tremendous loss and is now com ing into Georgia. Mr. Frior stated the fly would de stroy nil fruit and several vegetable® in the garden. With the Georgia fruit season just opening it i> im- |u rtant that people be able to reco gnize the fly and destroy them. The State Board of Entomology nd if tecurely and send to ird of Entomology ii 1928 CHEVROLET COUPE FOR SALE Oh: boy this one i. a dandy, all »pich and .pan. A knock-out. we are ring this one too cheap, but I toing to .ell it. L. N. JORDAN THE RIGHT WAY TO TRAVEL is by train. The safest. Most com fortable. Most reliable. Costs less. Inquire of Ticket Agents regarding greatly reduced fares for short trips. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM APARTMENT FOR RENT hree bed room., dining room, hen. and bath cto.e in. L. N. JORDAN DOES YOUR RADIATOR LEAK AUTO POLISH FOR^^] We have the pre vely .top any clog circulation or cause heat. A very .mall opera very .mall price. L. N. JORDAN » will pooiti- ia 11 leak, will not Make the old boat look lik ( leave* the paint fresh, just Our polish and a small «, elbow grease will turn the t L. N. JORDAN OUR SERVICE IS SUDDEN Our prices are the lowest—What more do you want? High class Shoe Repairing. Cleaning and Pressing BUIN’S SHOE PLANT AND PRESSING CLUB Phone 373 Acre from all 1 hear he needs the for he is all hoy and knows t.-> play. Mr*. Emm tt Hines was delight- nil entertained last week at twe nvttv parties by Mrs. Hines and Mr . Geo. Carpenter. Minister of the j Gospel he drew lessons from which 'the graduates might profit. In con- 1 elusion he urged that they make Christ their example for all things. Mr. Brantley, the Board President, presented the diplomas. In a happy way he reviewed the work of the' Institution and expressed the gratifi-l cation of the board of trustees for i splendid work this department ( doin The following yo dfpio The li t of graduates at Peabody ligh attract - my attention. They :<• a group of most attractive gills ind vh truly modern t.ley p****** hr *rt and charm that rharacteriz- •1 th oft... referred !«• girl of terd: y. This * las- will be watch- >1 with interest and 1 have little oubt hut that their years in college rill establish many records. ladies received their Misses Helen Blackwell, Mary Key, Gladys McCorkle, Samantha R*n- frne. Frankie Ressau, Oreta Smith, Eva Veal, and Susie Mae Wade. Dr. T. M. Hall, a member of the board from Millcdgevlile. presented $5.00 ROUND TRIP FROM MACON TO JACKSONVILLE EVERY SATURDAY (March 30th to Oct. 5th, 1929) Saturday Excursion Tickets sold for following fast hijh-class trains: Ar. Jacksonville 8.05 PM 6:55 AM 7:20 AM 7 45 AM Lv. Macon 12:30PM 10:35 PM 11:45 PM 12:15 Night Tickets good returning on any train over Southern Railway System leaving Jacksonville Sunday night and arri-ing Ma con early Monday morning following date of sale, ar d will be honored in sleeping and parlor cars upon payment for space occupied. G. k. PETTIT, Div. Pass. Agi. Macon, Georgia SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM MEGA for ALL Your Baiting TVTO mailer what ■L* occasion il may be—elaborate dinner parly or simplest family meal—Use Omega! Il is your assur ance of real baking success- »J >< n it? Why the* beau ti ring Frances Hines is showing, course it is on her left hand and Btr'.y ung man »* a Virginian, r,c«n hat not made known the ■ i.ut it reported to be early in fall. It »< to Ik* regretted that ;lasa pins, pins Dr. Hall it j.r* tula ted the $ to the attentio that the great is doing. Mrs. Mae Jor Nurses, made a the young wi >rd of advice Miss Gladys W.. vo Fn will leave Milledge- ille. The grounds -urrounding the uk* Memorial Hospital are most wtifuL Th shrubbery and flow- * have beautified this wonderful emorial m- ‘t pleasing. The per il r* ‘ponsible i? Mi * Bessie Thom- , »He happy, sweet Superintendent. friends by t acquaintances and he graces the rector«bip of the hospital with •dit. ■ark, ?h. .- j-jven her interest to make the k room on the campus the most •xsnnt and beautiful anywhere. i : pier.did addition to Milledge- young people are the dnugh- . if Mr. and Mrs. Jack Edward- granddaughters of Harry Still- I Eilwards. \n interesting sufpri.se to ny friends was the marring, therine Parks. Wasn’t it just therine to nring the big ever expectedly. In presenting th. a happy speech con ruduates and brough n the splendid worl charity «>f Georgii es, SujH.*rintendc»t of few farewell remarks men and gave a final McMicheal, G. dcNt of Mrti n the program f« HINTS FOR THE HOME By Nanc; Hai Have you ever thought of tnc var •i d u-es to which you might put youi odd pieces of sterling silver, naidi from their customary service? Salt cellars of the open type make j charming clip or .‘tamp holders for the desk. A sanuwich tray—that i>. a round one—can be used as an ice cream dish, a dessert dish, for salads or for fruit. And this i> likewise true of the berry bowl which is used these day* for vegetables, salads, ice cream and many other foods. Coasters of the old English design with beading across the top can be put to excellent use as ash tray?. That is, of course, when not holding their proper decanters. These are just a few of the many ways in which to get double service from sterling! which, to yield fullest returns on its inve tment, should be used every day of its life. For “Steak Night” rumor is traveling around will have another intercst- Crea of IOUP ii, CHEVROLET COACH FOR SALE Broiled steak Mashed potato Baked stuffed tomatoes Pineapple & cream cheese salad Butterscotch cake One Day’* Food It is said for the average man do ing fairly muscular work the day s J i food supply should contain: 1 1-4 j lbs. bread or its equivalent in cereal-. 2 or. butter or other fat; 2 oz. su-, 1 1-4 lbs. fresh fruit and green j ■tables; 12 oz. of food from th-* meat or meat-substitute class, such as meat, poultry, eggs. fish, milk and dried bians, peas, lentils, etc. i-Mnde Furniture Polish d the best polishes known ide by combining 3 parts or sweet oil with 1 part * parts linseed oil and 1 >«ntine also makes a good ■MM, rjJXk P?.:CF CUT ON WOCO-PEP GASO- ' o- • UWE , w , . Woeo-Plp Gaioline w. ... now .Mo ***' .... prloo two cool. ,.llon. Wcco-Prp Ha* long Lem cou.idored the king ?f all motor fuel and moat positively doe* what other Gasoline c:n not. For sale only by. L. N. JORDAN ■ .LV ■ v:-' * m i”?'/ && . m m m - - - * . , . Behind every PAN-AM Gallon . . • are PAN-AM’S resources and refitting methods. Ahead of every PAN-AM Gallon are miles of smooth clean performance. Made clean, every drop burns dean, burns into power. This dean, effident gasoline means a cleaner, more effident motor. Drive in today. The friendly PAN-AM man . . . and PAN-AM gasoline will speed you on your way. Pan American Petroleum Corporation GASOLINE Burns Clean because it is Clean-* * A. J. Carr Compan)