Union recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1886-current, June 20, 1929, Image 5

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UNION RECORDER. MILLEDGEVILLE. CA.. JUNE 20 1029 Heiiuirl Mobley made a busi- trip to Atlanta the past week. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Branan, of (Utrdon, Ga.. were tne week-end of Mrs. C. E. Youngblood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Athon and little -ire spending this week with rcla- . , t .jj in North Georgia. M:s« Constance Day has returned f r ,.m Lr Grange, where she has been teaching. Mast' 1 Reynolds Allen is visiting h -rand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rey nold.'. in Norcrosa. Ml.-s Alice Hall has returned from M ami. where she has been teaching the past winter. Mi s LuciPc Thomas, of Atlanta, j. the guest of her aunts, Misses Mattie and Elizabeth Thomas. M»j. and Mrs. Sam Whatley have Murin-d from c visit to Mrs. What ley'- parents in Claxton. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Britt and two little daughters, Josephine antf Mnrguruth, spent Sunday in Macon. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O’Quinn -rating several days in White Sul phur Springs, Fla. Mi - Mae A* bury was the guest of Mr*. Heindel Mobley fee the past » rk-end. Mrs. J. M. Haynic and Sir. and Mr.. Job Haynie, of Winder, spent .lay and Sunday with the fam- Sheriff W. J. Haynie. l>r. W. O. D. Jones has return ed to n - home in New Orleans, af- t«. u -it of sevreal weeks to rela tive in this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Flemister left Monday f«.r an automobile trip to Mountain City. They will visit Gr:f- f-n ix fore their return home. Mi C. H. Chitty and daughter. Mi-. Martha, of Atlanta, are visit- ic Mrs. Chitty’s parents, Mr. Mr... R. B. Anderw»n. Mr. Lacey Tail rpent the past w.i-k-end with his mother here. He met in Augusta Friday by his Miter. Mrs. Edwin Allen. Mi-. B. L. Bell has returned to her t-.rr'e in Atlanta, after a v ! «it to ! *• nts. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Law Her niphcw, Roger Lawson, Is v ing her. • L. Goggins and children isiting in Dublin this week. Mr. and Mr*. Ross Bayer spent Saturday with relatives in Macon. R. J. Wurnock and Amclie Lugand are * pending this week in South Georgia. The friends of Mr. J. R. Smit.'* are glad to see him out after an illness of a week. Mrs. Sollie Barrett and children are visiting Mr.-. Barrett's sister, Mr*. J. H. Pyc, in Orlnndo, Fla. Mrs. C. F. Stone and daughter Marjorie and Thelma Tompkins spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Mrs. George W. Edwards ii ing several days with Mrs. Elliott, in Athens. Mrs. Wiley Warden and little er, Alice Carr, spent several f last week with Mnu Was- narents, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. J. . Emmett Womaik Hines and son, Emmett Jr., have gone on t vr. Mrs. Hine’s parents. Judge Mrs. F. G. Boatright, alter a to Judge und Mrs. E. K. Hines. Ir-. Jorc Moore, Mrs. John Mob il children and Miss Isabelle are spending several days at •r at. N. C., having a cottage at • --ort. Margaret Clark, of Chicago, who is on a visit to her fjrcnd- iu r, Mr*. Jjattie Rivins, spent ra! days of the pa*:t week with Catherine Alfriend in Macon. • rs Conn and Arthur Carr and E. A. Tigner spent Sunday .in ■ n, accompanying Mrs. Wiley den and Htlte daughter Alice to their home. ind Mrs. J. I. Ammonett and i. of Albany, spent Saturday nday in the city with Mrs. ftt’s parents, Mr. nnd Mr*, nley. They were on their itay in North Carolina. Mrs. II. D. Warnock was hostess to circle “A” of the Baptist W. M. U. Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. O. Blackwood, of Hawkins- ille, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Irs. J. W. Ivey. Mrs. W. S. Jett, of Memphis, Tenn., cf two tiers was caught in front with I a graduate of Clemson college, as returned home after a visit to a pearl and rhin**iione urnara*nt. Among the out-of-town guests at- u ion, Mr. W. S. Jett, Jr. while dainty knife pleats edged the I tending the wedding were: Mrs. H. Dr. U. S. Bowen ha- returned cape collar and skirt ruffles. Thejl- Luke, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hill of r«*m a visit to his father at Metier, sleeves were long nnd close fitting.; Kalhwood, S. C., Mr. George Lamar, *' I Her smart hat of French felt, shoes [of Augusta, Mr. A. M. Kohler of East Mr. U. II. Harper. Postmaster at land other accessories were of the j Liverpool, Ohio, Mbs Frances Wal- ilvriwether, b attending the Post-1 same becoming thade. ! ton. of Augusta and Mr. Valentino uasteii’ Convention in Savannah. i Imnu d/.tely following the wed- Gustenaclager, Jr., of Augusta, nnd Mias Salie Lockhart is in the city \ ding up informal dinner was held Mrs. Henderson of Benncttsville, S. 10 ; tal having undergone a minor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. | C., ■piT-tion. Barm - m Sr.nta Rosa. The Burnet Mrs. Floyd Johns' opei Miss Lula Lamar is ejecting a hand.* erne brick bungalow next to the Lamar home on Washington street. Dr. J. C. Adcock attended the meeting of the State Dental Associa tion in Atlanta last week and visited hi* family in Villa Rica. Mr-. W. M. Burson and Miss Susie Bur.-ton, of Athens, spent several days of the past week with Dr. and Mrs. U. S. Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. T. SI. Hawkins and daughter. Miss Maud Hawkins, of Augusta, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stembridgc. Mrs. C. E. Sleep lias gone to visit her son at Baltimore, Md., after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. P. E. Wil liams. Miss Berta Johnson has returned to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Johnson, after undergo ing a tonsil operation nt the city hos pital. Mis* Regina Williams left Tues day for Charleston, S. C., from where she will go with Miss Margaret Hightower to Camp Agnes Ann on Zongc's Island near that city. Miss Kathryn Moran has returned from Petersburg, Virginia, where she ,, . n r , ... , _ i | has been teaching in Southern col- Mr. and Mrs. B. D. Edwards and ..... . i , . , .. , . i . * c..„ lege. Mis* Moran has been elected iss Ywendolyn Edwards spent Sun- K , . , ., , | loidv Principal of the school for the y in Athens. * • . # , j coming year. Congressman and Mrs. Carl Vin- n arrived in the city Saturday »m Washington, D. C., making the J trip in their uutomobile. Since ar- Misa Mary Karr has gone to Ox- “'J' ford where she i» attending tl Epworth League Training School. ftudfl of table was especially attractive with its bridal decorations. Mrs. Hood, formerly af Milledge- ville, is n graduate of the Georgia State College for Women. For the past three years she has been a mem ber of the West St. Augustine gram mar school faculty, and has endear ed herself to a large circle of friend*. Mr. Hood, the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Hood of this city, is a gradu ate of the Kettcrlnus Hgh School. He is nssocated with the Florida East Coast Railway Company. r Bull Calves for 925 00. The bulls ar« from excellent stock and will hoad anr Herd with credit. Dr. H. D. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Dunham spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Milla at Vidalia. Mrs. Thornton, of LaGrange, ia visiting the family of her son, Mr. S. W. Thornton. Mr. Roy T. Baisdeii is convalesc ing after a recent illness and has been carried to his home from tha city hospital. When i Twenty-five hats at eaa dollar each. Miss Leni Moore, Tha Haft CWttCMSOKtOCK C 31 r. und Mrs. Walter Howell and Mi s Howell, of Haddonfield, N. J.. spent Monday night with Mr. and Mrs. Grady Villigard. Messrs Dorman Hardy, P. N. Biv ins und F. B. Eberhart left Tues day morning for a fishing trip to Florida. Mi** Martha Brown and Mrs. Pope Brown were the guests of Mrs. Eliza beth Brown several days of the past week. Miss Nanette Rnzar, who is con nected with Wesleyan college as die- titicinn. is nt home spending the sum- with her mother, Mrs. L. J. Ro-j MORAN-CARMICHAEL MARRIAGE QUIET HOME AFFAIR OF LAST MONDAY In the presence of only a few intimate friends and close relatives Miss Anne Moran, daughter of Mrs. Chas. Moran. Became the bride of Mr. James llv-anond Carmichael last Monday at the home of Mrs. Har riett Garrard on the hill at High Noon, Rev. H. I). Warnock of the First Baptist church officiating. The wedding ceremony was mark ed by its dignified simplicity. The home was decorated throughout with garden flowers, ferns nnd ever green*. In the room where the ceremony was performed, an im provised altar wns arranged before the mantle. The altar was banked with ferns, c vergreens and roses with unshaded burning taper* on either side. In the dining room the central table was . covered with a beautiful irish lace riving at home Congressman \ in- suspended from the chandnlicr son has been engaged in looknig af-’ rp (laimy *hitc ribbons on the end ter his f irming interests. of which were tiny wedding bells, in The latest news from Mr*. Jos. E. | |}, e cen t er D f th t . table was a gorge- Pottle, who last week underwent a „ UR baskit ,,f roses and delicate serious operation at a Sanitarium in f crna> Macon, Ga-,. i* that her condi- ' tion is improving, and that she i> cheerful. Her friends here have beer FLOUR We have just received from the Mill, A car Floor, which we are retailing at Wholesale Price,. 24 lbs. "Patty” Self-Risiag, 80 cU. 24 Ihs. Quick Oven Seif-Rising, $1.10 valor, 90 eta. 24 lbs. Red Diamond Self-Rising, $1.17 valne, $1.00 24 lbs. Blue Seal Plain or Seif-Rising, $1.35 Liberal Discennt in Barrel Lots —PINE APPLE JUICE— Delicious, Refreshing and Healthful—Iced far Breakfast 2 lb. Can Cold Bar 20 els. 2 1-2 lb. Can Cold Bar 25 eta. —APP1C0T ICE— A Dehghtfnl Refreshing Desert for These Hot Days No. 1 Can Gold Bar Peeled, 20 tU. No. 2 Can Gold Bar Peeled, .30 eta. No. 3 Can Cold Ear Peeled, 40 cts. No 3 Can Silver Bar, Peeled, 30 eta FuS Assortment Fresh Vegetables Every Day—WATCH OUR WINDOWS. BELL GROCERY CO. r that The bride was unattended and pre- ented a picture of invclincs* in a bc- •omirg blue georgette ensemble with , hat and shoes to match. Her gloves, ! ho-e und blouse wen* of beige. She j wore a shoulder bouquet of roses. ! Before the ceremony Mr*. Hender- t son. of Bf r.ncttsville, S. C., played several piano election? und the wed- _ | dir.g march to which the bride and deeply interested, and the new *he is bettor is gladly heard. GHOLSON-GRAHAM A marriage of cordial interest to! many people in Baldwin and sur-, rounding counties wns that of Miss Marina Adeline Ghol: Ralph J. Graham which was sole- mixed Saturday evening at the home of Rev. 11. D. Warnock. Miss Gholson is the >* nun5r ^ 1 j Carolina mountains, before return- laughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. *.| |iw , n Augusta where they will make Ur F ut o' town guest- attending Moran-Carmichael wedding Mrs. H. L. Lake and Mr. am! John llill of Knthwood, S. C., Frances Walton and Mr. George ■ :tar of Augusta, and Mr. A. M. K '■•Irr, of New York. ' r • *L B. Tnit, Mrs. Edwin Allen Mil* Blanche Tait spent Tues- and Wednesday in Jacksonville, they attended the Cartmel- wedding which was a brilliant vent of Wednesday. Mr. *be only ton of Mrs. Tnit and "nt visitor to this city. r. and Mrs. Robert K. Jone*. of Atlanta, were guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Jones, the past week-end. The former is the yungest son of Mr. Jones. Mrs. W. M. Harrell, who has been isiting her mother, Mrs. S. G. Glad- n, and lister, Mrs. Eula Stanley, has r< ne to Detroit, where she will make her future home. r. A. A. Vaughan, of Spartan-! burg. S. C.. was in the city thi? on business. He, however, took to shake hands with many of his friends here and they were glad see him. Mr- Geo Carpenter and chlidr n 1 leave Saturday for Pelham to ...it Mrs. Carpenter’s parents, Mr. am Mr*. J. W. Lord, with whom they will take §n automobile trip through Florida. Mr. Harris Rogers has gone to Hollywood, California, where he will study to become an actor in mo pictures. He possesses histiEonic talent, which he hopes will win for him success. Dr. ami Hit E. R Say* ”"‘l charming: little dauRtitcr Martha, matorml dawn from Atlanta Sunday and acre Buc»tr. ot Mr. and Mrs. O. A, Thaxtnn. Dr. Snyc returned home leaving- Mrs. Snyc nnd Mnrtha for a weeks visit with friends in the city. Mr. H S. Wonttcn made a quirk trip to Philadelphia the nasi week. He left Milledltcvlllc late- Tuesday afternoon in his automobile fer Ath ens. where he caugrht n nieht trarr. for Philadelphia. He spent a short time in that city, and returning- reached Milledgteville Fridny after- Litllo Miss Thelma Tompkins, the brigrht nnd attractive grranddnuchter of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Garrett of Sparta, is the gruc-t of Miss Marjoie Stone. Mrs. Elizabeth Brown spent the past week-end in Atlanta. Miss Leona Frederick*on is spend ing her vacation in Minnesota and I.’orth Dakota. entered. Immediately after the ceremony, ^t the bride and groom left by automo- J bile f«r a wedding trip through the ml Mn Gholson and is a graduate of the Georgia State College for Women, j "' Mrr "(i nn i cha el is a young woman She has many friends in this city j of unu . ua | ,,.. auty and t . htt rm. She and Macon where *he has been a . R a ^ c i rc | 0 0 f friends that her frequent visitor. _ j delightful p«r*onality have won for Mr. Graham is connected with the , r Gradua ^.., from the Georgia Central Railroad. Mr. and state Ccllege for Women and attending the University of Georgia, i South Graham will make their home in, Macoi Mrs. Carmichael has taught I Carolina for the pnst year. She ike with her to her new home the and wishes of many friends here. "J Mr. Carmichael is identified with MEN- Wear the “Friendly Five” The Best $5 Shoe Anywhere For quality and comfort you can’t equal them for twice the amount—genuine calf with solid Oak soles, black, tan. and sport The best there is in Men’s shoes, you can ask for nothing more. M. F. DAVIS Home of Bostonians—Men’s Fine Shoes Mrs. W. S. Jett was hostess on last Thur.day afternoon at abridge ten in honor of he. mother, Mrs. W. S. J of Memphis. arrauccil”in^vwva and bawl, in deco. ax»«o«!«oo»»«i»»W«»»fflSw55waffl«O«S»:>OOM»!0«9»OO«8BMW*ra»fflMBC!C®*e0WW0ICra«®MCgt ration. A delicious salad c prominent firm in Augusta and is red. Mrs. Thompson, Superintendent < Nunes n City Fo-^cal. gave tiirncr Monday evening, having x h» r guest? Rev. nnd Mrs. H. D. Wai nock, P-.v. nnd Mrs. J. F. McCluney and Rev. John F. Yarbrough. The repnst *crved was compo'^d of sev eral courses, and was a most tempt- ! ing one. The occasion was a most delightful one. The Martin Johnson African Expedition Corporation Daniel E. Pomeroy, Pres. Presents Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson in the picture the whole world is waiting to see fit SIMBA 99 Dr. Edwin Echwall. of \ugusta, came to the State Sanitarium this week as n new member of the medi cal staff. Dr. xind Mrs. Schwnll have an apartment in the Convalc*- nnt building. MISS EDITH LAWRENCE BE COMES BRIDE OF MR. HARRY LEE HOOD Fla. Record, St. A wedding cf-nterin;. the interact u large number of friends heic nnd at points in Georgia was sol- mnized last evening at 7 o’clock rhen Mias Edith Lawrence became he bride of Mr. Harry Lee Hood. The impressive ring ceremony was rformed by Rev. A. E. Calkins, pastor of the Ancient City Baptist Church, in the pa-torium. Only relative* and a f'vw intimate friends of the young couple witness ed the ceremony. he bride presented a charming picture in her wedding costume of tan. her dress being especially be coming to her striking type brunette beauty. The skirt made The Lion War of a Lumbwa Tribe A drama of desperate realities, picturing indisputably wild beasts of Jungle and Veldt, and the wild savage of Africa in the lives they live and the deaths they die Naked Men Against Tooth and Claw Tlie story itsrlf is NOT A STAGED OR MOVE PRODUCTION, it i» AFRICA n NATURE MADE IT. Tl.c Johnson's cameras ukc you there, a-foot. alongside and into the thick of it. The high excitement o c a river crossing amid hundreds of hungry crocodiles, cncounteis with giant rhinoceros, and fighting the ever- attacking hippopotamus and the greatest natural scene it was ever pnvUeged a human eye and camera to record: - The scene of THE MAD ELEPHANT STAMPEDE « THE BURNING JUNGLE See and Hear Mr. Johnson Explain The Picture in U..ail Colonial Theatre Monday and Tuesday,|June 24 and 25